If "collusion" is such a crime, then why have Democrats cornered the market on it?

Democrats can collude with foreign entities. Republicans cant.

Making retards laugh always make me feel charitable.
Without laughter, you guys are sad :/
Hillary didn't pay the Russian government for assistance in her campaign.
She paid Steel and he paid the Russian spy for the made up Dossier....and Comey the Clown under orders from Obama leaked it and used it to gain a FISA warrant.....if I or you did that we would never take another free breath of air again.....OL get off the corrupt side of American politics....your party is not the party you grew up with....they have changed...they are evil...they will stop at nothing to gain power and win elections....they will even murder to stay in control...
Rambunctious, Hillary did not pay Steel. She paid an oppo research firm to continue research begun by a Republican. The oppo research firm hired a guy they expected to be able to collect information if there was any. Steel went to sources who would have information and when he submitted the dossier he noted that ALL INFORMATION NEEDED TO BE VERIFIED.

I think all political parties will stop at nothing to gain power and win. That is why I have always been an Independent.
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?
Apparently, US political candidates are not supposed to accept money or "assistance" from foreign governments in their campaigns. That would be campaign rules. I don't know if violations of that are criminal or just something that gets your campaign fined and discredited as unethical and Putin loving.

Not something to be proud of, in my opinion.
So they cant accept free assistance but they can pay for it? o_O
Hillary didn't pay the Russian government for assistance in her campaign.
She paid a foreign entity. I didnt say anything about the russian federation...
WHO did she pay?
Are either one of those instances illegal?
Apparently, US political candidates are not supposed to accept money or "assistance" from foreign governments in their campaigns. That would be campaign rules. I don't know if violations of that are criminal or just something that gets your campaign fined and discredited as unethical and Putin loving.

Not something to be proud of, in my opinion.
So they cant accept free assistance but they can pay for it? o_O
Hillary didn't pay the Russian government for assistance in her campaign.
She paid a foreign entity. I didnt say anything about the russian federation...
WHO did she pay?
Perkins Coil or something like that?
She didnt pay them directly, but it went down the line to a foreign entity.
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?
Apparently, US political candidates are not supposed to accept money or "assistance" from foreign governments in their campaigns. That would be campaign rules. I don't know if violations of that are criminal or just something that gets your campaign fined and discredited as unethical and Putin loving.

Not something to be proud of, in my opinion.

Gee, Old Lady...would that be like Hillary Clinton taking in millions in foreign government "donations" to the Clinton Foundation during her time at the State Department and then using the Clinton Foundation to pay part of the salaries of her campaign staff? Is that the kind of illegal "assistance" that you're referring to?

Why is it that everything you on the left accuse Trump of doing without proof...Hillary Clinton did?
At the end of the day, the ultimate goal of a trump supporter is to declare Trump king and defend his right to do whatever he wants -- as long as he trolls the libs..
Rambunctious, Hillary did not pay Steel. She paid an oppo research firm to continue research
and the difference is?????
She was still colluding with a foreign entity.
Steele didn't hack private emails to obtain this info

Democrats didn't knowingly aid and abet anyone "hacking" someone's private property to obtain this info

Democrats didn't later lie about their involvement in their aiding and abetting once an investigation was launched

If you feel what Hillary did is the SAME as Trump but you don't feel Trump should be investigated -- why do you folks always yell lock her up when it comes to Hillary?
Rambunctious, Hillary did not pay Steel. She paid an oppo research firm to continue research
and the difference is?????
She was still colluding with a foreign entity.
Steele didn't hack private emails to obtain this info

Democrats didn't knowingly aid and abet anyone "hacking" someone's private property to obtain this info

Democrats didn't later lie about their involvement in their aiding and abetting once an investigation was launched

If you feel what Hillary did is the SAME as Trump but you don't feel Trump should be investigated -- why do you folks always yell lock her up when it comes to Hillary?
That is nothing but assumption.
Give me some proof, wuldya? Because apparently you have more information that Congress critters.
Or you are just lying..
And when did i say he shouldnt be investigated? You seeing things again?
Rambunctious, Hillary did not pay Steel. She paid an oppo research firm to continue research
and the difference is?????
She was still colluding with a foreign entity.
Steele didn't hack private emails to obtain this info

Democrats didn't knowingly aid and abet anyone "hacking" someone's private property to obtain this info

Democrats didn't later lie about their involvement in their aiding and abetting once an investigation was launched

If you feel what Hillary did is the SAME as Trump but you don't feel Trump should be investigated -- why do you folks always yell lock her up when it comes to Hillary?
That is nothing but assumption.
Give me some proof, wuldya? Because apparently you have more information that Congress critters.
Or you are just lying..
And when did i say he shouldnt be investigated? You seeing things again?

Podesta's emails were hacked -- then leaked three days after Trump asked Russia to find Hillary's emails -- if that was Hillary asking the president of Iran to hack Trump tower servers and days later dirt is released on trump -- that would be all the info you need to find her guilty -- we have this info now with trump, but you are silent due to his penis being in your throat..

Trump Jr received an email from people identifying themselves as working for the Russian govt -- saying they have dirt on Hillary -- when asked, multiple lies have been told about this meeting, including most recently the new revelation of a second meeting about meeting Russians for dirt -- all of these were lied about multiple times by Trump and company -- if that was so much as Hillary's gardener meeting with Mexico about getting dirt on Trump -- you would calling it treason for Hillary and claiming Mexico issued an act of war
Hillary didn't pay the Russian government for assistance in her campaign.
She paid Steel and he paid the Russian spy for the made up Dossier....and Comey the Clown under orders from Obama leaked it and used it to gain a FISA warrant.....if I or you did that we would never take another free breath of air again.....OL get off the corrupt side of American politics....your party is not the party you grew up with....they have changed...they are evil...they will stop at nothing to gain power and win elections....they will even murder to stay in control...

Clinton hired a British Company you dumbass.

Steele was that company's hired investigator & he put together the Trump dossier.

You people are dumber than shit.

The Dossier is real, it's all real. Why do you think Rudy has changed to "collusion is not a crime."

Shit is about to roll.

Pee tape? Wait and see.


The Dossier is real, it's all real. Why do you think Rudy has changed to "collusion is not a crime."

Shit is about to roll.

Pee tape? Wait and see.


No one changed anything, it has always been known that collusion is not a crime. You have limited information it seems.
Clinton hired a British Company you dumbass.

Steele was that company's hired investigator & he put together the Trump dossier.

You people are dumber than shit
Clinton paid for the dossier...it was Opposition research BS and she knew it and so did Comey the Clown and so did Obama and so did the first FISA judge who seems to be in hiding right now....no one can find him...
Clinton hired a British Company you dumbass.

Steele was that company's hired investigator & he put together the Trump dossier.

You people are dumber than shit
We are dumb? then why is it that its you libs that have to keep adjusting your words? with every bit of evidence that comes out it points to what we have been arguing and causes you progs to change your story....

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