If Anyone Wonders Why I Left the Republican Party Just Look At the Cheney Vote

Sorry dude, the party of anarchy, sedition and insurrection isn't too popular these days. Guess you are fkd.
Do you know what you're talking about ? I'll answer that rhetorical question. NO, YOU DON'T. That's because you are the airhead "kid" here. Trump got 90% of the AMERICAN vote in 2020, and his party is, by far the most popular. Democrats got near zero vote, which is why they had to go to fraud, to get Biden in the White House.

As for "anarchy, sedition and insurrection" that's what the Democrat Fraud party now is,

Prove that 90% nonsense because you have written that many times and I am calling bullshit on that one!

When you write that Trump got 90% of the American vote tell me you are delusional as can be and are not living in reality!

So show actual proof to support your claim and when you do not then I will tell you that you are pathetic at lying and trolling!
You HAVE to register Republican so you can boot the RINOs!
FALSE! Republican have less support than the Trump party. You have to boot the Republicans with their RINOs. Register in the new party when it comes about. In the meantime drop out of Republican, and register Independent.
New Party is absurd and will guarantee CCP democrat hegemony for 1,000 years. We have to flip maybe 100 seats in DC and State houses over the next 6 years! We're THAT CLOSE!
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

I always knew the GOP was a bunch of self aggrandizing frauds who have done zero for anyone
They’re self serving puppets to Wallstreet
Sanctimonious hypocrites
You HAVE to register Republican so you can boot the RINOs!
FALSE! Republican have less support than the Trump party. You have to boot the Republicans with their RINOs. Register in the new party when it comes about. In the meantime drop out of Republican, and register Independent.

Hell, I did that decades ago and have never regretted the decision. Everyone should go independent. Neither the Dems or the Reps are worth a damn and haven't been for decades.
You HAVE to register Republican so you can boot the RINOs!
FALSE! Republican have less support than the Trump party. You have to boot the Republicans with their RINOs. Register in the new party when it comes about. In the meantime drop out of Republican, and register Independent.

Hell, I did that decades ago and have never regretted the decision. Everyone should go independent. Neither the Dems or the Reps are worth a damn and haven't been for decades.

Notice that after Ted Kennedy offered the KGB a controlling interest in the DNC in 1984 to help defeat RR, the CPUSA stopped endorsing their own candidates and STARTED SUPPORTING THEIR DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE! They didn't build out their Party, they took over one of the 2 main parties!

With the collapse of the USSR, the KGB was forced to fire sale their interest in the DNC to the CCP for pennies on the dollar

Third Party is a waste of time when all we need to is flip a small fraction of the Republican Party
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

Sorry dude, the party of anarchy, sedition and insurrection isn't too popular these days. Guess you are fkd.

Who‘s that? The Democrats? I agree. Must be why they had to cheat.
If the Republicans had the balls, intelligence, and strength of character to explicitly protect the interests of white people as Trump near.y did when he cancelled the critical race theory poison, they would crush dems for the foreseeable future across the board. When the Jewish media started screeching and calling them white supremacists, if they had the backbone to say, so what? they would crush dems for the foreseeable future across the board.

Yeah, not really.

Most white people don't approve of racism, even if they engage in subtle unconscious racism.

The republicans have been practicing "White Grievance Politics" since Tricky Dick. It worked okay for them for a while, but they haven't won a majority of the vote since 1988 except that one time in 2004, when people were really really scared of people of color.

If all you have is fear and grievance, you will lose out to Hope and Change every time.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

You have to be out of your mind if you trust and follow someone like trump.
Republican politicians are generally similar to Democrat politicians - primarily motivated by keeping their job, secondarily keeping it easy, and any other motivations are not noticeable. There are not enough properly motivated Republicans in office to make a difference at this point.
Most white people don't approve of racism, even if they engage in subtle unconscious racism.

I agree that most don’t approve of racism, likewise, most don’t agree that everything is racial. That is the card the Democrats have been playing for years. It has become a scapegoat.

There are MANY factors that contribute to a person’s success or lack thereof. Race may be one of these factors, but it is a very small, almost insignificant one. The left acts as if it is the predominate factor, which is patently false In the vast majority of cases. Until we actually start rewarding people for their hard work and character and not their race, race relations and our country and society will continue the downward spiral. One would think everyone would be onboard with this sentiment, but Democrats clearly aren’t.
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You HAVE to register Republican so you can boot the RINOs!
FALSE! Republican have less support than the Trump party. You have to boot the Republicans with their RINOs. Register in the new party when it comes about. In the meantime drop out of Republican, and register Independent.
He isn't wrong. In many states you are only allowed to vote in primaries if you are registered with said party.

The key is dumping the R & D on ballots. Force people to do a bit of legwork before they vote.
The war party still runs DC. That is, the Uniparty.

That is why they hated Trump. There is no money in peace. Look at how little publicity all the Trump peace deals garnered.
When there is a peace treaty signed between two nations that are not fighting....you expected it to interrupt Grey's Anatomy?
You know damn well that region can be unstable.
Between the Republicans who leave the GOP because it's too insane, and the Trumpsters who leave the GOP because it's not insane enough, who's going to turn out the lights and lock the door behind them?
“Between the Republicans who leave the GOP because it's too insane”
You say or imply this often but you never explain...what policies are the GOP pushing that are “insane”?
If the Republicans had the balls, intelligence, and strength of character to explicitly protect the interests of white people as Trump near.y did when he cancelled the critical race theory poison, they would crush dems for the foreseeable future across the board. When the Jewish media started screeching and calling them white supremacists, if they had the backbone to say, so what? they would crush dems for the foreseeable future across the board.

Yeah, not really.

Most white people don't approve of racism, even if they engage in subtle unconscious racism.

The republicans have been practicing "White Grievance Politics" since Tricky Dick. It worked okay for them for a while, but they haven't won a majority of the vote since 1988 except that one time in 2004, when people were really really scared of people of color.

If all you have is fear and grievance, you will lose out to Hope and Change every time.

“If all you have is fear and grievance, you will lose out to Hope and Change every time.”
“Fear”...like believing law enforcement hunts dark people?
“Grievance” like begging for atonement / reparations and special treatment for dark folks?

Doesn’t the Mexicrat Party exist because of the “FEAR and GRIEVANCE” they sell? Isn’t fear and grievance what keeps them relevant...isn’t fear and grievance the backbone of the party of filth?
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

If the Republicans had the balls, intelligence, and strength of character to explicitly protect the interests of white people as Trump near.y did when he cancelled the critical race theory poison, they would crush dems for the foreseeable future across the board. When the Jewish media started screeching and calling them white supremacists, if they had the backbone to say, so what? they would crush dems for the foreseeable future across the board.
Like the Republican Party as a whole, white people, by and large are scared, nutless pussies, they are 100% controlled by polical correctness.
They won’t dare assemble and mobilize...THAT’S RACIST and only dark people can do that per the PC Rulebook.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

Being a patriot means being loyal to the Constitution, not to a man.

You've chosen to be loyal to a man.
The funny part is that the vote for Cheney had to be secret and the vote to support Greene was public.


These GOP legislators are afraid to put their name to supporting Cheney and afraid NOT to put their name to support the Q Lady
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

Sorry dude, the party of anarchy, sedition and insurrection isn't too popular these days. Guess you are fkd.

Who‘s that? The Democrats? I agree. Must be why they had to cheat.
No, the trumpists wing of the (now defunct) republican party that puts political party or cult leader before country to try to cheat to overthrow the election he lost. You have lost touch with reality.

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