If Bernie Sanders wins the New York Democratic primary, some super delegates vow to support Clinton

No big news Freewill. If Bernie ends up with >50% of pledged delegates coming from apportioned popular votes, the superdelegates will make him the nominee.

The dems rules and superdelgates came about because of the 1968 and 72 primaries, where the leading vote getter just had a plurality. And that's probably what will happen to the gop. And they will have chaos similar to what tore apart the dems in those years.

Hillary as Nixon? Yeah, I can dig that. LOL
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
He'll never win NY. The establishment is against him.


Why Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Want Your Vote
“Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders.” —Bernie Sanders

When asked before a speech in Keene, N.H., what he would say to reassure the Bloomberg Businessweek readers who work on Wall Street, or have millions of dollars, or run a hedge fund, and might be afraid he wants to tax them back to the Carter Age, Sanders puts down the manila folder containing his talk, which he delivers without a TelePrompTer. “I’m not going to reassure them,” he says. “Their greed, their recklessness, their illegal behavior has destroyed the lives of millions of Americans. Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders. And I would contribute money to my opponents to try to defeat him.” Then the only socialist ever elected to the U.S. Senate goes back to working on his prepared remarks.

By that parameter Wall Street has every reason to vote for Mrs. Tuzla Clinton. She will take care of them.
They've been lining her pockets for a while. $250,000 for a 20 minute speech to people that know banking better than she does is payola, pure and simple.

She's a tool of Wall Street much like almost every other politician today. She's no better.
Before shorts get in a knot, this is by party rules and the nominee is the party's nominee not necessarily the one picked through the primaries. Why else have Super Delegates? So them saying they will stick with whom they already have chosen, is within the established DNC rules.

What that means is, those who think it is BS do not have to participate in the system or at least, speak out against the system. Until they do the DNC will do as they wish.

New York superdelegates largely back Clinton over Sanders

Maybe the system really is rigged.

At least a half-dozen Democratic superdelegates in New York State who have already decided to support Hillary Clinton said Tuesday they would maintain their allegiance to her — regardless of the results of the Empire State’s primary.

It does not surprise me and Clinton along with the Democratic Party will discover just like the GOP will that going against the will of the people will not end with a happy ending ( well unless you are at a Filipino message parlor )...

They tell us to make our choice but if the two big political parties disagree they will toss the will of the people for their choice instead, so why the hell do we have Primaries and Caucuses in the first damn place?

Just to have the illusion of having a voice in the process?

Yeah, it's been a huge wake up call for most Americans. Most didn't realize just how corrupt the two parties really are.
Before shorts get in a knot, this is by party rules and the nominee is the party's nominee not necessarily the one picked through the primaries. Why else have Super Delegates? So them saying they will stick with whom they already have chosen, is within the established DNC rules.

What that means is, those who think it is BS do not have to participate in the system or at least, speak out against the system. Until they do the DNC will do as they wish.

New York superdelegates largely back Clinton over Sanders

Maybe the system really is rigged.

At least a half-dozen Democratic superdelegates in New York State who have already decided to support Hillary Clinton said Tuesday they would maintain their allegiance to her — regardless of the results of the Empire State’s primary.

It does not surprise me and Clinton along with the Democratic Party will discover just like the GOP will that going against the will of the people will not end with a happy ending ( well unless you are at a Filipino message parlor )...

They tell us to make our choice but if the two big political parties disagree they will toss the will of the people for their choice instead, so why the hell do we have Primaries and Caucuses in the first damn place?

Just to have the illusion of having a voice in the process?

Unless they change the rules, the Republican party nomination is decided by the vote, unless no one gets the minimum amount of delegates.

The democrats have fixed the system. They can do as they wish without a rule change.

It is my opinion that the primaries still do decide who is the nominee. The candidates are preening for the establishment. Even though Mrs. Tuzla promised the world to the super delegates for their support they can switch at will as they did in 2008.

I really think Bernie came out of nowhere, as did Trump. He was suppose to a beating for 10 rounds then take a fall. Only problem is, he didn't.
Before shorts get in a knot, this is by party rules and the nominee is the party's nominee not necessarily the one picked through the primaries. Why else have Super Delegates? So them saying they will stick with whom they already have chosen, is within the established DNC rules.

What that means is, those who think it is BS do not have to participate in the system or at least, speak out against the system. Until they do the DNC will do as they wish.

New York superdelegates largely back Clinton over Sanders

Maybe the system really is rigged.

At least a half-dozen Democratic superdelegates in New York State who have already decided to support Hillary Clinton said Tuesday they would maintain their allegiance to her — regardless of the results of the Empire State’s primary.

It does not surprise me and Clinton along with the Democratic Party will discover just like the GOP will that going against the will of the people will not end with a happy ending ( well unless you are at a Filipino message parlor )...

They tell us to make our choice but if the two big political parties disagree they will toss the will of the people for their choice instead, so why the hell do we have Primaries and Caucuses in the first damn place?

Just to have the illusion of having a voice in the process?

Yeah, it's been a huge wake up call for most Americans. Most didn't realize just how corrupt the two parties really are.

To be fair, it isn't corruption. The nominee is the PARTY'S nominee. They get to decide whom they nominate. I would say that if people don't like how the party has decided to come up with a nominee then they should leave the party, or get it changed.
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
He'll never win NY. The establishment is against him.


