If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

In what way? Like if I walk into a gay bakery and ask for a normal cake with a man and woman you would say "No, we only bake cakes for queers here"? If that's what you mean then sure have at it.
I'd rather not cast a vote in this poll.

People should be able to conduct run their businesses in whatever way they see fit. Within just law of course.

Discrimination is wrong no matter who is doing it. But on the other hand it is morally wrong to force someone to violate deeply held religious beliefs in order to keep his business and livelihood.

Is it wrong to force someone to violate deeply held non-religious beliefs? Should it be only religious beliefs that get that kind of protection?
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Like if I walk into a gay bakery and ask for a normal cake with a man and woman you would say "No, we only bake cakes for queers here"? If that's what you mean then sure have at it.

That bakery would be out of business in a New York minute. Gays are what? 3% of the consuming public?

Indeed. Have at it :lmao:
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Of course they can. They already do in many cases. it is natural to not wish to interact with those who dislike you for whatever reason.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Of course they can. They already do in many cases. it is natural to not wish to interact with those who dislike you for whatever reason.

Should religious affiliation be removed from the protected classes list?

Nope. This country was founded with the goal of protecting the Rights of the individual against the Mob. That's why the FF made it so hard to pass laws. There are very few religious people who won't cater to gay couples. So, don't buy from them. It's as simple as that. Other than a few tiny towns in the deep South it is ludicrous to think that a religious baker is the only game in town. These lawsuits are gay couples getting pissed off and trying to make a statement. The religious bakers/flower arrangers, etc. are protected. The COTUS is very specific that people are free to practice their religions, and no government may compel them to do anything against their religious beliefs. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission is populated by anti religious fanatics who were incredibly biased. They lost as they should have. Government officials are not allowed to abuse their power as these assholes did.
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... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Of course they can. They already do in many cases. it is natural to not wish to interact with those who dislike you for whatever reason.

they do. many lost their job or were bullied harassed and assaulted for voting trump or saying something wrong in public. im sure gay bosses discriminate christians of course.
I want to see everyone able to encourage or refuse customers completely freely.

Without the silly figleaf of "religious belief." Hotels, bars, rental apartments, house sales, everything.

Then the onus would be on the customers to behave themselves or get rejected. Right now people can be incredibly weird and criminal, like the Starbucks blacks who wanted to shoot up in the restroom, or whatever they were doing in there together, maybe homosexual sex, and somehow it's all supposed to be great "diversity." It's not great: it's yucky. Let people choose freely who they want to serve and who they don't.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Of course they can. They already do in many cases. it is natural to not wish to interact with those who dislike you for whatever reason.

they do. many lost their job or were bullied harassed and assaulted for voting trump or saying something wrong in public. im sure gay bosses discriminate christians of course.

Should that be legal? Currently, it's not.
Should religious affiliation be removed from the protected classes list?

EVERYTHING should be removed from the protected classes list. Absolutely everything, and everyone free to not associate with anyone they don't want to bother with. No special protection for age, or sex, certainly not for sexual perversions (!), not for skin color, national origin, nothing. Instead, freedom.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Of course they can. They already do in many cases. it is natural to not wish to interact with those who dislike you for whatever reason.

they do. many lost their job or were bullied harassed and assaulted for voting trump or saying something wrong in public. im sure gay bosses discriminate christians of course.

Should that be legal? Currently, it's not.

dont baking a cake is not discrimination. it would be discrimination if you refuse to bake a cake for gays, because they are gay. if you disagree with a lifestyle choice like you refuse to bake a cake because they fuck eatch other happily in the ass, its not discrimination. if a gay who is monk and never has sex was refused to get a cake because he is gay then it would be.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Of course they can. They already do in many cases. it is natural to not wish to interact with those who dislike you for whatever reason.

Should religious affiliation be removed from the protected classes list?

The very concept of "protected classes" defies the precept of so-called "equality".

So, do away with the protected classes list. Treat everyone equally, everyone goes home happy.

Or not.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

I am sure you already do!

I am sure it is because of your far left religious beliefs!

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