How about reading Ann Coulter's comments on this country

But I suggest that you need to recognise that a certain personality type entwined in a poor background and from indifferent schooling is producing species Mutants .
Several have surfaced here in this thread already and soon the sane and Pure Ones will need to decide how to treat these disturbed individuals .
If America is to regain some composure and earned self respect you need to cut out the dead wood and throw away the rotten fruit .
A mammoth task awaits new America but first it needs to track and mark these Mutants and decide how they can best be tolerated and even treated in a forward looking society .

In real terms are these the types of person that you would ever want your family and friends to mix with ?
Of course not .
I used to think all of that is possible. But watching what Trump goes through, approved by minions of his haters, I think the Democrats are leading to a future victory for them. Trump made major errors in sales to the public. He thought being right was enough. But it is not enough. I want him to succeed by the way. Trump will win this election. But the Democrats work daily to put him into prison. We met dictators and they are named Democrats.
that is not churchill's reputation, and i don't think i'd have said too much to franco.
Churchill was a smart man. Dunces normally can't rise to important jobs as he had. Franco though a dictator who in fact backed Hitler, was a fly on the cake one swats off. Franco kept his evil in his own country.
Have you the same thoughts about the angry press who is after Trump? Bear in mind, like him or not, nothing has been proven to be a crime.
Sure, why not?

The press didn't indict him for crimes. That would be the Justice Department. His first case has just begun. Give it some time.
Hitler put socialists in concentration camps. He HATED them.
That is not why he put some socialists into concentration camps. He was locking himself into being a dictator. They could be a Christian and if he saw them as going to harm himself, he would jail them.

Watch now how Biden's Democrats have locked up thousands of our citizens. Do you see Democrats speaking against this man?
Sure, why not?

The press didn't indict him for crimes. That would be the Justice Department. His first case has just begun. Give it some time.
I believe you mean the injustice department. I consider this similar to when Hitler went after the Jews. Today the Hitlerites went after Trump.
Sorry Bob, I'm just not that crazy.
I know. It happened in Germany too when Hitler took power. Few believed he was that evil. Trump has pled not guilty. Do you not understand?

The state wants a room of strangers to say Trump is guilty. Do you recall any verdict?

I too am not crazy enough to declare he is Guilty.
I know. It happened in Germany too when Hitler took power. Few believed he was that evil. Trump has pled not guilty. Do you not understand?

The state wants a room of strangers to say Trump is guilty. Do you recall any verdict?

I too am not crazy enough to declare he is Guilty.
I'm not declaring him guilty either. That roomful of strangers is still be chosen. Verdicts come much later, at the end of the trials.
And Trump is America's Hitler and his followers are the exact same people that supported Hitler in the 30's and 40's. Bottom feeding scum. By the way this remark about Nazi's and socialist above is just normal best from the brain dead. Makes no sense , not even close to the truth. I love the fact were he says "This is a proven fact". now that is funny!
Godwin's. You lose.
I'm not declaring him guilty either. That roomful of strangers is still be chosen. Verdicts come much later, at the end of the trials.
This thread is occupied by Ann Coulter to make things clear. Telling me what I know is a waste of my time and yours as well.

Congratulations for not declaring Trump guilty.

Here is my analysis of this case.

Trump had sex with two women. Trump did not want his wife to know.
A simple case of a whore servicing a married man consensually when he should never have had sex with her. But I know of no law against this.

The case over what Cohen did is strange as hell.

Do we have Trumps word he paid Cohen? Say we have it. What was it for?

Because if it was over having sex, that is still not illegal in the USA.

WE do not see Biden talking about his showers he took with his adult daughter. Not that It scorches my eyes since it is up to her to prosecute Biden.

Is the alleged sex She says resulted from her dad's showered with her? A Court has to decide.
It must be nice to be Canadian. They don't have to deal with the crap Americans do. They mind their own business internationally, make health care available for all citizens and their politics seems to be pretty civil and tame compared to the U.S.. They are probably laughing there asses off. No wonder you need a passport to cross their border from the U.S.They think we're nuts. Where do I sign up?
The case over what Cohen did is strange as hell.
Snip mine

Therein lies the rub. The money paid to hush Stormy up was declared to be campaign expenditures. That would be a lie, a big no-no, and what DJ is on trial for now.
It must be nice to be Canadian. They don't have to deal with the crap Americans do. They mind their own business internationally, make health care available for all citizens and their politics seems to be pretty civil and tame compared to the U.S.. They are probably laughing there asses off. No wonder you need a passport to cross their border from the U.S.They think we're nuts. Where do I sign up?
When I last went to Canada, they did not require passports. I did not have one to show them.
Snip mine

Therein lies the rub. The money paid to hush Stormy up was declared to be campaign expenditures. That would be a lie, a big no-no, and what DJ is on trial for now.
I don't see that as relevant. It was much earlier if it happened. Notice the press has not shown any proof at all.

She would go on Trial for extortion if Bragg had a valid case. She would be guilty of a crime then.
I don't see that as relevant. It was much earlier if it happened. Notice the press has not shown any proof at all.

She would go on Trial for extortion if Bragg had a valid case. She would be guilty of a crime then.
Since you're not a prosecutor, your findings of irrelevancy are meaningless.

The press is waiting for the proof (if any) from the trial, which is just starting.
Since you're not a prosecutor, your findings of irrelevancy are meaningless.

The press is waiting for the proof (if any) from the trial, which is just starting.
Why state things I already know very well? Are you aware that doing the job I spent years doing that law knowledge was required I know by by state of California.

Recall what I have been saying time after time, as you say those who are not prosecutors words are meaningless. Again of course we wait for the press.
I think it was done during a Democrat run of power over America that they started the fiction that Hitler was not a Socialist. But luminaries who came from where he did clearly stated Hitler was a died in the wool Socialist. Churchill was living and in Government when I was born and I was 27 when he died. I recall fairly well his history since I looked into his life history. Franco was Spain's Dictator.
What “luminaries” are you talking about you old fool
That is not why he put some socialists into concentration camps. He was locking himself into being a dictator. They could be a Christian and if he saw them as going to harm himself, he would jail them.

Watch now how Biden's Democrats have locked up thousands of our citizens. Do you see Democrats speaking against this man?
That’s nothing but gibberish. Go take a nap old man

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