If Anyone Wonders Why I Left the Republican Party Just Look At the Cheney Vote

Between the Republicans who leave the GOP because it's too insane, and the Trumpsters who leave the GOP because it's not insane enough, who's going to turn out the lights and lock the door behind them?

I don't think it's a stretch to assume that Cult45 lies about this, much like 90% of their tribe lies about everything else. Can't trust a word these slugs say.
So what makes Cheney a RHINO? Her conservative credentials appear impeccable.

Agreeing with Trump isn't exactly a "conservative" position. In fact, agreeing with Trump could be considered being a RHINO.

Hell... Not so much here, but I've been called a RHINO myself... Which is stupid because I'm not a Republican.

With that said... I don't think that what I just said takes away from your point exactly... Just that being a RHINO isn't always a bad thing. ***I*** see Trump as a RHINO.

Mitt is a RHINO as well. I really fucking hate Mitt. He's the male version of Hillary as far as I'm concerned.

Edit: I admit I used to think Joe was the male version of Hillary, but... I've since come to the conclusion that she's a hell of a lot smarter than he is.
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I read it and I believed it and then I agree that spending that much money on a border wall to me seems ridiculous. A wall will not stem determined individuals from sneaking into this country. Spend the money where it would do the most good and fixing and adding new sections in my opinion could be replaced by technology much cheaper.

Trumps wall had both, wall and technology. Technology alone won't stop them. All it does is create more work for our patrol when they have drive there and try to locate them. Like I said, it won't stop everybody, but it will stop most, just like it has here and across the globe. That's why countries use them. What Trump asked for the wall is what we spend on food stamps for a half of a month.
Let's attack this from a different perspective and for what it's worth I think most people trying to get into the united states are looking for a better life and to make money. A solution that I favor is sweeping immigration reform that is legislated. There are many low skilled jobs that most Americans would not take but corporations need those workers so for years both parties ignored the issue now is the time to legislate so people low skills, high skills can get the proper visas for want of a better term to work here and live here according to the rules set forth in said legislation. Hopefully the legislation protects American workers and we as a country have rules to police those visas so that people that are supposed leave in fact do leave. Immigration is what built this country and with the correct laws and correct enforcement, can keep this country growing. Will it stop Illegals from entering this country, probably not but will go a long way to solving the problem. Now for a note of sarcasm first lady Melania was a scofflaw because she did overstay her visa, lax enforcement.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

Hopefully its her last term, She already has primary opposition.
Let's attack this from a different perspective and for what it's worth I think most people trying to get into the united states are looking for a better life and to make money. A solution that I favor is sweeping immigration reform that is legislated. There are many low skilled jobs that most Americans would not take but corporations need those workers so for years both parties ignored the issue now is the time to legislate so people low skills, high skills can get the proper visas for want of a better term to work here and live here according to the rules set forth in said legislation. Hopefully the legislation protects American workers and we as a country have rules to police those visas so that people that are supposed leave in fact do leave. Immigration is what built this country and with the correct laws and correct enforcement, can keep this country growing. Will it stop Illegals from entering this country, probably not but will go a long way to solving the problem. Now for a note of sarcasm first lady Melania was a scofflaw because she did overstay her visa, lax enforcement.

Not really. That's a leftist wives tale; they just made it up. It's already been discussed that she came here legally and is here legally. The documents to her citizenship are sealed and nobody on the left can get them, so they just made the entire story up.

The United States of America allows a million immigrants a year to become citizens of this great country. That's on top of the near million a year green cards, work permits and Visa's we hand out. No other developed and civilized country in the world comes close to what we do for people outside our country. As for immigration, regulation was lax when we were building this country. We didn't have enough people to be a strong nation. We are built now and don't need anymore people.

