If Clinton seizes the white house its illegitimate,null and void theft of power

Wow, Republicans have got to the point where it's "either we win, or it's a conspiracy"
And Democrats have got to the point of where it's "either we win, or call the Clinton Foundation dirty tricks department aka David Brock".

In 2016 Game of Thrones, Hillary Lannister takes on the 'Mad King': Jonathan Turley
Ramsay Bolton: Clinton ally David Brock seems ideal to play this role, a person obsessed with being given legitimacy as the bastard of Lord Bolton but valued more for his cruel talents. Referred to by Sanders simply as “scum,” Brock is widely detested by many who view him as a vicious bottom feeder who runs a series of shadowy PACs for Clinton to attack anyone standing in her way. Brock openly offers to pay money for embarrassing videos and dirt to help Clinton. Only Brock could deliver Ramsay’s line, “If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.”
If you're so hell bent on fighting, why not trot your little ass down to your local Army Recruiter's office and join up? Put your own ass on the line and back up your mouth.
Too old, but retired military. They won't take me. Are we still on for that $1000 bet or are you going to run and hide like a fucking coward?
How are you fighting them? Are you in the military? When did we go to war with Russia?
You really need to keep up. Also look at the posts where your friend Odium says he'd support a Russian invasion and Putin nuking US cities.

I'm a retired Naval Officer, still a Marine. While the active military and reserves would do all the heavy lifting, many American patriots would be happy to snipe Russian officers and NCOs plus take out any Russian collaborators/sympathizers. Street justice, no trial needed.

I see. No actual combat though, correct? You are aware are you not that the active duty military in a poll conducted by the Military Times voted 2 to 1 in support of Trump over Hillary Clinton as being their Commander-in-Chief? Being in the military is one thing while actually being in combat is something all together different. Many guys and gals spend twenty to thirty years in the military and never see any combat at all. Not at all impressive to me.
I'll bet you have never even been in combat or in the military either for that matter.
I'll bet you $1000. Are we on?

Were you ever in the military? One hitch? Had to do your laundry that day?

Actually, I'm a ten point combat connected veteran. I lost my right arm and half my right shoulder on June 7, 1966 at Dak To. How much blood and body parts have you contributed?
If you're so hell bent on fighting, why not trot your little ass down to your local Army Recruiter's office and join up? Put your own ass on the line and back up your mouth.
Too old, but retired military. They won't take me. Are we still on for that $1000 bet or are you going to run and hide like a fucking coward?

The bet is all yours and this coward will take you on any day you desire Little man. Being retired military doesn't account for jack shit. That carries as much weight as a retired police officer or fireman. You sound like a blowhard to me.
...If war comes between the United States and the Russian Federation, you are going to side with Russia?
Yep. Why would I side with the US? This would be AFTER the rigged election chose Clinton for president.....and the American people did NOTHING to rise up and stop it themselves so someone with some balls like Putin had to. The US has done NOTHING to gain my loyalty. Read my signature. My loyalty lies with my race and Russians are white. They are also nationalistic.
Are you an American citizen?
Unfortunately. I live in the occupied CSA.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Who the fuck is/are WIKILEAKS and who the hell cares? Why should we believe anything they produce any more than any other source of information?

It seems to me that this "Wikileaks" deals in stolen property that may or may not have been altered. I don't see how any intelligent American could trust this source. Their methods are clearly illegal. Jullian Assange is going to eventually be arrested and tried for treason. This Wikileaks is hardly a responsible organization.

If there is evidence that either Hillary or Donald have done misdeeds Wikileaks would be the last source I would believe reporting it.
Agree What Assange does is ILLEGAL. He should be in jail. And, as well, any of those e-mails could have been altered. How can we trust a source who has an obvious agenda and is a criminal?
You were singing a different tune when he was releasing dirt on the Bush Criminal Regime.
Wow, is that a threat?

I'm not terribly worried, sorry.
No one on the fence is...right? :lol:
My side of the fence is defined clearly in my sig. I made it as simple as I could.

I'm curious, did you like any of the candidates in the primaries?
I would have not only voted for Webb, I would have contributed and probably volunteered.

Had the GOP run Kasich/Rubio, I would have voted for that ticket over Hillary.

I would have stayed home if a GOPer like kasich or Rubio won....
Yep same here. I had no plans at all of voting this year. Trump was a complete and nice surprise.
Its not a conspiracy when the facts are there to back it up. Wikileaks is all we need to prove the facts.

