If Clinton seizes the white house its illegitimate,null and void theft of power

You're an idiot. You know that, right?

abcnews.com.co is not the real ABC news.

abcnews.go.com is.

While you're busy falling for Internet hoaxes, Obama is busy improving his job performance.

Currently, he's at 57%, according to Gallup. To put that into perspective, that gives him the 3rd highest in Gallup history for this point in a president's second term and significantly higher than Reagan...

Eisenhower ..... 58%
Clinton ............. 58%
Obama ............ 57%
Reagan ............ 51%
Truman ............ 32%
Bush43 ............ 25%

Won't do him any good at all. His Obamacare is imploding and that is his legacy.
Spits the idiot who fell for an Internet hoax. Seems your judgement isn't reliable.

Indeed? How much have your premiums increased? Is your carrier quitting with losses?
I see. No actual combat though, correct? You are aware are you not that the active duty military in a poll conducted by the Military Times voted 2 to 1 in support of Trump over Hillary Clinton as being their Commander-in-Chief? Being in the military is one thing while actually being in combat is something all together different. Many guys and gals spend twenty to thirty years in the military and never see any combat at all. Not at all impressive to me.
Actually, I'm a ten point combat connected veteran. I lost my right arm and half my right shoulder on June 7, 1966 at Dak To. How much blood and body parts have you contributed?
The bet is all yours and this coward will take you on any day you desire Little man. Being retired military doesn't account for jack shit. That carries as much weight as a retired police officer or fireman. You sound like a blowhard to me.
I see a lot of talk but no money on the table. Are you a spineless, limp-wristed nutjob who is a loudmouthed keyboard kommando or are you someone who is willing to put up money when they say "I bet"?
I'll bet you have never even been in combat or in the military either for that matter.
$1000. You can call, fold or run like fucking loudmouthed coward.

No you're the Breaking Wind liar. You're no Navy officer. You don't have the composure to be an officer. You are a blowhard nut case. You've never even been in a combat situation. You are an armchair warrior.
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media
It's not how many games one has lost or won during the season, but how they finish the season. Trump is a billionaire. He may not have the billions he claims but he certainly has enough to last him and his family for the rest of their lives.

If he really was broke, then maybe he would like to be President, but I think he's a billionaire and being President would be "inconvenient" for a septuagenarian billionaire.

Did they teach you that in Naval Officer's School, Little Man?
that's the left that did that, obviously the republican voters have decided that a new outlook has to be better than the stability they have been getting.
Only the liberals are stupid enough to keep doing the same damn thing. Republican voters have finally opened their eyes.
No doubt a good portion of American citizens are unhappy with the direction our nation is headed. It is why Bernie was so popular among the Left and why both Hillary and Trump are the most loathsome, unfavorable pair of Presidential candidates in living history.

This election is most likely to be won by the nominee whose side has the least number of voters who stay home and, IMHO, will have the lowest turnout for a primary election of new nominees in decades.
No you're the Breaking Wind liar. You're no Navy officer. You don't have the composure to be an officer. You are a blowhard nut case. You've never even been in a combat situation. You are an armchair warrior.
As I already have done, I will defend my country. That is something you have never done.
Did they teach you that in Naval Officer's School, Little Man?
I see a lot of Internet Tough Guy talk, insults and lies, but no money. Don't you backup your bets like a man? Are you all talk, no action?
I'll bet you have never even been in combat or in the military either for that matter.
The bet was $1000. A man would call, fold or apologize. A coward, liar, ITG and/or Stolen Valor asshole would just keep spewing the same bullshit they always spew.
No you're the Breaking Wind liar. You're no Navy officer. You don't have the composure to be an officer. You are a blowhard nut case. You've never even been in a combat situation. You are an armchair warrior.
As I already have done, I will defend my country. That is something you have never done.
Did they teach you that in Naval Officer's School, Little Man?
I see a lot of Internet Tough Guy talk, insults and lies, but no money. Don't you backup your bets like a man? Are you all talk, no action?
I'll bet you have never even been in combat or in the military either for that matter.
The bet was $1000. A man would call, fold or apologize. A coward, liar, ITG and/or Stolen Valor asshole would just keep spewing the same bullshit they always spew.
Your language strikes me as entirely inappropriate and out of character for a former officer in the United States Armed Forces. I, too, seriously doubt that you were an officer.
Your language strikes me as entirely inappropriate and out of character for a former officer in the United States Armed Forces. I, too, seriously doubt that you were an officer.
You are welcome to back up your opinion with a $1000 bet. Are you in?
Your language strikes me as entirely inappropriate and out of character for a former officer in the United States Armed Forces. I, too, seriously doubt that you were an officer.
You are welcome to back up your opinion with a $1000 bet. Are you in?

