If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility


Those still 'feelin the Bern' have Vigilante on their side.
  • Leaked document reveals: Yes, the DNC really was in the tank for Hillary the whole time
    Canada Free Press ^ | 06/18/16 | Robert Laurie
    Not that there was any doubt Bernie fans, the Democrat elite is laughing at you. Oh sure, they talk a good game about how the Sanders campaign was “good for the party” or “a sign of strength and diverse ideas,” but deep down you know the truth. You socialist mooks are, at best, a sideshow act - and you always have been. Bernie was never going to be allowed to take the nomination, because the DNC was always in the tank for Hillary. Your opinions didn’t really matter. It was “her turn.” She was selected and you were all just...
Tehon 14536754
Liar, it wasn't OK, the Foreign Affairs Manual is clear on the matter.
And she doesn't get to police herself.

According to the current CIO and Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security, Secretary Clinton had an obligation to discuss using her personal email account to conduct official business with their offices, who in turn would have attempted to provide her with approved and secured means that met her business needs. However, according to these officials, DS and IRM did not—and would not—approve her exclusive reliance on a personal email account to conduct Department business, because of the restrictions in the FAM and the security risks in doing so.

From your link:

(In a letter to the Department, her representative stated that it was the Secretary’s practice to email Department officials at their government email accounts on matters pertaining to the conduct of government business. Accordingly, the representative asserted, to the extent that the Department retained records of government email accounts, the Department already had records of the Secretary’s email preserved within its recordkeeping systems.15)

And this:

(Methods of Preservation: According to NARA regulations, an agency “must ensure that procedures, directives and other issuances ... include recordkeeping requirements for records in all media, including those records created or received on electronic mail systems.”28 )

The second cite was in 2009. It means government servers were not mandatory.

And you are still saying no one at DS and IRM could figure out that HRC was using a private server to conduct non-classified government business.

CrusaderFrank 14541459
If you weren't actually supporting a candidate so completely corrupt and incompetent that she's under a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION by the FBI, I might give a single fuck

Who told you the Clinton is under a criminal investigation?

The FBI did

To you personally?

You're too busy sucking Hillary dick to read this...

FBI Criminal investigation Hillary
About 25,800,000 results (0.61 seconds)

FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server

Judge confirms ‘criminal investigation’ into Hillary Clinton emails
Disir 14542038
Public Education: Who Are the Corporate Reformers? | BillMoyers.com

Gates Foundation chief admits Common Core mistakes

By Valerie Strauss
Answer Sheet
June 2
spoke passionately about this at a gathering of education experts last year. However, we’re facing the fact that it is a real struggle to make system-wide change.

And she wrote this about the foundation’s investment in creating, implementing and promoting the Common Core State Standards:

Unfortunately, our foundation underestimated the level of resources and support required for our public education systems to be well-equipped to implement the standards. We missed an early opportunity to sufficiently engage educators – particularly teachers – but also parents and communities so that the benefits of the standards could take flight from the beginning.

This has been a challenging lesson for us to absorb, but we take it to heart. The mission of improving education in America is both vast and complicated, and the Gates Foundation doesn’t have all the answers.

Gates Foundation chief admits Common Core mistakes

Are you aware of what's going on this year?
And his supporters better call him out on it
No, he won't lose credibility. The biggest fucking mistake the Democrats are making is thinking this is a controllable group. Sanders knows this.

Well they're clearly the minority. Hillary Clinton won with a 4 million popular vote, in comparison Obama won the 2008 primary with a mere 41,622 votes.

I think one person was right on this thread. You have the fanatic Sanders supporters and then the majority of this group are Sanders voters, who are Democrats. And those Democrats will turn their backs on Sanders, and then he is reduced to being about as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Really it is unprecedented. I have been around for many years and have never seen someone get beat so badly, and act like he's still in charge of the platform. The guy is a control freak, and I assume believes he can order women around, including Hillary Clinton.

It really shouldn't surprise anyone. There's not a politician or candidate alive that would have praised Fidel Castro. One who "sized" power by force, killed thousands of people, and seized their assets. Of course he could afford to pay for health care and education for those still standing. Which is what Sanders was praising. It's just too bad JFK wasn't around to hear it. He would have Sanders in front of a congressional hearing in a New York minute to get asked a ton of questions regarding his thoughts on Democracy and his loyalty to this country.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

At this point who cares if he endorses her or not, he's just making an ass out of himself.

