If Clinton seizes the white house its illegitimate,null and void theft of power

My iphone isn't an Obamaphone and I don't get welfare....not a coon or mexishit so. Oh this thread is quite serious. It only takes really 1 patriot to change the course of the entire thing. In many ways 1 person can change it all.
And we all know that "1 patriot" isn't you. Got it. Thanks.
Who knows. Never know....things can change in an instant.
She has more than clarified she supports the 2nd Amendment. What she seeks are sensible restrictions which close loopholes that offers access to people who shouldn't be allowed a firearm, such as felons.

But g'head ... enumerate the unalienable rights you think you're going to lose when she's sworn in. You fail on the 2nd Amendment because she has neither the power nor the will to revoke it. Her position on the Internet is that it's a necessity, not a luxury; so you fail there too.

What rights are you losing?
She's a fucking politician who speaks doublespeak more than Orwell's "1984". Example; "close the gun show loophole" is doublespeak for "ban all private sales". If that is not correct, then please tell me the difference.

Can you read her mind or something -.-?
My iphone isn't an Obamaphone and I don't get welfare....not a coon or mexishit so. Oh this thread is quite serious. It only takes really 1 patriot to change the course of the entire thing. In many ways 1 person can change it all.
And we all know that "1 patriot" isn't you. Got it. Thanks.

You aren't trying to entrap poor Odium are you -.-? I think when tensions are high, the best thing to do is try to calm things down, not taunt someone into doing or atleast saying something stupid -.-
She has more than clarified she supports the 2nd Amendment. What she seeks are sensible restrictions which close loopholes that offers access to people who shouldn't be allowed a firearm, such as felons.

But g'head ... enumerate the unalienable rights you think you're going to lose when she's sworn in. You fail on the 2nd Amendment because she has neither the power nor the will to revoke it. Her position on the Internet is that it's a necessity, not a luxury; so you fail there too.

What rights are you losing?
She's a fucking politician who speaks doublespeak more than Orwell's "1984". Example; "close the gun show loophole" is doublespeak for "ban all private sales". If that is not correct, then please tell me the difference.
I don't see it that way. For example, a felon can go to gun show and buy a gun on the spot and walk out with it. No background check, no waiting period. I agree with her on that when she wants to change it so that even at a gun show, purchasers are subject to background checks to ensure felons, who are not legally allowed to possess a firearm -- can't get one that way.

That in no way restricts anyone who is legally allowed to own a gun to purchase one. I agree with the waiting period too because I believe some people try to get a gun with the intent of using it in a crime, such as a crime of passion, who will not go through with such a crime if they've had a few days to cool off.
That makes you a traitor to the U.S..
Following the Constitution and DOI doesn't. But thanks for your concern.
Of course it does. Just like the colonists were traitors to England when we revolted. Had England won the war, they could have killed everyone not killed on the battlefield.

But more to the point, what unalienable rights do you claim you will lose if Hillary wins?
Its not just what rights we will lose its HER in general. I think she will go FAR beyond our rights. I think the internet will be curtailed,2nd amendment will be restricted then eventually ended for good.
She has more than clarified she supports the 2nd Amendment. What she seeks are sensible restrictions which close loopholes that offers access to people who shouldn't be allowed a firearm, such as felons.

But g'head ... enumerate the unalienable rights you think you're going to lose when she's sworn in. You fail on the 2nd Amendment because she has neither the power nor the will to revoke it. Her position on the Internet is that it's a necessity, not a luxury; so you fail there too.

What rights are you losing?
"sensible restrictions" means she is AGAINST the 2nd amendment. Period. She has also said she is FOR an Australian style gun confiscation. That's on record.
No, it doesn't mean that. But I certainly don't expect a traitor who's hoping for Russia to nuke us to comprehend that.

Again I ask .... What rights are you losing?
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.
The rich and powerful are about to be throat punched by the American people. There's way more of us than them and when we cast our votes and elect Trump we will essentially take the country away from them. Trump WILL win..

Trump is one of the rich and powerful.

Why you gullible idiots think Trump somehow cares about you- rather than his own pocket book and personal power unlike the rest of the rich and powerful......lol
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.
The rich and powerful are about to be throat punched by the American people. There's way more of us than them and when we cast our votes and elect Trump we will essentially take the country away from them. Trump WILL win..

Trump is one of the rich and powerful.

Why you gullible idiots think Trump somehow cares about you- rather than his own pocket book and personal power unlike the rest of the rich and powerful......lol
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life.

Trump was given a hefty inheritance. Even assuming that he actually has the $10 billion he claims to have...
Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds

And there's atleast one author who believes his -actual- worth is much less, around $150-$250 million. John Oliver exposes this, as well as how Trump estimates his net worth. John Oliver quotes Trump directly:
**"During the deposition [Trump] explained that the estimate of his net worth fluctuates based on, and I quote:
"feelings... even my own feelings... and that can change from day to day".**

Comedy doesn't get much better than this -.-. Here's the clip where Oliver lays it all out...

Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life. He's said for decades he'd only run if he felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. He's running for you and I. You despise him, but he'll work for you as well.

:lol: trump is in it for his big ego... he is massively leveraged and shamelessly hiding his debts.


flagrantly and flippantly undermining our government and our democracy for personal gain.

colluding with tyrants, encouraging espionage, committing sedition, breaking geneva conventions, FOR YOU! :uhoh3:

( i could go on) the policies proposed by his campaign are what's despised, dum dum.

he knows nothing about government but he knows a thing or two about pandering to populist fear and fantasy.

wc fields had nothing on him :eusa_clap:

In “The Art of the Deal” in Trump is quoted: “I play to people’s fantasies...I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

The making of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
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If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Five reasons why my Dog will make a better president than Hillary.

1) unlike Hillary, he'll be the Secret Services best friend

2) He can smell a rat

3) Unlike Hillary, he only barks when its important

4) He digs up skeletons, he doesn't HIDE them

5) Unlike Hillary, his body doubles literally work for dog food, hell save the taxpayers tons of money.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.
The rich and powerful are about to be throat punched by the American people. There's way more of us than them and when we cast our votes and elect Trump we will essentially take the country away from them. Trump WILL win..

Trump is one of the rich and powerful.

Why you gullible idiots think Trump somehow cares about you- rather than his own pocket book and personal power unlike the rest of the rich and powerful......lol
Trumps never held public office and he needs nothing. He's made his fortune in life.

Trump was given a hefty inheritance. Even assuming that he actually has the $10 billion he claims to have...
Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He’d Simply Invested in Index Funds

And there's atleast one author who believes his -actual- worth is much less, around $150-$250 million. John Oliver exposes this, as well as how Trump estimates his net worth. John Oliver quotes Trump directly:
**"During the deposition [Trump] explained that the estimate of his net worth fluctuates based on, and I quote:
"feelings... even my own feelings... and that can change from day to day".**

Comedy doesn't get much better than this -.-. Here's the clip where Oliver lays it all out...

That's hysterical, thanks!

If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Who the fuck is/are WIKILEAKS and who the hell cares? Why should we believe anything they produce any more than any other source of information?

It seems to me that this "Wikileaks" deals in stolen property that may or may not have been altered. I don't see how any intelligent American could trust this source. Their methods are clearly illegal. Jullian Assange is going to eventually be arrested and tried for treason. This Wikileaks is hardly a responsible organization.

If there is evidence that either Hillary or Donald have done misdeeds Wikileaks would be the last source I would believe reporting it.
Wikileaks says it includes information it obtains from anonymous whistle blowers; meaning Donald Trump himself can make up anything he wants and submit it anonymously and there's a chance Wikileaks will spread the message.

That is my point exactly. Using that organization as a factual source is ridiculous.
If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power... democracy OBLITERATED... America a FAILED state

Let the sheeple laugh....they have to laugh because they are just to scared think for themselves.

Oh and yes has anyone seen the wikileaks tweet about there being no election? Its included in the article.

Who the fuck is/are WIKILEAKS and who the hell cares? Why should we believe anything they produce any more than any other source of information?

It seems to me that this "Wikileaks" deals in stolen property that may or may not have been altered. I don't see how any intelligent American could trust this source. Their methods are clearly illegal. Jullian Assange is going to eventually be arrested and tried for treason. This Wikileaks is hardly a responsible organization.

If there is evidence that either Hillary or Donald have done misdeeds Wikileaks would be the last source I would believe reporting it.
Wikileaks says it includes information it obtains from anonymous whistle blowers; meaning Donald Trump himself can make up anything he wants and submit it anonymously and there's a chance Wikileaks will spread the message.

That is my point exactly. Using that organization as a factual source is ridiculous.

I wouldn't put it that way. While those who obtain the information may be anonymous, the people they are getting the information -from- frequently aren't, such as John Podesta's hacked emails. I believe the only reason Hillary's campaign hasn't faltered despite wikileak's findings is Trump. Or as the LA Times puts it:
**“Who knows what valid issues might in fact be being actually discussed right now if we didn't have a volatile, churning Category 5 media hurricane stalled over the entire country?” Democratic pollster Cornell Belcher said of Trump in an email.**

Source: One big reason the WikiLeaks emails aren't as damaging for Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump
It will be interesting to see how many keyboard commandos actually do something.
You fence sitters will be the first to go....:lol:
Wow, is that a threat?

I'm not terribly worried, sorry.
No one on the fence is...right? :lol:
My side of the fence is defined clearly in my sig. I made it as simple as I could.

That you don't understand it is not a big surprise.

Are you going to keep humping my leg?
It will be interesting to see how many keyboard commandos actually do something.
You fence sitters will be the first to go....:lol:
Wow, is that a threat?

I'm not terribly worried, sorry.
No one on the fence is...right? :lol:
My side of the fence is defined clearly in my sig. I made it as simple as I could.

That you don't understand it is not a big surprise.

Are you going to keep humping my leg?
No...I am contented watching you hump the fence post....:lol:

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