If Congress Dosen't Cooperate On The Wall

Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Then of course, who's going to do the work that millions of illegals are doing in health care and other fields?

Who was doing it before? We have lots of people looking for work.


Unemployment is very low.
Just like health care, the GOP will make sure Trump changes none of the DNC policies, including not funding a wall, for they are basically the same party.

If he unleashed ICE, Progs would just unleash their judges on him again.

It is amazing how much power Obama had. He ruled by EO that even defied current laws and nothing was done to stop him.

However, Trump seems to have no power even though he has the same job

The system truly is rigged.

Change the system....

Change the rigged system?

All righty then. Why did I not think of that?

Progs will have there way with the wall, just like health care as they cave to a single payer system.

It's all too predictable now. Voters are powerless.
Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!
It's soothing to know our economy is dependent on trespassers.
the only reason this is even an issue is Trump said a thousand times on the trail,

''Who's going to pay for the wall on the southern border? MEXICO!...they all shouted'' then he confirmed, Mexico, that's right. Congress and republicans holding office never ever agreed to spend a trillion dollars for it all...

can there be a compromise and texas pay for putting up its own wall? Same with the other border states?

And the federal gvt would then pay for staffing, maintaining, and controlling it until the end of time?

How many times have you and your ilk stated border security is a federal function? TX is spending a ton on aiding the border patrol, have been for years.

Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Then of course, who's going to do the work that millions of illegals are doing in health care and other fields?

Who was doing it before? We have lots of people looking for work.


Unemployment is very low.
You make $9.00/hour serving food?
Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.

Mexico is paying for the wall, believe me.

I thought immigration was way down?

We pay off our debt?
And when a Democrat or a Neo-Con eventually becomes President they will flood right back in.
With a wall they will have to be in really good shape.
They can easily come over in a plane on a visitors visa and overstay it....

That's easy to fix.

Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


Just like health care, the GOP will make sure Trump changes none of the DNC policies, including not funding a wall, for they are basically the same party.

If he unleashed ICE, Progs would just unleash their judges on him again.

It is amazing how much power Obama had. He ruled by EO that even defied current laws and nothing was done to stop him.

However, Trump seems to have no power even though he has the same job

The system truly is rigged.

He has power, he just hasn't exercised it, YET.

Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!
It's soothing to know our economy is dependent on trespassers.

Dependent is an exaggeration. It is strengthened. Agriculture is one of our biggest exports.
Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Then of course, who's going to do the work that millions of illegals are doing in health care and other fields?

Who was doing it before? We have lots of people looking for work.


Unemployment is very low.
You make $9.00/hour serving food?

U.S. unemployment rate drops to 4.3% as employers add 209,000 jobs in July
The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Then of course, who's going to do the work that millions of illegals are doing in health care and other fields?

Who was doing it before? We have lots of people looking for work.


Unemployment is very low.
You make $9.00/hour serving food?

U.S. unemployment rate drops to 4.3% as employers add 209,000 jobs in July
You make $9.00/hour serving food?
Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!
It's soothing to know our economy is dependent on trespassers.

Dependent is an exaggeration. It is strengthened. Agriculture is one of our biggest exports.
We survived before, we'll survive again.
Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!

11 million out of 320+ million, wouldn't even be a hick up.

Then of course, who's going to do the work that millions of illegals are doing in health care and other fields?

Who was doing it before? We have lots of people looking for work.


Unemployment is very low.
You make $9.00/hour serving food?

U.S. unemployment rate drops to 4.3% as employers add 209,000 jobs in July
You make $9.00/hour serving food?

Of course not.
The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!
It's soothing to know our economy is dependent on trespassers.

Dependent is an exaggeration. It is strengthened. Agriculture is one of our biggest exports.
We survived before, we'll survive again.

When have we been without immigrants?
Who was doing it before? We have lots of people looking for work.


Unemployment is very low.
You make $9.00/hour serving food?

U.S. unemployment rate drops to 4.3% as employers add 209,000 jobs in July
You make $9.00/hour serving food?

Of course not.
GW and Obama used statistics to make everything look rosy.
Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Then of course, who's going to do the work that millions of illegals are doing in health care and other fields?

Who was doing it before? We have lots of people looking for work.


Unemployment is very low.

We still have a lot out of the labor force that are able bodied and can work. Time to tell them to get off their ass.

Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!
It's soothing to know our economy is dependent on trespassers.

Dependent is an exaggeration. It is strengthened. Agriculture is one of our biggest exports.
We survived before, we'll survive again.

When have we been without immigrants?
Immigrants or trespassers?
Maybe the president should just unleash ICE and Border Patrol to enforce immigration laws on 100% of the people here illegally. That would include voiding DAPA and shipping out every illegal when they are identified, the so called good and the bad.

There are many issues when it comes to immigration that are near and dear to the regressives, so you best remember, cooperation is a two way street.

Chew on that possibility for a while.


The economy couldn't take the hit of having millions of people being deported. Think of the tens of thousands of houses and apartments vacated. The schools will certainly take a hit with so many kids gone. Layoffs of teachers and other school employees in the thousands. Many schools with large hispanic attendance will close down. Then the car payments that won't be made since the owners of the cars have been deported along with many other time payments. Shopping at walmart and other retail? Drastic reduction. What if the mexican government decides to play hardball and refuses to allow deportees to bring their american citizen offspring to mexico. USA would be stuck with millions of kids to take care of. On and on ....

Rent goes down, overcrowded schools eased, medicade not required so much, anyone who give credit to an illegal deserves to lose their shirt. Walmart is too crowded now and Mexico has dual citizenship, the children of Mexican illegals are also Mexican citizens. Only about half of illegals are Mexican, others are from virtually every country in the world. And the US saves 100 billion a year, it's a win win.


Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!

11 million out of 320+ million, wouldn't even be a hick up.


Tell that to all the stores they buy from. Tell that to all the landlords who no longer collect rent. You are talking about millions of people, don't be so silly.
Just like health care, the GOP will make sure Trump changes none of the DNC policies, including not funding a wall, for they are basically the same party.

If he unleashed ICE, Progs would just unleash their judges on him again.

It is amazing how much power Obama had. He ruled by EO that even defied current laws and nothing was done to stop him.

However, Trump seems to have no power even though he has the same job

The system truly is rigged.

Change the system....

Change the rigged system?

All righty then. Why did I not think of that?

Progs will have there way with the wall, just like health care as they cave to a single payer system.

It's all too predictable now. Voters are powerless.

I don't accept that.

Losing millions of consumers would slow the economy, period!
It's soothing to know our economy is dependent on trespassers.

Dependent is an exaggeration. It is strengthened. Agriculture is one of our biggest exports.
We survived before, we'll survive again.

When have we been without immigrants?
Immigrants or trespassers?

Please share when you are referencing as before?

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