If Clinton seizes the white house its illegitimate,null and void theft of power

Wow, Republicans have got to the point where it's "either we win, or it's a conspiracy"
And Democrats have got to the point of where it's "either we win, or call the Clinton Foundation dirty tricks department aka David Brock".

In 2016 Game of Thrones, Hillary Lannister takes on the 'Mad King': Jonathan Turley
Ramsay Bolton: Clinton ally David Brock seems ideal to play this role, a person obsessed with being given legitimacy as the bastard of Lord Bolton but valued more for his cruel talents. Referred to by Sanders simply as “scum,” Brock is widely detested by many who view him as a vicious bottom feeder who runs a series of shadowy PACs for Clinton to attack anyone standing in her way. Brock openly offers to pay money for embarrassing videos and dirt to help Clinton. Only Brock could deliver Ramsay’s line, “If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.”

Well that's hardly only for the Democrats. I mean, Obama's what? A Muslim? Born in Kenya? A Jew? The worst president ever? Could I go on? Where does all this stuff come from? It comes from the Republican Party. And I have no doubt there's more.

This is the bullshit of this partisan politics.
It goes both ways. Don't you remember all the LW psychos fear-mongering that Bush would declare martial law if Obama won in 2008?

If you want to believe the Left is pure as the driven snow and only the Right are nuts, that's your choice. If you want the truth, I have some bad news for you.
Clean Up in Las Vegas
That's right sweet cheeks don't bother replying with the truth because we ALL know you LOVED it when Wikileaks was bashing Bush.
Anyone who supports Putin invading the US, including nuking some US cities is either a traitor or nuts. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt you aren't really a traitor.
This further supports the idea you aren't a traitor:
I will wait for marching orders from God Emperor Trump and God Emperor Putin :)
Wow, Republicans have got to the point where it's "either we win, or it's a conspiracy"
And Democrats have got to the point of where it's "either we win, or call the Clinton Foundation dirty tricks department aka David Brock".

In 2016 Game of Thrones, Hillary Lannister takes on the 'Mad King': Jonathan Turley
Ramsay Bolton: Clinton ally David Brock seems ideal to play this role, a person obsessed with being given legitimacy as the bastard of Lord Bolton but valued more for his cruel talents. Referred to by Sanders simply as “scum,” Brock is widely detested by many who view him as a vicious bottom feeder who runs a series of shadowy PACs for Clinton to attack anyone standing in her way. Brock openly offers to pay money for embarrassing videos and dirt to help Clinton. Only Brock could deliver Ramsay’s line, “If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.”

Well that's hardly only for the Democrats. I mean, Obama's what? A Muslim? Born in Kenya? A Jew? The worst president ever? Could I go on? Where does all this stuff come from? It comes from the Republican Party. And I have no doubt there's more.

This is the bullshit of this partisan politics.
It goes both ways. Don't you remember all the LW psychos fear-mongering that Bush would declare martial law if Obama won in 2008?

If you want to believe the Left is pure as the driven snow and only the Right are nuts, that's your choice. If you want the truth, I have some bad news for you.

Well that's the point I'm making, and have been for a long time. When it becomes this team sport, only two teams fighting off against each other, then it's simple to do these dirty tricks. Hence why there needs to be more democracy, more parties, more openness with Proportional Representation in Congress and the Presidency to have a run off election.
Well that's the point I'm making, and have been for a long time. When it becomes this team sport, only two teams fighting off against each other, then it's simple to do these dirty tricks. Hence why there needs to be more democracy, more parties, more openness with Proportional Representation in Congress and the Presidency to have a run off election.
We are agreed on the concept, but implementation is a long road.

