If Congress Dosen't Cooperate On The Wall

Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!

11 million out of 320+ million, wouldn't even be a hick up.


Tell that to all the stores they buy from. Tell that to all the landlords who no longer collect rent. You are talking about millions of people, don't be so silly.
I know a few landlords; actually slumlords.
They live way higher than they earn.
They'll adjust.
They don't need 5 homes in 3 continents.
Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Then of course, who's going to do the work that millions of illegals are doing in health care and other fields?

Who was doing it before? We have lots of people looking for work.


Unemployment is very low.

We still have a lot out of the labor force that are able bodied and can work. Time to tell them to get off their ass.


Who are you referencing? My wife doesn't work because she doesn't have to. Same can be said for many.
It's soothing to know our economy is dependent on trespassers.

Dependent is an exaggeration. It is strengthened. Agriculture is one of our biggest exports.
We survived before, we'll survive again.

When have we been without immigrants?
Immigrants or trespassers?

Please share when you are referencing as before?
Do you know the difference between Immigrants and Trespassers?
The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!

11 million out of 320+ million, wouldn't even be a hick up.


Tell that to all the stores they buy from. Tell that to all the landlords who no longer collect rent. You are talking about millions of people, don't be so silly.
I know a few landlords; actually slumlords.
They live way higher than they earn.
They'll adjust.
They don't need 5 homes in 3 continents.

There are MANY that are not wealthy. Many that may go bankrupt when there are no renters.
Dependent is an exaggeration. It is strengthened. Agriculture is one of our biggest exports.
We survived before, we'll survive again.

When have we been without immigrants?
Immigrants or trespassers?

Please share when you are referencing as before?
Do you know the difference between Immigrants and Trespassers?

You have a problem answering questions I see. You referenced a time before with no immigrants. Please share when that was and I'll gladly respond by answering a question of yours.
Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!

11 million out of 320+ million, wouldn't even be a hick up.


Tell that to all the stores they buy from. Tell that to all the landlords who no longer collect rent. You are talking about millions of people, don't be so silly.
I know a few landlords; actually slumlords.
They live way higher than they earn.
They'll adjust.
They don't need 5 homes in 3 continents.

There are MANY that are not wealthy. Many that may go bankrupt when there are no renters.
I guess it depends on which region they made the mistake of obtaining properties in.
Many business make decisions that don't work out well.
Is the solution to open our borders to accommodate these misfortunes?
We survived before, we'll survive again.

When have we been without immigrants?
Immigrants or trespassers?

Please share when you are referencing as before?
Do you know the difference between Immigrants and Trespassers?

You have a problem answering questions I see. You referenced a time before with no immigrants. Please share when that was and I'll gladly respond by answering a question of yours.
I did not reference a time before immigrants.
I explicitly referenced a time before millions of trespassers.
Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!

11 million out of 320+ million, wouldn't even be a hick up.


Tell that to all the stores they buy from. Tell that to all the landlords who no longer collect rent. You are talking about millions of people, don't be so silly.
I know a few landlords; actually slumlords.
They live way higher than they earn.
They'll adjust.
They don't need 5 homes in 3 continents.

There are MANY that are not wealthy. Many that may go bankrupt when there are no renters.
I guess it depends on which region they made the mistake of obtaining properties in.
Many business make decisions that don't work out well.
Is the solution to open our borders to accommodate these misfortunes?

Open? The borders have been open. I don't see what is solved by kicking them out and slowing our economy. Want to kill our agriculture exports? What would that solve?
Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!

11 million out of 320+ million, wouldn't even be a hick up.


Tell that to all the stores they buy from. Tell that to all the landlords who no longer collect rent. You are talking about millions of people, don't be so silly.

Eisenhower's operation wetback shipped out about 3 million back in the 50's, we survived that, we can do it again and be better off for it.

When have we been without immigrants?
Immigrants or trespassers?

Please share when you are referencing as before?
Do you know the difference between Immigrants and Trespassers?

You have a problem answering questions I see. You referenced a time before with no immigrants. Please share when that was and I'll gladly respond by answering a question of yours.
I did not reference a time before immigrants.
I explicitly referenced a time before millions of trespassers.

No you did. But tell me a time that you think we didn't have all these trespassers. Funny that trespassers live and work here. Seems somebody is welcoming them. Are they really trespassers if they are welcome?
11 million out of 320+ million, wouldn't even be a hick up.


Tell that to all the stores they buy from. Tell that to all the landlords who no longer collect rent. You are talking about millions of people, don't be so silly.
I know a few landlords; actually slumlords.
They live way higher than they earn.
They'll adjust.
They don't need 5 homes in 3 continents.

There are MANY that are not wealthy. Many that may go bankrupt when there are no renters.
I guess it depends on which region they made the mistake of obtaining properties in.
Many business make decisions that don't work out well.
Is the solution to open our borders to accommodate these misfortunes?

Open? The borders have been open. I don't see what is solved by kicking them out and slowing our economy. Want to kill our agriculture exports? What would that solve?
Really? Our borders were porous prior to GW?
Can't be; I know too many contractors that lost everything under GW.
Immigrants or trespassers?

Please share when you are referencing as before?
Do you know the difference between Immigrants and Trespassers?

You have a problem answering questions I see. You referenced a time before with no immigrants. Please share when that was and I'll gladly respond by answering a question of yours.
I did not reference a time before immigrants.
I explicitly referenced a time before millions of trespassers.

No you did. But tell me a time that you think we didn't have all these trespassers. Funny that trespassers live and work here. Seems somebody is welcoming them. Are they really trespassers if they are welcome?
It wasn't this bad before GW.
Immigrants or trespassers?

