If California continues to rebel against the United States, the Army can march in and fuck it up


"Too many in the military join because they simply can't hack it in the regular world"........this quite sums up the RW support for our military and our vets, Ladies and Gentlemen.

In what way Pete?

It's a fact. Many who enlist are simply not qualified in civilian life.

Some of this get training through the military, other become institutionalized and use the service as a free ride.

Know anyone from the second group, Pete?
"Too many in the military join because they simply can't hack it in the regular world"........this quite sums up the RW support for our military and our vets, Ladies and Gentlemen.

This is a quote from the above poster about our military and vets......said, of course, having never served our country himself.

"Too many in the military join because they simply can't hack it in the regular world"........this quite sums up the RW support for our military and our vets, Ladies and Gentlemen.

In what way Pete?

It's a fact. Many who enlist are simply not qualified in civilian life.

Some of this get training through the military, other become institutionalized and use the service as a free ride.

Know anyone from the second group, Pete?
The military is not a free ride...
He never served.....how would he know? All he can do is denigrate our military and vets.

Not the first time I've seen a RWr become honest and tell us really what he/she thinks of our soldiers/sailors/marines.
Did you whine this much when Texass was talking about seceding?

Texas has the legal right to secede, California does not. An attempt by the Communists in California to exit the union is an act of treason..
Agreed about California, but, sad to say, disagreed about Texas. As Justice Scalia wrote "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."

Texplainer: If Brexit Can Happen, Can Texit?

"Too many in the military join because they simply can't hack it in the regular world"........this quite sums up the RW support for our military and our vets, Ladies and Gentlemen.

In what way Pete?

It's a fact. Many who enlist are simply not qualified in civilian life.

Some of this get training through the military, other become institutionalized and use the service as a free ride.

Know anyone from the second group, Pete?
The military is not a free ride...
He never served.....how would he know? All he can do is denigrate our military and vets.
I wished the military was a hang out burger joint, but those minimum 12 hour days sure got tiring after several years...

Why does Texas have the right to secede? Because no one cares if they do?

It was part of the treaty which made them a state.

California has no such provision, nor does any other state.

Now if Texas actually DID try and secede, I suspect that document might not be enough, since the state is the 4th largest economy in the union.
Texas should step up and volunteer to be the "guinea pig" state for Herr Drumplethinskin's slimmer EPA, and fewer regulations and restrictions.
Well, it's not as if the OP would actually volunteer to serve in the Army to help out with his idea anyways.

Maybe he was able to get a job in civilian life? Too many in the military join because they simply can't hack it in the regular world - nothing noble about it. Know what I mean, Pete?

"Too many in the military join because they simply can't hack it in the regular world"........this quite sums up the RW support for our military and our vets, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Unfortunately true of the far Right, but also further evidence of how the far Right is becoming just like the Left in terms of authoritarianism and their disrespect of our military.
Well, it's not as if the OP would actually volunteer to serve in the Army to help out with his idea anyways.

Maybe he was able to get a job in civilian life? Too many in the military join because they simply can't hack it in the regular world - nothing noble about it. Know what I mean, Pete?

"Too many in the military join because they simply can't hack it in the regular world"........this quite sums up the RW support for our military and our vets, Ladies and Gentlemen.

This ladies and gentlemen sums up AGAIN how the Loony Left ignores reality and tries to pretend things aren't what they really are...fucking weirdos!


"Too many in the military join because they simply can't hack it in the regular world"........this quite sums up the RW support for our military and our vets, Ladies and Gentlemen.

In what way Pete?

It's a fact. Many who enlist are simply not qualified in civilian life.

Some of this get training through the military, other become institutionalized and use the service as a free ride.

Know anyone from the second group, Pete?

Anyone with an iQ above 12 knows that many lost souls seeking direction and structure join the military. Let's play pretend and act like it doesn't happen though.
"Too many in the military join because they simply can't hack it in the regular world"........this quite sums up the RW support for our military and our vets, Ladies and Gentlemen.

This is a quote from the above poster about our military and vets......said, of course, having never served our country himself.

So joining the military means one is a saint?
State legislature considering making all of California a ‘sanctuary state’

Imagine the U.S. Army marching into California and leaving a trail of destruction from San Francisco to San Diego. Imagine American soldiers pulling down the Hollywood sign, burning down Disneyland, and blowing up the Golden Gate Bridge. I see it in my dreams, and I hope it becomes reality.

