If Clinton seizes the white house its illegitimate,null and void theft of power

If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.
You really are nuts
They don't believe their own government but anything wiki is gospel
Wikileaks has 10 year record of truth. Government can't go more than 10 minutes without lying. WIkileaks doesn't do it for money or power or status. They do it to share the truth with the people.
Obviously they are right wing
Sure sure. Bet you were singing a different tune when they were releasing stuff related to Bush's crimes.
AS kgb operatives have said...you can't educate the brainwashed. Nobody that WikiLeaks has outed have denied the legitimacy of the emails. They will now, though. Because the useful idiots have shown themselves willing to deny reality.
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, Princess...
Tough talk from Kondor the Keyboard Koward who won't back up his/her words with substance.

You've been found out Faggot.
Still no money on the table. Evidence shows you're the liar/bullshit artist.

Men back up their words with actions. You? Nothing.

I'll bet you have never even been in combat or in the military either for that matter.

Run along and go play soldier with your little friends, Sonny.
"Men back up their words with actions" sounds like something a teenager would say.
That's something a metrosexual, fully "liberated" Left Wing male would say. Just sayin'.

Actually, it's something a little kid might say if he was playing a game or something. It's not something an adult would say and certainly something a Naval Oficer would never say.
Seizes power? Republicans really do believe America is a Banana Republic.
The only theft of power we should be worrying about are the tpp, ttip and tisa. and heres how clinton feels about it:

Hillary Clinton once called TPP the 'gold standard.' Here's why, and what she says about the trade deal now
Donald Trump has made opposition to multilateral trade deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement and the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership a staple of his case against Hillary Clinton. And he quickly took the conversation there Monday.

He says she supported the former, which the U.S. entered into during her husband’s administration, and the latter, which she helped negotiate as secretary of State.

In fact, Trump argued, Clinton decided to oppose TPP only after she saw the popular response Trump was getting for his position.

But Clinton has maintained she opposes TPP, a position she has been forced to reiterate with greater clarity.

said then. “And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40% of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment. That's key because we know from experience, and of course research proves it, that respecting workers' rights leads to positive long-term economic outcomes, better jobs with higher wages and safer working conditions.”

After she left the Obama administration, Clinton’s rhetoric shifted more to express her own views. In her 2014 memoir, “Hard Choices,” she wrote about the administration’s renewed engagement with Vietnam and said the TPP was “one of our most important tools” for doing so.

“Our country has learned the hard way over the past several decades that globalization and the expansion of international trade brings costs as well as benefits,” she wrote, while noting that she and Obama had both promised in the 2008 campaign to pursue “smarter, fairer trade agreements.”

ultimately stated her opposition after taking time to study it.

“I still believe in the goal of a strong and fair trade agreement in the Pacific as part of a broader strategy both at home and abroad, just as I did when I was secretary of State,” she said in a statement. “But the bar here is very high and, based on what I have seen, I don't believe this agreement has met it.”

As a senator, Clinton voted against the only multilateral trade agreement that was considered during her tenure: the Central American Free Trade Agreement. She did support separate bilateral agreements with Chile, Singapore, Australia, Morocco, Bahrain and Oman, according to Politifact.
The only theft of power we should be worrying about are the tpp, ttip and tisa. and heres how clinton feels about it:

Hillary Clinton once called TPP the 'gold standard.' Here's why, and what she says about the trade deal now
Donald Trump has made opposition to multilateral trade deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement and the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership a staple of his case against Hillary Clinton. And he quickly took the conversation there Monday.

He says she supported the former, which the U.S. entered into during her husband’s administration, and the latter, which she helped negotiate as secretary of State.

In fact, Trump argued, Clinton decided to oppose TPP only after she saw the popular response Trump was getting for his position.

But Clinton has maintained she opposes TPP, a position she has been forced to reiterate with greater clarity.

said then. “And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40% of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment. That's key because we know from experience, and of course research proves it, that respecting workers' rights leads to positive long-term economic outcomes, better jobs with higher wages and safer working conditions.”

