If China released the virus on purpose would it be an act of war?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018

We of course do not know for sure. But if investigations and such reveal that this was done on purpose to stifle the global economy and such and especially damage the West, would this be an act of war and if so what would or could the rest of the world do?

You leftists the purpose of the thread is "IF" and there is evidence that "IF" is a possibility. I am not saying it definitely happened. Learn to read before responding.

We of course do not know for sure. But if investigations and such reveal that this was done on purpose to stifle the global economy and such and especially damage the West, would this be an act of war and if so what would or could the rest of the world do?
There’s no indication it was released “on purpose”

An act of war is basically what we say it is.

I think killing 600,000 Americans is an act of war.
Of course if they intentionally sent this virus out to the world in order to kill foreign citizens and generate global chaos it would be an act of war.

It wouldn't matter though, the world wouldn't say a word. They might even reward them with the Olympics and increased trade imbalances. Just as they walked in HK.
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It's a pretty silly notion. As a bio-weapon covid is a total failure in every way. If anything it has only served to make us way better at dealing with communicable diseases.
It's a pretty silly notion. As a bio-weapon covid is a total failure in every way. If anything it has only served to make us way better at dealing with communicable diseases.
Hence the thread says "IF".....
What's the problem? It's just the flu.
But if you don't get the vaccine you are a murderer.....you Killing people....KILLING people.........say all the D karens........the Ds love that fear porn....just ask Bill Mahr
It's a pretty silly notion. As a bio-weapon covid is a total failure in every way. If anything it has only served to make us way better at dealing with communicable diseases.
It depends on what the goal is to accomplish. If the goal was to prevent Trump from having a second term and put a democrat much friendlier to China in office, it worked splendidly.

We of course do not know for sure. But if investigations and such reveal that this was done on purpose to stifle the global economy and such and especially damage the West, would this be an act of war and if so what would or could the rest of the world do?

You leftists the purpose of the thread is "IF" and there is evidence that "IF" is a possibility. I am not saying it definitely happened. Learn to read before responding.
I will tell you what we could do, Monsanto and Pioneer have the science to put traits in corn seed that would effectively sterilize a nation. All seed companies do DOD work for such things
It depends on what the goal is to accomplish. If the goal was to prevent Trump from having a second term and put a democrat much friendlier to China in office, it worked splendidly.
Only in your imagination was Trump anything more than a minor inconvenience to China. The trade war he started and abandoned was a joke. Now we have a president that might actually defend Taiwan if China gets pushy. So that theory is a pile of shit.

We of course do not know for sure. But if investigations and such reveal that this was done on purpose to stifle the global economy and such and especially damage the West, would this be an act of war and if so what would or could the rest of the world do?

You leftists the purpose of the thread is "IF" and there is evidence that "IF" is a possibility. I am not saying it definitely happened. Learn to read before responding.

Let's say you are the leader of a nation...you find out that the CCP engaged in Gain of Function research and created something NASTY....and they released it. It caused a worldwide pandemic. It causes the death of thousands of deaths & it devastates your nation's economy. In the midst of the continuing pandemic you learn the CCP did this intentionally. What do YOU do?

The Typical responses include taking the case to the U.N. to demand the CCP be punished & forced to pay your nation an ass-load of money.
- Don't expect the U.N., The WHO, the CDC, or just about anyone to help you or give you justice - the CCP has bought almost everyone in leadership positions or positions of power in all of them. As you can see, Joe doesn't give a damn about how many Americans have been killed, ho many businesses have been destroyed, how much it has devastated out economy. He would rather use the pandemic to violate his oath of office, the Constitution, and laws IOT seize as much power as possible while violating Americans civil and Constitutional rights. The nly way this makes sense is if Biden has been bought by the CCP. WE KNOW HE HAS BEEN! His family took $1 Billion from the CCP. Biden hi,self took millions from both the CCP and Russia during his campaign.

The CCP has bought key politicians in key positions: Pelosi - speaker, Feinstein - responsible for handing out govt contracts, Boxer, etc...

So, remember, you are the leader of the country. If YOU haven't been bought & you are seeing justice for your people you now will get little support from key politicians in your own govt who have been bought.

If you have not proven to be weak, like Biden, and have not destroyed your credibility, like Biden, you could probably negotiate for reparations. In Biden's case, they would laugh at him and tell him to FO.
Only in your imagination was Trump anything more than a minor inconvenience to China. The trade war he started and abandoned was a joke. Now we have a president that might actually defend Taiwan if China gets pushy. So that theory is a pile of shit.
How will he do that, he has not clue how to get home from the chopper, you think he could find Taiwan?:auiqs.jpg:

We of course do not know for sure. But if investigations and such reveal that this was done on purpose to stifle the global economy and such and especially damage the West, would this be an act of war and if so what would or could the rest of the world do?

You leftists the purpose of the thread is "IF" and there is evidence that "IF" is a possibility. I am not saying it definitely happened. Learn to read before responding.
Deliberate release can’t be proven, and there are always already two populations of SARS-CoV-2. The one that left its location in nature and went to Wuhan lab. The other that did not go to Wuhan lab. Further deliberate releases can also continue from either population.

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