You keep saying that whole Fidel thangy and you keep being reeducated on it. You don't have a problem with dictators. You love, love, love them. You simply like US backed dictators. Fulgencio Batista had been elected president. He enriched himself and then went to........Florida where he invested a whole hella lot money. He came to power again but this was a military coup. He started jailing people left and right. People were murdered. They disappeared. The whole shebang. You don't give a hot damn about the Cubans then or now. What gets your goat is that whole nationalization thangy. There were 3 major waves of Cubans. The first wave was all the people with money and, incidentally, they had lighter skin. They were welcomed into Florida with open arms. They had cash. The second wave were all of the people that had some skills but they were darker in color. The third wave was a lot of folks released from prison. They were also darker in color. So, this tiny group of Cubans really, really thought that after 50+ years they were going to march right in and get their homes back. The rest of the clowns that have an issue with Cuba simply wanted to exploit the fuck out of it. Castro has done many interviews and he has said-we had a laundry list of what we wanted to accomplish. Some were feasible and some were not. He thought the Soviet Union was all about brotherly love and he realized they just wanted exploit the fuck out of Cuba. Items that were a priority: medical care, literacy, homes and food. Do you know why? Consider the following: JFK would have realized Cuba wasn't a threat. You need to look up Robert McNamara. He came around-too late in the game.

Bernie Sanders doesn't look like an ass. You on the other hand do. What you don't realize is that the argument between the liberals and the Democrats has been ongoing for over a decade and encompasses much more than what Sanders has presented and apparently you can't wrap your brain around it.

Just between you and me........platforms aren't shit. That may be all he can do. That doesn't mean I will go along for the ride. The Democrats are a hot mess and have been disorganized for a long time. For example: if the Democrats on the ground are against fracking and you have elected Democrats supporting fracking and they are going to "bring their best warriors" to that debate within the Democrat party..........there is no fucking difference between the parties. The only success the Democrats have is making sure everyone is divided. Kind of like the Republicans.

That is just one simple little example and it's not even the tip of the iceberg. So, every time a knuckle head comes by and says something phenomenally stupid like ......they won't have any chance to get what they want if they don't vote for Hillary they are absolutely playing it because this isn't where the Democrats were before and it should never have even gotten here. It was only useful when Bush was in office. Fuck 'em.

Did you ever hear of the Cuban Missile crisis? You might want to look that one up--LOL. Cuba was a thriving country prior to Fidel Castro. It was an open country--had an economy that was booming, and there was a middle class. After Fidel Castro--the citizens of Cuba have lived in abject poverty. This is who Bernie Sanders praised. Bernie Sanders is a communist, he's not a socialist.

Fidel Castro is responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, imprisoning thousands more for life, for just speaking against him. He executed teachers and scientists, seized private property while executing the owners, burned books, while thousands more died in homemade rafts trying to get to the Florida Coast.

Again, if JFK was in the Oval Office when Bernie Sanders praised Castro, he would have been in front of a congressional hearing immediately being asked a ton of questions, regarding this thoughts on Democracy. JFK would have booted the old farts ass all the way to Russia.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview
Bernie Sanders' Foul Socialist Odor | RealClearPolitics

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So Sanders was only fooling when he said that she was a corrupt, untrustworthy corporate shill out to fuck people over?
He never said that.

Why are you supporting a guy who lies multiple times a day?

If you weren't actually supporting a candidate so completely corrupt and incompetent that she's under a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION by the FBI, I might give a single fuck
She's not under criminal investigation by the FBI and never has been.

Why do you lie so much? Is it baked into conservatism?
Dot Com 14541957
NotfooledbyW appears to be another Cl1nton Syndicate blind follower.

Eyes and mind wide open here. And 12 million Union Democrat strong.

Hillary Clinton on Thursday won the endorsement of the AFL-CIO, the nation's largest labor federation, giving her a powerful voter turnout engine against Donald Trump. The Republican businessman swiftly accused labor leaders of selling out members to a candidate he said was aligned with Wall Street.

Clinton has won the endorsements of many of the AFL-CIO's largest unions in the past year, including the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and the American Federation of Teachers, paving the way for the AFL-CIO to back her campaign.

The labor federation represents 12.5 million members and is a potent force in Democratic politics and voter turnout. Union leaders have been gearing up for a general election showdown against Trump, whom they portray as a threat to working families even though he fared well among blue-collar voters during the GOP primaries.