After she left the Obama administration, Clinton’s rhetoric shifted more to express her own views. In her 2014 memoir, “Hard Choices,” she wrote about the administration’s renewed engagement with Vietnam and said the TPP was “one of our most important tools” for doing so.

“Our country has learned the hard way over the past several decades that globalization and the expansion of international trade brings costs as well as benefits,” she wrote, while noting that she and Obama had both promised in the 2008 campaign to pursue “smarter, fairer trade agreements.”

ultimately stated her opposition after taking time to study it.

“I still believe in the goal of a strong and fair trade agreement in the Pacific as part of a broader strategy both at home and abroad, just as I did when I was secretary of State,” she said in a statement. “But the bar here is very high and, based on what I have seen, I don't believe this agreement has met it.”

As a senator, Clinton voted against the only multilateral trade agreement that was considered during her tenure: the Central American Free Trade Agreement. She did support separate bilateral agreements with Chile, Singapore, Australia, Morocco, Bahrain and Oman, according to Politifact.
Regarding TPP, what Hillary called the "gold standard" was what was initially proposed; not what it morphed Into when it was finally passed.
Run along and go play soldier with your little friends, Sonny.
Actually, it's something a little kid might say if he was playing a game or something. It's not something an adult would say and certainly something a Naval Oficer would never say.
Once a liar, always a liar. Once a bullshitter, always a bullshitter. You offered a bet, I put money on the table. Now all you offer is bullshit.

If you are bullshitting and lying about me, what else are you bullshitting and lying about?

The bet is $1000. Either call, fold or admit you are a fucking lying bullshit artist.
I'll bet you have never even been in combat or in the military either for that matter.
You're an idiot. You know that, right?

abcnews.com.co is not the real ABC news.

abcnews.go.com is.

While you're busy falling for Internet hoaxes, Obama is busy improving his job performance.

Currently, he's at 57%, according to Gallup. To put that into perspective, that gives him the 3rd highest in Gallup history for this point in a president's second term and significantly higher than Reagan...

Eisenhower ..... 58%
Clinton ............. 58%
Obama ............ 57%
Reagan ............ 51%
Truman ............ 32%
Bush43 ............ 25%

Won't do him any good at all. His Obamacare is imploding and that is his legacy.
Spits the idiot who fell for an Internet hoax. Seems your judgement isn't reliable.
Agreed. People who pass along Internet hoaxes are either liars or mentally deficient.
Clinton running around screaming about Trump being a threat to our democracy, but I say this woman is the embodiment of being anti-democracy.. Here is the best evidence of this in my opinion - Where the hell is the coal miners democratic process with that woman running around screaming she is going to run the coal industry out of business ???????????.... This woman talks out of both sides of her mouth, and you had best believe it. What will she do, make coal country another bunch of government dependents ????
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This woman has been a part of the corrupt Obama adminstration, one who had an agenda, and that agenda was to be implemented at any cost, and part of that was when Hillary and Susan Rice lied about Benghazi being the dam result of a video...
Coal is one of our energy sources, and until something concrete as far as another resource or technology takes it's place in a peaceful transition in which phases one resource out in a very constructive way for the other (or) scales it back in a non-rippling affect that allows everything and everyone to adjust in a balanced way, then we have a hostile situation on our hands. Hillary being hostile like she is, creates a bad situation for thousands in the coal industry, and for it's satellite companies that has thousands more at risk. She screams about peaceful transition of power, but she isn't willing to apply that same thinking to the coal industry ????? The woman isn't fit to be commander and chief.. period.
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The only theft of power we should be worrying about are the tpp, ttip and tisa. and heres how clinton feels about it:

Hillary Clinton once called TPP the 'gold standard.' Here's why, and what she says about the trade deal now
Donald Trump has made opposition to multilateral trade deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement and the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership a staple of his case against Hillary Clinton. And he quickly took the conversation there Monday.

He says she supported the former, which the U.S. entered into during her husband’s administration, and the latter, which she helped negotiate as secretary of State.

