If Anyone Wonders Why I Left the Republican Party Just Look At the Cheney Vote

Sometimes I wish I was a Republican so that I too could leave the party and draw attention to myself.

Alas, I'm stuck with the winners.
Great leaders like Trump, you've got to be delusional. As a private citizen how many bankruptcies did he have? Aside from his generous tax cut to corporations what meaningful legislation did he have passed through congress. Trying to spend billions on a border wall as a solution to our immigration problems. Did he have the smarts to spend money on more immigration judges, so they could handle the backlog and quickly decide cases. I could go on but it would be pointless. He's a pathological liar, extreme egotist, climate denier and if push came to shove he would leave you out in the cold. He only cares for himself.

To answer your questions, Donald Trump never had a personal bankruptcy in his life. In businesses, he had 5 bankruptcies. However Donald Trump owned or operated 500 companies in his career. Any CEO/ owner would love to have a 1% bankruptcy record.

A border wall was never considered a total solution, but it would stop most border crossings. The wall with the latest technology greatly helps our border patrol, which is why they endorsed Donald Trump for President. Donald Trump's polices greatly reduced crossings. He told Mexico he would stop foreign aid to their country if they didn't stop others from crossing Mexico to get to the US, and they did exactly that. Another policy is that if you want to apply for asylum, you have to do that in your own country at a US embassy--not here. In addition, if you do come here with the claim you didn't have enough time to apply at an embassy and had to leave quickly, if you were offered asylum by any other country along the way and refused it, it would be automatic disqualification for US asylum.

Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

She wasn't the only person to vote for impeachment in the Republican Party.

There were 10 republicans who voted for it.

Yet only Cheney is persecuted for it.

She shouldn't be persecuted for her vote.

It's a good idea to leave the Republican Party. Millions of people have done just that. Not for the same reasons you did but it really doesn't matter.

The Republican Party is the party of hate, death and lies. No one who has a sense of decency and loves America would ever be in that party.
I have probably done more hiring and sometime firing and made selections for leadership positions, civilian and military than you. I was taught a different yardstick. Never picked erratic loudmouths of bad character for leadership positions. It usually is a bad idea. He has no outstanding leadership traits as witnessed on January 6, at the nation's capital. If a republican president had come anywhere near close to doing what trump did just in the last two months, trump would never have been elected and he could be the last republican president ever elected because of it and his apologists still in elected positions. He disgraced the United States and killed the republican party for the foreseeable future as far as national leadership.

Sure he did. Is that why the Nazis are so scared of Trump they are doing anything they can to make sure he can't run against them next election? The Nazis actually impeached a President for exercising his first amendment rights. I'm well aware that Democrats are un-Americans, but if our founders were alive today, they'd probably order them to be executed for treason.

You TDS people are proven liars, yet you keep repeating the lies. Trump never told people to attack the Capital. He never said anything Democrats didn't say in the past. The FBI stated that the riot was planned days ahead of time, and even told the Capital police about it the day before.
Let's face it, the leftard clown posse are just better behaved. I mean, look at how they behaved at any Trump rally? How they acted at the inauguration? How about how incredibly tolerate towards those that wear MAGA hats?

Yep. The hypocrisy on the left is unsurpassed.

I have probably done more hiring and sometime firing and made selections for leadership positions, civilian and military than you. I was taught a different yardstick. Never picked erratic loudmouths of bad character for leadership positions. It usually is a bad idea. He has no outstanding leadership traits as witnessed on January 6, at the nation's capital. If a republican president had come anywhere near close to doing what trump did just in the last two months, trump would never have been elected and he could be the last republican president ever elected because of it and his apologists still in elected positions. He disgraced the United States and killed the republican party for the foreseeable future as far as national leadership.

Sure he did. Is that why the Nazis are so scared of Trump they are doing anything they can to make sure he can't run against them next election? The Nazis actually impeached a President for exercising his first amendment rights. I'm well aware that Democrats are un-Americans, but if our founders were alive today, they'd probably order them to be executed for treason.