"WikiLeaks is all we need to prove the facts" as written by the Kremlin. You idiots become more unhinged by the day.

In general, I've found Wikileaks' information to be pretty good.

In the past it has been very reliable. But Julian Assange is completely unhinged when it comes to the subject of Hillary Clinton (she suggested he be "droned"), and has allowed Vladimir Putin to use WikiLeaks to try to undermine the US election.

In my mind, WikiLeaks is utterly compromised and not reliable at all.
Because its releasing dirt on YOUR candidate. You had no problems when it was releasing dirt on the Bush criminal regime.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Wow, Republicans have got to the point where it's "either we win, or it's a conspiracy"
Oh its quite obvious its a conspiracy against Trump....media,democrats,republican establishment, etc
...If war comes between the United States and the Russian Federation, you are going to side with Russia?
Yep. Why would I side with the US? This would be AFTER the rigged election chose Clinton for president.....and the American people did NOTHING to rise up and stop it themselves so someone with some balls like Putin had to. The US has done NOTHING to gain my loyalty. Read my signature. My loyalty lies with my race and Russians are white. They are also nationalistic.
Are you an American citizen?
Unfortunately. I live in the occupied CSA.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Who the fuck is/are WIKILEAKS and who the hell cares? Why should we believe anything they produce any more than any other source of information?

It seems to me that this "Wikileaks" deals in stolen property that may or may not have been altered. I don't see how any intelligent American could trust this source. Their methods are clearly illegal. Jullian Assange is going to eventually be arrested and tried for treason. This Wikileaks is hardly a responsible organization.

If there is evidence that either Hillary or Donald have done misdeeds Wikileaks would be the last source I would believe reporting it.
Agree What Assange does is ILLEGAL. He should be in jail. And, as well, any of those e-mails could have been altered. How can we trust a source who has an obvious agenda and is a criminal?
You were singing a different tune when he was releasing dirt on the Bush Criminal Regime.
No one on the fence is...right? :lol:
My side of the fence is defined clearly in my sig. I made it as simple as I could.

I'm curious, did you like any of the candidates in the primaries?
I would have not only voted for Webb, I would have contributed and probably volunteered.

Had the GOP run Kasich/Rubio, I would have voted for that ticket over Hillary.

I would have stayed home if a GOPer like kasich or Rubio won....
Yep same here. I had no plans at all of voting this year. Trump was a complete and nice surprise.
Its not a conspiracy when the facts are there to back it up. Wikileaks is all we need to prove the facts.

"WikiLeaks is all we need to prove the facts" as written by the Kremlin. You idiots become more unhinged by the day.

In general, I've found Wikileaks' information to be pretty good.

In the past it has been very reliable. But Julian Assange is completely unhinged when it comes to the subject of Hillary Clinton (she suggested he be "droned"), and has allowed Vladimir Putin to use WikiLeaks to try to undermine the US election.

In my mind, WikiLeaks is utterly compromised and not reliable at all.
Because its releasing dirt on YOUR candidate. You had no problems when it was releasing dirt on the Bush criminal regime.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Wow, Republicans have got to the point where it's "either we win, or it's a conspiracy"
Oh its quite obvious its a conspiracy against Trump....media,democrats,republican establishment, etc
...If war comes between the United States and the Russian Federation, you are going to side with Russia?
Yep. Why would I side with the US? This would be AFTER the rigged election chose Clinton for president.....and the American people did NOTHING to rise up and stop it themselves so someone with some balls like Putin had to. The US has done NOTHING to gain my loyalty. Read my signature. My loyalty lies with my race and Russians are white. They are also nationalistic.
Are you an American citizen?
Unfortunately. I live in the occupied CSA.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Who the fuck is/are WIKILEAKS and who the hell cares? Why should we believe anything they produce any more than any other source of information?

It seems to me that this "Wikileaks" deals in stolen property that may or may not have been altered. I don't see how any intelligent American could trust this source. Their methods are clearly illegal. Jullian Assange is going to eventually be arrested and tried for treason. This Wikileaks is hardly a responsible organization.

If there is evidence that either Hillary or Donald have done misdeeds Wikileaks would be the last source I would believe reporting it.
Agree What Assange does is ILLEGAL. He should be in jail. And, as well, any of those e-mails could have been altered. How can we trust a source who has an obvious agenda and is a criminal?
You were singing a different tune when he was releasing dirt on the Bush Criminal Regime.
My side of the fence is defined clearly in my sig. I made it as simple as I could.

