if Biden is inaugurated will he be the first POTUS not recognized by nearly 20 states !

apparently with 18 states supporting Texas in the SC it could be so ! View attachment 427477
You realize that what you're saying is that trump's victory in the electoral college in 2016 should never have been recognized and he should never have been recognized as POTUS or allowed to exercise the powers of the POTUS.
20 states did not challenge his election braindead.:iyfyus.jpg:

Four years ago we followed the law and our American traditions and did not anticipate that it would ever be any different. This is a matter of "had we known then what we know now."

The 20 states of which you speak seem to be joining in the suit not as representatives of the citizens of their states, but as supporters of one of the two major political parties. Are the people in these governments of these 20 states using the trump campaign's funds to join in this action or are they using the people's money to do this?

You’re talking to someone who is literally insane.

I know, and I really do not know what to do about it. I help take care of a relative who is schizophrenic and lives almost 400 miles from me in a different state. The last time I saw him (during this pandemic) we found a bank that was open for him to get his money. I wanted to introduce him to something called the "ATM." I took out my card, and stood there, instructing him to put the card into the slot and type in the numbers I gave him (my PIN), and asked him to get me $20. I impressed upon him the need for him to get a debit card from his bank. When I asked him weeks later whether he had gotten such a card through his bank, he replied that he did not because he did not want another card in his wallet. I am still shipping him things like underwear and socks. Before a county program took over, I was paying for Meals-On-Wheels to be delivered even though he complained about the time of delivery because it interfered with his sleep, in the middle of the day.

How do you handle the insane?

BTW: This guy is extremely intelligent and has an elephant's memory. There is a side of him that can discuss politics, etc. I just shake my head because I don't know what went wrong. He could have been a brilliant lawyer or scientist. It's there.
apparently with 18 states supporting Texas in the SC it could be so ! View attachment 427477
You realize that what you're saying is that trump's victory in the electoral college in 2016 should never have been recognized and he should never have been recognized as POTUS or allowed to exercise the powers of the POTUS.
20 states did not challenge his election braindead.:iyfyus.jpg:

Four years ago we followed the law and our American traditions and did not anticipate that it would ever be any different. This is a matter of "had we known then what we know now."

The 20 states of which you speak seem to be joining in the suit not as representatives of the citizens of their states, but as supporters of one of the two major political parties. Are the people in these governments of these 20 states using the trump campaign's funds to join in this action or are they using the people's money to do this?
Ah...but....WHAT IF (playing devils advocate now)....Hillary really did win but Trump was sworn in because of fraud? Whole different tune then, isn't it?

This is not what I am saying at all. There is no "but if." My point is the question of whether the governments of these states are using taxpayer money on behalf of the Republican political party, to pay the lawyers? Texas is case in point. Is Paxton bringing this suit on behalf of the citizens of Texas or is he bringing suit on behalf of the Republican political party? If the latter, he is stealing public funds for a partisan agenda, which demonstrates his unfitness to serve in public office.

In 2016, we followed the rule of law and trump was given the right to exercise the powers of the POTUS because of the electoral college, even though he did not win the majority of the popular vote. In the present, there is a person who has enough electoral college votes to become the POTUS, as well as garnering the votes of the majority of the voters in the U.S.
In 2016, we followed the rule of law and trump was given the right to exercise the powers of the POTUS because of the electoral college, even though he did not win the majority of the popular vote. In the present, there is a person who has enough electoral college votes to become the POTUS, as well as garnering the votes of the majority of the voters in the U.S.
Which is why NOW, democrats want the electoral votes removed and no longer used. Yet, before Trump took office, the electoral votes were praised BY the Dems.

Ive said it before and I will say it again. IF Biden won fairly with no films, audos, vids, witnesses seeing fraud right in front of their faces, then not even Repubs would be bitching about fraud. This includes ANYONE breaking the law...including those in Texas IF they are using money that is not theirs nor for whatever purpose they are using it for. NOBODY is exempt. Yet..that is exactly what has gone down since Obama years and currently Biden getting away with flat out fraud where he said in front of cameras that he put together the best voter fraud in the history of our nation...in so many words, not exactly what I just typed....but that was the gist.
apparently with 18 states supporting Texas in the SC it could be so !
He’s going to be sworn in. And no one cares if the Texas AG and his treasonous buddies bring a suit. Damn you’re stupid

Actually rigging the election is an act of Treason and especially using China for it. As the Marxist always do. Blame the others of what they are actually doing themselves.
apparently with 18 states supporting Texas in the SC it could be so ! View attachment 427477

Down with illegitimate muppet!
Down with the union!


apparently with 18 states supporting Texas in the SC it could be so !
He’s going to be sworn in. And no one cares if the Texas AG and his treasonous buddies bring a suit. Damn you’re stupid

How will you know? I don't think anyone will be there. It will be like all of Joe's rallies-- -- conducted inside of a Hollywood studio with actors before a camera.
apparently with 18 states supporting Texas in the SC it could be so !
He’s going to be sworn in. And no one cares if the Texas AG and his treasonous buddies bring a suit. Damn you’re stupid
We’re not the party that sleeps with Chinese whores/spies

Since when did only Democrats deal with the Chinese? You assfuckas evidently don't know that China did not steal our jobs. Corporate America gave them our jobs. And whlo loves big corporations???? Republicans.

It started with Henry Kissinger. A pretty evil SOB...

Kissinger is recognized with establishing relations between Communist China and the U.S. while he served under President Richard Nixon. Then you had NAFTA, Then boom most of our jobs in manufacturing went to China and Mexico.
apparently with 18 states supporting Texas in the SC it could be so !
He’s going to be sworn in. And no one cares if the Texas AG and his treasonous buddies bring a suit. Damn you’re stupid
We’re not the party that sleeps with Chinese whores/spies

Since when did only Democrats deal with the Chinese? You assfuckas evidently don't know that China did not steal our jobs. Corporate America gave them our jobs. And whlo loves big corporations???? Republicans.
it is always amazing that the Democrat Voters are unaware that the Democrat Politicians are financed by corporations and rich folks
apparently with 18 states supporting Texas in the SC it could be so !
Biden will be the first rejected president
But he will be president.

Perhaps, but of what? The Banana Republic of America where half the nation is in revolt, their faith in government finally destroyed and the other half a bunch of program-dependent illegal aliens and illiterate kooks who hate America?

Democrats: Taking America from the greatest nation with the best economy down into a sewer. Joe Biden will be in charge of handing out body bags, evictions, and welfare checks as the cost of everything doubles.
IF he gets anywhere close to the WH, that is when the civil war will break out.

Don't kid yourself, Gracie, there will be no civil war if they install Joe. At least not on any mass scale immediately. But it will be a very quiet revolution.

The Democrats could prevent it all by simply agreeing to an election held like every other election in the history of this country done fairly and by the rules. But they won't because they know they'd lose.
apparently with 18 states supporting Texas in the SC it could be so ! View attachment 427477
You realize that what you're saying is that trump's victory in the electoral college in 2016 should never have been recognized

That's not what he's saying at all, idiot. That election was held normally, everything was by the book, and the results were known and agreed upon by 2AM the next morning.

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