Zone1 If Blacks Do What Whites Have Done We Will Be Successful

If a study is denounced it is refuted.
Galileo was denounced. He was not refuted. Nevertheless, Galileo's assertion about the earth revolving around the sun was counter intuitive. Every day it looks as though the sun revolves around the earth. The assertions of Charles Murray and Professor J. Philippe Rushton are not counter intuitive. Anyone with extensive experience with Negroes knows that most of them are less intelligent than most whites, and that many are more dangerous. Even Jesse Jackson agrees.

The world is not peaceful now and what this really means is that whites who think they can lecture blacks on what they need to do should take a hard long look at how they actually got where they are instead of believing a bunch of feel good white superiority bs and then correct the problems they created instead of the lectures.
Since the beginning of the Italian Renaissance in the fifteenth century whites of European ancestry (of course I include Jews as being part of that group) have created the most advanced, the most affluent civilization in history. What have blacks done during that time?
Black problems are caused by ignorance such as this crap you just posted.
What don't I know that if I learned would cause me to agree with you?

If blacks problems are caused by whites, why are blacks better off economically in white majority, white led countries than in black majority, black led countries?
Lol. No, that's not how it works. Evidence is needed and the 400 years including this second of white racism is heavily documented..
What have blacks done in Africa during the last 400 years that would indicate that they are capable of creating and maintaining thriving civilizations?
We have none of that. Apparently your brain malfunctions whereby you can't understand facts when they are put in front fo your face. But such is the problem with online forums.
I have provided sufficient documentation to demonstrate that most blacks are significantly less intelligent than most whites. That is the reason white efforts to help blacks, like the War on Poverty, Head Start, and No Child Left Behind have failed.
So we are told that if blacks do certain things that we will suceed.

1) Waiting until marriage to have children, and then only when at least one of the marriage partners is gainfully employed in a job that allows them to afford them, and

2) A very strong emphasis that education is the key to success - including higher education in a marketable field - that is instilled beginning in elementary school.

Of course, there are other traits that contribute to one’s degree of success - motivation, ability, intelligence, discipline, etc. - but the two above, if followed, practically guarantees that one will become at least lower-middle class, and likely higher.

Are these things relly how whites became sucessful?

Whether it was colonial government or the current republic we have now, the government has provided whites with more than it has ever given to anyone else. This was not because people of color did not take the opportunity because most of these things EXCLUDED non white participation. The handouts/privilege started with this:

Okay, you list your usual laundry list of grievances, but what does that have to do with anything?

Except for the WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) every group that has ever come here has faced some kind of discrimination or bigotry.

My Grandfather came here with the contents of a few steamer trunks in 1925, and when he got here, no one was particularly thrilled to see anyone from Germany. It was less 'Welcome to the White Oppressor Overclass" and more "Get out of here, you damned Kraut!" And Grandpa almost did, he took his family back to Germany in 1930 before returning again in 1931.

So, yes, it was all about white privilege! It wasn't because I worked two minimum wage jobs and joined the National Guard to pay for college, it was WHITE PRIVILEGE!
It wasn't because I've been working since I was 16 years old (I'm 60 now), it's because of white privilege!
Okay, you list your usual laundry list of grievances, but what does that have to do with anything?

Except for the WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) every group that has ever come here has faced some kind of discrimination or bigotry.

My Grandfather came here with the contents of a few steamer trunks in 1925, and when he got here, no one was particularly thrilled to see anyone from Germany. It was less 'Welcome to the White Oppressor Overclass" and more "Get out of here, you damned Kraut!" And Grandpa almost did, he took his family back to Germany in 1930 before returning again in 1931.

As someone with German ancestry I can back this up to a degree.

But there are differences between German ancestors -yours and mine - who were allowed to fit in and assimilate once they polished up their English and put their Catholicism in the closet, and Blacks who were the subject of legal discrimination for a century after winning their status as equal persons under the law.

Even other visible minorities like Hispanics and Christian Arabs from Lebanon and elsewhere were allowed to attend universities in the South. That wasn't possible for Blacks until 1962 at the earliest, even though their taxes supported public education that they couldn't benefit from and welfare benefits they couldn't receive. Indeed, Roosevelt's New Deal passed precisely because he made compromises with Southern members of congress such that Blacks wouldn't get these benefits.

Blacks couldn't get welfare, couldn't get bank loans, couldn't get property because of red lining in a lot of cases. They had to move to northern cities to find work and when they got there they were often targeted for discrimination by white American and white immigrant labor unions. In fact one of the worst riots in American history, the East St. Louis riot of 1917, was started over white labor union outrage over companies hiring Black migrants on the cheap.

Don't think that your ancestors' experiences are the same. They're not. That's not at all to say that they didn't work hard or deserve what they rightfully, legally earned - I'm sure they absolutely did. But comparing Black Americans to immigrants - even visible minority immigrants who suffered abuses like the Southern Italians and the Chinese - is a fallacy in a lot of cases.
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The only realistic way to assess Blacks' status in the U.S. is to look at Blacks and "whites" (non-Hispanic caucasians) with all other factors normalized. Compare a Black family led by a married couple, both working, with two school-age kids, against a "white" couple with the same characteristics. Compare a Black single mother with multiple kids with a "white" woman in the same circumstances.

When you do those comparisons, you find that for the most part the "families" find themselves in similar conditions. Not equal, but similar. Whites generally have more supportive families, and whites tend to inherit some wealth from past generations.

But to compare the average Black "family" with their "white" counterpart is bogus, with 70% of Blacks being born to single women; bastardy is the single most reliable predictor of essentially every social ill in our society...substance abuse, petty criminality, school dropout, etc. And bastardy is not imposed on Blacks by whites; it is an entirely internal, voluntary handicap.

