"If Comey's not investigated, there's no justice in this country." Rudy Giuliani

The nation will fall if the criminals are not locked up

A blue million negative problems will come if the democrat party is not locked up
When they write the history books about one of the strongest economies in US history, about one of the lowest unemployment eras in US history - in some cases EVER, those history books will annotate the fact that Democrats spent the entire time engaged in conducting a treasonous conspiracy in which they attempted to affect a political coup, continuously attempting to undermine and overthrow the elected President and government.
When they write the history books about one of the strongest economies in US history, about one of the lowest unemployment eras in US history - in some cases EVER, those history books will annotate the fact that Democrats spent the entire time engaged in conducting a treasonous conspiracy in which they attempted to affect a political coup, continuously attempting to undermine and overthrow the elected President and government.
And you band of republican traitors did that to our president obama Only obama was a man not a piece of low life shit like trump
When they write the history books about one of the strongest economies in US history, about one of the lowest unemployment eras in US history - in some cases EVER, those history books will annotate the fact that Democrats spent the entire time engaged in conducting a treasonous conspiracy in which they attempted to affect a political coup, continuously attempting to undermine and overthrow the elected President and government.
And you band of republican traitors did that to our president obama Only obama was a man not a piece of low life shit like trump
Easy How strong an economy would the ah trump brag about if he followed GWB not Obama ?? Try to be honest this one time
Easy How strong an economy would the ah trump brag about if he followed GWB not Obama ?? Try to be honest this one time
You have been schooled on this numerous times - you should really take notes if you can't remember shit.

During 9/11, the economic aftermath, and w wars - 6 years, Bush and the GOP added $2.5 Trillion in new debt.

Democrats took a near super-majority control of Congress - and spending / the budget - Bush's last 2 (TWO) years...and added $1.5 Trillion in new debt...only $1 trillion less in 2 years than Bush and the GOP did in 6 years.

The Democrats kept control for Obama's 1st 2 years....the last 2 of Bush's 2nd term and the 1st 2 of Obama's. CONGRESS controls the budget, controls spending, controls the economy. The Democrats and Obama both sucked and failed to achieve success.
-- Part of this, IMO, was on purpose - a bad economy, high unemployment, and poor people are the fundamental foundation of DNC 'economic slavery' where people rely on liner free shit to live in exchange for votes.

The economy Barry inherited was the DEMOCRATS' economy, as they controlled the budget / spending 2 years before Obama and Obama's 1st 2 years.

The economy did not begin improving until Trump dumped Obama's failed policies...that had driven manufacturing jobs overseas. Barry said this was the 'new norm', to get used to it.

TRUMP brought those jobs back. Trump has had more success than ANY other President in DECADES, in some cases ANY President EVER. He had more success in 2 years than Barry had in 8 because HIS policies actually worked.

I hope you took notes.

Now, take your delusion, fantasy rebuttal, and lies and stick them.
Easy How strong an economy would the ah trump brag about if he followed GWB not Obama ?? Try to be honest this one time
You have been schooled on this numerous times - you should really take notes if you can't remember shit.

During 9/11, the economic aftermath, and w wars - 6 years, Bush and the GOP added $2.5 Trillion in new debt.

Democrats took a near super-majority control of Congress - and spending / the budget - Bush's last 2 (TWO) years...and added $1.5 Trillion in new debt...only $1 trillion less in 2 years than Bush and the GOP did in 6 years.

The Democrats kept control for Obama's 1st 2 years....the last 2 of Bush's 2nd term and the 1st 2 of Obama's. CONGRESS controls the budget, controls spending, controls the economy. The Democrats and Obama both sucked and failed to achieve success.
-- Part of this, IMO, was on purpose - a bad economy, high unemployment, and poor people are the fundamental foundation of DNC 'economic slavery' where people rely on liner free shit to live in exchange for votes.

The economy Barry inherited was the DEMOCRATS' economy, as they controlled the budget / spending 2 years before Obama and Obama's 1st 2 years.

The economy did not begin improving until Trump dumped Obama's failed policies...that had driven manufacturing jobs overseas. Barry said this was the 'new norm', to get used to it.

TRUMP brought those jobs back. Trump has had more success than ANY other President in DECADES, in some cases ANY President EVER. He had more success in 2 years than Barry had in 8 because HIS policies actually worked.

I hope you took notes.

Now, take your delusion, fantasy rebuttal, and lies and stick them.
I asked you to try and be honest Once more you disappoint
Between 6:00 and 9:00, Giuliani discusses the subject of corruption at the highest levels of the FBI. ( I'm paraphrasing in the title but that's what he said )

More evidence from an Army intel officer.

This baffles me.
Comey destroyed Hillary by releasing info 2 weeks before the election.
Nothing on the con.
The con should bless comey every day

That and the other 50 excuses Hillary gave for losing. It had nothing to do with people generally disliking her. It had nothing to do with her lazy campaigning. It had nothing to do with her not being able to go out in public without being drunk. It had nothing to do with her calling half the country deplorable's. It had to do with Comey and bringing out information about more of Hillary's antics.
Easy How strong an economy would the ah trump brag about if he followed GWB not Obama ?? Try to be honest this one time
You have been schooled on this numerous times - you should really take notes if you can't remember shit.

During 9/11, the economic aftermath, and w wars - 6 years, Bush and the GOP added $2.5 Trillion in new debt.

Democrats took a near super-majority control of Congress - and spending / the budget - Bush's last 2 (TWO) years...and added $1.5 Trillion in new debt...only $1 trillion less in 2 years than Bush and the GOP did in 6 years.