Legal immigrants use our welfare systems much more than people who are born here. They are a burden on the American taxpayer, and that's not what a country 28 trillion in debt and growing needs right now. And don't buy this nonsense that illegals are here to do jobs Americans won't do. Americans will do any job provided they are compensated enough. This urban legend that they come here only to work in farming is a complete lie. They are in many sectors of our workforce and that's what keeps wages down for Americans. Americans can make more money when their is desperation by industry and have to offer more to people in order for them to interest them in their jobs.

We need less people here, not more.

Agreeing with Trump isn't exactly a "conservative" position. In fact, agreeing with Trump could be considered being a RHINO.

Of course supporting Trump is conservative. When was the last President we had that led more conservatively than President Trump?
but the most outstanding traits of his leadership were in the economy and illegal immigrants.
I get why so many white Americans who suffer from the loss of their white privileges could be so enamored with TrumpQ specifically for his despicable immigration policies and his winks and nods to white nationalists, and the white evangelical Christian faction that sympathizes with them.

But the Economy?

TrumpQ destroyed the longest growth economy in US history that Obama laid in his lap. And he set records on increasing the federal debt as he destroyed it for many outside the billionaire class.

You must be a billionaire.
If we are lucky all the Trump fanatics really will spend the next decade trying and failing to create a new party, going on pilgrimage to Mar-a-Largo to see who will get the nod from their ever more irrelevant “godfather.”

Then if we are really lucky the corporate Dems will do something so stupid they will provoke an anti-Wall Street & anti-imperialist reaction, creating a Democratic “Tea Party” revolt against them, hopefully rallying working-class whites to join with blacks.

Yeah I know, it’s asking a lot.

In any case, we should make our electoral systems more amenable to thoughtful third party movements — which might break the corporate duopoly and encourage independent leadership. Reforms like Ranked Choice Voting and restricted corporate financing are needed . A few ideas: www.fairvote.org

What they don't seem to grasp, particularly the OP here, is that getting into Congress, or the Presidency, requires taking an Oath to the Constitution, regardless what party they got in with, and since fealty to that Oath is exactly what Liz Cheney exhibited, is his whole complaint here, he's in for a rude awakening when he finds out there ain't no end-around to avoid that Oath.
Let's attack this from a different perspective and for what it's worth I think most people trying to get into the united states are looking for a better life and to make money. A solution that I favor is sweeping immigration reform that is legislated. There are many low skilled jobs that most Americans would not take but corporations need those workers so for years both parties ignored the issue now is the time to legislate so people low skills, high skills can get the proper visas for want of a better term to work here and live here according to the rules set forth in said legislation. Hopefully the legislation protects American workers and we as a country have rules to police those visas so that people that are supposed leave in fact do leave. Immigration is what built this country and with the correct laws and correct enforcement, can keep this country growing. Will it stop Illegals from entering this country, probably not but will go a long way to solving the problem. Now for a note of sarcasm first lady Melania was a scofflaw because she did overstay her visa, lax enforcement.

Not really. That's a leftist wives tale; they just made it up. It's already been discussed that she came here legally and is here legally. The documents to her citizenship are sealed and nobody on the left can get them, so they just made the entire story up.

The United States of America allows a million immigrants a year to become citizens of this great country. That's on top of the near million a year green cards, work permits and Visa's we hand out. No other developed and civilized country in the world comes close to what we do for people outside our country. As for immigration, regulation was lax when we were building this country. We didn't have enough people to be a strong nation. We are built now and don't need anymore people.

Legal immigrants use our welfare systems much more than people who are born here. They are a burden on the American taxpayer, and that's not what a country 28 trillion in debt and growing needs right now. And don't buy this nonsense that illegals are here to do jobs Americans won't do. Americans will do any job provided they are compensated enough. This urban legend that they come here only to work in farming is a complete lie. They are in many sectors of our workforce and that's what keeps wages down for Americans. Americans can make more money when their is desperation by industry and have to offer more to people in order for them to interest them in their jobs.

We need less people here, not more.