In fact, Trump argued, Clinton decided to oppose TPP only after she saw the popular response Trump was getting for his position.

But Clinton has maintained she opposes TPP, a position she has been forced to reiterate with greater clarity.

said then. “And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40% of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment. That's key because we know from experience, and of course research proves it, that respecting workers' rights leads to positive long-term economic outcomes, better jobs with higher wages and safer working conditions.”

After she left the Obama administration, Clinton’s rhetoric shifted more to express her own views. In her 2014 memoir, “Hard Choices,” she wrote about the administration’s renewed engagement with Vietnam and said the TPP was “one of our most important tools” for doing so.

“Our country has learned the hard way over the past several decades that globalization and the expansion of international trade brings costs as well as benefits,” she wrote, while noting that she and Obama had both promised in the 2008 campaign to pursue “smarter, fairer trade agreements.”

ultimately stated her opposition after taking time to study it.

“I still believe in the goal of a strong and fair trade agreement in the Pacific as part of a broader strategy both at home and abroad, just as I did when I was secretary of State,” she said in a statement. “But the bar here is very high and, based on what I have seen, I don't believe this agreement has met it.”

As a senator, Clinton voted against the only multilateral trade agreement that was considered during her tenure: the Central American Free Trade Agreement. She did support separate bilateral agreements with Chile, Singapore, Australia, Morocco, Bahrain and Oman, according to Politifact.
Regarding TPP, what Hillary called the "gold standard" was what was initially proposed; not what it morphed Into when it was finally passed.
. Her having aspirations to be the President, then she should have known better.
This woman has been a part of the corrupt Obama adminstration, one who had an agenda, and that agenda was to be implemented at any cost, and part of that was when Hillary and Susan Rice lied about Benghazi being the dam result of a video...
According to Republican-led Congressional investigations, they didn't lie about Benghazi. You righties just can't stop lying. It's one of the reasons you're losing this election.
The only theft of power we should be worrying about are the tpp, ttip and tisa. and heres how clinton feels about it:

Hillary Clinton once called TPP the 'gold standard.' Here's why, and what she says about the trade deal now
Donald Trump has made opposition to multilateral trade deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement and the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership a staple of his case against Hillary Clinton. And he quickly took the conversation there Monday.

He says she supported the former, which the U.S. entered into during her husband’s administration, and the latter, which she helped negotiate as secretary of State.

In fact, Trump argued, Clinton decided to oppose TPP only after she saw the popular response Trump was getting for his position.

But Clinton has maintained she opposes TPP, a position she has been forced to reiterate with greater clarity.

said then. “And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40% of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment. That's key because we know from experience, and of course research proves it, that respecting workers' rights leads to positive long-term economic outcomes, better jobs with higher wages and safer working conditions.”

After she left the Obama administration, Clinton’s rhetoric shifted more to express her own views. In her 2014 memoir, “Hard Choices,” she wrote about the administration’s renewed engagement with Vietnam and said the TPP was “one of our most important tools” for doing so.

“Our country has learned the hard way over the past several decades that globalization and the expansion of international trade brings costs as well as benefits,” she wrote, while noting that she and Obama had both promised in the 2008 campaign to pursue “smarter, fairer trade agreements.”

ultimately stated her opposition after taking time to study it.

“I still believe in the goal of a strong and fair trade agreement in the Pacific as part of a broader strategy both at home and abroad, just as I did when I was secretary of State,” she said in a statement. “But the bar here is very high and, based on what I have seen, I don't believe this agreement has met it.”

As a senator, Clinton voted against the only multilateral trade agreement that was considered during her tenure: the Central American Free Trade Agreement. She did support separate bilateral agreements with Chile, Singapore, Australia, Morocco, Bahrain and Oman, according to Politifact.
Regarding TPP, what Hillary called the "gold standard" was what was initially proposed; not what it morphed Into when it was finally passed.
. Her having aspirations to be the President, then she should have known better.
Known better about what?

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