If Congress Dosen't Cooperate On The Wall

The Wall is a stupid idea...

Only simpletons believe that that is a sustainable solution...

I totally agree, that an invasion wave of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens must be sent packing, and that future waves must be discouraged to the point they don't even try...

The Wall is not the way to accomplish either of those...

"The wall" is a permanent structure that will stand the test of time.
Bullying Shithole Cities (Sanctuary Cities) into conformity is temporary. What happens, God forbid if we end up with another Hussein who encourages all shitholes to declare sanctuary for illegals? With no wall the incentivized cockroaches flood in again...no?
No, the wall will not prevent everyone from getting here but it is an aggressive deterrent.

It will increase the sale of ladders in Mexico.
Liberals, in the end, are Humanists that seem not to care about their fellow citizens.
It's amazing the internationalization they will go through to rationalize the destruction of American livelihoods.

Immigrants Aren’t Taking Americans’ Jobs, New Study Finds
Immigrants or trespassers?
Your refusal to answer this simple question demarcates you as a Liberal aka Humanist.

Again they live here and have jobs. Seems somebody is welcoming them in. Does that make them trespassers?
If I can get someone to work 24/7, allow me to yell at them and accept $5.00?
You're a humanist who seems not to care about how shitty these trespassers are treated.
And the fact is that the 2nd generation is not any better off than the 1st generation.

No clue what a humanist is. You don't seem to work with any real facts however.
Your facts are straight from the Republican play book that I have been loathe of since GW.
The shame is you don't even realize it.

I have been reading your posts for many months.
You are an anti-corporate Liberal who feels sorry for everybody.
Both parties pass legislation that depresses wages and your humanism kicks in that doesn't give a damn about how many of your fellow citizens are taking pay cuts that affect their lives.
I presume you have a stake in cheap labor.
You're joking.
There are over 4 million foreclosures going on.
Get out of the house once in a while.
It's hard to believe that you didn't notice the change in personnel building houses before and during GW.
Ah! Liberals!
Is cato liberals?

The overriding impact of immigrants is to strengthen and enrich American culture, increase the total output of the economy, and raise the standard of living of American citizens. Immigrants are advantageous to the United States for several reasons: (1) Since they are willing to take a chance in a new land, they are self-selected on the basis on motivation, risk taking, work ethic, and other attributes beneficial to a nation. (2) They tend to come to the United States during their prime working years (the average age is 28), and they contribute to the workforce and make huge net contributions to old-age entitlement programs, primarily Social Security. (3) Immigrants tend to fill niches in the labor market where demand is highest relative to supply, complementing rather than directly competing with American workers. (4) Many immigrants arrive with extremely high skill levels, and virtually all, regardless of skill level, bring a strong desire to work. (5) Their children tend to reach high levels of achievement in American schools and in society at large.

CATO is an avid advocate of cheap labor, Supply Side Economics.
The same type of scumbag as the Heritage Foundation.
They are an embarrassment to America.

Not liberals.

You have any economists that share your theories? I follow economics.
You do realize who pays economists?
An economist says the wrong thing and they're living in the poor house.
Sounds like another big no. So you don't have stats or facts and no economists support what you are saying. Quite the argument you have.
The stats are foreclosures and unemployment numbers which you seem to deny.

It's amazing to me that you sound exactly like Rush Limbaugh.
I know you wouldn't know this because you probably never listened to him.
I used to and I got sick of his massaging of facts.
Immigrants or trespassers?
Your refusal to answer this simple question demarcates you as a Liberal aka Humanist.

Again they live here and have jobs. Seems somebody is welcoming them in. Does that make them trespassers?
If I can get someone to work 24/7, allow me to yell at them and accept $5.00?
You're a humanist who seems not to care about how shitty these trespassers are treated.
And the fact is that the 2nd generation is not any better off than the 1st generation.

No clue what a humanist is. You don't seem to work with any real facts however.
Your facts are straight from the Republican play book that I have been loathe of since GW.
The shame is you don't even realize it.

I have been reading your posts for many months.
You are an anti-corporate Liberal who feels sorry for everybody.
Both parties pass legislation that depresses wages and your humanism kicks in that doesn't give a damn about how many of your fellow citizens are taking pay cuts that affect their lives.
I presume you have a stake in cheap labor.

You seem to get your facts from fairy tales.

I'm not a huge fan of either party. I see no reason that kicking out immigrants is going to increase wages. Those jobs will be replaced by automation.
Is cato liberals?

