If Clinton seizes the white house its illegitimate,null and void theft of power

No one on the fence is...right? :lol:
My side of the fence is defined clearly in my sig. I made it as simple as I could.

I'm curious, did you like any of the candidates in the primaries?
I liked Dr. Carson.....you?

Definitely not Carson -.-
Ben Carson’s chilling God complex: The commencement speech I won’t soon forget

I was for Bernie. I still like him, but I can't stomach supporting Hillary, which is why i now go for Jill Stein. I'd take Hillary over Trump in a heartbeat though.
Of course not, you democrats hate blacks.....

Yeah, that's why Democrats elected the first black President ever -.-
My side of the fence is defined clearly in my sig. I made it as simple as I could.

I'm curious, did you like any of the candidates in the primaries?
I liked Dr. Carson.....you?

Definitely not Carson -.-
Ben Carson’s chilling God complex: The commencement speech I won’t soon forget

I was for Bernie. I still like him, but I can't stomach supporting Hillary, which is why i now go for Jill Stein. I'd take Hillary over Trump in a heartbeat though.
Of course not, you democrats hate blacks.....

Yeah, that's why Democrats elected the first black President ever -.-
My bad....I should have spoken down to your level....

You democrats hate blacks who walk off your plantation of their own free will.....
No one on the fence is...right? :lol:
My side of the fence is defined clearly in my sig. I made it as simple as I could.

I'm curious, did you like any of the candidates in the primaries?
I would have not only voted for Webb, I would have contributed and probably volunteered.

I see. Thanks for sharing. I hadn't heard of him, and can see why...
Jim Webb presidential campaign, 2016 - Ballotpedia

Had the GOP run Kasich/Rubio, I would have voted for that ticket over Hillary.

Also good to know.

I wanted to get a better idea of your politics. Saying that you were somewhere in the middle of the political spectrum wasn't very illuminating.
I'm just an independent.

No, more than that. Bernie Sanders was an Independent before temporarily becoming a Democrat for the Federal election. You're an independent who would have contributed and possibly even volunteered for Webb and would have taken Kasich/Rubio over Hillary. An english teacher of mine taught me to know one's audience, I do my best :)
In general, I've found Wikileaks' information to be pretty good.

In the past it has been very reliable. But Julian Assange is completely unhinged when it comes to the subject of Hillary Clinton (she suggested he be "droned"), and has allowed Vladimir Putin to use WikiLeaks to try to undermine the US election.

In my mind, WikiLeaks is utterly compromised and not reliable at all.
I'm curious, did you like any of the candidates in the primaries?
I liked Dr. Carson.....you?

Definitely not Carson -.-
Ben Carson’s chilling God complex: The commencement speech I won’t soon forget

I was for Bernie. I still like him, but I can't stomach supporting Hillary, which is why i now go for Jill Stein. I'd take Hillary over Trump in a heartbeat though.
Of course not, you democrats hate blacks.....

Yeah, that's why Democrats elected the first black President ever -.-
My bad....I should have spoken down to your level....

You democrats hate blacks who walk off your plantation of their own free will.....

What is it with you and your plantation -.-? I like the idea of prioritizing people over profits. How about you?
I liked Dr. Carson.....you?

Definitely not Carson -.-
Ben Carson’s chilling God complex: The commencement speech I won’t soon forget

I was for Bernie. I still like him, but I can't stomach supporting Hillary, which is why i now go for Jill Stein. I'd take Hillary over Trump in a heartbeat though.
Of course not, you democrats hate blacks.....

Yeah, that's why Democrats elected the first black President ever -.-
My bad....I should have spoken down to your level....

You democrats hate blacks who walk off your plantation of their own free will.....

What is it with you and your plantation -.-? I like the idea of prioritizing people over profits. How about you?
No, I despise your plantation....
In general, I've found Wikileaks' information to be pretty good.

In the past it has been very reliable. But Julian Assange is completely unhinged when it comes to the subject of Hillary Clinton (she suggested he be "droned"), and has allowed Vladimir Putin to use WikiLeaks to try to undermine the US election. In my mind, WikiLeaks is utterly compromised and not reliable at all.