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I checked and I apologize for my sarcasm. You have your opinions and I have mine. I looked at your chart and what it tells me corporations who have more undocumented workers have certain needs that can be filled by lower skilled people taking a lower wage which American citizens would not work for that wage. How do you solve that problem and reducing corporations taxes as Trump did, didn't solve the problem just raised our debt.
Let's attack this from a different perspective and for what it's worth I think most people trying to get into the united states are looking for a better life and to make money. A solution that I favor is sweeping immigration reform that is legislated. There are many low skilled jobs that most Americans would not take but corporations need those workers so for years both parties ignored the issue now is the time to legislate so people low skills, high skills can get the proper visas for want of a better term to work here and live here according to the rules set forth in said legislation. Hopefully the legislation protects American workers and we as a country have rules to police those visas so that people that are supposed leave in fact do leave. Immigration is what built this country and with the correct laws and correct enforcement, can keep this country growing. Will it stop Illegals from entering this country, probably not but will go a long way to solving the problem. Now for a note of sarcasm first lady Melania was a scofflaw because she did overstay her visa, lax enforcement.

Not really. That's a leftist wives tale; they just made it up. It's already been discussed that she came here legally and is here legally. The documents to her citizenship are sealed and nobody on the left can get them, so they just made the entire story up.

The United States of America allows a million immigrants a year to become citizens of this great country. That's on top of the near million a year green cards, work permits and Visa's we hand out. No other developed and civilized country in the world comes close to what we do for people outside our country. As for immigration, regulation was lax when we were building this country. We didn't have enough people to be a strong nation. We are built now and don't need anymore people.

Legal immigrants use our welfare systems much more than people who are born here. They are a burden on the American taxpayer, and that's not what a country 28 trillion in debt and growing needs right now. And don't buy this nonsense that illegals are here to do jobs Americans won't do. Americans will do any job provided they are compensated enough. This urban legend that they come here only to work in farming is a complete lie. They are in many sectors of our workforce and that's what keeps wages down for Americans. Americans can make more money when their is desperation by industry and have to offer more to people in order for them to interest them in their jobs.

We need less people here, not more.

View attachment 453055
I checked and I apologize for my sarcasm. You have your opinions and I have mine. I looked at your chart and what it tells me corporations who have more undocumented workers have certain needs that can be filled by lower skilled people taking a lower wage which American citizens would not work for that wage. How do you solve that problem and reducing corporations taxes as Trump did, didn't solve the problem just raised our debt.

Great question. Ray? You should answer this one.
I checked and I apologize for my sarcasm. You have your opinions and I have mine. I looked at your chart and what it tells me corporations who have more undocumented workers have certain needs that can be filled by lower skilled people taking a lower wage which American citizens would not work for that wage. How do you solve that problem and reducing corporations taxes as Trump did, didn't solve the problem just raised our debt.

Outside of agriculture, Americans will do many of these jobs, but we won't do them for nothing.

Up north when the snow and wind take the power out, I see those guys in lift buckets in 0 degree weather, snow blowing in their face at 25 mph to restore our power. I see those guys walking on steel beams 10 stories high like they were walking down the street. Or those guys in the middle of winter with their boots on wading through water trying to fix a water or sewer break. Hell, even in my former line of work before I retired, try piloting a tractor-trailer on snow or icy roads in that vehicle that weighs 75,000 lbs and you can barely see 15 feet in front of you. Our military doesn't pay much, but you can work a short career and retire early in life, or just serve your time and get great benefits when you get out.

It's not that industry can't find people to work, they can't find people that will work for nothing as illegals will do. We Americans will do any of those jobs for the right money. And when industry is forced to pay the right money, that's how our wages increase naturally in this country.
I get why so many white Americans who suffer from the loss of their white privileges could be so enamored with TrumpQ specifically for his despicable immigration policies and his winks and nods to white nationalists, and the white evangelical Christian faction that sympathizes with them.

But the Economy?

TrumpQ destroyed the longest growth economy in US history that Obama laid in his lap. And he set records on increasing the federal debt as he destroyed it for many outside the billionaire class.

You must be a billionaire.