The overriding impact of immigrants is to strengthen and enrich American culture, increase the total output of the economy, and raise the standard of living of American citizens. Immigrants are advantageous to the United States for several reasons: (1) Since they are willing to take a chance in a new land, they are self-selected on the basis on motivation, risk taking, work ethic, and other attributes beneficial to a nation. (2) They tend to come to the United States during their prime working years (the average age is 28), and they contribute to the workforce and make huge net contributions to old-age entitlement programs, primarily Social Security. (3) Immigrants tend to fill niches in the labor market where demand is highest relative to supply, complementing rather than directly competing with American workers. (4) Many immigrants arrive with extremely high skill levels, and virtually all, regardless of skill level, bring a strong desire to work. (5) Their children tend to reach high levels of achievement in American schools and in society at large.

CATO is an avid advocate of cheap labor, Supply Side Economics.
The same type of scumbag as the Heritage Foundation.
They are an embarrassment to America.

Not liberals.

You have any economists that share your theories? I follow economics.
You do realize who pays economists?
An economist says the wrong thing and they're living in the poor house.
Sounds like another big no. So you don't have stats or facts and no economists support what you are saying. Quite the argument you have.
The stats are foreclosures and unemployment numbers which you seem to deny.

It's amazing to me that you sound exactly like Rush Limbaugh.
I know you wouldn't know this because you probably never listened to him.
I used to and I got sick of his massaging of facts.
Foreclosures and unemployment are down...

Yep, don't listen to Rush.
CATO is an avid advocate of cheap labor, Supply Side Economics.
The same type of scumbag as the Heritage Foundation.
They are an embarrassment to America.

Not liberals.

You have any economists that share your theories? I follow economics.
You do realize who pays economists?
An economist says the wrong thing and they're living in the poor house.
Sounds like another big no. So you don't have stats or facts and no economists support what you are saying. Quite the argument you have.
The stats are foreclosures and unemployment numbers which you seem to deny.

It's amazing to me that you sound exactly like Rush Limbaugh.
I know you wouldn't know this because you probably never listened to him.
I used to and I got sick of his massaging of facts.
Foreclosures and unemployment are down...

Yep, don't listen to Rush.
You know why they're down?
Because they've been foreclosed on already.
Almost everyone who went into foreclosure in 2008 is being kicked out of their houses now.

Do you live in or near a major city?
You seem to be out of touch with anything that doesn't match your agenda.

And you keep using Conservative web sites to back up your arguments.
the only reason this is even an issue is Trump said a thousand times on the trail,

''Who's going to pay for the wall on the southern border? MEXICO!...they all shouted'' then he confirmed, Mexico, that's right. Congress and republicans holding office never ever agreed to spend a trillion dollars for it all...

can there be a compromise and texas pay for putting up its own wall? Same with the other border states?

And the federal gvt would then pay for staffing, maintaining, and controlling it until the end of time?

How many times have you and your ilk stated border security is a federal function? TX is spending a ton on aiding the border patrol, have been for years.

it is a federal function, and if cities and towns do not want to hold an illegal in their jails past the date of when the feds are suppose to pick them up, they should not have to at their expense....

but since it is Texans that want their state to have a wall, there is NOTHING stopping them from building one, is there?

is there some law preventing them from building a wall in their own state?

ICE is asking for 48 hours notice before a person is released, not hold them. Also localities are reimbursed for federal prisoners. Bank robbery, human sex trafficking and counterfeiting are federal crimes do you have a problem with locals holding them for the feds?

You're joking.
There are over 4 million foreclosures going on.
Get out of the house once in a while.
It's hard to believe that you didn't notice the change in personnel building houses before and during GW.
Ah! Liberals!
Is cato liberals?

The overriding impact of immigrants is to strengthen and enrich American culture, increase the total output of the economy, and raise the standard of living of American citizens. Immigrants are advantageous to the United States for several reasons: (1) Since they are willing to take a chance in a new land, they are self-selected on the basis on motivation, risk taking, work ethic, and other attributes beneficial to a nation. (2) They tend to come to the United States during their prime working years (the average age is 28), and they contribute to the workforce and make huge net contributions to old-age entitlement programs, primarily Social Security. (3) Immigrants tend to fill niches in the labor market where demand is highest relative to supply, complementing rather than directly competing with American workers. (4) Many immigrants arrive with extremely high skill levels, and virtually all, regardless of skill level, bring a strong desire to work. (5) Their children tend to reach high levels of achievement in American schools and in society at large.