Neither party wants to give up power and they hold power through Congress.
what exactly would a violent revolt prove? what good could come from it. I would say nothing, no good would come.
A revolt of some sort? yes by all means, but I think that revolt should come in the form of supporting congressional candidates that would block her every move for the next 4 years. If anything is going to work it will have to be done in such a way as not to start a civil war in the country, our problem isnt that we are not divided enough, our problem is that we are not united as a people.
This is the same reason that I honestly pray that nobody would consider assassinating her. That might get rid of her, but it would further divide us as a country and cause problems for generations to come.
I suggest starting that revolt this time around, if you have a choice in any race besides president, vote for the person that has not backed hillary or walked away from Trump. If we cant take her down by herself, we need to work at destroying the foundation below her.
There are ways to do this without violence. Im going to tell you right now, unless someone is shooting at me, its going to be a cold day in hell before I attempt to kill anyone. (except for illegals and midgets. Midgets scare me for some reason)
Ask these guys:
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

We all look forward to the Great Pout-fest the day after the election .. which is about all you can do about the President of the United States, Hillary Clinton.

If you not man enough to stand up against all the dirty tricks, propaganda and corruption recently exposed, don't cry when the same techniques are used against your candidates.
Well that's the point I'm making, and have been for a long time. When it becomes this team sport, only two teams fighting off against each other, then it's simple to do these dirty tricks. Hence why there needs to be more democracy, more parties, more openness with Proportional Representation in Congress and the Presidency to have a run off election.
We are agreed on the concept, but implementation is a long road.

Neither party wants to give up power and they hold power through Congress.

Well that's the problem. How do you implement it? First thing is to get people interested in it. Get people talking to other people about, convince them this is the only way forward. Without having 65 million people interested in such a thing, you've got no chance. Right now I'm at about 6 people interested, so, only another 64,999,994 to go, hey?
Well that's the problem. How do you implement it? First thing is to get people interested in it. Get people talking to other people about, convince them this is the only way forward. Without having 65 million people interested in such a thing, you've got no chance. Right now I'm at about 6 people interested, so, only another 64,999,994 to go, hey?
Agreed on getting people interested, but look at both Bernie and Johnson. Going for the Brass Ring at the WH doesn't really do anything. Face it, even if Trump won, he'd be highly ineffective since even his own "party" doesn't like him. More people are voting against Hillary than they are voting for Trump.

The way to start is small; local and state elections. That's how a party builds power. It grows into it.
Well that's the problem. How do you implement it? First thing is to get people interested in it. Get people talking to other people about, convince them this is the only way forward. Without having 65 million people interested in such a thing, you've got no chance. Right now I'm at about 6 people interested, so, only another 64,999,994 to go, hey?
Agreed on getting people interested, but look at both Bernie and Johnson. Going for the Brass Ring at the WH doesn't really do anything. Face it, even if Trump won, he'd be highly ineffective since even his own "party" doesn't like him. More people are voting against Hillary than they are voting for Trump.

The way to start is small; local and state elections. That's how a party builds power. It grows into it.

Perhaps, but without the ideas, then what do you have?

Sanders has the potential to start a new party, but won't, because he knows he wouldn't succeed under the new system. But look at the UK with leaving the EU. If you can get one issue to be the main issue, and get people to push for it, then the major parties will suddenly have to take notice.
Well that's the problem. How do you implement it? First thing is to get people interested in it. Get people talking to other people about, convince them this is the only way forward. Without having 65 million people interested in such a thing, you've got no chance. Right now I'm at about 6 people interested, so, only another 64,999,994 to go, hey?
Agreed on getting people interested, but look at both Bernie and Johnson. Going for the Brass Ring at the WH doesn't really do anything. Face it, even if Trump won, he'd be highly ineffective since even his own "party" doesn't like him. More people are voting against Hillary than they are voting for Trump.

The way to start is small; local and state elections. That's how a party builds power. It grows into it.
I think he would be ineffective for the first two years, after the republicans watched all of their buddies being replaced at the next election, they might just wake up. Politicians are all the same, the only thing they are concerned with in life is keeping their do nothing job.
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media
It's not how many games one has lost or won during the season, but how they finish the season. Trump is a billionaire. He may not have the billions he claims but he certainly has enough to last him and his family for the rest of their lives.