No, Trump should leave California alone and let them self destruct! I would love to see them secede from the union which would take away their 55 electoral votes!
Texas should step up and volunteer to be the "guinea pig" state for Herr Drumplethinskin's slimmer EPA, and fewer regulations and restrictions.

Looks like the Khmer Rouge wants California to be the test for secession, Pete. Would you take up arms against the USA to promote your Stalinist views?

Of course you would. You were an E3 for 20 years, right? so that give you a pension, correct. If you engage in treason, do you lose your pension? :dunno:
State legislature considering making all of California a ‘sanctuary state’

Imagine the U.S. Army marching into California and leaving a trail of destruction from San Francisco to San Diego. Imagine American soldiers pulling down the Hollywood sign, burning down Disneyland, and blowing up the Golden Gate Bridge. I see it in my dreams, and I hope it becomes reality.
Think of the federal money we would save.....
The economy of California is the largest in the United States. As of 2015, California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.496 trillion. The state's GSP grew 4.1% in 2015.

More 'framed' information from you Daniel.
(Using per capita factoring which most would argue is a more informed, more accurate method for data analysis)
California ranked 11th in GDP behind states like Alaska, North Dakota and Washington to name a few.
Further, California is home to 33% of the nations welfare recipients while only making up 12% of the nations total population.
California is a filthy shithole with many large companies and many extremely wealthy people AND an absolute SHIT-TON of poverty stricken, system dependent filthy humans including 2.5 - 3.5 million illegals.
Only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.

State GDPs, 2nd Quarter 2015

Rank: 1

California 2,424,033

Source: Comparison between U.S. states and countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia

PER CAPITA...it's the data that actually matters.
per cap·i·ta
pər ˈkapədə/
adverb & adjective
  1. for each person; in relation to people taken individually.
    "the state had fewer banks per capita than elsewhere"
California is a large State. That is why DC wins.
'If California continues to rebel against the United States, the Army can march in and fuck it up'

Between mudslides, earthquakes, fires, floods, Illegals, fruits, flakes, and nuts - God, Illegals, and Liberals are 'f*ing it up' just fine all by themselves. Stripping them of all federal funds will just help expedite their demise.

Are you trying to prove that California's economy is incredibly robust (and also that almost all of the top 10 are blue states)?

And lol at your prior posts mixing and matching "per capita" and gross figures to suit your argument. You're a dishonest c*nt.

California's economy is anything but "robust."

Due to the corruption of Jerry Brown and the ruling Khmer Rouge, virtually every industry in the state has been destroyed except for his darling Silicone Valley.

15 years ago California was the leader in Aerospace. No longer, the Aerospace giants have been hounded out of the state. Raytheon, Boeing, Aerojet, et al. once the stalwarts of California, now out in Texas to escape the anti-business harassment of Sacramento.

Agriculture has been utterly destroyed by Brown and his minions, with their war on the imperial valley, handing the once vibrant market to Mexico and Chile.

No, California is a fucking basket case, if ANYTHING goes wrong in Silicone valley, the state crumbles. Because it is the only thing the Khmer Rouge likes, all other business has been hounded out of the state.

If Google goes to India and Amazon to Idaho, California goes in the dumpster.

Just right wing hearsay and soothsay?

California also pioneered numerous innovations in retailing during the mid-20th century, particularly fast food restaurants and credit cards. Nationwide fast food chains A&W Restaurants (1919), McDonald's (1940), Taco Bell (1961), and Panda Express (1983) were all founded in California. Visa Inc. (originally BankAmericard) was born from a 1958 experiment by Bank of America in Fresno, while MasterCard (originally Master Charge) was formed as the Interbank Card Association in 1966 by a group of California banks to compete against BankAmericard.

California has a large productive economy. The state now ranks as the sixth largest economy in the world, behind The U.S., China, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that California’s GDP was $2.5 trillion in 2015, up 4.1 percent from a year earlier.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_California#Sectors--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_California#Sectors
'If California continues to rebel against the United States, the Army can march in and fuck it up'

Between mudslides, earthquakes, fires, floods, Illegals, fruits, flakes, and nuts - God, Illegals, and Liberals are 'f*ing it up' just fine all by themselves. Stripping them of all federal funds will just help expedite their demise.

California has historically paid more in federal taxes than it receives; unlike welfare queen red States.

California ranks at forty-six on the federal dependency scale.

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Are you trying to prove that California's economy is incredibly robust (and also that almost all of the top 10 are blue states)?

