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If capitalism works why are you all getting government handouts ?

It's not capitalism's fault; it's the way it has been applied
If capitalism can't function without a profit motive, it's hard to see how those who own the means of production will ever prioritize the welfare of their workers and society as a whole over their bottom line?
We have to work towards a point of equilibrium at which we can decrease the inequities we're seeing, and still maintain the dynamic production and innovation inherent in capitalism.

Some give, some take.

The problem is that finding that point would require intellectual honesty, sincere curiosity, communication and collaboration. It appears we no longer posses those skills and qualities.
You don't because you have given it to government to take care of, and now you're really screwed. LOL

Yeah, give it to the government that no longer has the American's interest or purpose as it's own. That'll do the trick.

Capitalism in America today is little more than bending over and providing for corporations over everything else.
prove that comment.

No, capitalist don't want to poison the air that they breath or the ground that they walk upon, but globalist corporation's are a horse of a different color. If a globalist corporation CEO or group holding can use somewhere in the world as their residence, otherwise to escape their poison's, then the world gets what it gets.
Are you trying to separate capitalism from corporations?
Don't they both depend on the profit motive for their existence?
The Corona virus offers another example of why profit-dependent organizations will never prioritize social need over private profit

How Capitalism Kills During a Pandemic

"First, pharmaceutical companies could have started to develop a vaccine for the virus years ago.

"The novel coronavirus that is now ravaging the world is actually one of a family of coronaviruses (including SARS and MERS) with which we have long been familiar.

"It would have been possible to begin research on vaccines and cures for coronaviruses in general, giving us a head start on treatments for the current outbreak.

"But pharmaceutical companies did not pursue this research, because the prospect of a cure was not sufficiently profitable. (A similar problem afflicts development of new drugs to treat antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections.)"
yeah why didn't they create one under obammy?

Because he was every bit as much a part of the problem as anyone.
so Congress let us down?

Actually I blame us. Politicians can only do what we continue to allow them to do.
It's not capitalism's fault; it's the way it has been applied
If capitalism can't function without a profit motive, it's hard to see how those who own the means of production will ever prioritize the welfare of their workers and society as a whole over their bottom line?
We have to work towards a point of equilibrium at which we can decrease the inequities we're seeing, and still maintain the dynamic production and innovation inherent in capitalism.

Some give, some take.

The problem is that finding that point would require intellectual honesty, sincere curiosity, communication and collaboration. It appears we no longer posses those skills and qualities.
You don't because you have given it to government to take care of, and now you're really screwed. LOL

Yeah, give it to the government that no longer has the American's interest or purpose as it's own. That'll do the trick.

Capitalism in America today is little more than bending over and providing for corporations over everything else.
prove that comment.

That isnt capitalism. Govt intervention is the antithesis of capitalism.

There seem to be double standards at work here. I do think that it is the role of government to help out when capitalism fails but so many of my fellow posters seem to be happy decrying "Venezuela" whilst gorging themselves on the government teat.

Are you all going to give the money back ?

I never got a dime from "da gubermint", Tommy Taint....of course I opted out of the UCC so they don't steal from me any longer. Financially, I am doing very well and have used my "money" to help those that are in need. I don't need "da gubermint"to steal it from me and spread it around after taking their "cut".....

What they are calling capitalism and what they are calling socialism are two sides of plutocracy. Neither are primarily concerned with the economic well being of the working class.
Like you even have a fucking clue as to what the "working class" is.
What the Right doesn't understand, especially Trumpsters, is that proper regulation isn't the bane of capitalism, it's a critical component of capitalism.

The 2008 Meltdown should have made this blazingly clear to them, but they have allowed themselves to be completely misinformed about what happened.

So now, as socialism becomes more and more popular as a result, they refuse to honestly examine exactly why that is. Socialists should be thanking them.
We have to work towards a point of equilibrium at which we can decrease the inequities we're seeing, and still maintain the dynamic production and innovation inherent in capitalism
We should also define what we mean by capitalism.
Are we talking about producing goods and services or enhancing financial speculation?
America’s Path To A FIRE Economy

"A FIRE economy is any economy based primarily on the finance, insurance, and real estate sectors.[citation needed] Finance, insurance, and real estate are United States Census Bureau classifications.

"Barry Popik describes some early uses as far back as 1982.[1] Since 2008, the term has been commonly used by Michael Hudson[2] and Eric Janszen.[3]

"It is New York City's largest industry and a prominent part of the service industry in the United States overall economy and other Western developed countries."

FIRE economy - Wikipedia
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We have to work towards a point of equilibrium at which we can decrease the inequities we're seeing, and still maintain the dynamic production and innovation inherent in capitalism
We should also define what we mean by capitalism.
Are we talking about producing goods and services or enhancing financial speculation?
America’s Path To A FIRE Economy

"A FIRE economy is any economy based primarily on the finance, insurance, and real estate sectors.[citation needed] Finance, insurance, and real estate are United States Census Bureau classifications.

"Barry Popik describes some early uses as far back as 1982.[1] Since 2008, the term has been commonly used by Michael Hudson[2] and Eric Janszen.[3]

"It is New York City's largest industry and a prominent part of the service industry in the United States overall economy and other Western developed countries."

FIRE economy - Wikipedia

Everything is geared towards enhancing financial speculations. It cant last.
The extraction of God from the equation by leftist communist is what has caused the problems you now decry, but of course you knew that but won't admit it
Can you point out god in this equation?

Profit Percentage Formula | Examples With Excel Template

I think you're making a huge mistake if you believe the most successful capitalists have NOT made money their god.
well simply said, you didn't include God's share. nice omittance.
We have to work towards a point of equilibrium at which we can decrease the inequities we're seeing, and still maintain the dynamic production and innovation inherent in capitalism
We should also define what we mean by capitalism.
Are we talking about producing goods and services or enhancing financial speculation?
America’s Path To A FIRE Economy

"A FIRE economy is any economy based primarily on the finance, insurance, and real estate sectors.[citation needed] Finance, insurance, and real estate are United States Census Bureau classifications.