I make it a point never to engage in such juvenile silliness on message boards...

But the opinion stands...

I seriously doubt a mindset like yours was ever officer material.

I make it a point never to engage in such juvenile silliness on message boards...

But the opinion stands...

I seriously doubt a mindset like yours was ever officer material.
Translation: I never back up my opinion with accountability or anything else which is substantial. I just like to hear myself talk.

Thanks, got it.
You're an idiot. You know that, right?

abcnews.com.co is not the real ABC news.

abcnews.go.com is.

While you're busy falling for Internet hoaxes, Obama is busy improving his job performance.

Currently, he's at 57%, according to Gallup. To put that into perspective, that gives him the 3rd highest in Gallup history for this point in a president's second term and significantly higher than Reagan...

Eisenhower ..... 58%
Clinton ............. 58%
Obama ............ 57%
Reagan ............ 51%
Truman ............ 32%
Bush43 ............ 25%

Won't do him any good at all. His Obamacare is imploding and that is his legacy.
Spits the idiot who fell for an Internet hoax. Seems your judgement isn't reliable.

Indeed? How much have your premiums increased? Is your carrier quitting with losses?
Percentage wise, no more than before ObamaCare. My employer pays the lion's share of my benefits. And I still have the same doctor I've had for the last 15 years.
Your language strikes me as entirely inappropriate and out of character for a former officer in the United States Armed Forces. I, too, seriously doubt that you were an officer.
You are welcome to back up your opinion with a $1000 bet. Are you in?

I make it a point never to engage in such juvenile silliness on message boards...

But the opinion stands...

I seriously doubt a mindset like yours was ever officer material.

He certainly isn't. He acts more like a twelve year old child than a Naval officer.
You're an idiot. You know that, right?

abcnews.com.co is not the real ABC news.

abcnews.go.com is.

While you're busy falling for Internet hoaxes, Obama is busy improving his job performance.

Currently, he's at 57%, according to Gallup. To put that into perspective, that gives him the 3rd highest in Gallup history for this point in a president's second term and significantly higher than Reagan...

Eisenhower ..... 58%
Clinton ............. 58%
Obama ............ 57%
Reagan ............ 51%
Truman ............ 32%
Bush43 ............ 25%

Won't do him any good at all. His Obamacare is imploding and that is his legacy.
Spits the idiot who fell for an Internet hoax. Seems your judgement isn't reliable.

Indeed? How much have your premiums increased? Is your carrier quitting with losses?
Percentage wise, no more than before ObamaCare. My employer pays the lion's share of my benefits. And I still have the same doctor I've had for the last 15 years.

Well, you arte an exception according to all the news stories.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.
You really are nuts
I am a radical extremist. Everyone else already knows that.

Yes, a social Nazi or something like that, but in the end it just means nut job

I make it a point never to engage in such juvenile silliness on message boards...

But the opinion stands...

I seriously doubt a mindset like yours was ever officer material.
Translation: I never back up my opinion with accountability or anything else which is substantial. I just like to hear myself talk.

