If Anyone Wonders Why I Left the Republican Party Just Look At the Cheney Vote

How is that an abuse of power? A person violates the speed limit and the cop writes them a ticket. The speed limits apply to others and myself. I just choose to obey the law.

Except that isn't what a speed trap is. A speed trap is when there is a sudden change in the speed limit.

I remember one time, I got a ticket in Chicago because the thug ass cop knew a stop sign had been knocked down and he could rack up a bunch of tickets.

But that was one time years ago. If that was my every day experience, I'd really learn to hate the bastards.

Oh, wait, that is the every day experience of black folks, and they really hate the bastards.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

A big political battle is shaping up (going on long time actually) regarding who will control the Republian Party ....east coast establisment moderate Republicans or Populist Republicans under the leadership of The Don.

Leaving the party is not the way to go....unless formally establishes a third party...which I do not think he should do....True Conservatives need to retain control of the Republican Party and the way to do that is to support President Trump in whatever he decides to do.
Except that isn't what a speed trap is. A speed trap is when there is a sudden change in the speed limit.

I remember one time, I got a ticket in Chicago because the thug ass cop knew a stop sign had been knocked down and he could rack up a bunch of tickets.

But that was one time years ago. If that was my every day experience, I'd really learn to hate the bastards.

Oh, wait, that is the every day experience of black folks, and they really hate the bastards.

Really? I know black professional drivers and they don't seem to have a problem. Like me, they drive all day long. When you're a professional, you make sure you don't break any laws because your livelihood depends on it.

Speed trap to me is anywhere unsuspecting motorists are not expecting a police officer. In Lindale, they have two bridges they hide under or behind the bridge pillars, and used to nail a lot of people.
Really? I know black professional drivers and they don't seem to have a problem. Like me, they drive all day long. When you're a professional, you make sure you don't break any laws because your livelihood depends on it.

Speed trap to me is anywhere unsuspecting motorists are not expecting a police officer. In Lindale, they have two bridges they hide under or behind the bridge pillars, and used to nail a lot of people.

Again, not paying for a police force to go out and write traffic tickets... they are supposed to be stopping crime, not hassling motorists.
So what? Did you know what the officer pulled them over for? Of course not. Your obsession with racism created some Fd up story. You made it all up in your own little mind.

Yeah, driving while black. That's what they got pulled over for. Two young black males in the "wrong' neighborhood.

There are quite a few true stories out there that say the same thing.
  • Blacks were 63 percent more likely to be stopped even though, as a whole, they drive 16 percent less. Taking into account less time on the road, blacks were about 95 percent more likely to be stopped.
  • Blacks were 115 percent more likely than whites to be searched in a traffic stop (5.05 percent for blacks, 2.35 percent for whites).
  • Contraband was more likely to be found in searches of white drivers
Again, not paying for a police force to go out and write traffic tickets... they are supposed to be stopping crime, not hassling motorists.

Crime doesn't take place 24/7. In daylight hours there is little if any crime. They're getting paid to do the job, let them do their job. The only people that have to worry about it are those who can't drive properly, and we have way too many of them on the road already.
Crime doesn't take place 24/7. In daylight hours there is little if any crime. They're getting paid to do the job, let them do their job. The only people that have to worry about it are those who can't drive properly, and we have way too many of them on the road already.

Um, yeah. You might want to live in a police state, I really don't.
Um, yeah. You might want to live in a police state, I really don't.

Then people need to get together and have their representatives increase speed limits, or eliminate them totally. Police only do their job which is enforce laws that the representatives make.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

By leaving the Republican party, you deliver Cheney the victory she wants. Without those who despise her staying in the party to vote against her in the Primary, she wins. Don't be stupid.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

Good, go form another party..best thing to happen to the GOP. Won't get well until the cancer is removed.
Good, go form another party..best thing to happen to the GOP. Won't get well until the cancer is removed.
Absolutely correct. Except that it's not "good"..but you gotta do what you gotta do. Can't have dirty anti-Trump Republicans, when 90% of the Republican Party supports him, and his correct policies.
By leaving the Republican party, you deliver Cheney the victory she wants. Without those who despise her staying in the party to vote against her in the Primary, she wins. Don't be stupid.
The Trump party has more support than the Republican party (recent Rasmussen poll) Don't be stupid.
There are quite a few true stories out there that say the same thing.
  • Blacks were 63 percent more likely to be stopped even though, as a whole, they drive 16 percent less. Taking into account less time on the road, blacks were about 95 percent more likely to be stopped.
  • Blacks were 115 percent more likely than whites to be searched in a traffic stop (5.05 percent for blacks, 2.35 percent for whites).
  • Contraband was more likely to be found in searches of white drivers
Biased Universities which spawn and thrust leftist loons into mainstream media, are the cancer of the country. I wouldn't give a dime to a study presented by them.
Wanna crab about race in America ? Instead of talking about "driving while black", talk about "Applying while white" (for jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc), with Affirmative Action doing its dirty work.
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There are quite a few true stories out there that say the same thing.
  • Blacks were 63 percent more likely to be stopped even though, as a whole, they drive 16 percent less. Taking into account less time on the road, blacks were about 95 percent more likely to be stopped.
  • Blacks were 115 percent more likely than whites to be searched in a traffic stop (5.05 percent for blacks, 2.35 percent for whites).
  • Contraband was more likely to be found in searches of white drivers
Biased Universities which spawn and thrust leftist loons into mainstream media, are the cancer of the country. I wouldn't give a dime to a study presented by them.
Wanna crab about race in America ? Instead of talking about "driving while black", talk about "Applying while white" (for jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc), with Affirmative Action doing its dirty work.

It's not surprising that you would have an aversion to information from an institute of higher learning, instead of factually disputing the validity of their information and proving it to be "biased".

As for "applying for ANYTHING while white, black, or brown", I happen to be comfortably retired, and don't need to work, apply to go back to school or apply for a loan.

Perhaps you're being turned down for employment because you don't interview well, and maybe you can't get a loan based on your creditworthiness.

Those are personal problems, not you being discriminated against.
Cheney: “I've worked in my career in many countries around the world where they do not have peaceful transfers of power, where violence determines who rules. That almost happened here, in the United States on January 6."

Viking hat guy was going to seize the nuke codes claims Liz Cheney
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

Well then prepare for political war, because the American people will not accept Trump or Trumpism. EVER!
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

I dislike both parties, they are the rich and are for the rich. Republicans and Democrats love their little followers that vote for them no matter how bad they are treated.
It's not surprising that you would have an aversion to information from an institute of higher learning, instead of factually disputing the validity of their information and proving it to be "biased".

As for "applying for ANYTHING while white, black, or brown", I happen to be comfortably retired, and don't need to work, apply to go back to school or apply for a loan.

Perhaps you're being turned down for employment because you don't interview well, and maybe you can't get a loan based on your creditworthiness.

Those are personal problems, not you being discriminated against.
HA HA HA. It so happens, my sorry, duped friend, that I was a part of the so-called "institute of higher learning" MISeducation system, as a teacher of microeconomics & geography for 3 years, in the City University of New York. I've seen it close up from the inside, but one doesn't need to be inside of it, to know it for what it is - a leftist indoctrination machine.

I'm not being turned down for work, because I'm an older person and have been retired for 13 years. And you can't DODGE the malicious racism of Affirmative Action, by speculating about interviewing and creditworthiness.

The VA hospital that I go to, with 16,000 employees, does not have a 90% black employee roster, and almost zero white male, because of
interviewing and creditworthiness, and everyone in this forum can be pretty sure you know that, so please don't talk stupid, while insulting our intelligence.

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