"This election offers a stark choice between an unstoppable champion for working families and an unstable charlatan who made his fortune scamming them," said Lee Saunders, the president of AFSCME and the chair of the AFL-CIO political committee.

Clinton Wins Endorsement of the AFL-CIO

I realize you are working for Trump now and this kind of post is all you have left. You don't even have Bernie anymore. - you sound just like Trump when he bitched out the AFL-CIO leadership for endorsing the best candidate to be President of our great United States of America.
What dey need to do is make Bernie a Kentucky Colonel...

... den he could be Colonel Sanders...

... an' serve fried chicken atta White House dinners.
Privatizing public education

What a shame. The teacher's union endorsing Hillary. Trump will save them right? Build a wall around every school to keep Muslims and kids of the foreign onslaught of rapists and diseased out, right?

this we know what Trump says he will do for sure: He will cut the EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, "which administers Pell grants, provides overnight to the states to check on inequality of education between low-income and wealthy districts and is responsible for keeping national education data." Way, Way, Way Down’

Department Of Education ‘Way, Way, Way Down’
A popular political stance for Republicans in recent years has been to suggest eliminating the U.S. Department of Education. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R), former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) have said the department wasn’t worth keeping. In comparison, Trump’s position seems tame. He only wants to cut the department “way, way, way down.” He has not provided specifics on how much funding should be cut from the department, which administers Pell grants, provides overnight to the states to check on inequality of education between low-income and wealthy districts and is responsible for keeping national education data.

What Donald Trump Believes About Education

Are you going to take the public school teachers's unions into the ditch with you and Dot Com?
If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility

As Bill Maher says, "If you're on a airline flight and they've run out of steak, get the chicken".

Bernie, unlike you extreme fringe of society wingnuts, knows it's not a zero sum game.

You wingnuts are the ones who have issues with compromise, not us Liberals.

I have an issue with how Liberals define compromise. Your definition is for the rest of the people to sit down, shut up, and do what you're told then find a way to be OK with it. That's not compromise.
Then you haven't paid any attention the past 8 years. Obama has offered compromise after compromise to the Republicans and the teabagger faction has said no every time.

Republicans can't even say compromise. They say "find middle ground". Sad!

Sure he has.

While campaigning for Democrats in mid-term elections during his first term in office (less than two years in), Obama made the following statement concerning what YOU say he offered:

"We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

To a Liberal that does mean compromise since your definition of it is sit down, shut up, and do what we tell you. Democrats say they want compromise then Barack the Magic Negro says this. Which one should be believe?
Privatizing public education

What a shame. The teacher's union endorsing Hillary. Trump will save them right? Build a wall around every school to keep Muslims and kids of the foreign onslaught of rapists and diseased out, right?

this we know what Trump says he will do for sure: He will cut the EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, "which administers Pell grants, provides overnight to the states to check on inequality of education between low-income and wealthy districts and is responsible for keeping national education data." Way, Way, Way Down’

Department Of Education ‘Way, Way, Way Down’
A popular political stance for Republicans in recent years has been to suggest eliminating the U.S. Department of Education. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R), former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) have said the department wasn’t worth keeping. In comparison, Trump’s position seems tame. He only wants to cut the department “way, way, way down.” He has not provided specifics on how much funding should be cut from the department, which administers Pell grants, provides overnight to the states to check on inequality of education between low-income and wealthy districts and is responsible for keeping national education data.

What Donald Trump Believes About Education

Are you going to take the public school teachers's unions into the ditch with you and Dot Com?

Try again. The answer is not Republicans.
Disir 14542038
Public Education: Who Are the Corporate Reformers? | BillMoyers.com

Gates Foundation chief admits Common Core mistakes

By Valerie Strauss
Answer Sheet
June 2
spoke passionately about this at a gathering of education experts last year. However, we’re facing the fact that it is a real struggle to make system-wide change.

And she wrote this about the foundation’s investment in creating, implementing and promoting the Common Core State Standards:

Unfortunately, our foundation underestimated the level of resources and support required for our public education systems to be well-equipped to implement the standards. We missed an early opportunity to sufficiently engage educators – particularly teachers – but also parents and communities so that the benefits of the standards could take flight from the beginning.

This has been a challenging lesson for us to absorb, but we take it to heart. The mission of improving education in America is both vast and complicated, and the Gates Foundation doesn’t have all the answers.

Gates Foundation chief admits Common Core mistakes

Are you aware of what's going on this year?