Please share when you are referencing as before?
Do you know the difference between Immigrants and Trespassers?

You have a problem answering questions I see. You referenced a time before with no immigrants. Please share when that was and I'll gladly respond by answering a question of yours.
I did not reference a time before immigrants.
I explicitly referenced a time before millions of trespassers.

No you did. But tell me a time that you think we didn't have all these trespassers. Funny that trespassers live and work here. Seems somebody is welcoming them. Are they really trespassers if they are welcome?
I also grew up in NYC; NYC wasn't dependent on trespassers for many decades.
But business owners got greedy.
The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!

11 million out of 320+ million, wouldn't even be a hick up.


Tell that to all the stores they buy from. Tell that to all the landlords who no longer collect rent. You are talking about millions of people, don't be so silly.

Eisenhower's operation wetback shipped out about 3 million back in the 50's, we survived that, we can do it again and be better off for it.


You seem to greatly exaggerate the number:
Our ruling

Trump said President Eisenhower "moved 1.5 million illegal immigrants out of this country."

Trump is referring to a 1954 campaign known as "Operation Wetback." While the idea that the operation resulted in more than 1 million deportations is not pulled out of thin air, historians widely cite that number as far too high for a variety of reasons -- including the fact that hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants would have had to self-deport.

Also, it wasn’t just a deportation program. The campaign accompanied more legal immigration opportunities.

We rate Trump’s claim Half True.

Trump: Eisenhower deported 1.5 million immigrants

Now how did we benefit?
Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!

11 million out of 320+ million, wouldn't even be a hick up.


Tell that to all the stores they buy from. Tell that to all the landlords who no longer collect rent. You are talking about millions of people, don't be so silly.

Eisenhower's operation wetback shipped out about 3 million back in the 50's, we survived that, we can do it again and be better off for it.


You seem to greatly exaggerate the number:
Our ruling

Trump said President Eisenhower "moved 1.5 million illegal immigrants out of this country."

Trump is referring to a 1954 campaign known as "Operation Wetback." While the idea that the operation resulted in more than 1 million deportations is not pulled out of thin air, historians widely cite that number as far too high for a variety of reasons -- including the fact that hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants would have had to self-deport.

Also, it wasn’t just a deportation program. The campaign accompanied more legal immigration opportunities.

We rate Trump’s claim Half True.

Trump: Eisenhower deported 1.5 million immigrants

Now how did we benefit?
I presume you don't know many carpenters, electricians, plumbers, etc...
Basically, people in construction who lost their homes and families under GW.
I know many.
The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Then of course, who's going to do the work that millions of illegals are doing in health care and other fields?

Who was doing it before? We have lots of people looking for work.


Unemployment is very low.

We still have a lot out of the labor force that are able bodied and can work. Time to tell them to get off their ass.


Who are you referencing? My wife doesn't work because she doesn't have to. Same can be said for many.

The same applies with many on welfare. It's time to change that.

Then of course, who's going to do the work that millions of illegals are doing in health care and other fields?

Who was doing it before? We have lots of people looking for work.


Unemployment is very low.

We still have a lot out of the labor force that are able bodied and can work. Time to tell them to get off their ass.


Who are you referencing? My wife doesn't work because she doesn't have to. Same can be said for many.

The same applies with many on welfare. It's time to change that.

Liberals, in the end, are Humanists that seem not to care about their fellow citizens.
It's amazing the internationalization they will go through to rationalize the destruction of American livelihoods.
Immigrants or trespassers?

Please share when you are referencing as before?
Do you know the difference between Immigrants and Trespassers?

You have a problem answering questions I see. You referenced a time before with no immigrants. Please share when that was and I'll gladly respond by answering a question of yours.
I did not reference a time before immigrants.
I explicitly referenced a time before millions of trespassers.

No you did. But tell me a time that you think we didn't have all these trespassers. Funny that trespassers live and work here. Seems somebody is welcoming them. Are they really trespassers if they are welcome?

The law says yes.

Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!

11 million out of 320+ million, wouldn't even be a hick up.


Tell that to all the stores they buy from. Tell that to all the landlords who no longer collect rent. You are talking about millions of people, don't be so silly.

Eisenhower's operation wetback shipped out about 3 million back in the 50's, we survived that, we can do it again and be better off for it.


You seem to greatly exaggerate the number:
Our ruling

Trump said President Eisenhower "moved 1.5 million illegal immigrants out of this country."

Trump is referring to a 1954 campaign known as "Operation Wetback." While the idea that the operation resulted in more than 1 million deportations is not pulled out of thin air, historians widely cite that number as far too high for a variety of reasons -- including the fact that hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants would have had to self-deport.

Also, it wasn’t just a deportation program. The campaign accompanied more legal immigration opportunities.

We rate Trump’s claim Half True.

Trump: Eisenhower deported 1.5 million immigrants

Now how did we benefit?
I presume you don't know many carpenters, electricians, plumbers, etc...
Basically, people in construction who lost their homes and families under GW.
I know many.

Your personal experience means very little in a country of over 300 million. You have any real stats?
Then of course, who's going to do the work that millions of illegals are doing in health care and other fields?

Who was doing it before? We have lots of people looking for work.


Unemployment is very low.

We still have a lot out of the labor force that are able bodied and can work. Time to tell them to get off their ass.


Who are you referencing? My wife doesn't work because she doesn't have to. Same can be said for many.

The same applies with many on welfare. It's time to change that.



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