If Barry Bonds isn't a Hall of Famer by the end of the day, it's a failure by the Hall of Fame

I read it, but, didn't see Pete Rose's name mentioned. And, I refuse to assume that any ball player
used speed without corroboration
Whatever. But they were in the candy jars in the club houses. That's been established
Speed was the heroin of today
At the entrance to the National Baseball Hall of Fame's plaque gallery, a sign hangs to help guide museumgoers through what they're about to see. The first paragraph talks about how players are in the Hall for "their accomplishments in the game." The next paragraph says other areas of the museum "address the totality of their careers." The final paragraph ties it all together: "The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum's mission is to Preserve History, which is what we seek to do throughout the Museum."

If indeed that is the Hall's mission, today is nothing less than an abject failure. Barry Bonds, arguably the greatest hitter in baseball history, inarguably worthy of induction, did not reach the 75% threshold in his final year on the writers' ballot. For the past nine years, at least one-third of the baseball writers who adjudicate such matters have found Bonds' use of performance-enhancing drugs to be disqualifying, and the revelation of Tuesday's vote is not expected to render any different judgment. He's not the only one, but Bonds' rejection, in particular, epitomizes how all these decades later, baseball is still bungling the PED issue, valuing a lazy, ahistorical moral referendum over the preservation of history.

They gave us everything we wanted. It was magical and we watched it. We didn't just watch it, we lived it with them. I will never forget the summer of McGuire and Sosa. The drugs don't work without the work. It's a travesty.

This is an old story. Bonds missed out on induction. Time to move on.
Hundreds of thousands of middle aged men are prescribed "roids". Why is it OK for those middle age men to be on "roids", getting injections every week, simply so they can get their pecker up, and yet it is absolutely banned that professional athletes, whose very livelihood demands on their performance, are precluded from using them? I mean yes, there are dangers, there are side effects, but WTF--let anyone and everyone use them if that is what they choose. I believe there is a word for that. Oh yeah, FREEDOM, that is the word.

And I notice, not a peep about banning professional wrestling.
Go back and look at your post.
There was one reason for roid use in baseball, and that was to get an advantage over those players who
played by the rules. It's not that difficult Winston.
Professional wrestling isn't even a real sport, it's a circus, and they are the clowns.
I read it, but, didn't see Pete Rose's name mentioned. And, I refuse to assume that any ball player
used speed without corroboration
Speed is not a performance enhancer. Bottom line--greatness is judged by inherent ability. The question would be, could Bonds performance have met these levels without drugs? Granted he did work, but if his body didn't have the drugs his performance would have been less. Think of the Kentucky Derby--horses can't use the drugs--why should Bonds, Sosa, McGuire or any of the other dopers be given a free pass?
I don’t blame Bonds for juicing

Along with Griffey Jr, Bonds was the best in the game without question.
Then came McGuire and Sosa hitting 60 and a bunch of others hitting over 50HRs. Bonds hit in the 40s clean. Baseball did nothing about steroids and Bonds was no longer mentioned among the best in the game.

Overnight, Bonds juiced up like none had before him and put up obscene numbers.
Barry Bonds early years

Barry Bonds juiced:


He wouldn't have the numbers he has if it wasn't for the roids.
No HOF for Bonds
Pirates fans will tell you they remember a Bonds that couldn’t throw out Sid Bream (yes that same Sid Bream who would have had trouble outrunning a turtle at that point in his career) on a single (Bream scored from second on the play).

Bonds was HOF material before he pumped up in the last part of his career. The sportswriters are driving outside their lane with this bit of virtue signaling. If MLB recognizes Bonds' stats, that is the end of it. There is no asterisk. They are wrong to keep him out.

Pete Rose is a whole different issue. He was TOLD about gambling. Not only did he know what the rules were, he passed them on to the teams that he managed. When he had his final conversation with the Commissioner, he AGREED that banishment from MLB was an appropriate punishment for his blatant violation of the rules.
If they get rewarded for using drugs it sends a bad message

Babe Ruth didnt use drugs and neither did Roger Maris, Hank Aaron or Ted Williams

those are the true greats of the sport who deserve to be honored
The juicers may have a tougher time getting in through the other committee. Former players who were clean have a very low opinion of players like Bonds, Rodriguez, Clemens, and others who used steroids.
Bonds was HOF material before he pumped up in the last part of his career. The sportswriters are driving outside their lane with this bit of virtue signaling. If MLB recognizes Bonds' stats, that is the end of it. There is no asterisk. They are wrong to keep him out.

Pete Rose is a whole different issue. He was TOLD about gambling. Not only did he know what the rules were, he passed them on to the teams that he managed. When he had his final conversation with the Commissioner, he AGREED that banishment from MLB was an appropriate punishment for his blatant violation of the rules.
Cheating with roids should and is keeping Bonds out of the HOF, as it should, along with Sosa and Clemens. McGuire was okay as a long ball hitter,
but it was the roids that gave him the boost.
End of story.
Go back and look at your post.
There was one reason for roid use in baseball, and that was to get an advantage over those players who
played by the rules. It's not that difficult Winston.
Professional wrestling isn't even a real sport, it's a circus, and they are the clowns.
The funny part, I am not sure that Bonds really benefited from the juicing. He was a 40-40 club member from season one. Did he continue that membership as he started juicing? Had he not juiced, and continually been a 40-40 club member, his place in the Hall of Fame would have been insured.

And can you really blame him. You speak of following the rules, but did McQuire and Canseco--I mean check out the rookie cards of both of them, and then look a few years later. It was like, WTF? I mean let's be honest here, MLB had no damn problem whatsoever with steroids when it was putting fans in the seats and bringing viewers to the television. To condemn the use of them now is absolutely hypocritical.
Pete Rose is a whole different issue. He was TOLD about gambling. Not only did he know what the rules were, he passed them on to the teams that he managed

Gambling is forbidden because someone who bets on the game “may” be tempted to cheat.
Those who used steroids WERE CHEATING. They won games on HRs that were because of steroids. They got bigger contracts than players who were not cheating.

Today, gambling on baseball is widely accepted and players can place bets over their smartphones

I would not allow Steroid players until Pete Rose is in the Hall first
The funny part, I am not sure that Bonds really benefited from the juicing. He was a 40-40 club member from season one. Did he continue that membership as he started juicing? Had he not juiced, and continually been a 40-40 club member, his place in the Hall of Fame would have been insured.

And can you really blame him. You speak of following the rules, but did McQuire and Canseco--I mean check out the rookie cards of both of them, and then look a few years later. It was like, WTF? I mean let's be honest here, MLB had no damn problem whatsoever with steroids when it was putting fans in the seats and bringing viewers to the television. To condemn the use of them now is absolutely hypocritical.
You're missing the point regarding roids.
McGuire and Canseco used also, but they would never be considered for the HOF.
The playing field is manipulated with the use of steroids. Bonds was a good player, but he never would have broken any home run
records without them.
If the truth ever came out how Speed was rampant in the 50s and 60s. Things would look different
Exactly. There is always an angle. Always has been. Always something. Bonds wasn't the first, isn't the only, and most certainly won't be the last. People need to relax.

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