If China released the virus on purpose would it be an act of war?

I said CIA mole. Never said under Trump.
So you're talking about a CIA mole put into China years after the events happened. And manages to get into the inner circles of the Chinese government, and gets them to confess their plot.

But of course you know that the Chinese doctor who might have had any such proof was quickly silenced by the Chinese government. So what witnesses could the CIA talk to?
So you're talking about a CIA mole put into China years after the events happened. And manages to get into the inner circles of the Chinese government, and gets them to confess their plot.

But of course you know that the Chinese doctor who might have had any such proof was quickly silenced by the Chinese government. So what witnesses could the CIA talk to?
Link that the President knows about every single CIA op.

Great! But what I said was that I mentioned Trump in direct response to your comment, that mentioned Trump. And then you started bleeding out of your wherever. Get yourself together, man!
Why not respond to his comment since he brought him into it?

Are you going to ask the 7-year old again?
Secondly, who would it be an act of war against.
The first country that the China virus attcked was Italy.

And how would China control the flow of infected people out of Italy?

That is easy.
Since China has a surplus population, anything that decreased population would be good for China, and put China ahead of countries that did not have a surplus population.
That is easy.
Since China has a surplus population, anything that decreased population would be good for China, and put China ahead of countries that did not have a surplus population.
You need to teach him what the word "If" means first please.
Link that the President knows about every single CIA op.


50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions

(a)Presidential findings
The President may not authorize the conduct of a covert action by departments, agencies, or entities of the United States Government unless the President determines such an action is necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives of the United States and is important to the national security of the United States, which determination shall be set forth in a finding that shall meet each of the following conditions:

Each finding shall be in writing, unless immediate action by the United States is required and time does not permit the preparation of a written finding, in which case a written record of the President’s decision shall be contemporaneously made and shall be reduced to a written finding as soon as possible but in no event more than 48 hours after the decision is made.
That is easy.
Since China has a surplus population, anything that decreased population would be good for China, and put China ahead of countries that did not have a surplus population.
I posted that China could have released it for domestic use only, in order to cut their elderly population, and be able to drop their "one child" policy.

But that would go against the idea they did it as an act of war.

50 U.S. Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions

(a)Presidential findings
The President may not authorize the conduct of a covert action by departments, agencies, or entities of the United States Government unless the President determines such an action is necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives of the United States and is important to the national security of the United States, which determination shall be set forth in a finding that shall meet each of the following conditions:

Each finding shall be in writing, unless immediate action by the United States is required and time does not permit the preparation of a written finding, in which case a written record of the President’s decision shall be contemporaneously made and shall be reduced to a written finding as soon as possible but in no event more than 48 hours after the decision is made.
So you are stating the President knows every single CIA op. Yes or no? Don’t post links. Answer the question, leftist. One word. Yes or no?
I posted that China could have released it for domestic use only, in order to cut their elderly population, and be able to drop their "one child" policy.

But that would go against the idea they did it as an act of war.
Hence the word “IF”. LOL

Still don’t know what that means. Dumb dumb
You need to teach him what the word "If" means first please.
There are many such hypotheticals where the "IF" is the hard part.

Like what would happen "IF" they could prove there is no GOD.

When to some people there is no level of proof they would deem sufficient to prove the "IF"
There are many such hypotheticals where the "IF" is the hard part.

Like what would happen "IF" they could prove there is no GOD.

When to some people there is no level of proof they would deem sufficient to prove the "IF"
So you can’t play along? Amazing
So you are stating the President knows every single CIA op. Yes or no? Don’t post links. Answer the question, leftist. One word. Yes or no?
I'm saying Trump (the president) has to approve covert actions. And they would be briefed on what sort of assets they had where.

The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward.

But by the end of the year, the flow of information began to dry up.

and urgent questions from the Obama administration wondering why intelligence about the Chinese had slowed.
I'm saying Trump (the president) has to approve covert actions. And they would be briefed on what sort of assets they had where.

The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward.

But by the end of the year, the flow of information began to dry up.

and urgent questions from the Obama administration wondering why intelligence about the Chinese had slowed.
Yes or no?
Sounds like a family issue. Whatever floats your boat.
LoOks lIkE wE hAvE aNoTheR pErsOn wHo doEsn'T kNoW wHaT "iF" mEanS

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