I'm curious, did you like any of the candidates in the primaries?
I would have not only voted for Webb, I would have contributed and probably volunteered.

Had the GOP run Kasich/Rubio, I would have voted for that ticket over Hillary.

I would have stayed home if a GOPer like kasich or Rubio won....
Yep same here. I had no plans at all of voting this year. Trump was a complete and nice surprise.
Its not a conspiracy when the facts are there to back it up. Wikileaks is all we need to prove the facts.

"WikiLeaks is all we need to prove the facts" as written by the Kremlin. You idiots become more unhinged by the day.

In general, I've found Wikileaks' information to be pretty good.

In the past it has been very reliable. But Julian Assange is completely unhinged when it comes to the subject of Hillary Clinton (she suggested he be "droned"), and has allowed Vladimir Putin to use WikiLeaks to try to undermine the US election.

In my mind, WikiLeaks is utterly compromised and not reliable at all.
Because its releasing dirt on YOUR candidate. You had no problems when it was releasing dirt on the Bush criminal regime.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Wow, Republicans have got to the point where it's "either we win, or it's a conspiracy"
Oh its quite obvious its a conspiracy against Trump....media,democrats,republican establishment, etc
That's right sweet cheeks don't bother replying with the truth because we ALL know you LOVED it when Wikileaks was bashing Bush.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Well, then I guess we can expect Trump, Hannity, Limbaugh, et al. to risk life and limb by taking up arms in order to defend truth, justice, and the American way. Yes, they're brave, courageous, and selfless men who will lead by example by showing all Americans that some principles are just SO important that giving up the creature comforts of a soft life is no sacrifice at all compared to the noble pursuits of freedom.

Okay, probably not...
If Hillary Clinton, and her army, shell, attack and take the White House by force, then it will be an illegal seizure. If, after November 8th, Hillary Clinton wins the election, in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America, then there will have been a Constitutionally mandated transfer of power to the people's choice for President.
Like Trump has said, she shouldn't have been allowed to run in the first place. Her and her husband are despicable criminals. All we can do is hope & pray the American People don't reward such evil with the US Presidency. We'll see i guess.
[If] Hillary wins the WH (odds are she will), any of [Trump's] true believers who don't immediately and violently revolt are fucking spineless cowards who are all mouth and lily-livered weaklings.

Remember all of the talk of revolution (aka the reams of comedic material) from the fright-wingers scared of the Obama presidency? I think we can all agree that if the horror of a black president couldn't get them off their asses to take their country back, they definitely won't have the balls to revolt against an old white woman.
Like Trump has said, she shouldn't have been allowed to run in the first place. Her and her husband are despicable criminals. All we can do is hope & pray the American People don't reward such evil with the US Presidency. We'll see i guess.

Trump, the guy who whines about the Clinton campaign using his own words against him, and who has been convicted of racism, making illegal campaign contributions, soliciting illegal donations, and has admitted to sexually assaulting women, is hardly the person to call anyone a criminal.

Hillary Clinton has faced a lifetime of the Republican Party lying, smearing, attacking and investigating her with no other purpose than to destroy her, all of which hasn't produced a single charge against her, a single indictment, despite $100 million of taxpayer money being spent by the Republican Party to take her down.

I tend to believe the Clintons, and not the Republican Party, and certainly not Donald J. Trump - the biggest crook ever to run for the office of president.
Like Trump has said, she shouldn't have been allowed to run in the first place. Her and her husband are despicable criminals. All we can do is hope & pray the American People don't reward such evil with the US Presidency. We'll see i guess.

Trump, the guy who whines about the Clinton campaign using his own words against him, and who has been convicted of racism, making illegal campaign contributions, soliciting illegal donations, and has admitted to sexually assaulting women, is hardly the person to call anyone a criminal.

Hillary Clinton has faced a lifetime of the Republican Party lying, smearing, attacking and investigating her with the sole purpose than to destroy her, all of which hasn't produced a single charge against her, a single indictment, despite $100 million of taxpayer money being spent by the Republican Party to take her down.

I tend to believe the Clintons, and not the Republican Party, and certainly not Donald J. Trump - the biggest crook ever to run for the office of president.

Oh, you believe the Clintons. Ok.


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