You seriously think "rethinking" Common Core is the solution I'm looking for?

That doesn't change the hedge fund issue. Gates, Mr. H1B Visa, is not elected. How quaint he should be treated as royalty.

And while I am at it:
The division between leaders and rank-and-file members of teachers unions reflects a campaign in which Clinton has won overwhelming support from leaders of Democratic constituencies but struggled to beat back the Sanders challenge among average voters.

“For rank-and-file teachers, he’s saying a lot of the right things” about fixing inequality and enabling public-sector unions, said Marla Kilfoyle, executive director of the activist group Badass Teachers Association. “And he doesn’t have the connections that Hillary has to entities that have been detrimental to education,” she said, mentioning Clinton's ties to education reformer and billionaire Eli Broad, among others.

..Teachers who connect online with the Badass Teachers Association are “very, very pro-Bernie,” Kilfoyle said. The BATs didn’t endorse a candidate. But last July, the group polled members online ahead of the AFT’s endorsement: 1,409 teachers said they wanted to endorse Sanders, while 95 members favored Clinton. BATs active on social media, including those on the group’s 57,000-member Facebook page, overwhelmingly express support for Sanders.

Read more: Hillary Clinton's union problem
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook
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And his supporters better call him out on it
No, he won't lose credibility. The biggest fucking mistake the Democrats are making is thinking this is a controllable group. Sanders knows this.

Well they're clearly the minority. Hillary Clinton won with a 4 million popular vote, in comparison Obama won the 2008 primary with a mere 41,622 votes.

I think one person was right on this thread. You have the fanatic Sanders supporters and then the majority of this group are Sanders voters, who are Democrats. And those Democrats will turn their backs on Sanders, and then he is reduced to being about as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Really it is unprecedented. I have been around for many years and have never seen someone get beat so badly, and act like he's still in charge of the platform. The guy is a control freak, and I assume believes he can order women around, including Hillary Clinton.

It really shouldn't surprise anyone. There's not a politician or candidate alive that would have praised Fidel Castro. One who "sized" power by force, killed thousands of people, and seized their assets. Of course he could afford to pay for health care and education for those still standing. Which is what Sanders was praising. It's just too bad JFK wasn't around to hear it. He would have Sanders in front of a congressional hearing in a New York minute to get asked a ton of questions regarding his thoughts on Democracy and his loyalty to this country.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

At this point who cares if he endorses her or not, he's just making an ass out of himself.

You keep saying that whole Fidel thangy and you keep being reeducated on it. You don't have a problem with dictators. You love, love, love them. You simply like US backed dictators. Fulgencio Batista had been elected president. He enriched himself and then went to........Florida where he invested a whole hella lot money. He came to power again but this was a military coup. He started jailing people left and right. People were murdered. They disappeared. The whole shebang. You don't give a hot damn about the Cubans then or now. What gets your goat is that whole nationalization thangy. There were 3 major waves of Cubans. The first wave was all the people with money and, incidentally, they had lighter skin. They were welcomed into Florida with open arms. They had cash. The second wave were all of the people that had some skills but they were darker in color. The third wave was a lot of folks released from prison. They were also darker in color. So, this tiny group of Cubans really, really thought that after 50+ years they were going to march right in and get their homes back. The rest of the clowns that have an issue with Cuba simply wanted to exploit the fuck out of it. Castro has done many interviews and he has said-we had a laundry list of what we wanted to accomplish. Some were feasible and some were not. He thought the Soviet Union was all about brotherly love and he realized they just wanted exploit the fuck out of Cuba. Items that were a priority: medical care, literacy, homes and food. Do you know why? Consider the following: JFK would have realized Cuba wasn't a threat. You need to look up Robert McNamara. He came around-too late in the game.

Bernie Sanders doesn't look like an ass. You on the other hand do. What you don't realize is that the argument between the liberals and the Democrats has been ongoing for over a decade and encompasses much more than what Sanders has presented and apparently you can't wrap your brain around it.

Just between you and me........platforms aren't shit. That may be all he can do. That doesn't mean I will go along for the ride. The Democrats are a hot mess and have been disorganized for a long time. For example: if the Democrats on the ground are against fracking and you have elected Democrats supporting fracking and they are going to "bring their best warriors" to that debate within the Democrat party..........there is no fucking difference between the parties. The only success the Democrats have is making sure everyone is divided. Kind of like the Republicans.