CATO is an avid advocate of cheap labor, Supply Side Economics.
The same type of scumbag as the Heritage Foundation.
They are an embarrassment to America.

Not liberals.

You have any economists that share your theories? I follow economics.
You do realize who pays economists?
An economist says the wrong thing and they're living in the poor house.
Sounds like another big no. So you don't have stats or facts and no economists support what you are saying. Quite the argument you have.

Please stop with the "immigrants" bullshit....we are plagued by ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS...particularly the filthy low iQ, no pride having, non English speaking type from our south....you know, the ones that recreate more of their filthy same at a cockroaches pace....nobody gives two shits about the productive illegals here from New Zealand...NOBODY!
What part of that shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been robbing REAL American's?
Is cato liberals?

The overriding impact of immigrants is to strengthen and enrich American culture, increase the total output of the economy, and raise the standard of living of American citizens. Immigrants are advantageous to the United States for several reasons: (1) Since they are willing to take a chance in a new land, they are self-selected on the basis on motivation, risk taking, work ethic, and other attributes beneficial to a nation. (2) They tend to come to the United States during their prime working years (the average age is 28), and they contribute to the workforce and make huge net contributions to old-age entitlement programs, primarily Social Security. (3) Immigrants tend to fill niches in the labor market where demand is highest relative to supply, complementing rather than directly competing with American workers. (4) Many immigrants arrive with extremely high skill levels, and virtually all, regardless of skill level, bring a strong desire to work. (5) Their children tend to reach high levels of achievement in American schools and in society at large.

CATO is an avid advocate of cheap labor, Supply Side Economics.
The same type of scumbag as the Heritage Foundation.
They are an embarrassment to America.

Not liberals.

You have any economists that share your theories? I follow economics.
You do realize who pays economists?
An economist says the wrong thing and they're living in the poor house.
Sounds like another big no. So you don't have stats or facts and no economists support what you are saying. Quite the argument you have.

Please stop with the "immigrants" bullshit....we are plagued by ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS...particularly the filthy low iQ, no pride having, non English speaking type from our south....you know, the ones that recreate more of their filthy same at a cockroaches pace....nobody gives two shits about the productive illegals here from New Zealand...NOBODY!
What part of that shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been robbing REAL American's?
You just posted what I was too polite to post.
But you hit the nail on the head.
I wish I could give you 10 stars.
There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.
Except for the democrats. They ram shit through and refuse to cooperate when they are in power. It's a one way street to them.

Republican cowardice and one-sided compromise is the reason I believe 2018 is likely to be a bloodbath within the GOP. I think McConnell is all but done.

I think the GOP will maintain and maybe gain a few senate seats in 2018.

I think the GOP will maintain and maybe gain a few senate seats in 2018.
What about the primaries? That's where the real bloodbath will go down. The base is pissed at the do-nothing GOP.

There will be attempts, the chances of changing a congresscritter with someone of the same party is about 20%, it's been done, but not very often. I've only voted for the incumbent in a primary once in the last two decades, the incumbents are still there. Number two will be Ted Cruz.

Trumps going the drive the bus off the mountain and take the Republicans with him. If they arent big enough to stop him thats their problem.
the only reason this is even an issue is Trump said a thousand times on the trail,

''Who's going to pay for the wall on the southern border? MEXICO!...they all shouted'' then he confirmed, Mexico, that's right. Congress and republicans holding office never ever agreed to spend a trillion dollars for it all...

can there be a compromise and texas pay for putting up its own wall? Same with the other border states?

And the federal gvt would then pay for staffing, maintaining, and controlling it until the end of time?

How many times have you and your ilk stated border security is a federal function? TX is spending a ton on aiding the border patrol, have been for years.

it is a federal function, and if cities and towns do not want to hold an illegal in their jails past the date of when the feds are suppose to pick them up, they should not have to at their expense....

but since it is Texans that want their state to have a wall, there is NOTHING stopping them from building one, is there?

is there some law preventing them from building a wall in their own state?

ICE is asking for 48 hours notice before a person is released, not hold them. Also localities are reimbursed for federal prisoners. Bank robbery, human sex trafficking and counterfeiting are federal crimes do you have a problem with locals holding them for the feds?

no, I don't have a problem with it as long as the fed is paying for it...but truly, it's up to the locality or the State imo....and nothing in the Constitution as far as I can remember that would cover this?
maybe a GO FUND ME could get enough money?
the only reason this is even an issue is Trump said a thousand times on the trail,

''Who's going to pay for the wall on the southern border? MEXICO!...they all shouted'' then he confirmed, Mexico, that's right. Congress and republicans holding office never ever agreed to spend a trillion dollars for it all...

can there be a compromise and texas pay for putting up its own wall? Same with the other border states?

