If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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he didn't bake a cake for them -----WOW!!!
it's not like they chained them to chairs and beat them
As you see the far left missed the point of what the court decided.

It decided that the Government over reached!

7 - 2 just goes to show that this was about government over reach and nothing else.

Well, the entire case was thoroughly lied about and distorted by the left wing media and the pedo-friendly homosexual lobby. The baker had always had a policy of refusing controversial messages and the like in his business all along, and wasn't discriminating against anybody in the first place. It was merely an extortion attempt by a gang of fascists and their huckster lawyers looking for a payday off the backs of some little businessperson. I hope he/she/it/mutant counter-sues every phoney 'Rights' group that smeared them and paid for the frivolous suit, and the sleazebag lawyers as well.
Many in the LGBT community go well beyond discrimination. It is agree with us or else. Of course sometimes it backfires, like the chic-fil-a boycott.

Chik-Fil-A agreed to stop funding homophobic groups... so who backed down again?
he didn't bake a cake for them -----WOW!!!
it's not like they chained them to chairs and beat them

All church services in America always end with howling mobs bursting out the doors and running through the streets crying for the blood of fags and Negroes, and lynching them whenever they catch one of them. Don't you read grade school history and the NYT?
How many Christians force you to wear a cross on your uniform to play soccer like the fags are doing?

You mean the group she voluntarily joined so she could play soccer?

he didn't bake a cake for them -----WOW!!!
it's not like they chained them to chairs and beat them

No, he just humiliated the guy in front of his mother... that's all.
The very concept of "protected classes" defies the precept of so-called "equality".

Indeed, it makes members of those groups “more equal than others”, and makes a mockery of the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Sexual fetishes aren't 'political rights'; only the truly retarded and mentally ill deviants support them being 'political rights'.
Will people PLEASE stop referring to these people just as "Christians"? There are millions of Christians worldwide who definitely DO NOT support what these people are doing in the name of the Christian faith. Make them identify which sect that they are in that incites and condones the kind of disgusting anti-LGBT behavior that is going on. Their conduct is disgraceful, or should all Christians in the world be branded with this offensive conduct? Most Christians are decent people.
Will people PLEASE stop referring to these people just as "Christians"? There are millions of Christians worldwide who definitely DO NOT support what these people are doing in the name of the Christian faith. Make them identify which sect that they are in that incites and condones the kind of disgusting anti-LGBT behavior that is going on. Their conduct is disgraceful, or should all Christians in the world be branded with this offensive conduct? Most Christians are decent people.

It is Evangelicals.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Of course they can. They already do in many cases. it is natural to not wish to interact with those who dislike you for whatever reason.

Should religious affiliation be removed from the protected classes list?

The very concept of "protected classes" defies the precept of so-called "equality".

So, do away with the protected classes list. Treat everyone equally, everyone goes home happy.

Or not.

You are 100% correct, you cannot give some "classes" more protection and then claim everyone has equal protection.

The anti-discrimination rules of the Constitution apply to the Govt only, they were never meant for private citizens.

And yet that is not how the highest court in the land has repeatedly ruled in the past...nor does this ruling change that precedent.

Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises, Inc., 256 F. Supp. 941 (D.S.C. 1966)
I don't see what the problem is- if someone is really committed to homosexuality that they don't care to deal with people that have moral problems with it- they shouldn't have to.
This kinda says it all.
Yep. And the opposite applies, as well.

We're all just so damn desperate to attack the other tribe, that "live and let live" is a thing of the past.
As you see the far left missed the point of what the court decided.

It decided that the Government over reached!

7 - 2 just goes to show that this was about government over reach and nothing else.

Well, the entire case was thoroughly lied about and distorted by the left wing media and the pedo-friendly homosexual lobby. The baker had always had a policy of refusing controversial messages and the like in his business all along, and wasn't discriminating against anybody in the first place. It was merely an extortion attempt by a gang of fascists and their huckster lawyers looking for a payday off the backs of some little businessperson. I hope he/she/it/mutant counter-sues every phoney 'Rights' group that smeared them and paid for the frivolous suit, and the sleazebag lawyers as well.

What "controversial message" goes on a wedding cake? The stupid bitch should have just made the cake. He openly advertised that he made wedding cakes and, apparently, his door was open to people shopping for a wedding cake. The couple took his open invitation to walk in. It's not their fault that he went back on his word and business. He lied and got called on it. That's not extortion. Don't try to blame this on the couple who wanted to order a cake from him.
Will people PLEASE stop referring to these people just as "Christians"? There are millions of Christians worldwide who definitely DO NOT support what these people are doing in the name of the Christian faith. Make them identify which sect that they are in that incites and condones the kind of disgusting anti-LGBT behavior that is going on. Their conduct is disgraceful, or should all Christians in the world be branded with this offensive conduct? Most Christians are decent people.

lol says some weirdo who keeps trying to tell us Wicca is a 'religion', but can never explain why it is.

You don't know jack about religion, you're just another fashion victim spouting rubbish fed to you, like the rest of the mentally ill 'progressives' here. I bet you don't even know 'witch burning' and ' burning fags to death was a pagan invention, not a Christian one, do you? lol lol lol
As you see the far left missed the point of what the court decided.

It decided that the Government over reached!

7 - 2 just goes to show that this was about government over reach and nothing else.

Well, the entire case was thoroughly lied about and distorted by the left wing media and the pedo-friendly homosexual lobby. The baker had always had a policy of refusing controversial messages and the like in his business all along, and wasn't discriminating against anybody in the first place. It was merely an extortion attempt by a gang of fascists and their huckster lawyers looking for a payday off the backs of some little businessperson. I hope he/she/it/mutant counter-sues every phoney 'Rights' group that smeared them and paid for the frivolous suit, and the sleazebag lawyers as well.

What "controversial message" goes on a wedding cake? The stupid bitch should have just made the cake. He openly advertised that he made wedding cakes and, apparently, his door was open to people shopping for a wedding cake. The couple took his open invitation to walk in. It's not their fault that he went back on his word and business.

Ah, she's a 'stupid bitch' because of her religious beliefs, now. You bigots can't keep it hidden, no matter how much you claim to be 'tolerant'; you're all little PC Nazis and mentally ill deviants. Why do you keep trying to hide it? Obviously you're all ashamed of it and know you're wrong.

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