That is just one simple little example and it's not even the tip of the iceberg. So, every time a knuckle head comes by and says something phenomenally stupid like ......they won't have any chance to get what they want if they don't vote for Hillary they are absolutely playing it because this isn't where the Democrats were before and it should never have even gotten here. It was only useful when Bush was in office. Fuck 'em.

Did you ever hear of the Cuban Missile crisis? You might want to look that one up--LOL. Cuba was a thriving country prior to Fidel Castro. It was an open country--had an economy that was booming, and there was a middle class. After Fidel Castro--the citizens of Cuba have lived in abject poverty. This is who Bernie Sanders praised. Bernie Sanders is a communist, he's not a socialist.

Fidel Castro is responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, imprisoning thousands more for life, for just speaking against him. He executed teachers and scientists, seized private property while executing the owners, burned books, while thousands more died in homemade rafts trying to get to the Florida Coast.

Again, if JFK was in the Oval Office when Bernie Sanders praised Castro, he would have been in front of a congressional hearing immediately being asked a ton of questions, regarding this thoughts on Democracy. JFK would have booted the old farts ass all the way to Russia.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview
Bernie Sanders' Foul Socialist Odor | RealClearPolitics


LOL. Yes. I know about the Cuban Missile Crisis. In fact, I have listened to recordings of JFK and McNamara in the meetings.
Dot Com 14541957
NotfooledbyW appears to be another Cl1nton Syndicate blind follower.

Eyes and mind wide open here. And 12 million Union Democrat strong.

Hillary Clinton on Thursday won the endorsement of the AFL-CIO, the nation's largest labor federation, giving her a powerful voter turnout engine against Donald Trump. The Republican businessman swiftly accused labor leaders of selling out members to a candidate he said was aligned with Wall Street.

Clinton has won the endorsements of many of the AFL-CIO's largest unions in the past year, including the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and the American Federation of Teachers, paving the way for the AFL-CIO to back her campaign.

The labor federation represents 12.5 million members and is a potent force in Democratic politics and voter turnout. Union leaders have been gearing up for a general election showdown against Trump, whom they portray as a threat to working families even though he fared well among blue-collar voters during the GOP primaries.

"This election offers a stark choice between an unstoppable champion for working families and an unstable charlatan who made his fortune scamming them," said Lee Saunders, the president of AFSCME and the chair of the AFL-CIO political committee.

Clinton Wins Endorsement of the AFL-CIO

I realize you are working for Trump now and this kind of post is all you have left. You don't even have Bernie anymore. - you sound just like Trump when he bitched out the AFL-CIO leadership for endorsing the best candidate to be President of our great United States of America.
Im not working "for" Trump silly guy, Im working "against" hiLIARy

Dot Com 14543525
Im not working "for" Trump silly guy, Im working "against" hiLIARy

If there are two candidates with the only real chance to be elected president and you are working against one, then you are for the one that you are not working against. That is Trump. You actively want Hillary to lose to punish her for not being pure enough for you, by helping Trump to win. The only conclusion that can be made is you want Trump to be President and not Hillary.

You'd better vote for Trump because Hillary will net recieve your punishment when she wins.

Trump needs your Hillary hatred to have a chance to win. Everything you've written thus far tells us that you have decided to given in to hatred in order to help Trump win.
Dot Com 14543525
Im not working "for" Trump silly guy, Im working "against" hiLIARy

If there are two candidates with the only real chance to be elected president and you are working against one, then you are for the one that you are not working against. That is Trump. You actively want Hillary to lose to punish her for not being pure enough for you, by helping Trump to win. The only conclusion that can be made is you want Trump to be President and not Hillary.

You'd better vote for Trump because Hillary will net recieve your punishment when she wins.

Trump needs your Hillary hatred to have a chance to win. Everything you've written thus far tells us that you have decided to given in to hatred in order to help Trump win.
No, I want to "punish her" for being a sell-out. Anything else I can clear up for you hon?
Bernie's Free Shit Jihad cost him all his credibility right out of the gate so endorsing Hillary --- what difference would it make?


Sanders has lost his credibility already. It's possible she really doesn't want his endorsement anyway. Democrats steam rolled and buried Bernie Sanders & his proposals, so I really don't see anything of great importance that he would have to say right now.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

They have two choices, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, and I am certain the overwhelming majority of those that voted for Sanders are now in Hillary Clinton's column at this point in time anyway.


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