If Biden loses, will it be the econony or broken borders?


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
CNN interviewees today pointed out these are the two factors on voters' minds:




Pressure mounts on Biden as migrant crossings spike
It's telling that immigration has moved from the #5 to the #2 spot in less than six months.

What is even more telling is that the MSN, in large part, is not covering it.....Just the more right-leaning outlets.

I believe that if the dems don't get a handle on it and change it drastically even if the economy does improve immigration is going to be the dem's turd in the punch bowl because it's a glaring example of failed dem policy.

I mean if they can't even control the border what good are they?
I think what will sink Biden is the Ukraine and Palestine.
Those are the worst examples of injustice, corruption, and massive debt by bribing the corrupt.
Those are callus deaths by an out of touch US.
I hear that even Middle Easterners from jihadists infested places are coming without being vetted...

Middle Easterners are an improvement.
They have a higher sense of morals.
Jihad means doing what is right even if it is hard.
They are not the ones invading everyone all the time, we are.
Why are we in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Israel, the Ukraine, etc.?
We are the bad guys.
I think what will sink Biden is the Ukraine and Palestine.
Those are the worst examples of injustice, corruption, and massive debt by bribing the corrupt.
Those are callus deaths by an out of touch US.
That's is your personal opinion. Not CNN, MSNBC, FOXNEWS..

And I'm sure you're very upset that "palestine" uses civilians to make sure they're dead in order to cry victimhood.

If Biden loses, will it be the econony or broken borders?​

None of the two

The only reason as to why Senile Biden might win, is because a possible majority doesn't want a proven scumbag to become President again.
Bigoted ISLAMISM News:

Mother Executed in Front of Her Children for Leaving Home…
1 in 3 Arab-Israelis View October 7 Atrocities as in Line with Islam…
Turkish News Anchor Fired over Starbucks Cup…
(German) Religious Demands Increase Following Hamas Attack
IDF Destroys 'Hitler 2' Clothing Store…
Family: Time Running Out for 85-Year-Old American Hostage…
Child Marriage on the Rise in Iran…
London's Khan Accused of Using Goons to Intimidate Locals…
Iran Raises Production of Near-Weapons-Grade Uranium…
Mideast Christians Persecuted - Except in Israel…
Islamists Murder Elderly Woman and Grandchildren…
Nigeria: Muslims Slaughter 150 Christians…
Palestinian Civilians Beat 12-Year-Old Hostage…
Taliban Orders Libraries to Ban Books by Religious Minorities…
Man in Hijab and Lipstick Insists He is Muslim…
Muslim Family Accosts Rabbi in Times Square…
Maldives Cracks Down on Christmas…
Uganda: Christian Preachers Beaten and Jailed…
NYT Runs Op-Ed by Hamas Appointee…
Mo Salah Trolled for Photo of Christmas Tree…
Anti-Semitism Being Ignored in NYC Schools…
Pakistan to Deport Half-Million Afghan Migrants…
IDF Finds Explosives in UNRWA Bags…
"Pro-Palestinians" Attempt to Ruin Christmas in NYC, Chicago…
Cleric Booked for Molesting Women
Hamas Says It is Crushing the IDF
Former "Refugees" from Syria Convicted in Plot to Bomb Church
Condition of Women Plummets in "Rule of Islam" Afghanistan…
(Egypt) "You Christians… This is Our City, and We Will Cleanse It"…
US Professor Who Denies 10/7 Rapes is Up for Promotion…
TikTok Refuses Ads Featuring Gaza Hostages: "Too Political"…
Iran Shuts Down Bookstore Chain over 'Improper' Hijab…
Fake Video Exposes Anti-Israel Credulity…
Democracy is on the ballot next year, not any of this stuff. Because trump won't fix either the economy or the border. And spare us the anti Muslim bigotry. The mess in Israel is because of Netanyahu.
  • Like fake "islomo-phobia" of CAIR cases...lol

  • And which Muslim country is a real open democracy?

  • Or can you point out groups in Gaza critic of Hamas?
    Or groups in Palestinian Authority critic of Abu Mazen?
    (Just like anti Netanyahu camps in Israel).
    Or show me one newspaper or site in "palestine" that is anti establishment (an equivalent of Haaretz which is anti Israel and more..)?

  • Can you reply this without your Islamic-bigoted obsessive about Israel?
    (Event though Netanyahu improved Muslims lives...which is why thousands of Arabs have been fighting to become Israeli citizens...)
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Just what we need. More antisemites.
Quote by Brigitte Gabriel:

Growing up in the Middle East, I came to find out that Arab children are taught hatred of the Jews from their mother’s milk. From a young age, Arab children are constantly bombarded with stories and information presenting Jews as barbaric, conniving, manipulative, warmongering people. Meanwhile, Jews teach their children patience, humility, service, tolerance, understanding of others, and charity to all. They call it tikkun olam, "to repair the world." ...
Biden, with his border policy, has done the worst thing against this country of any president ever but he has done far more to solidify that title. Back to MAGA, before it's too late.
CNN interviewees today pointed out these are the two factors on voters' minds:




Pressure mounts on Biden as migrant crossings spike

If Biden loses it will be because the Democrats didn't cheat hard enough.

The probably don't have the same "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics", as Biden put it in 2016. Which is probably why they're desperately resorting to weaponized lawfare against Trump this time.

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