"If Comey's not investigated, there's no justice in this country." Rudy Giuliani

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Between 6:00 and 9:00, Giuliani discusses the subject of corruption at the highest levels of the FBI. ( I'm paraphrasing in the title but that's what he said )

More evidence from an Army intel officer.

Democrats have spent the entire Trump Presidency FROM DAY ONE on phony scavenger hunt investigations looking for a way to bring down President Trump. Is that what the American judicial process is all about? Is this the precedent we want to set for all future Presidents regardless of Party?
Democrats have spent the entire Trump Presidency FROM DAY ONE on phony scavenger hunt investigations looking for a way to bring down President Trump. Is that what the American judicial process is all about? Is this the precedent we want to set for all future Presidents regardless of Party?

I'm afraid it only gets worse from here...........

There is absolutely NO CHANCE things will get better. There simply is no mechanism for improvement. A president alone cannot save the nation. But, in 2020 it could get exponentially worse.

The nail in the coffin is the lack of will of the American people to save their own nation. I'd say it's over and we're on that slow death spiral.
Democrats have spent the entire Trump Presidency FROM DAY ONE on phony scavenger hunt investigations looking for a way to bring down President Trump. Is that what the American judicial process is all about? Is this the precedent we want to set for all future Presidents regardless of Party?

I'm afraid it only gets worse from here...........

There is absolutely NO CHANCE things will get better. There simply is no mechanism for improvement. A president alone cannot save the nation. But, in 2020 it could get exponentially worse.

The nail in the coffin is the lack of will of the American people to save their own nation. I'd say it's over and we're on that slow death spiral.

After the Trumpslide of 2020 we will experience a butthurt like we haven't ever experienced before.

Just the same as 2016 in that respect.
Between 6:00 and 9:00, Giuliani discusses the subject of corruption at the highest levels of the FBI. ( I'm paraphrasing in the title but that's what he said )

More evidence from an Army intel officer.

This baffles me.
Comey destroyed Hillary by releasing info 2 weeks before the election.
Nothing on the con.
The con should bless comey every day
After the Trumpslide of 2020 we will experience a butthurt like we haven't ever experienced before.
Just the same as 2016 in that respect.

I'm not sure if you're a Trump supporter or hater?
Either way, Trump "seems" to be trying to help the nation. His tough stance on China is a strength that NO OTHER President in recent history has shown.
What he's doing is VERY VERY DIFFICULT.

That said, he's only the President. If The American People are too apathetic to do anything to save their own nation, it's a done deal. Game over.
Democrats have spent the entire Trump Presidency FROM DAY ONE on phony scavenger hunt investigations looking for a way to bring down President Trump. Is that what the American judicial process is all about? Is this the precedent we want to set for all future Presidents regardless of Party?
I presume you read the report?
Just info wars and knees news info?
Why do you think 800 prosecutors signed the letter about the con?
After the Trumpslide of 2020 we will experience a butthurt like we haven't ever experienced before.
Just the same as 2016 in that respect.

I'm not sure if you're a Trump supporter or hater?
Either way, Trump "seems" to be trying to help the nation. His tough stance on China is a strength that NO OTHER President in recent history has shown.
What he's doing is VERY VERY DIFFICULT.

That said, he's only the President. If The American People are too apathetic to do anything to save their own nation, it's a done deal. Game over.
His tough stance already cost jobs
If you think someone's a wife raper, daughter luster, low life, does this mean you hate him?
I presume you read the report?
Just info wars and knees news info?
Why do you think 800 prosecutors signed the letter about the con?

Millions voted for Obama......numbers do not necessarily equate to being right or wrong. Plenty of corrupt or ignorant fools available.
His tough stance already cost jobs
If you think someone's a wife raper, daughter luster, low life, does this mean you hate him?