Nor is it legitimate to compare, for example Black college grads with "white" college grads. Blacks tend to go to lesser schools, take majors that have less economic value, and go into employment that is almost never lucrative (e.g., "community organizer").

As an individual Black American, the only relevant question is, If I play by the rules of THIS society, can I be successful? And the answer is clearly, Yes. Go to fact, take full advantage of all of the "free" education that is available to me. Get a job and stay employed, even if it is a crappy job. Don't have kids until you are married (or in a truly committed relationship).

You'll be fine.
Nor is it legitimate to compare, for example Black college grads with "white" college grads. Blacks tend to go to lesser schools, take majors that have less economic value, and go into employment that is almost never lucrative (e.g., "community organizer").

Many go to much better schools, because of Affirmative Action, and then drop out because they're mismatched and never get a degree.

...OR, they go to a "better" school and take a major which has been created to cater to sub-standard students (e.g., anything ending in "... Studies"). Same principle. Graduating from Princeton with a degree in Ethnic Studies will not generally result in a lucrative career in the Real World. Can't be compared with other Princeton grads.
As someone with German ancestry I can back this up to a degree.

But there are differences between German ancestors -yours and mine - who were allowed to fit in and assimilate once they polished up their English and put their Catholicism in the closet, and Blacks who were the subject of legal discrimination for a century after winning their status as equal persons under the law.

Even other visible minorities like Hispanics and Christian Arabs from Lebanon and elsewhere were allowed to attend universities in the South. That wasn't possible for Blacks until 1962 at the earliest, even though their taxes supported public education that they couldn't benefit from and welfare benefits they couldn't receive. Indeed, Roosevelt's New Deal passed precisely because he made compromises with Southern members of congress such that Blacks wouldn't get these benefits.

Blacks couldn't get welfare, couldn't get bank loans, couldn't get property because of red lining in a lot of cases. They had to move to northern cities to find work and when they got there they were often targeted for discrimination by white American and white immigrant labor unions. In fact one of the worst riots in American history, the East St. Louis riot of 1917, was started over white labor union outrage over companies hiring Black migrants on the cheap.

Don't think that your ancestors' experiences are the same. They're not. That's not at all to say that they didn't work hard or deserve what they rightfully, legally earned - I'm sure they absolutely did. But comparing Black Americans to immigrants - even visible minority immigrants who suffered abuses like the Southern Italians and the Chinese - is a fallacy in a lot of cases.

No one denies that blacks have suffered discrimination much worse than what the Germans (or anyone else who came here voluntarily) did.

But guys like IMAVICTIM2 and others use that as a perpetual crutch.

And whining about something that happened in 1917 is exactly what I am on about.
Yeah, all they have to do is get a whole class of people to work for them for free for about 100 years. Amazing how much wealth you can stockpile when you don't pay for labor.

As the song goes... (From Cabinet Battle #1 : Hamilton, The New American Musical)

Thomas Jefferson:
If New York's in debt, why should Virginia bear it?
Uh, our debts are paid, I'm afraid
Don't tax the South 'cause we got it made in the shade

In Virginia, we plant seeds in the ground
We create, you just wanna move our money around

This financial plan is an outrageous demand
And it's too many damn pages for any man to understand
Stand with me in the land of the free and pray to God we never see Hamilton's candidacy

Look, when Britain taxed our tea, we got frisky
Imagine what gon' happen when you try to tax our whisky

Thank you, Secretary Jefferson
Secretary Hamilton, your response

Thomas, that was a real nice declaration
Welcome to the present, we're running a real nation
Would you like to join us, or stay mellow
Doin' whatever the hell it is you do in Monticello?

If we assume the debts, the union gets new line of credit, a financial diuretic
How do you not get it, if we're aggressive and competitive
The union gets a boost, you'd rather give it a sedative?

A civics lesson from a slaver, hey neighbor
Your debts are paid 'cause you don't pay for labor
"We plant seeds in the South. We create." Yeah, keep ranting
We know who's really doing the planting
good thing black tribes were rounding up and selling all those slaves to whites back in the day
Okay, you list your usual laundry list of grievances, but what does that have to do with anything?

Except for the WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) every group that has ever come here has faced some kind of discrimination or bigotry.

My Grandfather came here with the contents of a few steamer trunks in 1925, and when he got here, no one was particularly thrilled to see anyone from Germany. It was less 'Welcome to the White Oppressor Overclass" and more "Get out of here, you damned Kraut!" And Grandpa almost did, he took his family back to Germany in 1930 before returning again in 1931.

So, yes, it was all about white privilege! It wasn't because I worked two minimum wage jobs and joined the National Guard to pay for college, it was WHITE PRIVILEGE!
It wasn't because I've been working since I was 16 years old (I'm 60 now), it's because of white privilege!
Joe, just face the truth of what has happened. No white group faced Jim Crow. Understand?

Those same groups practiced apartheid against blacks, burned down black communities, bombed black homes and killed entire black families.
good thing black tribes were rounding up and selling all those slaves to whites back in the day
That's not exactly how it happened but that's the lie you tell yourself to feel better.

So exactly what does this have to do with what happened in America?
No one denies that blacks have suffered discrimination much worse than what the Germans (or anyone else who came here voluntarily) did.

But guys like IMAVICTIM2 and others use that as a perpetual crutch.

And whining about something that happened in 1917 is exactly what I am on about.

I am better educated and more successful than you and had to battle racism to do it.

I am talking about what whites have done to be successful. Furthermore you and others are fine with pointing out the past when it makes you feel good. I don't want any other young black coming up today to endure what I have in order to succeed.

I have to laugh when uneducated whites like you call somebody a victim. Victims are the people who just accet the bs and refuse to speak. You want blacks to be quiet because you don't want to lose your preferred status.

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