"Barry Popik describes some early uses as far back as 1982.[1] Since 2008, the term has been commonly used by Michael Hudson[2] and Eric Janszen.[3]

"It is New York City's largest industry and a prominent part of the service industry in the United States overall economy and other Western developed countries."

FIRE economy - Wikipedia
Well, it runs along a continuum. Speculation is a required component to a degree, but it can be effectively regulated. The more aggressive elements of capitalism can be effectively regulated. Three examples from the Meltdown:
  1. CLTC Chairwoman Brooksley Born begged Greenspan to regulate the more speculative derivatives that played such a central role in damn near bringing down our economy in 2008. He refused.
  2. There were zero (0) reserve requirements on the credit default swaps that allowed financial institutions to leverage up to 30x and 40x to buy shit securities that also weren't regulated.
  3. Synthetic derivatives were nothing more than bets, having nothing to do with actual underlying securities. They don't need to exist, and they played another crucial role.
The very LEAST we could do is address what is obvious. Some new regs were put into place after the Meltdown, but being in the industry, I can tell you we have a LONG way to go there.
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yeah why didn't they create one under obammy?
Possibly for the same reason Obama took $900,000 from Goldman Sachs in 2008?

Trumpland: The Stark Differences Between President Obama (and Hillary) and President-Elect Trump

"What are the most stark differences between the administration of President Obama and the incoming president Donald Trump?

"Wall Street’s Citigroup runs the white house under Obama, and would likely have done so under Hillary Clinton. Under Trump, Citigroup is out and Goldman Sachs is in."
We have to work towards a point of equilibrium at which we can decrease the inequities we're seeing, and still maintain the dynamic production and innovation inherent in capitalism
We should also define what we mean by capitalism.
Are we talking about producing goods and services or enhancing financial speculation?
America’s Path To A FIRE Economy

"A FIRE economy is any economy based primarily on the finance, insurance, and real estate sectors.[citation needed] Finance, insurance, and real estate are United States Census Bureau classifications.

"Barry Popik describes some early uses as far back as 1982.[1] Since 2008, the term has been commonly used by Michael Hudson[2] and Eric Janszen.[3]

"It is New York City's largest industry and a prominent part of the service industry in the United States overall economy and other Western developed countries."

FIRE economy - Wikipedia
capitalism is about private business and ownership. Period. not sure how everyone's scenario is omitting this one bullet.

There seem to be double standards at work here. I do think that it is the role of government to help out when capitalism fails but so many of my fellow posters seem to be happy decrying "Venezuela" whilst gorging themselves on the government teat.

Are you all going to give the money back ?
Capitalism didn’t fail. The government shut down the economy and this took away capitalism. When the government closes businesses there is no capitalism.

I thought everyone understood that.
We have to work towards a point of equilibrium at which we can decrease the inequities we're seeing, and still maintain the dynamic production and innovation inherent in capitalism.
that kind of effort will kill innovation. but hey, all you demofks want to die anyway, so I supposed that is your path forward to death.
It's not capitalism's fault; it's the way it has been applied
If capitalism can't function without a profit motive, it's hard to see how those who own the means of production will ever prioritize the welfare of their workers and society as a whole over their bottom line?
We have to work towards a point of equilibrium at which we can decrease the inequities we're seeing, and still maintain the dynamic production and innovation inherent in capitalism.

Some give, some take.

The problem is that finding that point would require intellectual honesty, sincere curiosity, communication and collaboration. It appears we no longer posses those skills and qualities.
You don't because you have given it to government to take care of, and now you're really screwed. LOL

Yeah, give it to the government that no longer has the American's interest or purpose as it's own. That'll do the trick.
it's not governments to get. period. No matter how many buildings the demofks burn down.

Michigan's at 21% unemployment because Gretche Whitler shut the state down. That's not "capitalism"
Yet another stupid fuck blaming the States for Trump's COVID failure.

You really think that without the shut downs that people would be flocking to bars & restaurants, etc when the infection rates would be so much higher without the shut downs?

There seem to be double standards at work here. I do think that it is the role of government to help out when capitalism fails but so many of my fellow posters seem to be happy decrying "Venezuela" whilst gorging themselves on the government teat.

Are you all going to give the money back ?
You do not understand. Every dollar that the government spends comes from us in the first place. Any stimulus money that comes our way is us merely getting back a very little bit of what was first taken from us. What, did you think government somehow earns money?
Well that is socialism. It kind of kills the argument that our NHS is "free" and that folk are addicted to "free stuff". Every NHS service I get I have already paid for over many years. My policy covers me for everything and I wont go bankrupt.
Its beautiful.

There seem to be double standards at work here. I do think that it is the role of government to help out when capitalism fails but so many of my fellow posters seem to be happy decrying "Venezuela" whilst gorging themselves on the government teat.

Are you all going to give the money back ?
maybe you should mind your own business and get over 1776,,,
s it is with anything, individual cases should be dealt with by our own standards and laws as they have stood over time. However, what we have had happen over the years is a total ignoring of our standards and laws,
If you believe the profit motive is one of those standards and laws we all live under, capitalism, as currently practiced in the US, no longer delivers the goods for a majority of Americans.
We have to work towards a point of equilibrium at which we can decrease the inequities we're seeing, and still maintain the dynamic production and innovation inherent in capitalism.
that kind of effort will kill innovation. but hey, all you demofks want to die anyway, so I supposed that is your path forward to death.
As destructive as the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters can be, it's also boring.

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