If China released the virus on purpose would it be an act of war?

We of course do not know for sure. But if investigations and such reveal that this was done on purpose to stifle the global economy and such and especially damage the West, would this be an act of war and if so what would or could the rest of the world do?

You leftists the purpose of the thread is "IF" and there is evidence that "IF" is a possibility. I am not saying it definitely happened. Learn to read before responding.

If it could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt - Yes it would be an act of war. Not suggesting that we should get into a full blown shooting war with China. That would be catastrophic.

But an asymmetrical war using cyber, sanctions, boycotts of their imports, etc would certainly be in order.
Only in your imagination was Trump anything more than a minor inconvenience to China. The trade war he started and abandoned was a joke. Now we have a president that might actually defend Taiwan if China gets pushy. So that theory is a pile of shit.
The hate against Non Progs that has been in full ludicrous speed for many years has now a returning view. What you think of Trump is now what is thought of many in D.C. by Non Progs. We owe this nation nothing on that scale. Being a Patriot to outright traitors makes no sense.
No doubt in my mind they released it purposely! And indeed, it is an act of war.
Since those paranoid Commie Chinks seriously thought that Trump was gonna nuke them, then they're crazy-paranoid enough to unleash this bio-weapon!!
We're not dealing with a logical and sophisticated Commie regime. Hell, they build uninhabitated 'ghost cities' for years and still run concentration camps!!!
Does this sound logical and normal to you?
How will he do that, he has not clue how to get home from the chopper, you think he could find Taiwan?:auiqs.jpg:
The idea that China was afraid of Trump is not supported by any action they ever undertook in response to his half-assed actions regarding them. So what's your theory now?
The idea that China was afraid of Trump is not supported by any action they ever undertook in response to his half-assed actions regarding them. So what's your theory now?
Di, who was speaking at an annual event hosted by the nationalistic Chinese website Guan Video, bragged about Beijing’s sway over Wall Street and Biden’s son Hunter and said: “Biden is back! Our old game is back.”
If it could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt - Yes it would be an act of war. Not suggesting that we should get into a full blown shooting war with China. That would be catastrophic.

But an asymmetrical war using cyber, sanctions, boycotts of their imports, etc would certainly be in order.
Thank you. Many here don’t understand what the word “if” means.
Di, who was speaking at an annual event hosted by the nationalistic Chinese website Guan Video, bragged about Beijing’s sway over Wall Street and Biden’s son Hunter and said: “Biden is back! Our old game is back.”
Bringing up Hunter Biden is sure sign you are full of shit. The right's inexplicable vendetta against him is like some kind of psychosis.
The idea that China was afraid of Trump is not supported by any action they ever undertook in response to his half-assed actions regarding them. So what's your theory now?
the same as my post, Biden has no clue where Taiwan is
Bringing up Hunter Biden is sure sign you are full of shit. The right's inexplicable vendetta against him is like some kind of psychosis.
I didn't bring him up.. China did, and they weren't blowing smoke in some bar or something. According to them, their spies, their bio weapon, their Wall Street. And, something they forgot to mention, their(our) electric grid. Us in our place.
China has no vendetta against Hunter Van Gogh. They are thrilled to have Hunter and the Big Guy as friends and co-workers. Do they have a vendetta against Feinstein and her 20 year feeding of her China spy?

They are and have been embedded in our government for a long time. Ask Nixon and Kissinger. And now they are art aficionados.
China is telling the truth. We just aren't listening...
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But if investigations and such reveal that this was done on purpose to stifle the global economy and such and especially damage the West, would this be an act of war and if so what would or could the rest of the world do?

i don't think that ^^^ would be considered an act of 'war' in the sense that a biological weapon released would be.

there .... now you can thank me again, zoggy.

We of course do not know for sure. But if investigations and such reveal that this was done on purpose to stifle the global economy and such and especially damage the West, would this be an act of war and if so what would or could the rest of the world do?

You leftists the purpose of the thread is "IF" and there is evidence that "IF" is a possibility. I am not saying it definitely happened. Learn to read before responding.
I came out very early and said it was an intentional release and there is much evidence for it...what convinced me was how it spread so rapidly all over the world which would not have happened if it had not been 'seeded' as in China sent people infected to all these countries.

Also I know how ruthless the ChiComs are....as in they do not value human life....at least to any great degree.

What is important to them is their agenda.....I have pointed out before how China has played the West ever since Mao came to power and I also have pointed out the book that proves it......."The Unknown Mao" this should be required reading and especially for our top military leaders and politicians....if General Milley had read it he should not have fell for their ploy of claiming they were afraid Trump would nuke them....though it is possible that milley did not buy it but just used it to weaken Trump along with his interview with woodward.

Anyhow it was an act of war but even if our Government knew it....they would not admit it....and that was the beauty of it for the Chinese.

They knew that even if the attack was detected that no one would admit it....not even Trump though he did drop some hints.

They could not admit it to the people and then refuse to go to war...to admit it would have been disastrous for the Government and to go to war with China would also have been disastrous because China is a nuclear power and unlike us they would use them if they felt the need.

Also....if the Chinese truly were afraid Trump would hit them with a 'first strike' it would be because Trump learned that the release of the virus was intentional.

Thus to neutralize that possible threat they notified Milley and got him to go along with them and motivated him not to allow a nuclear strike to take place.

Great work by the Chinese Intelligence apparatus...convincing our top General to engage in treason......a very,very clever plan....to motivate our top General to try and be a hero by preventing nuclear war.

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