If Clinton seizes the white house its illegitimate,null and void theft of power

Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media

But he is worth a hell of a lot more than you and his wealth exceeds what Hillary has raked in by selling political favors and access.
You actually have no idea what he's worth. He claims he's worth $10b but he lies a lot.

His kids are worth $105 Million each except for the youngest daughter who just finished college. She is only worth $1 Million. But you go right ahead and make fun of their success.
I never made fun of Trump's success. I pointed out his many failures. As far as his kids, they're worth a small fortune for the same reason he was -- born into a wealthy family. Not really an accomplishment.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media

But he is worth a hell of a lot more than you and his wealth exceeds what Hillary has raked in by selling political favors and access.
You actually have no idea what he's worth. He claims he's worth $10b but he lies a lot.

His kids are worth $105 Million each except for the youngest daughter who just finished college. She is only worth $1 Million. But you go right ahead and make fun of their success.
I never made fun of Trump's success. I pointed out his many failures. As far as his kids, they're worth a small fortune for the same reason he was -- born into a wealthy family. Not really an accomplishment.

None of them sold out the American people to gain their wealth the way the Clintons have though.
...If war comes between the United States and the Russian Federation, you are going to side with Russia?
Yep. Why would I side with the US? This would be AFTER the rigged election chose Clinton for president.....and the American people did NOTHING to rise up and stop it themselves so someone with some balls like Putin had to. The US has done NOTHING to gain my loyalty. Read my signature. My loyalty lies with my race and Russians are white. They are also nationalistic.
Are you an American citizen?
Unfortunately. I live in the occupied CSA.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Who the fuck is/are WIKILEAKS and who the hell cares? Why should we believe anything they produce any more than any other source of information?

It seems to me that this "Wikileaks" deals in stolen property that may or may not have been altered. I don't see how any intelligent American could trust this source. Their methods are clearly illegal. Jullian Assange is going to eventually be arrested and tried for treason. This Wikileaks is hardly a responsible organization.

If there is evidence that either Hillary or Donald have done misdeeds Wikileaks would be the last source I would believe reporting it.
Agree What Assange does is ILLEGAL. He should be in jail. And, as well, any of those e-mails could have been altered. How can we trust a source who has an obvious agenda and is a criminal?
You were singing a different tune when he was releasing dirt on the Bush Criminal Regime.
I'm curious, did you like any of the candidates in the primaries?
I would have not only voted for Webb, I would have contributed and probably volunteered.

Had the GOP run Kasich/Rubio, I would have voted for that ticket over Hillary.

I would have stayed home if a GOPer like kasich or Rubio won....
Yep same here. I had no plans at all of voting this year. Trump was a complete and nice surprise.
Its not a conspiracy when the facts are there to back it up. Wikileaks is all we need to prove the facts.

"WikiLeaks is all we need to prove the facts" as written by the Kremlin. You idiots become more unhinged by the day.

In general, I've found Wikileaks' information to be pretty good.

In the past it has been very reliable. But Julian Assange is completely unhinged when it comes to the subject of Hillary Clinton (she suggested he be "droned"), and has allowed Vladimir Putin to use WikiLeaks to try to undermine the US election.

In my mind, WikiLeaks is utterly compromised and not reliable at all.
Because its releasing dirt on YOUR candidate. You had no problems when it was releasing dirt on the Bush criminal regime.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Wow, Republicans have got to the point where it's "either we win, or it's a conspiracy"
Oh its quite obvious its a conspiracy against Trump....media,democrats,republican establishment, etc
That's right sweet cheeks don't bother replying with the truth because we ALL know you LOVED it when Wikileaks was bashing Bush.
Still waiting .... what rights are you losing?
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.
Welcome to America! Apply for citizenship soon. You will then learn about our democratic system and our abundantly free and fair elections. Where did you recently immigrate from? Russia perhaps?
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media

But he is worth a hell of a lot more than you and his wealth exceeds what Hillary has raked in by selling political favors and access.
You actually have no idea what he's worth. He claims he's worth $10b but he lies a lot.

His kids are worth $105 Million each except for the youngest daughter who just finished college. She is only worth $1 Million. But you go right ahead and make fun of their success.
I never made fun of Trump's success. I pointed out his many failures. As far as his kids, they're worth a small fortune for the same reason he was -- born into a wealthy family. Not really an accomplishment.

None of them sold out the American people to gain their wealth the way the Clintons have though.
Good, you'll have something to cry about into your pillow as she's being sworn in on January 20th.
But he is worth a hell of a lot more than you and his wealth exceeds what Hillary has raked in by selling political favors and access.
You actually have no idea what he's worth. He claims he's worth $10b but he lies a lot.

His kids are worth $105 Million each except for the youngest daughter who just finished college. She is only worth $1 Million. But you go right ahead and make fun of their success.
I never made fun of Trump's success. I pointed out his many failures. As far as his kids, they're worth a small fortune for the same reason he was -- born into a wealthy family. Not really an accomplishment.

None of them sold out the American people to gain their wealth the way the Clintons have though.
Good, you'll have something to cry about into your pillow as she's being sworn in on January 20th.

Perhaps. Perhaps not. The pollsters are trying to make news at present. About a week before the election they will start to report their polling more accurately so as to not look unprofessional when the final votes are counted. You could be in for a rude surprise.
You're an idiot. You know that, right?

abcnews.com.co is not the real ABC news.

abcnews.go.com is.

While you're busy falling for Internet hoaxes, Obama is busy improving his job performance.

