If Biden is so popular and won by a landslide, why are we locking down DC and calling in 25,000 troops for an inauguration that no one will attend????

Because right wingers are sore losers. Any other questions?
Why do you say that? Because they're acting like left wingers?
Only right wingers aren't bright enough to understand the difference and confuse the issues as a result.
It’s ok when we do it but not when you do isn’t all that hard to understand. We even have a word for it, hypocrisy.
Rioting over black people being shot by police is the same as insurrection against the Union to right wingers?
The summer rioting caused far more misery to folks who had nothing to do with the entire scenario. Businesses that will never return, far more destruction and loss of life.
The so called insurrection forced Nancy to change her Depends.
The perception of murdering black folk under color of law by Police may have that effect on some given the racial past of right wingers and their preferred form of bigotry. It is not at all the same as Insurrection against the Union.
There was no insurrection, and you will have your puppet regime about to be installed.

You absolutely reek of hyperbole.

Blacks have only to fear other blacks.

Yep. If you need that many just for inauguration then it suggests perhaps you shouldn't be a president.

Its not Biden's fault that some Trump followers are crazy.

He won by 8 million votes.. Democrats aren't going to march on State capitals and threaten violence.
Yep, we sure don't have to worry about the Liberals, do we???

And this total just covers less than 2 weeks of riots!!!!

Nolte: BLM Riots Are Most Costly Manmade Damage to U.S. Property Ever (breitbart.com)

The domestic terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter have accomplished one thing: the most costly riots in the history of our country, reports the far-left Axios.

Property Claim Services, a company that tracks insurance claims filed due to riots and the like, found that the left-wing riots that occurred between May 26 and June 8 of this year could reach $2 billion in insurance claims.

Obviously, because the left’s domestic terrorism extended well beyond June 8 and is still ongoing, the company acknowledges “this is still happening, so the losses could be significantly more.”

Most importantly, these estimates are all being compared based on 2020 dollars. Meaning, previous riots, like the 1992 Rodney King Riots in Los Angeles, cost $775 million in 1992 dollars. That adds up to $1.42 billion today, which is still lower than the $2 billion Black Lives Matter Riots estimate — which again only covers eight or nine days of rioting that has never really stopped.

Here’s a piece of perspective that shocked even me…

If you add up the insurance cost in 2020 dollars for all six major American riots during the turbulent 1960s, the total is a little shy of $1.2 billion — which means the terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter caused more mayhem and property damage in a little over a week than this country saw throughout all of the 1960s.

Suddenly, the leftists are concerned about violence and insurrection? After 1/2 day of what amounts to nothing more than trespassing, they need 30,000 troops to protect their lily asses?

These motherfuckers are deliberately trying to piss us off. They are deliberately begging us to rebel. They believe they have all the power over us and they are waving it in our faces.

(must...resist...comments...about...chopping heads...and fucking....neck holes...)

Whssww. That was a close one. I almost typed some bad stuff.:eusa_shifty:


Nobody needs to go to DC to rebel.

What would be more effective and harder to prevent is to rebel in our own states and dare them to come stop us.

There is some serious pressure on Texas leadership to declare independence and DARE tyrant Nancy to stop it. The lawmakers/executives who declare Texas independence will have the protection of millions of Texans.
Because right wingers are sore losers. Any other questions?
Why do you say that? Because they're acting like left wingers?
Only right wingers aren't bright enough to understand the difference and confuse the issues as a result.
It’s ok when we do it but not when you do isn’t all that hard to understand. We even have a word for it, hypocrisy.
Rioting over black people being shot by police is the same as insurrection against the Union to right wingers?
The summer rioting caused far more misery to folks who had nothing to do with the entire scenario. Businesses that will never return, far more destruction and loss of life.
The so called insurrection forced Nancy to change her Depends.
The perception of murdering black folk under color of law by Police may have that effect on some given the racial past of right wingers and their preferred form of bigotry. It is not at all the same as Insurrection against the Union.
There was no insurrection, and you will have your puppet regime about to be installed.

You absolutely reek of hyperbole.

Blacks have only to fear other blacks.
If that is your opinion, then blacks were simply peacefully protesting a lack of due process by police.
The troops are there to arrest Biden and the rest of the DC pedophiles

You sound like a crazy man. Are you in Proud Boys?
What's a Proud Boys?