The Democrats kept control for Obama's 1st 2 years....the last 2 of Bush's 2nd term and the 1st 2 of Obama's. CONGRESS controls the budget, controls spending, controls the economy. The Democrats and Obama both sucked and failed to achieve success.
-- Part of this, IMO, was on purpose - a bad economy, high unemployment, and poor people are the fundamental foundation of DNC 'economic slavery' where people rely on liner free shit to live in exchange for votes.

The economy Barry inherited was the DEMOCRATS' economy, as they controlled the budget / spending 2 years before Obama and Obama's 1st 2 years.

The economy did not begin improving until Trump dumped Obama's failed policies...that had driven manufacturing jobs overseas. Barry said this was the 'new norm', to get used to it.

TRUMP brought those jobs back. Trump has had more success than ANY other President in DECADES, in some cases ANY President EVER. He had more success in 2 years than Barry had in 8 because HIS policies actually worked.

I hope you took notes.

Now, take your delusion, fantasy rebuttal, and lies and stick them.
Nitwit look at obamas first 2 years of employment vs trumps Then tell us what you saw
Next these nits will tell us Iraq was obamas fault or the trickle down bs was dems fault ALWAYS someone elses fault
Easy How strong an economy would the ah trump brag about if he followed GWB not Obama ?? Try to be honest this one time
You have been schooled on this numerous times - you should really take notes if you can't remember shit.

During 9/11, the economic aftermath, and w wars - 6 years, Bush and the GOP added $2.5 Trillion in new debt.

Democrats took a near super-majority control of Congress - and spending / the budget - Bush's last 2 (TWO) years...and added $1.5 Trillion in new debt...only $1 trillion less in 2 years than Bush and the GOP did in 6 years.

The Democrats kept control for Obama's 1st 2 years....the last 2 of Bush's 2nd term and the 1st 2 of Obama's. CONGRESS controls the budget, controls spending, controls the economy. The Democrats and Obama both sucked and failed to achieve success.
-- Part of this, IMO, was on purpose - a bad economy, high unemployment, and poor people are the fundamental foundation of DNC 'economic slavery' where people rely on liner free shit to live in exchange for votes.

The economy Barry inherited was the DEMOCRATS' economy, as they controlled the budget / spending 2 years before Obama and Obama's 1st 2 years.

The economy did not begin improving until Trump dumped Obama's failed policies...that had driven manufacturing jobs overseas. Barry said this was the 'new norm', to get used to it.

TRUMP brought those jobs back. Trump has had more success than ANY other President in DECADES, in some cases ANY President EVER. He had more success in 2 years than Barry had in 8 because HIS policies actually worked.

I hope you took notes.

Now, take your delusion, fantasy rebuttal, and lies and stick them.
I asked you to try and be honest Once more you disappoint
Looking up the FACT that the Democrats controlled Congress / spending / the budget / the economy Bush's last 2 years and the 1st 2 of Obama could not be easier - even for you.

Why would you lie / deny / avoid such an easily proven fact, that substantiates everything I said?

Oh yeah...because doing so substantiates everything I said...

Poor 'reality denying' snowflake....

And the latest from realclearpolitics, is that Mueller may have hired Steele and fusion gps to ‘investigate and research’ for him. This is unbelievable.
Who Were the Mueller Report's Hired Guns? | RealClearPolitics
Special Counsel Robert Mueller spent more than $732,000 on outside contractors, including private investigators and researchers, records show, but his office refuses to say who they were. While it’s not unusual for special government offices to outsource for services such as computer support, Mueller also hired contractors to compile “investigative reports” and other “information."

The arrangement has led congressional investigators, government watchdog groups and others to speculate that the private investigators and researchers who worked for the special counsel’s office might have included Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS, the private research firm that hired Steele to produce the Russia collusion dossier for the Clinton campaign.

They suspect the dossier creators may have been involved in Mueller’s operation – and even had a hand in his final report – because the special counsel sent his team to London to meet with Steele within a few months of taking over the Russia collusion investigation in 2017. Also, Mueller’s lead prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann, had shared information he received from Fusion with the media.

Between 6:00 and 9:00, Giuliani discusses the subject of corruption at the highest levels of the FBI. ( I'm paraphrasing in the title but that's what he said )

More evidence from an Army intel officer.

This baffles me.
Comey destroyed Hillary by releasing info 2 weeks before the election.
Nothing on the con.
The con should bless comey every day

Here's why genius ! The DNC/ Hillary Paid for the Bogus Russia info. Obama/Comey/Clapper/ Brennan thought not prosecuting Hillary would be enough to swing the Election in her favor. Then they could have gone after the "Civilian" Donald Trump and destroy him Financially and Criminally, With all the Bad players and conspirators still in Place and In positions of Power. Didn't work ! The worm is beginning to turn, I hope the wheels of Justice turn slow and Grind fine. It would have been discovered prior to the Election that the fake dossier was paid for by the DNC. That would have spelled the end when there was still a slim chance. So they waited until after the Election and went to the "Insurance Policy" Which was going to be used whether Trump won or lost. Time for a Reckoning I suspect! Any question from the American People:desk:
After the Trumpslide of 2020 we will experience a butthurt like we haven't ever experienced before.
Just the same as 2016 in that respect.

I'm not sure if you're a Trump supporter or hater?
Either way, Trump "seems" to be trying to help the nation. His tough stance on China is a strength that NO OTHER President in recent history has shown.
What he's doing is VERY VERY DIFFICULT.

That said, he's only the President. If The American People are too apathetic to do anything to save their own nation, it's a done deal. Game over.

To answer your question, I won't be one of the butthurt ones...
At the very start mueller proved he was a real criminal

Having all prosecutors as Hillary supporters investigating the president of opposite the party that the deep state supports

And then letting that leak in order to scare trump

That in itself was proving mueller guilty of high treason

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