If Anyone Wonders Why I Left the Republican Party Just Look At the Cheney Vote

Great leaders like Trump, you've got to be delusional. As a private citizen how many bankruptcies did he have? Aside from his generous tax cut to corporations what meaningful legislation did he have passed through congress. Trying to spend billions on a border wall as a solution to our immigration problems. Did he have the smarts to spend money on more immigration judges, so they could handle the backlog and quickly decide cases. I could go on but it would be pointless. He's a pathological liar, extreme egotist, climate denier and if push came to shove he would leave you out in the cold. He only cares for himself.

To answer your questions, Donald Trump never had a personal bankruptcy in his life. In businesses, he had 5 bankruptcies. However Donald Trump owned or operated 500 companies in his career. Any CEO/ owner would love to have a 1% bankruptcy record.

A border wall was never considered a total solution, but it would stop most border crossings. The wall with the latest technology greatly helps our border patrol, which is why they endorsed Donald Trump for President. Donald Trump's polices greatly reduced crossings. He told Mexico he would stop foreign aid to their country if they didn't stop others from crossing Mexico to get to the US, and they did exactly that. Another policy is that if you want to apply for asylum, you have to do that in your own country at a US embassy--not here. In addition, if you do come here with the claim you didn't have enough time to apply at an embassy and had to leave quickly, if you were offered asylum by any other country along the way and refused it, it would be automatic disqualification for US asylum.

I agree that the bankruptcies were from companies he owned but I don't take any articles from country magazine and breitbart as completely honest or factual , they are right wing rags. The casino bankruptcies show how inept Trump really is. rueters on the other hand is factual in my opinion. We can disagree as to whether Trump was a great leader or not. I editorialize now, by 2024 Trump will not run or be the face of the republican party. Now if you want a to see how Trump fared on immigrations and deportations read the following. US election 2020: Trump's impact on immigration - in seven charts
I agree that the bankruptcies were from companies he owned but I don't take any articles from country magazine and breitbart as completely honest or factual , they are right wing rags. The casino bankruptcies show how inept Trump really is. rueters on the other hand is factual in my opinion. We can disagree as to whether Trump was a great leader or not. I editorialize now, by 2024 Trump will not run or be the face of the republican party. Now if you want a to see how Trump fared on immigrations and deportations read the following. US election 2020: Trump's impact on immigration - in seven charts

For the most part your source is discussing legal immigrants and not illegal ones. Even still, it shows that Trump did a better job than others. As far as deportations go, I can post a series of links showing how the commie courts stopped many of Trump's attempted policies. If you'd like to see them, just ask and I'll post them if you will take the time to read them. But just for shits and giggles, I'll post one you should read:

Like I said, I have more, but posted this one since it's the only source you wouldn't dismiss.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

Cheney was correct to vote to impeach Trump.

The problem is too few Republican's did the same.
Unlike you and millions of others, I don't vote on people based on their personality. I vote for people who will do the best job for our country--which President Trump has proven to do. I don't have time to once again post a paragraph of all his accomplishments, but the most outstanding traits of his leadership were in the economy and illegal immigrants. No Republican President in my lifetime even comes close to what Trump did.

Imagine voting for Joe Biden based on his personality, those dog-faced pony soldiers.

The same people who consume so much crap in the movies, TV, books, publications, etc. Then they claim to be upset by Trump's tweets. :rolleyes:
Wow....you should do something about that.

All I can do is vote, and support great leaders like Trump. If others do the exact opposite, there is nothing I can do about that.

You can't be serious.

Trump was not a great leader.

He was a great divider, a great demagogue, a great liar, and a great con artist, however.

Foreign Wars Started
Reagan - 7
Bush I - 4
Clinton - 3
Bush II - 5
Obama - 7
Trump - 0
Imagine voting for Joe Biden based on his personality, those dog-faced pony soldiers.

The same people who consume so much crap in the movies, TV, books, publications, etc. Then they claim to be upset by Trump's tweets.