If he really was broke, then maybe he would like to be President, but I think he's a billionaire and being President would be "inconvenient" for a septuagenarian billionaire.

i don't think he is a billionaire. if he were, he'd have disclosed his tax returns. he's a millionaire. but he's so heavily leveraged that his net worth isn't that large.
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media
It's not how many games one has lost or won during the season, but how they finish the season. Trump is a billionaire. He may not have the billions he claims but he certainly has enough to last him and his family for the rest of their lives.

If he really was broke, then maybe he would like to be President, but I think he's a billionaire and being President would be "inconvenient" for a septuagenarian billionaire.

i don't think he is a billionaire. if he were, he'd have disclosed his tax returns. he's a millionaire. but he's so heavily leveraged that his net worth isn't that large.
Hard to say but, that plane he has costs between 240 and 350 million depending on how its outfitted. So there is something in his bank account that my bank account appears to be missing.
I think he would be ineffective for the first two years, after the republicans watched all of their buddies being replaced at the next election, they might just wake up. Politicians are all the same, the only thing they are concerned with in life is keeping their do nothing job.
IF that happened, yes, but I strongly doubt it would. People like stability. They'll vote for it. They reelected both Clinton and Obama twice, didn't they?
the only demographic that dumb donald wins is angry uneducated white males.

when he loses it's because women, minorities and everyone else didn't vote for him.

you're welcome, nut bar.
Not quite. What demographic finds Hillary unfavorable? LOL

1. Voters’ general election preferences

that's from august.
Wow!! Look at you! You can actually read months.

Now, can you put 2 and 2 together? Do you really think the demographics are going to drastically change in 8 weeks?

How many members of this forum are changing their vote?
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Who the fuck is/are WIKILEAKS and who the hell cares? Why should we believe anything they produce any more than any other source of information?

It seems to me that this "Wikileaks" deals in stolen property that may or may not have been altered. I don't see how any intelligent American could trust this source. Their methods are clearly illegal. Jullian Assange is going to eventually be arrested and tried for treason. This Wikileaks is hardly a responsible organization.

If there is evidence that either Hillary or Donald have done misdeeds Wikileaks would be the last source I would believe reporting it.
you, and the rest of the brainwashed commies, sound like fucking retards. But I know you are sincere. Which is creepy and does not bode well for you.
I think he would be ineffective for the first two years, after the republicans watched all of their buddies being replaced at the next election, they might just wake up. Politicians are all the same, the only thing they are concerned with in life is keeping their do nothing job.
IF that happened, yes, but I strongly doubt it would. People like stability. They'll vote for it. They reelected both Clinton and Obama twice, didn't they?
that's the left that did that, obviously the republican voters have decided that a new outlook has to be better than the stability they have been getting.
Only the liberals are stupid enough to keep doing the same damn thing. Republican voters have finally opened their eyes.
Yeah, something tells me the madness is just beginning.
only among the looniest of the trumpsters. hopefully she'll win big and they'll have nothing to say.
The excuse - a rigged election - is already set in stone and ready to go.

What I'm wondering is who would replace Trump with his fans. Cruz screwed himself by not endorsing him; Pence belongs to the Christian Conservative third of the party and is a politician; it'll be pretty interesting to see who they'll pick.

Perhaps Trump himself will pick his successor on his new Trump network. They could hold the announcement event at an appropriate venue, maybe a strip club in Vegas or in the infield of the track prior to a NASCAR race.

Plenty of entertainment on the way, no doubt all of it very respectful and dignified.
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media
It's not how many games one has lost or won during the season, but how they finish the season. Trump is a billionaire. He may not have the billions he claims but he certainly has enough to last him and his family for the rest of their lives.

If he really was broke, then maybe he would like to be President, but I think he's a billionaire and being President would be "inconvenient" for a septuagenarian billionaire.

i don't think he is a billionaire. if he were, he'd have disclosed his tax returns. he's a millionaire. but he's so heavily leveraged that his net worth isn't that large.
He's being audited by your reich....

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