If Biden is so popular and won by a landslide, why are we locking down DC and calling in 25,000 troops for an inauguration that no one will attend????

Domestic terrorism by Trump supporters.
They look like absolutely credible sources to me.
Even if some Trump supporters show up, although they are being advised to not do so, there will be a token assault on the process, but by leftists dressed like pro-Trumper's. Biden, needs his excuse to declare all pro-Trumper's and Republicans, as "Insurrectionists" and suspend the Constitution, arresting millions and making us disappear. He's following Mao Zedong and Stalin's playbook. Eliminate the competition. First though, will come the mass disarming of law-abiding citizens, followed by the arrests.

Jeez.. Are you crazy too?
Nope. He's making a prediction based on previous behavior.
Because he's an illegitimate not duly president. He's a fraud that could only win by breaking the law. Q
Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture, say that.

There are mountains of evidence. Yes, the election was fraud. That's not bearing false witness. Scripture also says that God hates scales that aren't even.....
When did Biden claim a landslide? I can only recall Trump making that assertion. Got a cite for that whopper?

Biden never claimed he won by a landslide.. People are going to have to adapt to hearing the truth after four years of Trump's grandiose lies.
ROLF He allows his deluded minions to do it for him.
This is really the dumbest thread ever. Not even a tenuous link to the real world.
Better hurry, Tommy. The London Bridge is falling down.
Why would that concern me ?

Something is going down in your backyard. You don't need to be screwing around in US politics.
I can take an interest in many different topics. Why does it bother you ?
You fuckers that are not from the US need to stay in your own lane. Nobody gives a fuck about what you think.
I definitely want to hear what people from other countries think.
Because he's an illegitimate not duly president. He's a fraud that could only win by breaking the law. Q
Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture, say that.

There are mountains of evidence. Yes, the election was fraud. That's not beating false witness. Scripture also says that God hates scales that aren't even.....
Still bearing false witness? Show the evidence in Court.
Because right wingers are sore losers. Any other questions?
Why do you say that? Because they're acting like left wingers?
Only right wingers aren't bright enough to understand the difference and confuse the issues as a result.
It’s ok when we do it but not when you do isn’t all that hard to understand. We even have a word for it, hypocrisy.
Rioting over black people being shot by police is the same as insurrection against the Union to right wingers?
The summer rioting caused far more misery to folks who had nothing to do with the entire scenario. Businesses that will never return, far more destruction and loss of life.
The so called insurrection forced Nancy to change her Depends.
The perception of murdering black folk under color of law by Police may have that effect on some given the racial past of right wingers and their preferred form of bigotry. It is not at all the same as Insurrection against the Union.
There was no insurrection, and you will have your puppet regime about to be installed.

You absolutely reek of hyperbole.

Blacks have only to fear other blacks.
If that is your opinion, then blacks were simply peacefully protesting a lack of due process by police.
A peaceful protest doesn't include the smoke plum of burning businesses I witnessed for two days 40 miles north of Mpls.
Hundreds of family owned businesses will never return. Many of them black owned.
Insurrection against the Union resulted in deaths of some of the citizenry. There is no insurance for that.

Many of those businesses were under insured. But you don't care about them or the lives lost this summer.
They should all take it for the team, right?
Only if you care less about the Union and more for Rebels.
You fools have shown utter disdain and contempt for the Union for the last four years.

Save me the sudden new found love of it.
This is really the dumbest thread ever. Not even a tenuous link to the real world.
Better hurry, Tommy. The London Bridge is falling down.
Why would that concern me ?

Something is going down in your backyard. You don't need to be screwing around in US politics.
I can take an interest in many different topics. Why does it bother you ?
You fuckers that are not from the US need to stay in your own lane. Nobody gives a fuck about what you think.
I definitely want to hear what people from other countries think.

Oh, I bet you do. Say.......did you see the demonstration in Japan in support of Trump?
Because he's an illegitimate not duly president. He's a fraud that could only win by breaking the law. Q
Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture, say that.

There are mountains of evidence. Yes, the election was fraud. That's not beating false witness. Scripture also says that God hates scales that aren't even.....
Still bearing false witness? Show the evidence in Court.

Nope, it will be shown. The truth always comes out.
You fools have shown utter disdain and contempt for the Union for the last four years.

Save me the sudden new found love of it.
Only right wingers prefer to insurrect against the Union. Only false Patriots do that.
Because he's an illegitimate not duly president. He's a fraud that could only win by breaking the law. Q
Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture, say that.

There are mountains of evidence. Yes, the election was fraud. That's not beating false witness. Scripture also says that God hates scales that aren't even.....
Still bearing false witness? Show the evidence in Court.

Nope, it will be shown. The truth always comes out.
It should have come out Yesterday if you had anything more than false witness bearing and the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture.
When did Biden claim a landslide? I can only recall Trump making that assertion. Got a cite for that whopper?

Biden never claimed he won by a landslide.. People are going to have to adapt to hearing the truth after four years of Trump's grandiose lies.
It looks like he did:
He noted his own Electoral College win equaled Trump's, and at the time, 'President Trump called the electoral college tally a landslide. By his own standards these numbers represented a clear victory then, and I respectfully suggest they do so now.'
Because right wingers are sore losers. Any other questions?
Why do you say that? Because they're acting like left wingers?
Only right wingers aren't bright enough to understand the difference and confuse the issues as a result.
It’s ok when we do it but not when you do isn’t all that hard to understand. We even have a word for it, hypocrisy.
Rioting over black people being shot by police is the same as insurrection against the Union to right wingers?
What type of morons riot over CRIMINALS being shot for attacking cops and others?

Perhaps Right wingers being smarter than the idiots whinning about criminals being shot------realize that criminals must be shot at times to stop them from committing more crimes and that one must rebel against a corrupt government as well.

He's already taken the lead as the most boring president-elect of all time. There's nothing like a doddering substitute teacher to put one to sleep.

Because he's an illegitimate not duly president. He's a fraud that could only win by breaking the law. Q
Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture, say that.

There are mountains of evidence. Yes, the election was fraud. That's not beating false witness. Scripture also says that God hates scales that aren't even.....
Still bearing false witness? Show the evidence in Court.

Nope, it will be shown. The truth always comes out.
It should have come out Yesterday if you had anything more than false witness bearing and the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture.

Oh it will come out. That's not bearing false witness, sorry.

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