If congress has the power of the purse

Why do we keep spending more than we have in the purse? Why do we have to have these anal discussions about debt limits?

Congress and the Power of the Purse

Because Congress has the attitude that as long as their are still tax payers left to be plundered then their MUST be more money to spend and they don't care if those tax payers have been born yet or not, in fact they prefer the unborn type since those poor slobs can't vote.

First rule of Congress Critters: Buy votes with tax payer money now, stick the bills to the children.
Why do we keep spending more than we have in the purse? Why do we have to have these anal discussions about debt limits?

Congress and the Power of the Purse

Because Congress has the attitude that as long as their are still tax payers left to be plundered then their MUST be more money to spend and they don't care if those tax payers have been born yet or not, in fact they prefer the unborn type since those poor slobs can't vote.

First rule of Congress Critters: Buy votes with tax payer money now, stick the bills to the children.

Good point...but then they blame obama...makes no sense.

(Disclaimer) that remark is in no way intended to defend Obama.
This one is as befuddling as the one on young people in obamacare...that one fizzled out last night with a indecipherable post from Franco...
Why do we keep spending more than we have in the purse? Why do we have to have these anal discussions about debt limits?

Congress and the Power of the Purse

Because Congress has the attitude that as long as their are still tax payers left to be plundered then their MUST be more money to spend and they don't care if those tax payers have been born yet or not, in fact they prefer the unborn type since those poor slobs can't vote.

First rule of Congress Critters: Buy votes with tax payer money now, stick the bills to the children.

Is that why the IRS has gone to harassing businesses asking them if they are SURE they gave all they were supposed to?

IRS Now Harassing Small Businesses
Why do we keep spending more than we have in the purse? Why do we have to have these anal discussions about debt limits?

Congress and the Power of the Purse
There were 2500 pages of tax raises for the largest tax hike the US has ever seen under Nancy Pelosi in Obama's first year in which she ramrodded an assortment of high-end tax hikes that will be felt more as we get into it. They also passed some unconstitutional crap but some in Congress and a majority Senate will never undo it until Republicans have final say.

With no penalties exacted for slander in elections, it's become a passé thing for unscrupulous power tyrants to lie about his or her opponent before election day in hopes that someone will believe the lie, enough to get themselves put in power. After that, all promises are off, as in "affordable health care" was misnamed on purpose to fool people into thinking that workers were getting something for nothing. The only people who are getting something for nothing are those who never worked a day, which would interfere with collecting benefits from the overgrown fed that is now $17 trillion dollars in debt.

The money being spent comes from the two years of passing bills on steroids that Nancy knew she must do to destroy America's trust in Republicans saving them.

They've been greatly aided by Hollywood professionals who know all the tricks for smarming viewers into believing a story is true.

This country became great on everybody pitching in and helping. If the road to communism is paved, only 1 in 8 Americans will work until they get disgusted and go onto welfare too. At that point, the vipers will come in for the kill and take power with no personal bill of rights or freedoms allowed for generations.
The first couple of words of the (alleged) survey... "ask the average American what Congress accomplishes" is the culmination of the last half century of liberalism. The average American only knows what Walter Cronkite or Dan Rather or Chris Matthews tells them. Thanks to a half century of federal education where history has been turned into "social studies" and the Constitution is viewed as a quaint founding Fathers document the "selected average American" has no freaking idea of what Congress accomplishes and that's the way the radicals want it.

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