If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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Will people PLEASE stop referring to these people just as "Christians"? There are millions of Christians worldwide who definitely DO NOT support what these people are doing in the name of the Christian faith. Make them identify which sect that they are in that incites and condones the kind of disgusting anti-LGBT behavior that is going on. Their conduct is disgraceful, or should all Christians in the world be branded with this offensive conduct? Most Christians are decent people.

lol says some weirdo who keeps trying to tell us Wicca is a 'religion', but can never explain why it is.

You don't know jack about religion, you're just another fashion victim spouting rubbish fed to you, like the rest of the mentally ill 'progressives' here. I bet you don't even know 'witch burning' and ' burning fags to death was a pagan invention, not a Christian one, do you? lol lol lol

"Fashion victim"? Just what the hell is that? Is this the latest from the moronic right-wing propaganda mills, like "virtue signalling"? The people who call themselves "Christians" are prostituting an entire faith. If these jackasses don't have to explain why what they practice is a religion, why does anyone else have to explain why their's is a religion? Nobody feeds me anything, moron. Quite the opposite. I don't buy the horseshit slung by the likes of such trash as Jeffress and the family research council, et al. quite on my own. Stop trying to drag the entire Christian faith into your sewer.
The first time one of these so called Christian bakers refuses to bake a cake for a divorced couple, I'll believe in their "sincerely held religious beliefs" and not think it's solely about hating gays.
The first time one of these so called Christian bakers refuses to bake a cake for a divorced couple, I'll believe in their "sincerely held religious beliefs" and not think it's solely about hating gays.

I've never known any couple that were getting a divorce to buy a cake for the occasion. But if they did, I think some bakers would definitely refuse.
The ruling by SCOTUS really had nothing to do with religion. If that excuse is used the SCOTUS ruling will not be helpful and the religious excuse will fail.
The baker won his case because the court ruled his cake making was an artistic expression of speech and a person can not be forced into making statements not their own. Forcing a person to say things they do not want to say is a violation of free speech.
The first time one of these so called Christian bakers refuses to bake a cake for a divorced couple, I'll believe in their "sincerely held religious beliefs" and not think it's solely about hating gays.

I've never known any couple that were getting a divorce to buy a cake for the occasion. But if they did, I think some bakers would definitely refuse.

Bullshit. It's not about religion, it's about being anti-gay, period.

Bakery Will Do Pagan, Cloning, and Divorce Cakes But Not Gay Weddings
Atheists should be able to refuse service to gays, just like any religious person.
People should be able to refuse to service to anyone for any reason.
Muslims dont like gays either..
Atheists should be able to refuse service to gays, just like any religious person.
People should be able to refuse to service to anyone for any reason.
Muslims dont like gays either..

If I want bacon, should Muslims be forced to cook it up for me? :D Of course! It's bacon!
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Of course they can. They already do in many cases. it is natural to not wish to interact with those who dislike you for whatever reason.

Should religious affiliation be removed from the protected classes list?

Nope. This country was founded with the goal of protecting the Rights of the individual against the Mob. That's why the FF made it so hard to pass laws. There are very few religious people who won't cater to gay couples. So, don't buy from them. It's as simple as that. Other than a few tiny towns in the deep South it is ludicrous to think that a religious baker is the only game in town. These lawsuits are gay couples getting pissed off and trying to make a statement. The religious bakers/flower arrangers, etc. are protected. The COTUS is very specific that people are free to practice their religions, and no government may compel them to do anything against their religious beliefs. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission is populated by anti religious fanatics who were incredibly biased. They lost as they should have. Government officials are not allowed to abuse their power as these assholes did.
True, but the SC was actually very specific that the baker won because of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission bias, not the question of the baker's religious "right" to say no.
The left gave the jihadi a pass? How so?

If you look at the reactions to the Orlando Pulse shooting, it was portrayed as an act by a homophobic gun nut- completely ignoring the fact that Mr. Mateen was a Jihadi Terrorist and his dad was a huge Dawg supporter
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Of course they can. They already do in many cases. it is natural to not wish to interact with those who dislike you for whatever reason.

Should religious affiliation be removed from the protected classes list?

The very concept of "protected classes" defies the precept of so-called "equality".

So, do away with the protected classes list. Treat everyone equally, everyone goes home happy.

Or not.

You are 100% correct, you cannot give some "classes" more protection and then claim everyone has equal protection.

The anti-discrimination rules of the Constitution apply to the Govt only, they were never meant for private citizens.
The anti-discrimination rules of the Constitution are directly for the private citizens, in that the government cannot pass laws that interfere with their right to the religion of their choice.
Indeed, it makes members of those groups “more equal than others”, and makes a mockery of the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

So if I put a big sign in front of my business that said, "I don't serve Mormons!" you'd be totally cool with that, right?

Why not advertise your bigotry? I certainly wouldn't do business with you. But, unlike you sicko mentally ill sociopaths and neo-fascist vermin, I'm not going to try and ruin your livelihood over it; you can do that by yourself.
Many in the LGBT community go well beyond discrimination. It is agree with us or else. Of course sometimes it backfires, like the chic-fil-a boycott.

The local franchise is literally packed from open to close.
The left gave the jihadi a pass? How so?

If you look at the reactions to the Orlando Pulse shooting, it was portrayed as an act by a homophobic gun nut- completely ignoring the fact that Mr. Mateen was a Jihadi Terrorist and his dad was a huge Dawg supporter
I don't really think that's true, considering his wife was just adjudicated as a potential accomplice in terrorism. There are reasons why a person becomes a terrorist, which I suppose is part of what people were pondering, but no one forgot that he was a terrorist.

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