Anyone who actually believes that crap with ZERO evidence is simply a biased, political hack moron sheep.
Democrats have spent the entire Trump Presidency FROM DAY ONE on phony scavenger hunt investigations looking for a way to bring down President Trump. Is that what the American judicial process is all about? Is this the precedent we want to set for all future Presidents regardless of Party?
I presume you read the report?
Just info wars and knees news info?
Why do you think 800 prosecutors signed the letter about the con?
Have you read the Steele Dossier ?
The names CIA Director John Brennan and MI6 Christopher Steele ring a bell ?
Between 6:00 and 9:00, Giuliani discusses the subject of corruption at the highest levels of the FBI. ( I'm paraphrasing in the title but that's what he said )

More evidence from an Army intel officer.

Rudy G. is Trump's attack dog, PI, not a very good at either function but Rudy is certainly entitled to his opinion.

Rudy is crying about Comey, blah blah blah ..............

Too bad Rudy didn't put as much work into his three marriages that ALL ended in divorce.

How in Hell am I supposed to take this ass clown seriously if he can't even run his own goddamn affairs?

All this crap is nothing more than the Trump camp attempting to change the current political narrative that Trump is a con man that attempted to obstruct the SC Mueller investigation, and is blocking attempts by The House to do their job as a check on the executive.

Go fuck off Rudy .............
Between 6:00 and 9:00, Giuliani discusses the subject of corruption at the highest levels of the FBI. ( I'm paraphrasing in the title but that's what he said )

More evidence from an Army intel officer.

This baffles me.
Comey destroyed Hillary by releasing info 2 weeks before the election.
Nothing on the con.
The con should bless comey every day

Here's why genius ! The DNC/ Hillary Paid for the Bogus Russia info. Obama/Comey/Clapper/ Brennan thought not prosecuting Hillary would be enough to swing the Election in her favor. Then they could have gone after the "Civilian" Donald Trump and destroy him Financially and Criminally, With all the Bad players and conspirators still in Place and In positions of Power. Didn't work ! The worm is beginning to turn, I hope the wheels of Justice turn slow and Grind fine. It would have been discovered prior to the Election that the fake dossier was paid for by the DNC. That would have spelled the end when there was still a slim chance. So they waited until after the Election and went to the "Insurance Policy" Which was going to be used whether Trump won or lost. Time for a Reckoning I suspect! Any question from the American People:desk:
Democrats have spent the entire Trump Presidency FROM DAY ONE on phony scavenger hunt investigations looking for a way to bring down President Trump. Is that what the American judicial process is all about? Is this the precedent we want to set for all future Presidents regardless of Party?

I'm afraid it only gets worse from here...........

There is absolutely NO CHANCE things will get better. There simply is no mechanism for improvement. A president alone cannot save the nation. But, in 2020 it could get exponentially worse.

The nail in the coffin is the lack of will of the American people to save their own nation. I'd say it's over and we're on that slow death spiral.

I agree America voters need to run the Socialist out of our Govt, Discourse and disagreement has made this Country what it is, Socialism takes away discourse/ and free will and replaces it with a single sighted vision directed by the Political elite and their enforcers. You will be forced to obey and give everything you work for to the "Collective" . Communism is the Goal of Socialism. We do need to change things.
Between 6:00 and 9:00, Giuliani discusses the subject of corruption at the highest levels of the FBI. ( I'm paraphrasing in the title but that's what he said )

More evidence from an Army intel officer.

Rudy G. is Trump's attack dog, PI, not a very good at either function but Rudy is certainly entitled to his opinion.

Rudy is crying about Comey, blah blah blah ..............

Too bad Rudy didn't put as much work into his three marriages that ALL ended in divorce.

How in Hell am I supposed to take this ass clown seriously if he can't even run his own goddamn affairs?

All this crap is nothing more than the Trump camp attempting to change the current political narrative that Trump is a con man that attempted to obstruct the SC Mueller investigation, and is blocking attempts by The House to do their job as a check on the executive.

Go fuck off Rudy .............

If the deep state don't get severe penalties the men of America will stop being Patriots and good citizens for the enemy of America

The men will also not work as hard and will not risk health and life with fighting for the nation

Also all
Jury systems will fall apart as the nation falls

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