You TDS people are proven liars, yet you keep repeating the lies. Trump never told people to attack the Capital. He never said anything Democrats didn't say in the past. The FBI stated that the riot was planned days ahead of time, and even told the Capital police about it the day before.
Who are the Nazis, Ray? Try to stay in the real world. Not all terms, names or adjectives are interchangeable. Some of them had meanings before DJT came along. Try a dictionary and see if what you choose in a synonym. I suspect the founding fathers would have left the congressional halls and defended the capital in a much more deadly way than the capital police, but by in large, those were not democrats attacking.
We just had 4 years of trump, not to forget the last 2 months. How can you talk about democrat lies with a straight face or are you laughing like hell with each post?
I don't know why people keep thinking a 3rd party is needed, or to stay GOP to vote out rhinos, or vote for this or that. Voting is now a moot point. Anything you vote for or against will be changed via machines and human hands to help it happen. In short...voting is dead.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

Sorry dude, the party of anarchy, sedition and insurrection isn't too popular these days. Guess you are fkd.

Who‘s that? The Democrats? I agree. Must be why they had to cheat.
No, the trumpists wing of the (now defunct) republican party that puts political party or cult leader before country to try to cheat to overthrow the election he lost. You have lost touch with reality.

Step away form the MSM brainwashing already...Using the Alinsky tactic of blaming one side while you are the one doing what you claim is just plain stupid...I had hoped you were better than that...
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

Sorry dude, the party of anarchy, sedition and insurrection isn't too popular these days. Guess you are fkd.

Who‘s that? The Democrats? I agree. Must be why they had to cheat.
No, the trumpists wing of the (now defunct) republican party that puts political party or cult leader before country to try to cheat to overthrow the election he lost. You have lost touch with reality.

Step away form the MSM brainwashing already...Using the Alinsky tactic of blaming one side while you are the one doing what you claim is just plain stupid...I had hoped you were better than that...
Sorry. I wished more for the republican party and thought they were more, not that I was ever a comitted republican. I do not regret all the times I voted republican, as it was the correct choice at the time, but never imagined they would turn out like this. Guess I miss them already. Their choice to accept this path, so it is what it is not what it was.
I don't know why people keep thinking a 3rd party is needed, or to stay GOP to vote out rhinos, or vote for this or that. Voting is now a moot point. Anything you vote for or against will be changed via machines and human hands to help it happen. In short...voting is dead.

I think it would be beneficial to the people for both sides to have another party. But they'd both have to agree with it at the same time which will never happen. On the right we would divide into the Patriot party with Trump supporters vs the GOP establishment. On the left they could have the AOC/ Sanders Socialist party vs the establishment Democrats. I would actually love to see how that would play out.
Let me ask you, Shlomo, is the ADL, which exists explicitly to protect the interests of the Jewish race, racist?

I've been having discussions with Joe for a couple of years now. What I can tell you is that he never had a nice word about a Jewish person, and on the border of anti-semite.
Who are the Nazis, Ray? Try to stay in the real world. Not all terms, names or adjectives are interchangeable. Some of them had meanings before DJT came along. Try a dictionary and see if what you choose in a synonym. I suspect the founding fathers would have left the congressional halls and defended the capital in a much more deadly way than the capital police, but by in large, those were not democrats attacking.
We just had 4 years of trump, not to forget the last 2 months. How can you talk about democrat lies with a straight face or are you laughing like hell with each post?

Because it is a lie, a huge lie, just like the last phony impeachment. They impeached a President for something he never said. You can't be more of a liar than that. The first impeachment was based on what they thought he meant--not what he said. You can't get much more Nazi than that. Well.....I take that back, yes you can. You'd see that if you read what their gun bill is all about.

They want to make it federal law all gun owners must have a federal license to own a firearm. You must state where and when you purchased every weapon you own. You won't even be able to buy ammo without that federal license. Furthermore, before you can buy a gun, you'd have to undergo psychological evaluation by a leftist shrink and get their approval to buy a gun, meaning most people will never be able to buy one. Once some anti-gun shrink reports to the government you are not mentally fit to own a firearm, you won't be able to get a different opinion, and never be legally allowed to own a firearm for the rest of your life.

When your hatred of Donald Trump is so strong that you'd rather support a party who impeaches a President of the opposite party based on Thought Police and first amendment rights, that is the true definition of TDS, and that led us to where we are today, being led by an incompetent like dementia Joe.
Who are the Nazis, Ray? Try to stay in the real world. Not all terms, names or adjectives are interchangeable. Some of them had meanings before DJT came along. Try a dictionary and see if what you choose in a synonym. I suspect the founding fathers would have left the congressional halls and defended the capital in a much more deadly way than the capital police, but by in large, those were not democrats attacking.
We just had 4 years of trump, not to forget the last 2 months. How can you talk about democrat lies with a straight face or are you laughing like hell with each post?

