If Anyone Wonders Why I Left the Republican Party Just Look At the Cheney Vote

No dodging here at all, so don't glorify yourself.

If there was any value in addressing your crazed obsessions point by point, I would do so.

Now, run along, the short yellow bus is waiting for you.
So your refer to such important issues as abortion, gun rights, immigration, affirmative action, etc as obsession. Wow, are you ever unhinged. OK, you can go back to hiding under your desk now.

Read your own list.

And then look in the mirror and you will see who is "Unhinged".

The 4 out of 15 items that you mention above are not all inclusive of your entire "list".

Take your medication. You're off the rails again.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

While I don't see any rational for the ridiculous impeachment attempt....

I honestly am more scared of blind party adherence, than someone who is willing to support what they believe.

One of the things I never will forget is how ridiculous it was for Democrats who blindly followed Bill Clinton, or Hillary, when they were clearly and obviously corrupt.

I'm not going to be one of them.

Now the real question is, did she vote this way because she thought it would gain her political support, or because she for whatever reason, was convinced Trump really should be impeached. I don't know.
Liz has Trump Derangement Syndrome. She HATES him on a personal level and it's cost her.
I won't miss her.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

There is no Republican Party anymore.

There is only the party of Trump
Now the real question is, did she vote this way because she thought it would gain her political support, or because she for whatever reason, was convinced Trump really should be impeached. I don't know.

The answer is quite simple. The Cheney and Bush family have been friends for decades. Trump has been very harsh on GW, even more harsh than he's been with Jeb. Lez was upset that one of her own attacked members of a family she's been friends with more than half her life.

This bimbo brought her dirty laundry to Congress, and that's why she should have been booted out.
Liz thinks she's royalty, the political elite and superior to Trump the outsider. She hates him just like she hates his middle American supporters.
Trump has done more for the Republican Party than anyone since Reagan. I'd like to see all the Cheney, Romney, Bush, etc. RINOs replaced with people with real-world experience and backbone who will stop the Democrats from dragging the USA into communism.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

There is no Republican Party anymore.

There is only the party of Trump
The old Republican Party was basically worthless anyhow. The Deplorables, the Trump Party, will definitely be an improvement.
Trump has done more for the Republican Party than anyone since Reagan.
He lost the House, lost the Senate, and lost the White House. Way to go. Keep up the good work
The Deplorables, the Trump Party, will definitely be an improvement.
No. It is anything but that
As a Democrat, we really value your input on making the Republican Party better.

"Build Back Better"?
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

There is no Republican Party anymore.

There is only the party of Trump
The old Republican Party was basically worthless anyhow. The Deplorables, the Trump Party, will definitely be an improvement.
So, you’re the problem with the republic party and extremism.
JYes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

There is no Republican Party anymore.

There is only the party of Trump
The old Republican Party was basically worthless anyhow. The Deplorables, the Trump Party, will definitely be an improvement.
So, you’re the problem with the republic party and extremism.
The problem with the Republican Party is that it is going extinct because it is obsolete. Times change. The George H. W. Bush and Dick Cheney dynasty is over.

Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

There is no Republican Party anymore.

There is only the party of Trump
Then the Trumplicans will never win again.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

There is no Republican Party anymore.

There is only the party of Trump
Then the Trumplicans will never win again.
Don’t count on the Delorables never winning again. Let’s remember our enemy is the Marxist Democratic Party.

Much depends on how successful the brainwashing of our students has been and if people are stupid enough to feel money from the government is free. Plus we have the democrats promoting hatred of white males by insisting they all are oppressors and everybody else are the victims. The dems are also promoting hatred of our police and supporting groups of rioters looting and burning down blocks of cities. They are trying to purge the military of conservatives especially Trump supporters. The dems are the party of hate your brother not love your brother. O

It looks to me like this nation is on the verge of splitting up in which case we all lose. Remember the old saying, “United we stand, divided we fall.” The dems are definitely trying their best to divide us.

It looks like the Biden/Harris bumbling circus will mess things up so much that Trump’s Deplorables will take charge of Congress in the midterms and the Oval Office in 2024. Biden and Harris are off to a great start of screwing up.

There is hope yet for our patriotic Trump Deplorables to make this nation great once again.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

I'm happy to see more and more blabbers fracturing the GOP. Meanwhile Stacey Abrams is expanding her voter registration effort into South Carolina and somewhat into North Carolina.
I catch that bitch in my state I will kick the life out of her fat ass
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

While I don't see any rational for the ridiculous impeachment attempt....

I honestly am more scared of blind party adherence, than someone who is willing to support what they believe.

One of the things I never will forget is how ridiculous it was for Democrats who blindly followed Bill Clinton, or Hillary, when they were clearly and obviously corrupt.

I'm not going to be one of them.

Now the real question is, did she vote this way because she thought it would gain her political support, or because she for whatever reason, was convinced Trump really should be impeached. I don't know.
Liz has Trump Derangement Syndrome. She HATES him on a personal level and it's cost her.
I won't miss her.
She didn't drink the orange kool-aid.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

There is no Republican Party anymore.

There is only the party of Trump
Then the Trumplicans will never win again.
Don’t count on the Delorables never winning again. Let’s remember our enemy is the Marxist Democratic Party.

