If "collusion" is such a crime, then why have Democrats cornered the market on it?

So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?
So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?

Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! (Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?

Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! (Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
Parts to the dossier that have been investigated have checked out. Why would someone have a problem with the truth?
So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?

Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! (Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
Parts to the dossier that have been investigated have checked out. Why would someone have a problem with the truth?

Parts of the dossier ARE factual. The problem however is that Steele interwove those true facts with shit that he flat out made up. It's what a con man does when he's trying to sell something. It's why when he was finally forced to testify under oath his story completely changed. He no longer stood behind his "dossiers". Now that he was facing lawsuits Steele claimed that they were never presented as fact but as scenarios that might have happened and that they were never supposed to be released to the public.

As I said before...that last claim doesn't pass the smell test because it's obvious to anyone with even a dollop of common sense that Steele didn't sell the dossiers to The New York Times, The Washington Post or to CNN as "scenarios"...he sold them as facts gleaned from his many confidential sources inside of the Kremlin! It's also obvious that if you're giving them to media outlets...THEN YOU WANT IT TO GO PUBLIC!!!
I would love to be in the courtroom and hear the hysterical laughter of the judge and jury, should Trump's lawyers present this fantastical nonsense as a defense for Trump.
So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?

Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! (Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
Parts to the dossier that have been investigated have checked out. Why would someone have a problem with the truth?

Parts of the dossier ARE factual. The problem however is that Steele interwove those true facts with shit that he flat out made up. It's what a con man does when he's trying to sell something. It's why when he was finally forced to testify under oath his story completely changed. He no longer stood behind his "dossiers". Now that he was facing lawsuits Steele claimed that they were never presented as fact but as scenarios that might have happened and that they were never supposed to be released to the public.

As I said before...that last claim doesn't pass the smell test because it's obvious to anyone with even a dollop of common sense that Steele didn't sell the dossiers to The New York Times, The Washington Post or to CNN as "scenarios"...he sold them as facts gleaned from his many confidential sources inside of the Kremlin! It's also obvious that if you're giving them to media outlets...THEN YOU WANT IT TO GO PUBLIC!!!
It is also abundantly clear, that whatever our intelligence gleamed relevant enough to go over, only to decide that the targeted information turned out accurate, and then bellyache about whatever else he produced that wasn't used or even investigated, will be viewed as worthless fodder for a lawsuit.
So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?

Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! (Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
Parts to the dossier that have been investigated have checked out. Why would someone have a problem with the truth?

Parts of the dossier ARE factual. The problem however is that Steele interwove those true facts with shit that he flat out made up. It's what a con man does when he's trying to sell something. It's why when he was finally forced to testify under oath his story completely changed. He no longer stood behind his "dossiers". Now that he was facing lawsuits Steele claimed that they were never presented as fact but as scenarios that might have happened and that they were never supposed to be released to the public.

As I said before...that last claim doesn't pass the smell test because it's obvious to anyone with even a dollop of common sense that Steele didn't sell the dossiers to The New York Times, The Washington Post or to CNN as "scenarios"...he sold them as facts gleaned from his many confidential sources inside of the Kremlin! It's also obvious that if you're giving them to media outlets...THEN YOU WANT IT TO GO PUBLIC!!!
It is also abundantly clear, that whatever our intelligence gleamed relevant enough to go over, only to decide that the targeted information turned out accurate, and then bellyache about whatever else he produced that wasn't used or even investigated, will be viewed as worthless fodder for a lawsuit.

Did that post make sense when you were writing it, WTP? Might be time to bone up on your Freshman English again...just saying...
So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?

Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! (Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
Parts to the dossier that have been investigated have checked out. Why would someone have a problem with the truth?

Parts of the dossier ARE factual. The problem however is that Steele interwove those true facts with shit that he flat out made up. It's what a con man does when he's trying to sell something. It's why when he was finally forced to testify under oath his story completely changed. He no longer stood behind his "dossiers". Now that he was facing lawsuits Steele claimed that they were never presented as fact but as scenarios that might have happened and that they were never supposed to be released to the public.

As I said before...that last claim doesn't pass the smell test because it's obvious to anyone with even a dollop of common sense that Steele didn't sell the dossiers to The New York Times, The Washington Post or to CNN as "scenarios"...he sold them as facts gleaned from his many confidential sources inside of the Kremlin! It's also obvious that if you're giving them to media outlets...THEN YOU WANT IT TO GO PUBLIC!!!
Actually Parts of the Dossier have been shown True, and there are verified Dates, Times, Meetings, people.
The Salacious parts would be difficult to confirm, and haven't been.
But NO part of the Dossier has been shown False.
Last edited:
So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?

Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! (Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
Parts to the dossier that have been investigated have checked out. Why would someone have a problem with the truth?

Parts of the dossier ARE factual. The problem however is that Steele interwove those true facts with shit that he flat out made up. It's what a con man does when he's trying to sell something. It's why when he was finally forced to testify under oath his story completely changed. He no longer stood behind his "dossiers". Now that he was facing lawsuits Steele claimed that they were never presented as fact but as scenarios that might have happened and that they were never supposed to be released to the public.