Currently, he's at 57%, according to Gallup. To put that into perspective, that gives him the 3rd highest in Gallup history for this point in a president's second term and significantly higher than Reagan...

Eisenhower ..... 58%
Clinton ............. 58%
Obama ............ 57%
Reagan ............ 51%
Truman ............ 32%
Bush43 ............ 25%
You're an idiot. You know that, right?

abcnews.com.co is not the real ABC news.

abcnews.go.com is.

While you're busy falling for Internet hoaxes, Obama is busy improving his job performance.

Currently, he's at 57%, according to Gallup. To put that into perspective, that gives him the 3rd highest in Gallup history for this point in a president's second term and significantly higher than Reagan...

Eisenhower ..... 58%
Clinton ............. 58%
Obama ............ 57%
Reagan ............ 51%
Truman ............ 32%
Bush43 ............ 25%

Won't do him any good at all. His Obamacare is imploding and that is his legacy.
You're an idiot. You know that, right?

abcnews.com.co is not the real ABC news.

abcnews.go.com is.

While you're busy falling for Internet hoaxes, Obama is busy improving his job performance.

Currently, he's at 57%, according to Gallup. To put that into perspective, that gives him the 3rd highest in Gallup history for this point in a president's second term and significantly higher than Reagan...

Eisenhower ..... 58%
Clinton ............. 58%
Obama ............ 57%
Reagan ............ 51%
Truman ............ 32%
Bush43 ............ 25%

Won't do him any good at all. His Obamacare is imploding and that is his legacy.
Spits the idiot who fell for an Internet hoax. Seems your judgement isn't reliable.
I see. No actual combat though, correct? You are aware are you not that the active duty military in a poll conducted by the Military Times voted 2 to 1 in support of Trump over Hillary Clinton as being their Commander-in-Chief? Being in the military is one thing while actually being in combat is something all together different. Many guys and gals spend twenty to thirty years in the military and never see any combat at all. Not at all impressive to me.
Actually, I'm a ten point combat connected veteran. I lost my right arm and half my right shoulder on June 7, 1966 at Dak To. How much blood and body parts have you contributed?
The bet is all yours and this coward will take you on any day you desire Little man. Being retired military doesn't account for jack shit. That carries as much weight as a retired police officer or fireman. You sound like a blowhard to me.
I see a lot of talk but no money on the table. Are you a spineless, limp-wristed nutjob who is a loudmouthed keyboard kommando or are you someone who is willing to put up money when they say "I bet"?
I'll bet you have never even been in combat or in the military either for that matter.
$1000. You can call, fold or run like fucking loudmouthed coward.
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
Agreed he's made a fortune, but disagreed why he's running for office. I've been saying for months he doesn't really want to win and I still believe it. Sure, his ego is invested in this, but in the end, he's still a pampered billionaire used to always getting his own way. As President, he'll be chained to a desk, constantly being told where he can go and what he can do. He'll have to make good on his promises or risk looking ineffective. He'll have to work with a hostile Congress. It'll be the most miserable four years in a lifespan that is running out of years. I believe he wants to make it look good, but he also doesn't want to win. He'll just spend the next 4-20 years being the center of attention and spinning his time on a stage grandstanding like he's been doing all year.
He's also lost a fortune:

  • Trump Steaks
  • GoTrump.com
  • Trump Airlines
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump: The Game
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump University
  • Trump Ice
  • The New Jersey Generals
  • Tour de Trump
  • Trump on the Ocean
  • The Trump Network
  • Trumped! Talk Radio
  • Trump New Media
It's not how many games one has lost or won during the season, but how they finish the season. Trump is a billionaire. He may not have the billions he claims but he certainly has enough to last him and his family for the rest of their lives.

If he really was broke, then maybe he would like to be President, but I think he's a billionaire and being President would be "inconvenient" for a septuagenarian billionaire.
Wow, Republicans have got to the point where it's "either we win, or it's a conspiracy"
And Democrats have got to the point of where it's "either we win, or call the Clinton Foundation dirty tricks department aka David Brock".

In 2016 Game of Thrones, Hillary Lannister takes on the 'Mad King': Jonathan Turley
Ramsay Bolton: Clinton ally David Brock seems ideal to play this role, a person obsessed with being given legitimacy as the bastard of Lord Bolton but valued more for his cruel talents. Referred to by Sanders simply as “scum,” Brock is widely detested by many who view him as a vicious bottom feeder who runs a series of shadowy PACs for Clinton to attack anyone standing in her way. Brock openly offers to pay money for embarrassing videos and dirt to help Clinton. Only Brock could deliver Ramsay’s line, “If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.”

Well that's hardly only for the Democrats. I mean, Obama's what? A Muslim? Born in Kenya? A Jew? The worst president ever? Could I go on? Where does all this stuff come from? It comes from the Republican Party. And I have no doubt there's more.

This is the bullshit of this partisan politics.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

the only demographic that dumb donald wins is angry uneducated white males.

when he loses it's because women, minorities and everyone else didn't vote for him.

you're welcome, nut bar.
Remember all of the talk of revolution (aka the reams of comedic material) from the fright-wingers scared of the Obama presidency? I think we can all agree that if the horror of a black president couldn't get them off their asses to take their country back, they definitely won't have the balls to revolt against an old white woman.
There's always fear-mongers among the highly partisan. They were strong among the Left during the Bush Presidency and now they are strong among the Right for Obama's Presidency.

Remember the fear-mongering idiots worried about Jade Helm?

That said, another Clinton gun control act is a real possibility.
Which is why I'm stocking upon a lifetime supply.

"Once burned, twice shy" as the saying goes.

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