I certainly agree that he's not fond of Hillary, for reasons that should be obvious (I'm sure the droning suggestion factors in there). That being said, I don't think that it's "utterly compromised" Wikileaks. Here's the deal though- regardless of what Wikileaks uncovers about Hillary, I can't imagine it could be worse than what Trump demonstrates in plain sight- he's a sociopath suffering from narcissistic personality disorder and the paraphilia of frotteurism or toucherism depending on which psychologist you consult. Not only that, but he has clear ties to the mafia, has cheated his employees of pay and cheats his smaller business partners frequently. To sum it up, he's a mentally disturbed con man who is a danger to society who seriously needs therapy.

Donald Trump: Profile Of A Sociopath | Huffington Post

Trump and Narcissistic Personality Disorder | Huffington Post

Donald Trump's shrewdest investment was in the MAFIA | Daily Mail Online

Donald Trump's Alleged Mob Ties: 5 Damning Revelations

Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?

The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet
Definitely not Carson -.-
Ben Carson’s chilling God complex: The commencement speech I won’t soon forget

I was for Bernie. I still like him, but I can't stomach supporting Hillary, which is why i now go for Jill Stein. I'd take Hillary over Trump in a heartbeat though.
Of course not, you democrats hate blacks.....

Yeah, that's why Democrats elected the first black President ever -.-
My bad....I should have spoken down to your level....

You democrats hate blacks who walk off your plantation of their own free will.....

What is it with you and your plantation -.-? I like the idea of prioritizing people over profits. How about you?
No, I despise your plantation....

Fine, go on with your imaginary plantation, maybe it's some kind of imagination therapy or something -.-
Yes, I do hope they sit idly by while we do.
They won't. The OP says Putin is declaring war on the US. Who here says we should sit idly by while he nukes us or sends in Soviet Russian troops to do to us what they did to Eastern Ukraine and Crimea?

What real American would desire to be invaded by Mother Russia, standing on the sidewalk waving a fucking Russian flag as their tanks roll down the street?



Were you to actually read the posts, you could readily see who stated that we should nuke them.
In general, I've found Wikileaks' information to be pretty good.

In the past it has been very reliable. But Julian Assange is completely unhinged when it comes to the subject of Hillary Clinton (she suggested he be "droned"), and has allowed Vladimir Putin to use WikiLeaks to try to undermine the US election. In my mind, WikiLeaks is utterly compromised and not reliable at all.

I certainly agree that he's not fond of Hillary, for reasons that should be obvious (I'm sure the droning suggestion factors in there). That being said, I don't think that it's "utterly compromised" Wikileaks. Here's the deal though- regardless of what Wikileaks uncovers about Hillary, I can't imagine it could be worse than what Trump demonstrates in plain sight- he's a sociopath suffering from narcissistic personality disorder and the paraphilia of frotteurism or toucherism depending on which psychologist you consult. Not only that, but he has clear ties to the mafia, has cheated his employees of pay and cheats his smaller business partners frequently. To sum it up, he's a mentally disturbed con man who is a danger to society who seriously needs therapy.

Donald Trump: Profile Of A Sociopath | Huffington Post

Trump and Narcissistic Personality Disorder | Huffington Post

Donald Trump's shrewdest investment was in the MAFIA | Daily Mail Online

Donald Trump's Alleged Mob Ties: 5 Damning Revelations

Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?

The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet

Indeed? Don't you find it somewhat distrubing that our own active duty military in a poll conducted bt the Military Times found that they supported Trump as being their Commander-in-Chief over Hillary by a margin of 2 to 1? Also don't you find it distrubing to you that Trump is the ccandidate that received the endorsement of the Police and Law Enforcement Union, the Border Patrol Union, and a 5,000 member ICE Union while Hillary received the endorsement of BLM, the New Black Panthers, the LBGT community, and Planned Parenthood?
Actually it is rather a serious issue.
War is a serious issue.

But nothing in this thread is seriously likely to happen.

I'll make a note of what you said here for future reference.

Please do. Lets reconvene after President Clinton takes her oath of office and we are not at war with Russia.

Glad to hear your crystal ball is working for you. Wait until Russian anti-aircraft fire downs one of our jets flying in Syrian airspace.

