Zone1 If Blacks Do What Whites Have Done We Will Be Successful

IOW, based in an observable truth.
Like "Asians are good at math" doesn't mean every asian is good at math, but enough are to form a stereotype.
They don't have to be nasty.
Thanks for agreeing.
There are billions of Asians, and my bet is that the majority of them are not good at math. I know blacks who are good at math and terrible athletes.The best baseball player on earth right now is Asian, Ohtani. In fact, he's one of the best to ever play the game period. In the end he could be the best ever. That's an athlete, and there are many great Asian athletes. Steteotyping is not based on observable truths.
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There are billions of Asians, and my bet is that the majority of them are not good at math.
That doesn't change the fact that a stereotype exists, based on the observations of Asian math scores.
I know blacks who are good at math and terrible athletes.
That doesn't change the fact that stereotypes exist, based on the observations of black athletes and math students.
The best baseball player on earth right now is Asian, Ohtani. In fact, he's one of the best to ever play the game period. In the end he could be the best ever. That's an athlete, and there are many great Asian athletes.
Steteotyping is not based on observable truths.
If blacks did what whites have done...they will sell our children and make us work 12 hours a say for the Massa.

Blacks DOD sell blacks to the slavers.

Westvall, you're disagreeing with documented policies. Doing so makes you look silly.
That doesn't change the fact that a stereotype exists, based on the observations of Asian math scores.

That doesn't change the fact that stereotypes exist, based on the observations of black athletes and math students.


Actually it does. Because as pointed out, math is a learned skill and that you base your claims about blacks on a few athletes in 2-3 sports.
Blacks DOD sell blacks to the slavers.

That's not exactly how it happened but that's the story that makes you feel good.

And westvall, Native Americans owned slaves.
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At one time blacks were treated by some whites almost as the Jews were treated by the Nazis. Today angry black people shoot themselves in the foot and then blame it on the white man. That way they can bask in the legacy of victimhood and continue to suck up the retributions and guilt handouts from the left. I wonder when they'll quit doing that and finally settle for real equality. It's been there for awhile. Many realize it and just move on. Some do not and reject equality in favor of affirmative action and guilt politics. It's been a long time since corporations with affirmative action policies started hiring people just because they were black. How far does that have to go until THOSE black people realize they're not doing it on their own?? Theyre being hired because they're black, not because they're good. And how can that feel good?? How is that a win??
Wrong. But this is an assessment from someone outside of the black community who has never been black. Furthermore He ignores apartheid in his lie.

Whites have had what he calls affirmative action from day one. Whites have been given what they have because they're white, not because they're good. And how can that feel good?? How is that a win?? But his delusion tells him whites earned what they have and blacks were just handed things by guilty whites.

This is why learning accurate history is so important.
That doesn't change the fact that a stereotype exists, based on the observations of Asian math scores.

That doesn't change the fact that stereotypes exist, based on the observations of black athletes and math students.


No what he said is correct.

I don't get where your thing is with stereotypes. You excuse things saying a stereotype exists. If you know something is a stereotype then because it is not the truth most people once they knew that would not engage in it. Because it can harm people to the extent of Jews in WW2 they are no laughing matter.
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I don't know why people like MikeTx pretend that whites don't riot and loot. Whites have rioted and looted just for the hell of it.
You started off with something that might have been an interesting discussion, but then you immediately derailed your own discussion. Cutting and pasting a laundry list of factoids about Black history and speaking about your people as if they are some monolithic entity.

You have no interest in discussion. This is just another rambling mess.
IM2 wants to blame whites for black problems. He ignores two facts: black social pathology has increased since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was passed and the War on Poverty was declared; blacks are better off economically in the United States than in any black majority, black run country in the world.
If the roles were reversed, and if whites were on the receiving end and not the giving end, whites would probably riot and loot, too.
Blacks are on the receiving end of a competitive economy. Most blacks are not able to perform well.
Blacks are on the receiving end of a competitive economy. Most blacks are not able to perform well.