Much depends on how successful the brainwashing of our students has been and if people are stupid enough to feel money from the government is free. Plus we have the democrats promoting hatred of white males by insisting they all are oppressors and everybody else are the victims. The dems are also promoting hatred of our police and supporting groups of rioters looting and burning down blocks of cities. They are trying to purge the military of conservatives especially Trump supporters. The dems are the party of hate your brother not love your brother. O

It looks to me like this nation is on the verge of splitting up in which case we all lose. Remember the old saying, “United we stand, divided we fall.” The dems are definitely trying their best to divide us.

It looks like the Biden/Harris bumbling circus will mess things up so much that Trump’s Deplorables will take charge of Congress in the midterms and the Oval Office in 2024. Biden and Harris are off to a great start of screwing up.

There is hope yet for our patriotic Trump Deplorables to make this nation great once again.
The only people stupid enough to believe “government” money is free are maga fukkups pushing an agenda. An agenda which is based on that stupidity.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

There is no Republican Party anymore.

There is only the party of Trump
Then the Trumplicans will never win again.
Don’t count on the Delorables never winning again. Let’s remember our enemy is the Marxist Democratic Party.

Much depends on how successful the brainwashing of our students has been and if people are stupid enough to feel money from the government is free. Plus we have the democrats promoting hatred of white males by insisting they all are oppressors and everybody else are the victims. The dems are also promoting hatred of our police and supporting groups of rioters looting and burning down blocks of cities. They are trying to purge the military of conservatives especially Trump supporters. The dems are the party of hate your brother not love your brother. O

It looks to me like this nation is on the verge of splitting up in which case we all lose. Remember the old saying, “United we stand, divided we fall.” The dems are definitely trying their best to divide us.

It looks like the Biden/Harris bumbling circus will mess things up so much that Trump’s Deplorables will take charge of Congress in the midterms and the Oval Office in 2024. Biden and Harris are off to a great start of screwing up.

There is hope yet for our patriotic Trump Deplorables to make this nation great once again.
The only people stupid enough to believe “government” money is free are maga fukkups pushing an agenda. An agenda which is based on that stupidity.
It’s now the Marist Democrats who are giving away the money like it grows on trees. They must believe people will not realize there will eventually be a cost. They could be right because the dems have been busy “educating” our kids.

WILLIAMS: Stimulus funds are not free money

Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

There is no Republican Party anymore.

There is only the party of Trump
Then the Trumplicans will never win again.
Don’t count on the Delorables never winning again. Let’s remember our enemy is the Marxist Democratic Party.

Much depends on how successful the brainwashing of our students has been and if people are stupid enough to feel money from the government is free. Plus we have the democrats promoting hatred of white males by insisting they all are oppressors and everybody else are the victims. The dems are also promoting hatred of our police and supporting groups of rioters looting and burning down blocks of cities. They are trying to purge the military of conservatives especially Trump supporters. The dems are the party of hate your brother not love your brother. O

It looks to me like this nation is on the verge of splitting up in which case we all lose. Remember the old saying, “United we stand, divided we fall.” The dems are definitely trying their best to divide us.

It looks like the Biden/Harris bumbling circus will mess things up so much that Trump’s Deplorables will take charge of Congress in the midterms and the Oval Office in 2024. Biden and Harris are off to a great start of screwing up.

There is hope yet for our patriotic Trump Deplorables to make this nation great once again.
The only people stupid enough to believe “government” money is free are maga fukkups pushing an agenda. An agenda which is based on that stupidity.
It’s now the Marist Democrats who are giving away the money like it grows on trees. They must believe people will not realize there will eventually be a cost. They could be right because the dems have been busy “educating” our kids.

WILLIAMS: Stimulus funds are not free money

What has the cost of republic presidents tax breaks been to our economic health? Those tax breaks sold as “no cost” or free money.
Yes the vote to remove Liz Cheney. 145-61 to allow her to stay in the 3rd most powerful position in the US House. Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump, gets an approval from 70% of House Republicans ? Than there was other anti-Trump vote against the alternate electors.

I have just had it with these RINO Trump haters. I am back to being an Independent again, as are tens of thousands (and growing) former Republicans. A recent Rasmussen poll shows support for new Trump PArty outvoting Republicans 23 to 17%.

Obviously, in order to defeat Democrats there can't be these 2 factions in existence. Something has got to go, and it sure isn't going to be the Trump supporters. So the anti-Trumpers by continuing on as they are, are having the Republican Party hemmoraghing members, and insuring Democrat wins in 2022.

Love watching the GQP explode....They are eating their own.
It’s now the Marist Democrats who are giving away the money like it grows on trees. They must believe people will not realize there will eventually be a cost.

It's why my state announced nobody will get a federal unemployment check starting in June. Too many complaints from businesses that they can't find anybody to work. Since the additional federal money extends into September, perhaps some industries will consider moving to one of our states instead.
What has the cost of republic presidents tax breaks been to our economic health? Those tax breaks sold as “no cost” or free money.

Your people are in charge now. They've been talking about drastically increasing taxes on our businesses since way before the election. What are they waiting for? They have a Democrat House and have for the last couple of years. They now have a Democrat Senate, and Dementia has been in the White House for almost four months now.

Let's get the show on the road. Email your representative and tell them we need to make those job creators pay their dues.

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