And lol at your prior posts mixing and matching "per capita" and gross figures to suit your argument. You're a dishonest c*nt.

California's economy is anything but "robust."

Due to the corruption of Jerry Brown and the ruling Khmer Rouge, virtually every industry in the state has been destroyed except for his darling Silicone Valley.

15 years ago California was the leader in Aerospace. No longer, the Aerospace giants have been hounded out of the state. Raytheon, Boeing, Aerojet, et al. once the stalwarts of California, now out in Texas to escape the anti-business harassment of Sacramento.

Agriculture has been utterly destroyed by Brown and his minions, with their war on the imperial valley, handing the once vibrant market to Mexico and Chile.

No, California is a fucking basket case, if ANYTHING goes wrong in Silicone valley, the state crumbles. Because it is the only thing the Khmer Rouge likes, all other business has been hounded out of the state.

If Google goes to India and Amazon to Idaho, California goes in the dumpster.

Just right wing hearsay and soothsay?

California also pioneered numerous innovations in retailing during the mid-20th century, particularly fast food restaurants and credit cards. Nationwide fast food chains A&W Restaurants (1919), McDonald's (1940), Taco Bell (1961), and Panda Express (1983) were all founded in California. Visa Inc. (originally BankAmericard) was born from a 1958 experiment by Bank of America in Fresno, while MasterCard (originally Master Charge) was formed as the Interbank Card Association in 1966 by a group of California banks to compete against BankAmericard.

California has a large productive economy. The state now ranks as the sixth largest economy in the world, behind The U.S., China, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that California’s GDP was $2.5 trillion in 2015, up 4.1 percent from a year earlier.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_California#Sectors--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_California#Sectors

The once golden state is now the Google state, and no other business is welcome. You can have a business outside of Palo Alto, but it better be to service Palo Alto, or Brown and his goons will hound you out of the state.
California has historically paid more in federal taxes than it receives; unlike welfare queen red States.
California just announced due to a 'clerical error' they failed to report a debt of over a trillion dollars, with which they want help from US tax payers.....while declaring their entire state intends to break US Immigration Law.

Yeah....and now California is about to have ALL federal monies cut from them for their rebellion / intent to continue to violate the law. Good Luck with that California. Ask Mexico is they would like to bail you out and you can become part of Mexico. We'll just extend that wall north.

Are you trying to prove that California's economy is incredibly robust (and also that almost all of the top 10 are blue states)?

And lol at your prior posts mixing and matching "per capita" and gross figures to suit your argument. You're a dishonest c*nt.

California's economy is anything but "robust."

Due to the corruption of Jerry Brown and the ruling Khmer Rouge, virtually every industry in the state has been destroyed except for his darling Silicone Valley.

15 years ago California was the leader in Aerospace. No longer, the Aerospace giants have been hounded out of the state. Raytheon, Boeing, Aerojet, et al. once the stalwarts of California, now out in Texas to escape the anti-business harassment of Sacramento.

Agriculture has been utterly destroyed by Brown and his minions, with their war on the imperial valley, handing the once vibrant market to Mexico and Chile.

No, California is a fucking basket case, if ANYTHING goes wrong in Silicone valley, the state crumbles. Because it is the only thing the Khmer Rouge likes, all other business has been hounded out of the state.

If Google goes to India and Amazon to Idaho, California goes in the dumpster.

Just right wing hearsay and soothsay?

California also pioneered numerous innovations in retailing during the mid-20th century, particularly fast food restaurants and credit cards. Nationwide fast food chains A&W Restaurants (1919), McDonald's (1940), Taco Bell (1961), and Panda Express (1983) were all founded in California. Visa Inc. (originally BankAmericard) was born from a 1958 experiment by Bank of America in Fresno, while MasterCard (originally Master Charge) was formed as the Interbank Card Association in 1966 by a group of California banks to compete against BankAmericard.

California has a large productive economy. The state now ranks as the sixth largest economy in the world, behind The U.S., China, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that California’s GDP was $2.5 trillion in 2015, up 4.1 percent from a year earlier.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_California#Sectors--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_California#Sectors

The once golden state is now the Google state, and no other business is welcome. You can have a business outside of Palo Alto, but it better be to service Palo Alto, or Brown and his goons will hound you out of the state.

just hearsay and soothsay:

California has historically paid more in federal taxes than it receives; unlike welfare queen red States.

California ranks at forty-six on the federal dependency scale.

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

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