If "collusion" is such a crime, then why have Democrats cornered the market on it?

I repeat the question. If Steele's dossiers are based on facts and contain no "fiction" then why did he not stand behind their veracity when he was forced to testify in British court? Why did he change his tune and claim that they were "scenarios" and that he never intended for them to be made public? How does he make THAT claim when it's indisputable that he spent a great deal of effort trying to MAKE them become public?
I don't know the context of that the statements you allege.
ie, He may have been protecting sources/lives who were involved in trysts, etc

I have said AND posted credible links saying No parts of the Dossier have been shown false..
and you couldn't/can't name an example that was false.

One of the dossiers claims that Michael Cohen and three other aides traveled to the Czech Republic to coordinate the "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russian interests. It's one of the few claims that comes with stated dates and with named individuals. Michael Cohen has never visited the Czech Republic however and on the stated date he was attending a baseball game with his son in Southern California.
I repeat the question. If Steele's dossiers are based on facts and contain no "fiction" then why did he not stand behind their veracity when he was forced to testify in British court? Why did he change his tune and claim that they were "scenarios" and that he never intended for them to be made public? How does he make THAT claim when it's indisputable that he spent a great deal of effort trying to MAKE them become public?
I don't know the context of that the statements you allege.
ie, He may have been protecting sources/lives who were involved in trysts, etc

I have said AND posted credible links saying No parts of the Dossier have been shown false..
and you couldn't/can't name an example that was false.

If he was protecting sources/lives then why didn't he claim that? He didn't Abu! What he claimed was that the dossiers were never collections of fact...but rather were scenarios of things that might have taken place...and that he never intended that they be released to the public!
If one reads the actual dossiers...it quickly becomes apparent that almost all of the allegations made in them supposedly come from anonymous contacts in the Russian government...which means none of it can be verified...which is EXACTLY what Steele and the Clinton campaign was looking for! They deliberately set up a smear on Donald Trump and wanted it to break right before the election.

Don't forget hilary taking 145 million dollars for our Uranium.... you can bet that was just the down payment and the rest to be settled when she became President....
If one reads the actual dossiers...it quickly becomes apparent that almost all of the allegations made in them supposedly come from anonymous contacts in the Russian government...which means none of it can be verified...which is EXACTLY what Steele and the Clinton campaign was looking for! They deliberately set up a smear on Donald Trump and wanted it to break right before the election.
And Putin said he wanted and helped Trump.
If one reads the actual dossiers...it quickly becomes apparent that almost all of the allegations made in them supposedly come from anonymous contacts in the Russian government...which means none of it can be verified...which is EXACTLY what Steele and the Clinton campaign was looking for! They deliberately set up a smear on Donald Trump and wanted it to break right before the election.

No... it wasn't to smear Trump, it was to have information they could use to get FISA warrants from friendly Federal Judges who they knew wouldn't look closely at the sources of the information.... which is what we know to be true since they in fact, did not look at the sources of the info. This is Watergate X a million where you have the FBI and the Department of Justice lying to Federal Judges to get government warrants to spy on Trump .... The Plumbers worked for the Nixon Campaign, they were not the government itself.
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?
Apparently, US political candidates are not supposed to accept money or "assistance" from foreign governments in their campaigns. That would be campaign rules. I don't know if violations of that are criminal or just something that gets your campaign fined and discredited as unethical and Putin loving.

Not something to be proud of, in my opinion.

And yet hilary and the DNC did it without hesitating...
One only has to start reading what's in the dossiers to know that it's claims are laughable. Take the claim that the Russians have been cultivating Trump for "at least 5 years"! Really? So five years ago when Donald Trump was doing a reality TV show and had shown little interest in running for office Putin started "cultivating" him? That's amazing foresight by Mr. Putin!
One of the dossiers claims that Michael Cohen and three other aides traveled to the Czech Republic to coordinate the "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russian interests. It's one of the few claims that comes with stated dates and with named individuals. Michael Cohen has never visited the Czech Republic however and on the Stated Date he was attending a baseball game with his son in Southern California.
What was the "stated date"?
I don't see one.
I suspect you'll produce only a Claim or a Breitbart.

Sources: Mueller has Evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, Confirming part of dossier
April 13, 2018
Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier

The Justice Department special counsel has evidence that Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and confidant, Michael Cohen, secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

Confirmation of the trip would lend credence to a retired British spy’s report that Cohen strategized there with a powerful Kremlin figure about Russian meddling in the U.S. election.

It would also be one of the most significant developments thus far in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of whether the Trump campaign and the Kremlin worked together to help Trump win the White House. Undercutting Trump’s repeated pronouncements that “there is no evidence of collusion,” it also could ratchet up the stakes if the president tries, as he has intimated he might for months, to order Mueller’s firing.
Cohen has vehemently denied for months that he ever has been in Prague or colluded with Russia during the campaign. Neither he nor his lawyer responded to requests for comment for this story.

It’s unclear whether Mueller’s investigators also have evidence that Cohen actually met with a prominent Russian – purportedly Konstantin Kosachev, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin — in the Czech capital. Kosachev, who chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee of a body of the Russian legislature, the Federation Council, also has denied visiting Prague during 2016. Earlier this month, Kosachev was among 24 high-profile Russians hit with stiff U.S. sanctions in retaliation for Russia’s meddling.

But investigators have traced evidence that Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany, apparently during August or early September of 2016 as the ex-spy reported,
said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is confidential. He wouldn’t have needed a passport for such a trip, because both countries are in the so-called Schengen Area in which 26 nations operate with open borders. ...