Proud Boyz, along with their PR department QAnon, is basically like the Ku Klux Klan of 100 years ago. Mysterious amorphous terrorist group that's not well known, trying to infiltrate politics and slither its own candidates into office. They've already got a few into the House.
Meanwhile in reality, the CCP just brought the Bidens for cash
The troops are there to arrest Biden and the rest of the DC pedophiles

You sound like a crazy man. Are you in Proud Boys?
What's a Proud Boys?

Proud Boyz, along with their PR department QAnon, is basically like the Ku Klux Klan of 100 years ago. Mysterious amorphous terrorist group that's not well known, trying to infiltrate politics and slither its own candidates into office. They've already got a few into the House.
KKK was a democrat thing
The troops are there to arrest Biden and the rest of the DC pedophiles

You sound like a crazy man. Are you in Proud Boys?
What's a Proud Boys?

Proud Boyz, along with their PR department QAnon, is basically like the Ku Klux Klan of 100 years ago. Mysterious amorphous terrorist group that's not well known, trying to infiltrate politics and slither its own candidates into office. They've already got a few into the House.
Meanwhile in reality, the CCP just brought the Bidens for cash

WHO drove you to "reality" Frank?

Get the hell out of there. You're out of your element. No telling what might happen to you in there.
Because right wingers are sore losers. Any other questions?
Why do you say that? Because they're acting like left wingers?
Only right wingers aren't bright enough to understand the difference and confuse the issues as a result.
It’s ok when we do it but not when you do isn’t all that hard to understand. We even have a word for it, hypocrisy.
Rioting over black people being shot by police is the same as insurrection against the Union to right wingers?
The summer rioting caused far more misery to folks who had nothing to do with the entire scenario. Businesses that will never return, far more destruction and loss of life.
The so called insurrection forced Nancy to change her Depends.
The perception of murdering black folk under color of law by Police may have that effect on some given the racial past of right wingers and their preferred form of bigotry. It is not at all the same as Insurrection against the Union.
There was no insurrection, and you will have your puppet regime about to be installed.

You absolutely reek of hyperbole.

Blacks have only to fear other blacks.
If that is your opinion, then blacks were simply peacefully protesting a lack of due process by police.
A peaceful protest doesn't include the smoke plum of burning businesses I witnessed for two days 40 miles north of Mpls.
Hundreds of family owned businesses will never return. Many of them black owned.
Because right wingers are sore losers. Any other questions?
Why do you say that? Because they're acting like left wingers?
Only right wingers aren't bright enough to understand the difference and confuse the issues as a result.
It’s ok when we do it but not when you do isn’t all that hard to understand. We even have a word for it, hypocrisy.
Rioting over black people being shot by police is the same as insurrection against the Union to right wingers?
The summer rioting caused far more misery to folks who had nothing to do with the entire scenario. Businesses that will never return, far more destruction and loss of life.
The so called insurrection forced Nancy to change her Depends.
The perception of murdering black folk under color of law by Police may have that effect on some given the racial past of right wingers and their preferred form of bigotry. It is not at all the same as Insurrection against the Union.
There was no insurrection, and you will have your puppet regime about to be installed.

You absolutely reek of hyperbole.

Blacks have only to fear other blacks.
If that is your opinion, then blacks were simply peacefully protesting a lack of due process by police.
A peaceful protest doesn't include the smoke plum of burning businesses I witnessed for two days 40 miles north of Mpls.
Hundreds of family owned businesses will never return. Many of them black owned.
Insurrection against the Union resulted in deaths of some of the citizenry. There is no insurance for that.
The troops are there to arrest Biden and the rest of the DC pedophiles

You sound like a crazy man. Are you in Proud Boys?
What's a Proud Boys?

Proud Boyz, along with their PR department QAnon, is basically like the Ku Klux Klan of 100 years ago. Mysterious amorphous terrorist group that's not well known, trying to infiltrate politics and slither its own candidates into office. They've already got a few into the House.
KKK was a democrat [sic] thing

Ummm yeah that's why they got Republicans elected in Maine (Brewster), Colorado (Morley), Kansas (Paulen), Washington (Johnston), Indiana (Jackson/whole state), Oregon (Baker), Colorado again (Means) and four-fifths of the Anaheim city council. That's why they endorsed Coolidge in 1924 and Hoover in '28, running a national smear campaign against the Democrat Smith because he was Catholic. Good planning there Frank.

The point stands --- these underworldly intolerant fascist types bubbled up before and they're bubbling up again. The names of the groups change, the idiocy doesn't.

