If Black Lives Matter ...

If the gang bangers were only killing each other it would be fine but those assfucks can't shoot...I hear stories about 9 year old shooters killing 4 year olds....where is blue city law and order?....is this an election tactic by blue state governors to allow this carnage and then try and blame it on Trump?....good luck with that demtards.....
The blacks will tell you that "Black Lives Matter" is a police brutality movement. That gang violence does not fall under the platform. Don Lemon and Jemele Hill have said as much just over the last few days.

Well if that is true than change the fucking name. Because when you call something "Black Lives Matter" and completely ignore the thousands of black on black gang murders every year and focus on the 9 unarmed black murders by police you look like complete idiots.
So, it isn't ALL Black Lives Matter, just some Black Lives Matter. The only ones that matter are the ones that can be politicized and elevate the BLM organization to prominence in the media and thereby gain power, influence, and MONEY. Who cares if some black kid is shot and killed in Chicago or elsewhere by another black person, right? BLM can't make a fuss about that when there are literally hundred of black lives lost every weekend across the country who are killed by other black persons. Nope, BLM has to make the charge of systemic racism in our police departments despite the fact that it doesn't exit; the numbers bear that out.
If the gang bangers were only killing each other it would be fine but those assfucks can't shoot...I hear stories about 9 year old shooters killing 4 year olds....where is blue city law and order?....is this an election tactic by blue state governors to allow this carnage and then try and blame it on Trump?....good luck with that demtards.....

You try hitting what you aim at while holding your pistol sideways because it looks cool in the movies.
When a little eight year old black girl is gunned down by BLM assholes the entire arguement goes out the window
If the gang bangers were only killing each other it would be fine but those assfucks can't shoot...I hear stories about 9 year old shooters killing 4 year olds....where is blue city law and order?....is this an election tactic by blue state governors to allow this carnage and then try and blame it on Trump?....good luck with that demtards.....

The question no one is asking as the nationwide murder and shooting rampage escalates is: where are the GUNS coming from that these criminals are using to kill and maim their own people and fellow Americans? While I cannot prove the following is true because: classified sources, why not mention it anyway, right? The guns currently being used by inner-city black criminals in particular are being supplied one, by China in the form of surplus Chinese AK and AKM rifles, Tokarev, Makarov and Stechkin Chinese knock-offs of Russian pistols and two, from select gun manufacturers duped into selling large shipments to democratic party security interests. In effect, the democrats and their Chinese backers are arming inner-city blacks precisely so they will continue to quake it up Circus Maximus style in a city near you. Or, you know, I could be wrong . . .
More blacks are killed every weekend by other blacks than killed by cops for the entire year.

More unborn blacks are butchered daily at Planned Parenthood, the racist dream of Margaret Sanger, to eliminate blacks.
266 black lives killed every day.png

I think the net approval rating for BLM and the Democratic Party is dropping across the country and will continue to do so until the democrats in Washington call for the riots to end AND demand the city, county, and state gov'ts actually take the necessary steps to put an end to the violence and destruction. People have been killed, and billions of property destroyed and it's going to continue until the thugs involved are stopped with sufficient force.
I think the net approval rating for BLM and the Democratic Party is dropping across the country and will continue to do so until the democrats in Washington call for the riots to end AND demand the city, county, and state gov'ts actually take the necessary steps to put an end to the violence and destruction. People have been killed, and billions of property destroyed and it's going to continue until the thugs involved are stopped with sufficient force.

Hitler blamed everything on the Jews and they were tortured, discarded and slaughtered.
The Japanese fanatics thought themselves superior and their emperor a god and enslaved millions.
This fanaticism is now being mirrored in fascist Democrats across the country. Destroy, burn, kill, loot, and blame your victims.
In Wisconsin's capital, we are seeing counter-BLM graffiti and pro-police graffiti. BLM's graphic voice is disappearing.
Yup, and We Americans Whipped Both Their Asses!

I think the net approval rating for BLM and the Democratic Party is dropping across the country and will continue to do so until the democrats in Washington call for the riots to end AND demand the city, county, and state gov'ts actually take the necessary steps to put an end to the violence and destruction. People have been killed, and billions of property destroyed and it's going to continue until the thugs involved are stopped with sufficient force.

Hitler blamed everything on the Jews and they were tortured, discarded and slaughtered.
The Japanese fanatics thought themselves superior and their emperor a god and enslaved millions.
This fanaticism is now being mirrored in fascist Democrats across the country. Destroy, burn, kill, loot, and blame your victims.
And We Whipped Both Their Asses!

OOGA-CHACKA, OOGA-CHACKA: I Can’t Stop This Feeling.

Not Sure Americans are going to vote for the Party of Riots, Looting and Arson.

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