People inherit advantages, like being part of a dominant social group, like having more powerful social networks, or having access to better educational systems, or not having police officers roll into their neighborhoods like occupying armies, or having municipal governments take their house over an unpaid water bill - that kind of shit.
IM2 wants to blame whites for black problems. He ignores two facts: black social pathology has increased since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was passed and the War on Poverty was declared; blacks are better off economically in the United States than in any black majority, black run country in the world.
I am black you are not. I don't ignore anything. The stuff you say is made up.

In 1959, poverty for blacks was 55.1 percent. For whites, it was 18.1.2 Black poverty was 3.04 times that of whites. This was five years before the Civil Rights Act and during legalized segregation. In 1966, poverty for Blacks was 41.8 percent. For whites, it was 11.3 percent. Black poverty was 3.69 times that of whites two years after the Civil Rights Act.

So right here your bs is wrong.

White racism is the root cause of our problems. How do YOU know it isn't? Have you been black to face it? No. So your comments are factless ignorant drivel derived from severe anti black hatred.

The only pathology that has increased in recent years is ignorance from whites trying to hide it by distorting science.

The racist subculture is arguing for a return to jim croe so members of that subculture now claim that blacks were better off during Jim Crow. How convenient. If blacks were so much better off, there would have been no civil rights movement.

You are white and you're in here trying to push a well known debunked piece of garbage that circulates through your subculture that is not accepted by any accredited organization or leading experts.
Blacks are on the receiving end of a competitive economy. Most blacks are not able to perform well.
This is pure ignorance. Whites denied the ability for blacks to compete until 1965. So while whites had a 197 year head start and still practice racism, we've had 57 years to try competing still against racism. Apparently there are whites who can't compete without help.
blacks are better off economically in the United States than in any black majority, black run country in the world.
Whites like you ran away from Europe. So it's more true that whites are better off economically in the United States than in any whie majority, white run country in the world. There are some very rich Africans. You don't know anything about that.
IM2 wants to blame whites for black problems. He ignores two facts: black social pathology has increased since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was passed and the War on Poverty was declared; blacks are better off economically in the United States than in any black majority, black run country in the world.
Could not be stated any clearer than that. In IM2's latest "discussion", he blames guns for the misery in urban Black communities. He conveniently ignores the fact that the guns are mostly illegal and provided by the cartels and those profiting off of the inner city drug industry.
Which they are. They are not the truth. To spread lies about people is negative. The examples I gave to you showed this. In reality there is nothing positive that can come from stereotypes. It is just allowing yourself to form a picture of other people which is not true.

For the rest, stop trying to take what is a very serious subject to gutter talk. If you can't deal with the subject including that positive stereotypes have a negative affect then choose another thread to play with. This is serious. Do you want to carry on stereotyping people. If so why?

Which they are. They are not the truth.

Sometimes they are the truth, sometimes they aren't.
Sometimes they are positive, sometimes they are negative.

To spread lies about people is negative.

If I say you're intelligent and good looking, how is that negative?

For the rest, stop trying to take what is a very serious subject to gutter talk.

Stop being such a whiney bitch. You were wrong. Own it.
Wrong. But this is an assessment from someone outside of the black community who has never been black. Furthermore He ignores apartheid in his lie.

Whites have had what he calls affirmative action from day one. Whites have been given what they have because they're white, not because they're good. And how can that feel good?? How is that a win?? But his delusion tells him whites earned what they have and blacks were just handed things by guilty whites.

This is why learning accurate history is so important.

Boxing all whites together as being blessed is totally racist.
Some whites have given some whites some things they wouldn't give black people because THOSE whites were racist.

Many whites are or were absolutely dirt poor and barely able to scrape along. Nobody necessarily came along and gave them stuff because they were white...although we all know that has sometimes happened when certain paths cross. Many were born dirt poor and died dirt poor no matter how hard they worked. In the case of blacks, (if you want to actually talk about history). they were not given what everyone ought to have. Not allowed to live as citizens were guaranteed to live under the Bill of Rights. That means that blacks were under privileged and treated wrong, not that whites are all privileged. If a white person spits on you because you're black but passes me by, you are TARGETED, I am not privileged to be treated better. It's A RIGHT, not a privilege. That's the mistake you're making that makes you a racist yourself.

And as for me not being part of the black community?
Alot of black folks have known me a hell of a lot better than you do and get along with me just fine, racist.

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