It wasn't so much Biden's personality, it was Trump's lack of. However Biden reminds people of their old decrepit grandfather who you know is going to go anytime, and just enjoy his antics while he's here; a man that wouldn't swat a fly.
It wasn't so much Biden's personality, it was Trump's lack of. However Biden reminds people of their old decrepit grandfather who you know is going to go anytime, and just enjoy his antics while he's here; a man that wouldn't swat a fly.

Oh no, Trump had a huge personality, that is what so many people disliked. Or which they were taught to dislike with the 24/7 hate for over 4+ years from the MSM, never Trumpers, etc.

Who would vote for a doddering Biden to be POTUS except they were misled into it for 4+ years of lies, and add in the Wuhan virus and the lockdowns by Blue State Governors in particular?
I agree that the bankruptcies were from companies he owned but I don't take any articles from country magazine and breitbart as completely honest or factual , they are right wing rags. The casino bankruptcies show how inept Trump really is. rueters on the other hand is factual in my opinion. We can disagree as to whether Trump was a great leader or not. I editorialize now, by 2024 Trump will not run or be the face of the republican party. Now if you want a to see how Trump fared on immigrations and deportations read the following. US election 2020: Trump's impact on immigration - in seven charts

For the most part your source is discussing legal immigrants and not illegal ones. Even still, it shows that Trump did a better job than others. As far as deportations go, I can post a series of links showing how the commie courts stopped many of Trump's attempted policies. If you'd like to see them, just ask and I'll post them if you will take the time to read them. But just for shits and giggles, I'll post one you should read:

Like I said, I have more, but posted this one since it's the only source you wouldn't dismiss.
I read it and I believed it and then I agree that spending that much money on a border wall to me seems ridiculous. A wall will not stem determined individuals from sneaking into this country. Spend the money where it would do the most good and fixing and adding new sections in my opinion could be replaced by technology much cheaper.
Republicans getting hit from both sides with Liz Cheney causing fallout on one side and the likes of M.T. (Headed) Greene on the other.
Republicans getting hit from both sides with Liz Cheney causing fallout on one side and the likes of M.T. (Headed) Greene on the other.
Self-inflicted wound. The party is a repulsive mess right now, and its only saving grace is the fact that the Democrats aren't exactly attractive, either. The Dems clearly underperformed in November.
Republicans getting hit from both sides with Liz Cheney causing fallout on one side and the likes of M.T. (Headed) Greene on the other.

It's likely Cheney ended her political career with that stupid move, and I hope she's out next election.
I read it and I believed it and then I agree that spending that much money on a border wall to me seems ridiculous. A wall will not stem determined individuals from sneaking into this country. Spend the money where it would do the most good and fixing and adding new sections in my opinion could be replaced by technology much cheaper.

Trumps wall had both, wall and technology. Technology alone won't stop them. All it does is create more work for our patrol when they have drive there and try to locate them. Like I said, it won't stop everybody, but it will stop most, just like it has here and across the globe. That's why countries use them. What Trump asked for the wall is what we spend on food stamps for a half of a month.
You HAVE to register Republican so you can boot the RINOs!
FALSE! Republican have less support than the Trump party. You have to boot the Republicans with their RINOs. Register in the new party when it comes about. In the meantime drop out of Republican, and register Independent.

So what makes Cheney a RHINO? Her conservative credentials appear impeccable.

Oh no, Trump had a huge personality, that is what so many people disliked. Or which they were taught to dislike with the 24/7 hate for over 4+ years from the MSM, never Trumpers, etc.

Who would vote for a doddering Biden to be POTUS except they were misled into it for 4+ years of lies, and add in the Wuhan virus and the lockdowns by Blue State Governors in particular?

You and I both know how leftists are. They are miserable and humorless people. The only joy in life they have is making others just as miserable. So they took every word Trump spoke or Tweeted literally and at face value.
Wow....you should do something about that.

All I can do is vote, and support great leaders like Trump. If others do the exact opposite, there is nothing I can do about that.

You can't be serious.

Trump was not a great leader.

He was a great divider, a great demagogue, a great liar, and a great con artist, however.

Foreign Wars Started
Reagan - 7
Bush I - 4
Clinton - 3
Bush II - 5
Obama - 7
Trump - 0

Trump supported and provided arms for the Saudi's war on Yemen. Trump owns a war. Plus he continued the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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