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If one reads the actual dossiers...it quickly becomes apparent that almost all of the allegations made in them supposedly come from anonymous contacts in the Russian government...which means none of it can be verified...which is EXACTLY what Steele and the Clinton campaign was looking for! They deliberately set up a smear on Donald Trump and wanted it to break right before the election.

No... it wasn't to smear Trump, it was to have information they could use to get FISA warrants from friendly Federal Judges who they knew wouldn't look closely at the sources of the information.... which is what we know to be true since they in fact, did not look at the sources of the info. This is Watergate X a million where you have the FBI and the Department of Justice lying to Federal Judges to get government warrants to spy on Trump .... The Plumbers worked for the Nixon Campaign, they were not the government itself.

That was the Obama Administration using what they knew were phony dossiers paid for by the Clinton campaign to get warrants to spy on people connected to the Trump campaign without letting the FISA court judge know the origin of the Steele dossiers!

You're a 100% correct in asserting that this was much worse than Watergate ever was.
One of the dossiers claims that Michael Cohen and three other aides traveled to the Czech Republic to coordinate the "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russian interests. It's one of the few claims that comes with stated dates and with named individuals. Michael Cohen has never visited the Czech Republic however and on the stated date he was attending a baseball game with his son in Southern California.
I suspect you'll produce only a Claim or a Breitbart.

Sources: Mueller has Evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier
April 13, 2018

The Justice Department special counsel has evidence that Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and confidant, Michael Cohen, secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

Confirmation of the trip would lend credence to a retired British spy’s report that Cohen strategized there with a powerful Kremlin figure about Russian meddling in the U.S. election.

It would also be one of the most significant developments thus far in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of whether the Trump campaign and the Kremlin worked together to help Trump win the White House. Undercutting Trump’s repeated pronouncements that “there is no evidence of collusion,” it also could ratchet up the stakes if the president tries, as he has intimated he might for months, to order Mueller’s firing.

Trump’s threats to fire Mueller or the deputy attorney general overseeing the investigation, Rod Rosenstein, grew louder this week when the FBI raided Cohen’s home, hotel room and office on Monday. The raid was unrelated to the Trump-Russia collusion probe, but instead focused on payments made to women who have said they had sexual relationships with Trump.

Cohen has vehemently denied for months that he ever has been in Prague or colluded with Russia during the campaign. Neither he nor his lawyer responded to requests for comment for this story.

It’s unclear whether Mueller’s investigators also have evidence that Cohen actually met with a prominent Russian – purportedly Konstantin Kosachev, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin — in the Czech capital. Kosachev, who chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee of a body of the Russian legislature, the Federation Council, also has denied visiting Prague during 2016. Earlier this month, Kosachev was among 24 high-profile Russians hit with stiff U.S. sanctions in retaliation for Russia’s meddling.

But investigators have traced evidence that Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany, apparently during August or early September of 2016 as the ex-spy reported,
said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is confidential. He wouldn’t have needed a passport for such a trip, because both countries are in the so-called Schengen Area in which 26 nations operate with open borders. The disclosure still left a puzzle: The sources did not say whether Cohen took a commercial flight or private jet to Europe, and gave no explanation as to why no record of such a trip has surfaced....

Once again a claim is made by "anonymous sources" that Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany because he wouldn't have had to use his passport and therefore there would be no record of the trip. Kindly explain how Cohen got to Germany without using his passport? Or why there are no records of him taking any commercial flight or private jet to Europe? All you've done is "back up" a bull shit unsubstantiated claim with yet ANOTHER bullshit unsubstantiated claim!
One only has to start reading what's in the dossiers to know that it's claims are laughable. Take the claim that the Russians have been cultivating Trump for "at least 5 years"! Really? So five years ago when Donald Trump was doing a reality TV show and had shown little interest in running for office Putin started "cultivating" him? That's amazing foresight by Mr. Putin!

They didn't have to cultivate hilary.....she sold herself to putin without him having to ask...
One only has to start reading what's in the dossiers to know that it's claims are laughable. Take the claim that the Russians have been cultivating Trump for "at least 5 years"! Really? So five years ago when Donald Trump was doing a reality TV show and had shown little interest in running for office Putin started "cultivating" him? That's amazing foresight by Mr. Putin!

They didn't have to cultivate hilary.....she sold herself to putin without him having to ask...

The liberal narrative that Putin was "afraid" of Hillary Clinton is rather amusing, 2aguy! Why would Putin fear someone who's proven over and over again that she's for sale to the highest bidder? All you need to do to get a Clinton to do your bidding is to pony up the right amount of money and Putin is one of the wealthiest men on the Planet!
Wow, look at that.

Republicans desperately try point to something they imagine happened 50 years ago.

As if that imagined whatever excuses a Republican traitor today.
Observe the acceptance of Collusion by trumpanzees.

In order to "accept" something it first has to exist! The only collusion I saw taking place in the last election was between Hillary Clinton and some equally sleazy people like Richard Steele, Peter Strzok, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille.
Observe the acceptance of Collusion by trumpanzees.

In order to "accept" something it first has to exist! The only collusion I saw taking place in the last election was between Hillary Clinton and some equally sleazy people like Richard Steele, Peter Strzok, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille.

and mccabe, comey, rosenstein. loretta lynch, and the king of the crap pile.... obama... since they would not have acted to spy on Trump without his okay....
So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?

Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! (Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
Parts to the dossier that have been investigated have checked out. Why would someone have a problem with the truth?
Yes, the parts that Russia is a country and Donald Trump is a businessman were 100% the truth, but the rest was all conspiracy speculative garbage concocted at the behest of Hillary and the Democratic party in a criminal conspiracy with a foreign power (Russia, namely) to interfere and change the results of the 2016 elections.

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