Why Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Want Your Vote
“Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders.” —Bernie Sanders

When asked before a speech in Keene, N.H., what he would say to reassure the Bloomberg Businessweek readers who work on Wall Street, or have millions of dollars, or run a hedge fund, and might be afraid he wants to tax them back to the Carter Age, Sanders puts down the manila folder containing his talk, which he delivers without a TelePrompTer. “I’m not going to reassure them,” he says. “Their greed, their recklessness, their illegal behavior has destroyed the lives of millions of Americans. Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders. And I would contribute money to my opponents to try to defeat him.” Then the only socialist ever elected to the U.S. Senate goes back to working on his prepared remarks.

By that parameter Wall Street has every reason to vote for Mrs. Tuzla Clinton. She will take care of them.
They've been lining her pockets for a while. $250,000 for a 20 minute speech to people that know banking better than she does is payola, pure and simple.

She's a tool of Wall Street much like almost every other politician today. She's no better.

She is the worst, she lies about it.
Before shorts get in a knot, this is by party rules and the nominee is the party's nominee not necessarily the one picked through the primaries. Why else have Super Delegates? So them saying they will stick with whom they already have chosen, is within the established DNC rules.

What that means is, those who think it is BS do not have to participate in the system or at least, speak out against the system. Until they do the DNC will do as they wish.

New York superdelegates largely back Clinton over Sanders

Maybe the system really is rigged.

At least a half-dozen Democratic superdelegates in New York State who have already decided to support Hillary Clinton said Tuesday they would maintain their allegiance to her — regardless of the results of the Empire State’s primary.

It does not surprise me and Clinton along with the Democratic Party will discover just like the GOP will that going against the will of the people will not end with a happy ending ( well unless you are at a Filipino message parlor )...

They tell us to make our choice but if the two big political parties disagree they will toss the will of the people for their choice instead, so why the hell do we have Primaries and Caucuses in the first damn place?

Just to have the illusion of having a voice in the process?

Yeah, it's been a huge wake up call for most Americans. Most didn't realize just how corrupt the two parties really are.

To be fair, it isn't corruption. The nominee is the PARTY'S nominee. They get to decide whom they nominate. I would say that if people don't like how the party has decided to come up with a nominee then they should leave the party, or get it changed.

I don't see the wake up call. What moral or civil right does anyone who gets less than 50% of the vote have to be the nominee?

What you haven't noted is that there is actually a possibility that Hillary will receive more votes than Bernie nationally, yet because of the caucus system where far fewer vote than in primaries, Bernie might actually pull off getting more pledged delegates with fewer overall votes. He'd still have to win the upcoming big state primaries, but I think it's just possible. I'd expect the superdelegates would go with him so long as he had the most pledged.
Super delegates sell their vote to the highest bidder hence most are pledged to Hillary.
Bernie is not a stupid guy....
Well most might disagree with that statement.
I don't agree with anything the guy has to offer.... But
He has maintained his positions all his life it would seem....

Anyway He had to know that the system is rigged.
There was no way for him to win outright or maybe even steal the nomination.
The deck is so stacked against Bernie that even he has to know this....
He kicked the crap out of Hillary this past weekend and she almost got the same delegates
as he did.What the frigging hell....
I would be really pissed about that ..

So why is he even bothering ?
Why am I following the Democrat primaries,even pulling for Bernie
just to make Hillary miserable if the nomination was already decided the day after
they both announced.

Are Democrats happy with their party?
Bernie is not a stupid guy....
Well most might disagree with that statement.
I don't agree with anything the guy has to offer.... But
He has maintained his positions all his life it would seem....

Anyway He had to know that the system is rigged.
There was no way for him to win outright or maybe even steal the nomination.
The deck is so stacked against Bernie that even he has to know this....
He kicked the crap out of Hillary this past weekend and she almost got the same delegates
as he did.What the frigging hell....
I would be really pissed about that ..

So why is he even bothering ?
Why am I following the Democrat primaries,even pulling for Bernie
just to make Hillary miserable if the nomination was already decided the day after
they both announced.

Are Democrats happy with their party?
I'm not a dem, but it's pretty fokcing clear their system is less a joke that the gop's.

Bernie would be ahead if blacks voted for him. What happened was he pulled that "but I marched with Dr. King line." And the response, was .... "so where'd you go for the last 50 years." He insulted people. You can say blacks have gotten all this federal aid, and it's not my fault their youth is slaughtering itself ... and I'd agree .... but I'm not a dem. But, from the blacks' perspective, Bernie's an old hippie who moved to a place where he could have his black-free commune with middle class whites who grew up with a silver tit.

The dems will nominate the person with more than 50% of the delegates pledged on the popular, apportioned vote. There's no winner take all. If the dems had a whole bunch of candidates, none of which had 50% plus, they don't pick the clown.
Are Democrats happy with their party?
I don't know about what most democrats would say but I believe most were unhappy with their party when John Kerry ran. They had a chance to have an anti-war nominee run and they blew it. They liked Obama when he was running but some of his policies have turned out to be less than favourable. Every time I see or read anything Bernie has said or watched his debates, I keep thinking who in their right mind would not vote for this guy.

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