You mean like how Turkey shot down one of Russia's jets, and Turkey and Russia went to war over that?

Doesn't mean they won't go to war with us if we provoke them enough.
Careful Son. Some of us have experience in shooting back.
You'd shoot at your fellow Americans defending our nation against Russian invaders?

Please put this over your heart to give us something to sight upon:

I'll be wearing one of these on my arm so patriotic Americans will know I'm not one of Putin's cocksucking traitors:

I'll bet you have never even been in combat or in the military either for that matter.
I am a radical extremist. Everyone else already knows that.
So, if Hillary wins will you start a violent revolution or do you have to wash your hair that day?
Ain't got no hair LOL.....Earl Turner style baby! :D

So you'll be polishing up your scalp that day, then?
I'm sure all Putin-lovers will be polishing their helmets the day Putin invades Washington.

If you're so hell bent on fighting, why not trot your little ass down to your local Army Recruiter's office and join up? Put your own ass on the line and back up your mouth.
If I tell you not to put your finger on a rat trap and you go ahead and do it anyway, how is it a fault of mine if your finger gets snapped? It isn't.

If the leader of a country warns you that if you elect a certain candidate, there will probably be a war and you go ahead and vote and elect that candidate, then who's fault is it if that candidate provokes the leader of that nation to war? Actually, it is your fault, especially when your own active duty military are opposed to the candidate you elected to being their Commander-in-Chief.
She has more than clarified she supports the 2nd Amendment. What she seeks are sensible restrictions which close loopholes that offers access to people who shouldn't be allowed a firearm, such as felons.

But g'head ... enumerate the unalienable rights you think you're going to lose when she's sworn in. You fail on the 2nd Amendment because she has neither the power nor the will to revoke it. Her position on the Internet is that it's a necessity, not a luxury; so you fail there too.

What rights are you losing?
She's a fucking politician who speaks doublespeak more than Orwell's "1984". Example; "close the gun show loophole" is doublespeak for "ban all private sales". If that is not correct, then please tell me the difference.

Can you read her mind or something -.-?
I can read. You are free to answer the same question: What is the difference between "closing the gun show loophole" and banning private sales?
She has more than clarified she supports the 2nd Amendment. What she seeks are sensible restrictions which close loopholes that offers access to people who shouldn't be allowed a firearm, such as felons.

But g'head ... enumerate the unalienable rights you think you're going to lose when she's sworn in. You fail on the 2nd Amendment because she has neither the power nor the will to revoke it. Her position on the Internet is that it's a necessity, not a luxury; so you fail there too.

What rights are you losing?
She's a fucking politician who speaks doublespeak more than Orwell's "1984". Example; "close the gun show loophole" is doublespeak for "ban all private sales". If that is not correct, then please tell me the difference.
I don't see it that way. For example, a felon can go to gun show and buy a gun on the spot and walk out with it. No background check, no waiting period. I agree with her on that when she wants to change it so that even at a gun show, purchasers are subject to background checks to ensure felons, who are not legally allowed to possess a firearm -- can't get one that way.

That in no way restricts anyone who is legally allowed to own a gun to purchase one. I agree with the waiting period too because I believe some people try to get a gun with the intent of using it in a crime, such as a crime of passion, who will not go through with such a crime if they've had a few days to cool off.
It's against the law for a felon to buy, own or possess a gun. What's to prevent that same felon from seeing an ad for a pistol and buy it? After you "close the gun show loophole" (given it only applies to gun shows) how will you stop that same felon from buying it on the street? Expand the "gun show loophole closure" to all private sales?

Why not simply enforce the laws we already have? Why not seek to provide better mental healthcare for those deemed to insane to own a gun. People like Odium?
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
How are you fighting them? Are you in the military? When did we go to war with Russia?
You really need to keep up. Also look at the posts where your friend Odium says he'd support a Russian invasion and Putin nuking US cities.

I'm a retired Naval Officer, still a Marine. While the active military and reserves would do all the heavy lifting, many American patriots would be happy to snipe Russian officers and NCOs plus take out any Russian collaborators/sympathizers. Street justice, no trial needed.

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