I must be, because after the tax cuts, not only did I bring home a little more in pay, but my accountant that does my taxes said I saved a bundle.

Before the virus, we had a million more jobs than Americans who could do them. I've never seen that in my life. Women and minorities seen the lowest level of unemployment since records were kept. We hit a new high in median household income. The stock market several new highs. Government dependency was down.

Trump's despicable immigration policies kept invaders out of our country. Isn't that the idea? Well for us it is. For you, the opposite means more uneducated third worlders in this country who will become government dependents after citizenship is blanket granted to them and will vote forever Democrat.
Before the virus, we had a million more jobs than Americans who could do them. I've never seen that in my life.

Exactly a year ago: We all knew Obama set the table for TrumpQ:

EDITORS' PICK|Feb 7, 2020
Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

“However, there were detailed updates with a major revision to 2018’s employment numbers, which substantially decreased job growth under President Trump.”

Bet TrumpQ didnt brag about the reduction revisions.

Why “Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

“However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump”​
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I agree that most don’t approve of racism, likewise, most don’t agree that everything is racial. That is the card the Democrats have been playing for years. It has become a scapegoat.

There are MANY factors that contribute to a person’s success or lack thereof. Race may be one of these factors, but it is a very small, almost insignificant one.

You live in a fantasy world, don't you.

Let's start with the very first step in the path of success. The Resume. I've written thousands of them for job seekers over the years. You know what, funny thing. If you have a name like Jamal or Lakeisha, you are less likely to get a call for an interview than if your name is Greg or Emily.

These research findings should provide a startling wakeup call for business executives: A bias against minorities runs rampant through the resume screening process at companies throughout the United States, says Katherine A. DeCelles, the James M. Collins Visiting Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.

“Discrimination still exists in the workplace,” DeCelles says. “Organizations now have an opportunity to recognize this issue as a pinch point, so they can do something about it.”

DeCelles co-authored a September 2016 article about the two-year study in Administrative Science Quarterly called Whitened Resumes: Race and Self-Presentation in the Labor Market (pdf) with Sonia K. Kang, assistant professor of organizational behavior and human resource management at the University of Toronto Mississauga; András Tilcsik, assistant professor of strategic management at the University of Toronto; and Sora Jun, a doctoral candidate at Stanford University.

Until we actually start rewarding people for their hard work and character and not their race, race relations and our country and society will continue the downward spiral. One would think everyone would be onboard with this sentiment, but Democrats clearly aren’t.

HEy, here's the real problem. Modern workplaces have become about one step above the Hunger Games. I've found the people who are better at playing office politics often do better than the people who work hard, and frankly, being white is a huge advantage in office politics.
says Shlomo racistly.

Let me ask you, Shlomo, is the ADL, which exists explicitly to protect the interests of the Jewish race, racist?

Naw, it exists because people like you think "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are real.
“However, there were detailed updates with a major revision to 2018’s employment numbers, which substantially decreased job growth under President Trump.”
Bet TrumpQ didnt brag about the reduction revisions.

Why “Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period
“However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump”

Job creation does increase when unemployment is high. It's more difficult to do after the passage of what's considered "perfect" employment. How much more job creation can take place when you have a million more jobs than Americans who can work them? Is two million, three million better?

You leftist fail on this argument because no President can create jobs outside of government jobs. The private sector creates jobs. All a President can do is make that harder or easier for the private sector to do so. Now, given the fact DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime, it's really difficult for you to give such a person credit for job creation.
What they don't seem to grasp, particularly the OP here, is that getting into Congress, or the Presidency, requires taking an Oath to the Constitution, regardless what party they got in with, and since fealty to that Oath is exactly what Liz Cheney exhibited, is his whole complaint here, he's in for a rude awakening when he finds out there ain't no end-around to avoid that Oath.
Yes there is. I mean a prosecutor is the vice president... And she not only didn't advocate prosecutions against people who broke the law, she asked for donations to get them out.

Pretty big end around ain't it?

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