You see Frank, a century ago there was another wave of intolerant shit that also tried to pass itself off as "righteous", that certain political quarters were afraid to criticize because it might cost them votes. That's exactly why the Klan endorsed Coolidge --- he wouldn't denounce them. A hundred years later we have another crisis of conscience where knuckledraggers can't learn from their own history. And an outgoing POTUS who tells them to stand by instead of stand down. Fer fuxsake he's laying right out in the open.

And oh yes that would be the same Klan that staged a rally where Rump's father Fred got his ass arrested. Perhaps the apple falleth not far from the tree.
Last edited:

Where the fuck have you been for the past 10 days?
No one can be this stupid.
They're not after Biden.
They are heeding Trump's tweet from January 6 saying Pence betrayed them.
Better learn to catch up or get trampled by your radicalized rightwing assholes.
Only the British and the right wing did what the confederacy was never able to do in "trial by combat."
The troops are there to arrest Biden and the rest of the DC pedophiles

You sound like a crazy man. Are you in Proud Boys?
What's a Proud Boys?

Proud Boyz, along with their PR department QAnon, is basically like the Ku Klux Klan of 100 years ago. Mysterious amorphous terrorist group that's not well known, trying to infiltrate politics and slither its own candidates into office. They've already got a few into the House.
Meanwhile in reality, the CCP just brought the Bidens for cash

WHO drove you to "reality" Frank?

Get the hell out of there. You're out of your element. No telling what might happen to you in there.

If you don't say the CCP owns the Bidens, it make it all go away, right?
Because right wingers are sore losers. Any other questions?
Why do you say that? Because they're acting like left wingers?
Only right wingers aren't bright enough to understand the difference and confuse the issues as a result.
It’s ok when we do it but not when you do isn’t all that hard to understand. We even have a word for it, hypocrisy.
Rioting over black people being shot by police is the same as insurrection against the Union to right wingers?
The summer rioting caused far more misery to folks who had nothing to do with the entire scenario. Businesses that will never return, far more destruction and loss of life.
The so called insurrection forced Nancy to change her Depends.
The perception of murdering black folk under color of law by Police may have that effect on some given the racial past of right wingers and their preferred form of bigotry. It is not at all the same as Insurrection against the Union.
There was no insurrection, and you will have your puppet regime about to be installed.

You absolutely reek of hyperbole.

Blacks have only to fear other blacks.
If that is your opinion, then blacks were simply peacefully protesting a lack of due process by police.
A peaceful protest doesn't include the smoke plum of burning businesses I witnessed for two days 40 miles north of Mpls.
Hundreds of family owned businesses will never return. Many of them black owned.
Insurrection against the Union resulted in deaths of some of the citizenry. There is no insurance for that.

Many of those businesses were under insured. But you don't care about them or the lives lost this summer.
They should all take it for the team, right?
Only the British and the right wing did what the confederacy was never able to do in "trial by combat."

It's kind of fitting that the orange freak who incited all this is the same klown who thought the last entity to breach the Capitol were the Canadians. Who didn't exist yet but that didn't stop them from taking over the airports too. Eh?
Because right wingers are sore losers. Any other questions?
Why do you say that? Because they're acting like left wingers?
Only right wingers aren't bright enough to understand the difference and confuse the issues as a result.
It’s ok when we do it but not when you do isn’t all that hard to understand. We even have a word for it, hypocrisy.
Rioting over black people being shot by police is the same as insurrection against the Union to right wingers?
The summer rioting caused far more misery to folks who had nothing to do with the entire scenario. Businesses that will never return, far more destruction and loss of life.
The so called insurrection forced Nancy to change her Depends.
The perception of murdering black folk under color of law by Police may have that effect on some given the racial past of right wingers and their preferred form of bigotry. It is not at all the same as Insurrection against the Union.
There was no insurrection, and you will have your puppet regime about to be installed.

You absolutely reek of hyperbole.

Blacks have only to fear other blacks.
If that is your opinion, then blacks were simply peacefully protesting a lack of due process by police.
A peaceful protest doesn't include the smoke plum of burning businesses I witnessed for two days 40 miles north of Mpls.
Hundreds of family owned businesses will never return. Many of them black owned.
Insurrection against the Union resulted in deaths of some of the citizenry. There is no insurance for that.

Many of those businesses were under insured. But you don't care about them or the lives lost this summer.
They should all take it for the team, right?
Only if you care less about the Union and more for Rebels.
When did Biden claim a landslide? I can only recall Trump making that assertion. Got a cite for that whopper?
He claims it and his loathsome supporters claim it every single day.

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