Thanks, got it.
You tell 'em, Princess...
You're an idiot. You know that, right?

abcnews.com.co is not the real ABC news.

abcnews.go.com is.

While you're busy falling for Internet hoaxes, Obama is busy improving his job performance.

Currently, he's at 57%, according to Gallup. To put that into perspective, that gives him the 3rd highest in Gallup history for this point in a president's second term and significantly higher than Reagan...

Eisenhower ..... 58%
Clinton ............. 58%
Obama ............ 57%
Reagan ............ 51%
Truman ............ 32%
Bush43 ............ 25%

Won't do him any good at all. His Obamacare is imploding and that is his legacy.
Spits the idiot who fell for an Internet hoax. Seems your judgement isn't reliable.

Indeed? How much have your premiums increased? Is your carrier quitting with losses?
Percentage wise, no more than before ObamaCare. My employer pays the lion's share of my benefits. And I still have the same doctor I've had for the last 15 years.

Well, you arte an exception according to all the news stories.
No, I am not an exception and neither is anyone else at my company or anyone else across the nation whose employer has been covering some of their insurance.
Percentage wise, no more than before ObamaCare. My employer pays the lion's share of my benefits. And I still have the same doctor I've had for the last 15 years.
Lucky you. My fellow employees and myself saw our rates jump dramatically with the introduction of Obamacare. There's a reason why 1.4 million Americans are about to lose medical coverage due to Obamacare. It's because Obamacare didn't fix the problem, it just exacerbated it.

1.4 million people are about to lose their current Obamacare coverage
The exodus of insurers from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is going to lead to a massive shift in coverage next year.

According to an analysis by Bloomberg's Zachary Tracer, Tatiana Darie, and Katherine Doherty, roughly 1.4 million Americans will lose the coverage they have currently through the ACA, better known as Obamacare, exchanges and have to find a new plan.

Bloomberg estimated the number by calling the insurance regulator in each state and asking how many people would be impacted. A few states, such as Georgia and Texas, either didn't answer Bloomberg or did not have enough data.

Eleven states and Washington DC said they would be unaffected.

According to the Bloomberg report, the states with the most turnover are Florida, North Carolina Tennessee, Illinois, and Pennsylvania.

The shift is primarily due to insurers leaving the marketplaces where they operated. Large firms such as Aetna, UnitedHealthcare, and Humana have all announced rollbacks of their Obamacare coverage for 2017.

Some states, such as Minnesota, Tennessee, and South Carolina have seen so many insurers leave that it has pushed the exchanges to the brink, lead to large premium increases, and have state lawmakers worried.

These insurers are reducing coverage due to the unexpectedly high costs of the pool of people entering the exchanges. The people that have signed up so far have been sicker and older than expected, meaning they are net losses for the insurers. Younger people have not jumped onto the exchanges as anticipated, leaving the insurers without a counterbalancing group to pay into the pool.

The Obama administration recently announced new initiatives and rules to help mitigate these problems.

The open enrollment period for 2016 opens November 1 and end at the end of January.
You really should change your handle to "Breaking Wind." You are full of it.
Still waiting for you to man-up and back your bet as requested. The longer it takes, the more people will see you for the Kowardly Keyboard Kommando you really are. Some will begin to realize that it took 10 service personnel to back one soldier in the field during Vietnam. Since that is true, why are the only people claiming service during those times claiming combat status and not being a typist at Ft. Dix or a General's aide/boot polisher at MACV?

The fact remains you made a bet and then refused to back it up. Now you and your fellow Koward are just whining like teenagers. Further evidence you are not who you claim to be.
Your language strikes me as entirely inappropriate and out of character for a former officer in the United States Armed Forces. I, too, seriously doubt that you were an officer.
You are welcome to back up your opinion with a $1000 bet. Are you in?

I make it a point never to engage in such juvenile silliness on message boards...

But the opinion stands...

I seriously doubt a mindset like yours was ever officer material.

He certainly isn't. He acts more like a twelve year old child than a Naval officer.

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