If Clinton seizes the white house its illegitimate,null and void theft of power

If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

You stand a very good chance, Odium, of losing your license to troll. The society of Trolls sets a very low bar, and you have proved yourself to be unable to comply with their standards.
You are aware are you not that the active duty military in a poll conducted by the Military Times voted 2 to 1 in support of Trump over Hillary Clinton as being their Commander-in-Chief?

Well, no, because that's a fiction.

Who fed you that lie, and why did you fall for it?

The poll you reference was of self-selected respondents, of subscribers to Military Times, a magazine favored by old conservative white people. It has nothing to do with active duty military.
Its not a conspiracy when the facts are there to back it up. Wikileaks is all we need to prove the facts.
Okay. Let's put it this way, if what Mike Adams writes is true and Hillary wins the WH (odds are she will), any of his true believers who don't immediately and violently revolt are fucking spineless cowards who are all mouth and lily-livered weaklings.
what exactly would a violent revolt prove? what good could come from it. I would say nothing, no good would come.
A revolt of some sort? yes by all means, but I think that revolt should come in the form of supporting congressional candidates that would block her every move for the next 4 years. If anything is going to work it will have to be done in such a way as not to start a civil war in the country, our problem isnt that we are not divided enough, our problem is that we are not united as a people.
This is the same reason that I honestly pray that nobody would consider assassinating her. That might get rid of her, but it would further divide us as a country and cause problems for generations to come.
I suggest starting that revolt this time around, if you have a choice in any race besides president, vote for the person that has not backed hillary or walked away from Trump. If we cant take her down by herself, we need to work at destroying the foundation below her.
There are ways to do this without violence. Im going to tell you right now, unless someone is shooting at me, its going to be a cold day in hell before I attempt to kill anyone. (except for illegals and midgets. Midgets scare me for some reason)
...Are you an American citizen?
Then, given your expressions of disloyalty in advance of any such conflict, and your citizenship status...

In the unlikely event that war comes between the United States and the Russian Federation...

And should you behave in a manner indicative of giving aid and comfort and support to an enemy of the United States during wartime...

You will face the full weight of United States law, and The People will exact a penalty fitting to the offense...

I, for one, would laugh as sentence was carried out, and, after the war, give myself a treat, and make a special trip, to piss on your grave...

Hope that helps...
...Are you an American citizen?
Then, given your expressions of disloyalty in advance of any such conflict, and your citizenship status...

In the unlikely event that war comes between the United States and the Russian Federation...

And should you behave in a manner indicative of giving aid and comfort and support to an enemy of the United States during wartime...

You will face the full weight of United States law, and The People will exact a penalty fitting to the offense...

I, for one, would laugh as sentence was carried out, and, after the war, give myself a treat, and make a special trip, to piss on your grave...

Hope that helps...
How cute. Another Rambo. LOL
If Clinton seizes the white house its illegitimate,null and void theft of power

A completely retarded premise.

Ah so sweet- our White Nationalist hopes that his Great White Hope will be installed as dictator of the United States by a Russian dictator.

And is so excited that Americans will get killed in the process.
PFT! You fucking scum aren't anymore Americans than Illegal mexicans are! I couldn't care less how many people die if Putin helps free America from you bastards grip,I don't see myself as an American as its literally a word that means NOTHING.

^Dangerous lunatic.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

I believe Donald Trump will win but if we lose, there will be war.. Civil War.. everyone has said as much. We won't stand by and allow the CORRUPT, CRIMINAL LEFT to destroy our sovereignty, our country with Open Borders, globalism, gun confiscation..

^ Dangerously delusional.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

I believe Donald Trump will win but if we lose, there will be war.. Civil War.. everyone has said as much. We won't stand by and allow the CORRUPT, CRIMINAL LEFT to destroy our sovereignty, our country with Open Borders, globalism, gun confiscation..

^ Dangerously delusional.