Because it is a lie, a huge lie, just like the last phony impeachment. They impeached a President for something he never said. You can't be more of a liar than that. The first impeachment was based on what they thought he meant--not what he said. You can't get much more Nazi than that. Well.....I take that back, yes you can. You'd see that if you read what their gun bill is all about.

They want to make it federal law all gun owners must have a federal license to own a firearm. You must state where and when you purchased every weapon you own. You won't even be able to buy ammo without that federal license. Furthermore, before you can buy a gun, you'd have to undergo psychological evaluation by a leftist shrink and get their approval to buy a gun, meaning most people will never be able to buy one. Once some anti-gun shrink reports to the government you are not mentally fit to own a firearm, you won't be able to get a different opinion, and never be legally allowed to own a firearm for the rest of your life.

When your hatred of Donald Trump is so strong that you'd rather support a party who impeaches a President of the opposite party based on Thought Police and first amendment rights, that is the true definition of TDS, and that led us to where we are today, being led by an incompetent like dementia Joe.
1. It was an impeachment, not a legal trial. High crimes and misdemeanors is poorly defined but widely encompassing. Not a matter of law, as much of knowing wrong when you see it.
2. A law like that will never make it through either houses of congress. I will worry about it later.
3. I do not like or approve of trump, but do not hate. He deserved to be impeached as his own party would not reign in his excess for whatever reasons.
4. TDS is a problem of the right. They should have reigned him in and not propagated lies, myths, and unproven assertions as fact when they had no evidence of truth. Truth is not always in the eye of the beholder just because someone says it. Often reality is real. Trump ignored reality for so long he lost touch with it and led his supporters down his rabbit hole to ruin.
1. It was an impeachment, not a legal trial. High crimes and misdemeanors is poorly defined but widely encompassing. Not a matter of law, as much of knowing wrong when you see it.
2. A law like that will never make it through either houses of congress. I will worry about it later.
3. I do not like or approve of trump, but do not hate. He deserved to be impeached as his own party would not reign in his excess for whatever reasons.
4. TDS is a problem of the right. They should have reigned him in and not propagated lies, myths, and unproven assertions as fact when they had no evidence of truth. Truth is not always in the eye of the beholder just because someone says it. Often reality is real. Trump ignored reality for so long he lost touch with it and led his supporters down his rabbit hole to ruin.

There is no ruin. Trump gained 12 thousand supporters since his first election. Most Republicans today feel the election was stolen and still support him. A misdemeanor is defined, but high crimes is not. Exercising your constitutional right is not a high crime or any crime for that matter. It's a crime when government retaliates against you for exercising that right. Asking for a favor from a foreign leader is not a high crime either. The Nazis lied and said he was going after a political opponent, even though their nominee was not even chosen yet.

Now we are at the beginning stages of an impeachment war. Every time a House is led by the opposite party of a President, there will be an impeachment because the Democrats set the precedent that you can impeach somebody simply because you hate them. Well guess what, we hate Biden too. In 22, he or Whorris will be impeached. I don't want to hear any of you complain about it either given your support for this clown show the Nazis are performing.
Wow....you should do something about that.

All I can do is vote, and support great leaders like Trump. If others do the exact opposite, there is nothing I can do about that.

You can't be serious.

Trump was not a great leader.

He was a great divider, a great demagogue, a great liar, and a great con artist, however.
Whats even more hilarious is the whole "he accomplished more...." He built like 45 miles of new wall, didn't do infrastructure, didn't do healthcare, the "tax break" was for the ultra wealthy, he did appoint 3 justices to the Supreme Court...as if that is an "accomplishment"....lol. The trade war was a fiasco, the cover response was a fiasco....

I'm sure Ray Ray will post some stock list he'll cut and paste from somewhere that has "put America first" as an accomplishment.

You can't be serious.

Trump was not a great leader.

He was a great divider, a great demagogue, a great liar, and a great con artist, however.

What last President accomplished more good for the country than Trump? The economy was great until the Wuhan flu, we had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries outside of China during it. I can't list all the records broken for great things he's done. Our border was well under control with Trump's policies, replacing 470 miles of worthless ineffective wall while adding miles of new walls where none existed before. In 2019 before the virus, we had an 80% reduction in border crossings between May until the end of that year.

Today we are vaccinating more than a million Americans a day thanks to the efforts of President Trump who secured an Americans first policy with purchases.

But hey drive-by Clayton, just wait to see what this administration has in store for this country. You will never admit it, but you'll be yearning for the days of Trump when these people get done with us.

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