If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility

Bernie's Free Shit Jihad cost him all his credibility right out of the gate so endorsing Hillary --- what difference would it make?


Sanders has lost his credibility already. It's possible she really doesn't want his endorsement anyway. Democrats steam rolled and buried Bernie Sanders & his proposals, so I really don't see of what great importance in anything he has to say right now.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

They have two choices, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, and I am certain the overwhelming majority of those that voted for Sanders are now in Hillary Clinton's column at this point in time anyway.

What credibility did Sanders ever have; railing about corp. speeches and fees? Offering goodies he could never deliver like free college says it all! He's either delusional or a straight up liar! I go with liar! Won't shut down his campaign so he can continue wasting time and money on Secret Service protection for him and his cow of a wife! "Still waiting to see those tax records Jane!" These people are so full of $#!t! :poop::bs1: :dig:

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She literally represents everything he campaigned against

Really? Have you actually looked at their positions?


There are clearly differences between them, but they are hardly so big that either candidate would ultimately not support the other.
Sanders doesn't have a chance. However, he's the first candidate ever to stand up and call out corporatism run amok and speaks up for the working class. The other candidates hate loathe and despise people in the middle class. And idiots wonder why he has millions of followers.

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