As if I give a stinking shit what some corrupted lying liberal criminal thinks... Besides, the Donald owns GrannyParkinson
She has more than clarified she supports the 2nd Amendment. What she seeks are sensible restrictions which close loopholes that offers access to people who shouldn't be allowed a firearm, such as felons.

But g'head ... enumerate the unalienable rights you think you're going to lose when she's sworn in. You fail on the 2nd Amendment because she has neither the power nor the will to revoke it. Her position on the Internet is that it's a necessity, not a luxury; so you fail there too.

What rights are you losing?
She's a fucking politician who speaks doublespeak more than Orwell's "1984". Example; "close the gun show loophole" is doublespeak for "ban all private sales". If that is not correct, then please tell me the difference.

You're wrong. It simply means that background checks are applied to all gun sales including private sales.
She has more than clarified she supports the 2nd Amendment. What she seeks are sensible restrictions which close loopholes that offers access to people who shouldn't be allowed a firearm, such as felons.

But g'head ... enumerate the unalienable rights you think you're going to lose when she's sworn in. You fail on the 2nd Amendment because she has neither the power nor the will to revoke it. Her position on the Internet is that it's a necessity, not a luxury; so you fail there too.

What rights are you losing?
She's a fucking politician who speaks doublespeak more than Orwell's "1984". Example; "close the gun show loophole" is doublespeak for "ban all private sales". If that is not correct, then please tell me the difference.
I don't see it that way. For example, a felon can go to gun show and buy a gun on the spot and walk out with it. No background check, no waiting period. I agree with her on that when she wants to change it so that even at a gun show, purchasers are subject to background checks to ensure felons, who are not legally allowed to possess a firearm -- can't get one that way.

That in no way restricts anyone who is legally allowed to own a gun to purchase one. I agree with the waiting period too because I believe some people try to get a gun with the intent of using it in a crime, such as a crime of passion, who will not go through with such a crime if they've had a few days to cool off.
It's against the law for a felon to buy, own or possess a gun. What's to prevent that same felon from seeing an ad for a pistol and buy it? After you "close the gun show loophole" (given it only applies to gun shows) how will you stop that same felon from buying it on the street? Expand the "gun show loophole closure" to all private sales?

Why not simply enforce the laws we already have? Why not seek to provide better mental healthcare for those deemed to insane to own a gun. People like Odium?
Not being able to keep firearms from those not allowed one 100% of the time is no excuse not to tighten loopholes wherever possible. And as pointed out, closing such loopholes does not prevent anyone from obtaining a firearm who is legally allowed to own one. I see no reason not to close these gaps and I don't see where this infringes on anyone's Second Amendment rights.
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media
You are aware are you not that the active duty military in a poll conducted by the Military Times voted 2 to 1 in support of Trump over Hillary Clinton as being their Commander-in-Chief?

Well, no, because that's a fiction.

Who fed you that lie, and why did you fall for it?

The poll you reference was of self-selected respondents, of subscribers to Military Times, a magazine favored by old conservative white people. It has nothing to do with active duty military.

Actually, it is a magazine speciffically for and subscribed to by active duty military but you go ahead and spin.
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media

But he is worth a hell of a lot more than you and his wealth exceeds what Hillary has raked in by selling political favors and access.
If Clinton seizes the white house its illegitimate,null and void theft of power

A completely retarded premise.
Putting it into perspective ... that's coming from someone who hates the U.S..

I take that as an endorsement for Hillary.
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media

But he is worth a hell of a lot more than you and his wealth exceeds what Hillary has raked in by selling political favors and access.
You actually have no idea what he's worth. He claims he's worth $10b but he lies a lot.
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media

But he is worth a hell of a lot more than you and his wealth exceeds what Hillary has raked in by selling political favors and access.
You actually have no idea what he's worth. He claims he's worth $10b but he lies a lot.

His kids are worth $105 Million each except for the youngest daughter who just finished college. She is only worth $1 Million. But you go right ahead and make fun of their success.

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