Zone1 If Blacks Do What Whites Have Done We Will Be Successful

No what he said is correct.
I don't get where your thing is with stereotypes. You excuse things saying a stereotype exists.
I didn't excuse anything. I just know sterotypes exist and why.
If you know something is a stereotype then because it is not the truth most people once they knew that would not engage in it.
Stereotypes are not accurate measures of truth on an individual basis, they are generalized observations of groups and the traits they exhibit. They can be outdated and inaccurate, but that doesn't mean they were created out of thin air. People saw the patterns and ascribed stereotypical behavior to groups.
Because it can harm people to the extent of Jews in WW2 they are no laughing matter.
I can laugh at anything. I don't disagree that stereotypes can harm individuals and groups, but that doesn't change the underlying reason they exist.
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People inherit advantages, like being part of a dominant social group, like having more powerful social networks, or having access to better educational systems, or not having police officers roll into their neighborhoods like occupying armies, or having municipal governments take their house over an unpaid water bill - that kind of shit.
The biggest advantage is high IQ. Dollars do not create scholars. You can't teach stupid.
This is pure ignorance. Whites denied the ability for blacks to compete until 1965. So while whites had a 197 year head start and still practice racism, we've had 57 years to try competing still against racism. Apparently there are whites who can't compete without help.
Right now you have tons of welfare money and affirmative action. Most of you people still cannot perform adequately.
So since we observe a 400 year pattern of racism among whites does this mean we stereotype all whites as racists?
You are very ready to throw the R word based on very little, so I would hazard a guess and say you already do. Oh, you claim you don't, but just like racism in white people, we know it's there. See how that works?
So since we observe a 400 year pattern of racism among whites does this mean we stereotype all whites as racists?
Black problems are not caused by what happened to them 50 to 400 years ago, but by what never happened to them. Human evolution has not prepared most blacks for the intellectual and social demands of civilization. Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the tribal environments of sub Saharan Africa cause many of blacks to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.
Ah, looks like someone read the Bell Curve. :rolleyes:
The Bell Curve has been denounced, but never refuted. The assertions of the book are well documented, and so obviously true that I suspect that many who denounce the book are privately aware that Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein are right.
Stereotypes exist because of observed patterns in groups. It doesn’t mean that they apply to every member of said group, but that a likelyhood does exist if one takes into account historical evidence. A lot of Jewish people are good with finances, a lot of black people are exceptional athletes, a lot of white people aren’t good dancers. I don’t make the stereotypes, but can see why they exist. Can you?
I’m Irish, I love beer lol
Right now you have tons of welfare money and affirmative action. Most of you people still cannot perform adequately.
We have none of that. Apparently your brain malfunctions whereby you can't understand facts when they are put in front fo your face. But such is the problem with online forums.
The Bell Curve has been denounced, but never refuted. The assertions of the book are well documented, and so obviously true that I suspect that many who denounce the book are privately aware that Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein are right.
If a study is denounced it is refuted.
You are very ready to throw the R word based on very little, so I would hazard a guess and say you already do. Oh, you claim you don't, but just like racism in white people, we know it's there. See how that works?
Lol. No, that's not how it works. Evidence is needed and the 400 years including this second of white racism is heavily documented..
Black problems are not caused by what happened to them 50 to 400 years ago, but by what never happened to them. Human evolution has not prepared most blacks for the intellectual and social demands of civilization. Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the tribal environments of sub Saharan Africa cause many of blacks to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.
Black problems are caused by ignorance such as this crap you just posted.
What this really means in veiled code, is to imitate the behavior of racist whites and to actually think that the world will become a peaceful place as a result.
What this really means in veiled code, is to imitate the behavior of racist whites and to actually think that the world will become a peaceful place as a result.
The world is not peaceful now and what this really means is that whites who think they can lecture blacks on what they need to do should take a hard long look at how they actually got where they are instead of believing a bunch of feel good white superiority bs and then correct the problems they created instead of the lectures.
The world is not peaceful now and what this really means is that whites who think they can lecture blacks on what they need to do should take a hard long look at how they actually got where they are instead of believing a bunch of feel good white superiority bs and then correct the problems they created instead of the lectures.
You're targeting all whites instead of the whites that do this shit. I don't tolerate your brand of racism from whites either. That's why you're getting the lectures you're getting. And you'll continue to get them and get them and get them and get them as long as you keep up with your bullshit rhetoric.
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Black problems are not caused by what happened to them 50 to 400 years ago, but by what never happened to them. Human evolution has not prepared most blacks for the intellectual and social demands of civilization. Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the tribal environments of sub Saharan Africa cause many of blacks to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.

Did "Negroes" immigrate here?
You're targeting all whites instead of the whites that do this shit. I don't tolerate your brand of racism from whites either. That's why you're getting the lectures you're getting. And you'll continue to get them and get them and get them and get them as long as you keep up with your rhetoric.
The world is not peaceful now very much because of people like you that Target race and not behavior.

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