As I said before...that last claim doesn't pass the smell test because it's obvious to anyone with even a dollop of common sense that Steele didn't sell the dossiers to The New York Times, The Washington Post or to CNN as "scenarios"...he sold them as facts gleaned from his many confidential sources inside of the Kremlin! It's also obvious that if you're giving them to media outlets...THEN YOU WANT IT TO GO PUBLIC!!!
Actually Parts of the Dossier have been shown True, and there are verified Dates, Times, Meetings, people.
The Salacious parts would be difficult to confirm, and haven't been.
But NO part of the Dossier has been shown False.
And there is no Trump apologist who is going to show us otherwise.
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.

Likewise, parts of that dossier were clearly unverified, so why should I believe any of it? See how that works?
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So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
Hillary PAID to have a foreign agent smear Donald Trump right before the election and hid what she was doing by going through a "cut out" law firm!
Hillary didn't pay any foreign agents and the information from the dossier was not used during the campaign.

Did the junior Trump use anything from the meeting with the Russian against Hillary in the campaign?

Yet another "but...but...but" attempt by a dumbass Trumpette to give Trump's collusion cover.

It is one thing to work with Russia to accomplish something for the US that voters would like.

It is another to work with Russian hackers to spread misinformation in directed locations to win an election.

Yet no one has made a credible case that any votes were changed.
So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?

Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! (Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
Parts to the dossier that have been investigated have checked out. Why would someone have a problem with the truth?

Parts of the dossier ARE factual. The problem however is that Steele interwove those true facts with shit that he flat out made up. It's what a con man does when he's trying to sell something. It's why when he was finally forced to testify under oath his story completely changed. He no longer stood behind his "dossiers". Now that he was facing lawsuits Steele claimed that they were never presented as fact but as scenarios that might have happened and that they were never supposed to be released to the public.

As I said before...that last claim doesn't pass the smell test because it's obvious to anyone with even a dollop of common sense that Steele didn't sell the dossiers to The New York Times, The Washington Post or to CNN as "scenarios"...he sold them as facts gleaned from his many confidential sources inside of the Kremlin! It's also obvious that if you're giving them to media outlets...THEN YOU WANT IT TO GO PUBLIC!!!
Actually Parts of the Dossier have been shown True, and there are verified Dates, Times, Meetings, people.
The Salacious parts would be difficult to confirm, and haven't been.
But NO part of the Dossier has been shown False.

It's dossiers plural and many parts of those dossiers have been shown to be false. Let's face facts here, Kiddies! Steele took verified "Dates, Times, Meetings, people" and then wove a tapestry of lies around them to smear Donald Trump. He put those dossiers out to compliant media outlets right before the election trying to get them to run the story before what he claimed could be verified. Amazingly...most of those media outlets hesitated because the claims WERE unverified! It wasn't until Steele got Mother Jones to bite on his scam that the story was made public and then the other media outlets were free to cover what Mother Jones had revealed.
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.

Likewise, parts of that dossier were clearly unverified, so why should I believe any of it? See how that works?
Your conclusion makes no sense. If parts have been verified as fact, while the other parts have yet to be checked out, there is no logical/intelligent reason not to believe the verified facts, because those have already been confirmed. And by not believing those parts of the dossier that have not been verified, is like putting an asterisk next to stupid if that is your conclusion? How can you "not" believe something that has neither been confirmed or checked out? Lol! There is nothing there to believe or not believe. You aren't making any sense. Try using the tools of critical thinking when you pop up on these forums next time.
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?

Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! And it turns out, the parts that were investigated had checked out accurate with our own intelligence.
(Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
Good! I like evidence that is verified and accurate.
Parts to the dossier that have been investigated have checked out. Why would someone have a problem with the truth?

Parts of the dossier ARE factual. The problem however is that Steele interwove those true facts with shit that he flat out made up. It's what a con man does when he's trying to sell something. It's why when he was finally forced to testify under oath his story completely changed. He no longer stood behind his "dossiers". Now that he was facing lawsuits Steele claimed that they were never presented as fact but as scenarios that might have happened and that they were never supposed to be released to the public.

As I said before...that last claim doesn't pass the smell test because it's obvious to anyone with even a dollop of common sense that Steele didn't sell the dossiers to The New York Times, The Washington Post or to CNN as "scenarios"...he sold them as facts gleaned from his many confidential sources inside of the Kremlin! It's also obvious that if you're giving them to media outlets...THEN YOU WANT IT TO GO PUBLIC!!!
Actually Parts of the Dossier have been shown True, and there are verified Dates, Times, Meetings, people.
The Salacious parts would be difficult to confirm, and haven't been.
But NO part of the Dossier has been shown False.

It's dossiers plural and many parts of those dossiers have been shown to be false. Let's face facts here, Kiddies! Steele took verified "Dates, Times, Meetings, people" and then wove a tapestry of lies around them to smear Donald Trump. He put those dossiers out to compliant media outlets right before the election trying to get them to run the story before what he claimed could be verified. Amazingly...most of those media outlets hesitated because the claims WERE unverified! It wasn't until Steele got Mother Jones to bite on his scam that the story was made public and then the other media outlets were free to cover what Mother Jones had revealed.

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