And the federal gvt would then pay for staffing, maintaining, and controlling it until the end of time?

How many times have you and your ilk stated border security is a federal function? TX is spending a ton on aiding the border patrol, have been for years.

it is a federal function, and if cities and towns do not want to hold an illegal in their jails past the date of when the feds are suppose to pick them up, they should not have to at their expense....

but since it is Texans that want their state to have a wall, there is NOTHING stopping them from building one, is there?

is there some law preventing them from building a wall in their own state?

ICE is asking for 48 hours notice before a person is released, not hold them. Also localities are reimbursed for federal prisoners. Bank robbery, human sex trafficking and counterfeiting are federal crimes do you have a problem with locals holding them for the feds?

you didn't answer my question...is there some federal law that would stop Texas from building a fence in their state?
the only reason this is even an issue is Trump said a thousand times on the trail,

''Who's going to pay for the wall on the southern border? MEXICO!...they all shouted'' then he confirmed, Mexico, that's right. Congress and republicans holding office never ever agreed to spend a trillion dollars for it all...

can there be a compromise and texas pay for putting up its own wall? Same with the other border states?

And the federal gvt would then pay for staffing, maintaining, and controlling it until the end of time?

How many times have you and your ilk stated border security is a federal function? TX is spending a ton on aiding the border patrol, have been for years.

it is a federal function, and if cities and towns do not want to hold an illegal in their jails past the date of when the feds are suppose to pick them up, they should not have to at their expense....

but since it is Texans that want their state to have a wall, there is NOTHING stopping them from building one, is there?

is there some law preventing them from building a wall in their own state?

ICE is asking for 48 hours notice before a person is released, not hold them. Also localities are reimbursed for federal prisoners. Bank robbery, human sex trafficking and counterfeiting are federal crimes do you have a problem with locals holding them for the feds?

no, I don't have a problem with it as long as the fed is paying for it...but truly, it's up to the locality or the State imo....and nothing in the Constitution as far as I can remember that would cover this?

Nothing in the Constitution guarantees federal grants either. They always have strings and if you don't need the money, don't apply for them. If you do, don't complain about the strings.

maybe a GO FUND ME could get enough money?
the only reason this is even an issue is Trump said a thousand times on the trail,

''Who's going to pay for the wall on the southern border? MEXICO!...they all shouted'' then he confirmed, Mexico, that's right. Congress and republicans holding office never ever agreed to spend a trillion dollars for it all...

can there be a compromise and texas pay for putting up its own wall? Same with the other border states?

And the federal gvt would then pay for staffing, maintaining, and controlling it until the end of time?

How many times have you and your ilk stated border security is a federal function? TX is spending a ton on aiding the border patrol, have been for years.

it is a federal function, and if cities and towns do not want to hold an illegal in their jails past the date of when the feds are suppose to pick them up, they should not have to at their expense....

but since it is Texans that want their state to have a wall, there is NOTHING stopping them from building one, is there?

is there some law preventing them from building a wall in their own state?

ICE is asking for 48 hours notice before a person is released, not hold them. Also localities are reimbursed for federal prisoners. Bank robbery, human sex trafficking and counterfeiting are federal crimes do you have a problem with locals holding them for the feds?

you didn't answer my question...is there some federal law that would stop Texas from building a fence in their state?

You mean other than the feds having control over the border area, the State has no jurisdiction to build there.

The Wall is a stupid idea...

Only simpletons believe that that is a sustainable solution...

I totally agree, that an invasion wave of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens must be sent packing, and that future waves must be discouraged to the point they don't even try...

The Wall is not the way to accomplish either of those...
Only simpletons use terms like "sustainable" and believe they actually mean something.
The Wall is a stupid idea...

Only simpletons believe that that is a sustainable solution...

I totally agree, that an invasion wave of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens must be sent packing, and that future waves must be discouraged to the point they don't even try...

The Wall is not the way to accomplish either of those...

Walls where needed are only one piece of the puzzle. They do send a message, just like Trump ending catch and release.


We pay off the debt yet? We have no money for a wall.
Oh, but we do have money for a $3 trillion/year single payer scheme?
Problem I see with premise presented by OP is the limited resources of the Border Patrol and Ice. You put somebody who was dragged along as a child when their parents came to the country illegally on same level as real criminals there will be a price to pay politically by this administration for going after the easy pickings.

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