If Covid had never came along, how many states do you believe Trump would have won?

Presidents are defined by the crises that occur on their watch. Maybe republicans should have elected someone better suited to deal with them?
yea like everyone knows what crisis are going to happen....
No one knows what the future holds but it's not like no one tried to warn you that Trump is a retard.
every president has had a crisis or 2 that they didnt handle to well....
All a president really has to do in a crisis is act presidential and listen to his hopefully well chosen advisors. It's sad that Trump cannot even do that.
Presidents are defined by the crises that occur on their watch. Maybe republicans should have elected someone better suited to deal with them?


So you are saying that 180 countries must get rid of their leaders? Imagine you applied that to every tragedy in every nation.
Effective emergency management can immortalize the glowing legacy of a leader far beyond their lifetimes. Unfortunately for Trump bungling a crisis is remembered even longer.


Just admit anything he did you would have been against.
Presidents are defined by the crises that occur on their watch. Maybe republicans should have elected someone better suited to deal with them?

So are you then saying Butthole that the banking recession and meltdown defined Obama and Biden? In case you don't know, again, we are actually 53rd in the world in Covid mortality and hardly NO ONE is doing better with it! That and the fact that the democrats took the matter in their own hands last Spring and insisted this was a STATE matter THEY would handle as THEY saw fit.
You can point at numbers all you want but Trump treated the pandemic like a political opponent that could be beaten with bluster and bullshit. We should all be thankful he didn't have to fight a war.
Well, Trump has made sure that fighting wars has been not necessary, unlike any POTUS since the 70's.

As for C19, let us reflect on the words of the exalted Dr. Fauci himself.

  • Dr. Fauci: “I don’t recall anything different than in our discussions that we had with the president that he said things quite similar publicly… In my discussions, and in the discussions of other Task Force members with the president, we’re talking about the reality of what was going on and then when we would get up in front of the press conferences, which were very, very common after our discussions with the president, he really didn’t say anything different than we discussed when we were with him… I didn’t really see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said.” (09/09/2020)
  • When he was asked if he agrees that “the Task Force and the President took the outbreak very seriously from the beginning,” Dr. Fauci responded, “Yes.” (09/23/2020)
So really, screw all of the Fake News bullshit and democrap money being pumped into some horrid C19 failure for our POTUS. Eat the whole bag of em, fella. :fu:

History will not be kind to Trump. His administration certainly did things about the pandemic (usually under pressure) but he himself treated it all like a plot against him.

Because all you fucktards were actually plotting against him and see the pandemic as a political opprotunity.

Stupidity is one thing, your blatant ignorant hypocrisy is something else.

So how is sucking on Kamala's butt plug going?
Essentially as many as he would have won anyway. The difference is that he took a disaster out of which he could have led us, and lied about it, downplayed it, politicized it, attacked health professionals just trying to do their jobs, and even MOCKED Americans for merely trying to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Hell, he might have won MORE states if he hadn't shown himself to be such a national fucking disgrace as a leader through difficult times, choosing political sides and patting himself on the back while AMERICANS were dying.

He could have been a hero. Instead, he chose to go all Hannity on us.

Fuh fuh fuh ORANGE MAN BAD, fuh fuh fuh.

Spin it all you want, it just shows how pathetic you are.
Presidents are defined by the crises that occur on their watch. Maybe republicans should have elected someone better suited to deal with them?

So are you then saying Butthole that the banking recession and meltdown defined Obama and Biden? In case you don't know, again, we are actually 53rd in the world in Covid mortality and hardly NO ONE is doing better with it! That and the fact that the democrats took the matter in their own hands last Spring and insisted this was a STATE matter THEY would handle as THEY saw fit.
You can point at numbers all you want but Trump treated the pandemic like a political opponent that could be beaten with bluster and bullshit. We should all be thankful he didn't have to fight a war.

Since you idiots from day one treated ousting him as your top priority, you can't bitch about him responding to anything from mouth breathers like you and Dems like a political attack.
Presidents are defined by the crises that occur on their watch. Maybe republicans should have elected someone better suited to deal with them?

So are you then saying Butthole that the banking recession and meltdown defined Obama and Biden? In case you don't know, again, we are actually 53rd in the world in Covid mortality and hardly NO ONE is doing better with it! That and the fact that the democrats took the matter in their own hands last Spring and insisted this was a STATE matter THEY would handle as THEY saw fit.
You can point at numbers all you want but Trump treated the pandemic like a political opponent that could be beaten with bluster and bullshit. We should all be thankful he didn't have to fight a war.
Well, Trump has made sure that fighting wars has been not necessary, unlike any POTUS since the 70's.

As for C19, let us reflect on the words of the exalted Dr. Fauci himself.

  • Dr. Fauci: “I don’t recall anything different than in our discussions that we had with the president that he said things quite similar publicly… In my discussions, and in the discussions of other Task Force members with the president, we’re talking about the reality of what was going on and then when we would get up in front of the press conferences, which were very, very common after our discussions with the president, he really didn’t say anything different than we discussed when we were with him… I didn’t really see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said.” (09/09/2020)
  • When he was asked if he agrees that “the Task Force and the President took the outbreak very seriously from the beginning,” Dr. Fauci responded, “Yes.” (09/23/2020)
So really, screw all of the Fake News bullshit and democrap money being pumped into some horrid C19 failure for our POTUS. Eat the whole bag of em, fella. :fu:

History will not be kind to Trump. His administration certainly did things about the pandemic (usually under pressure) but he himself treated it all like a plot against him.

Because all you fucktards were actually plotting against him and see the pandemic as a political opprotunity.

Stupidity is one thing, your blatant ignorant hypocrisy is something else.

So how is sucking on Kamala's butt plug going?
So, we’re you standing up for Obama when he was trying to fix this country with an obstructionist Congress? I thought not you partisan hack. At least Obama didn’t kill a quarter a million Americans.
Presidents are defined by the crises that occur on their watch. Maybe republicans should have elected someone better suited to deal with them?
yea like everyone knows what crisis are going to happen....
No one knows what the future holds but it's not like no one tried to warn you that Trump is a retard.
every president has had a crisis or 2 that they didnt handle to well....
All a president really has to do in a crisis is act presidential and listen to his hopefully well chosen advisors. It's sad that Trump cannot even do that.
something tells me because so many just dont like the guy it would not have mattered.....he would have still been criticized....
First off let me state that one year ago, as we were beginning to ramp up for impeachment ( by the way, anyone remember that?) I felt with how the deck was so stacked against him, media, Dimocrat hysterics, etc, Trump would not be re-elected.

However, as we have progressed to this date, and the feebleness of Biden is so apparent, I feel it's crystal clear now that had Covid not come along, Trump would have cruised to re-election, barring anything else coming along.

I'm thinking he would have won 30-35 states.

If Covid has not happened then the question would have been if Biden would have made it through a more rigorous election season and I truly believe he would have fallen on his face.

That written many Americans have just tired of the nonsense and truthfully for me I will be so glad when the final count is done!

As for States he would have won would have been the same amount while Trump losing the Popular Vote again...
So really, screw all of the Fake News bullshit and democrap money being pumped into some horrid C19 failure for our POTUS. Eat the whole bag of em, fella.
History will not be kind to Trump.
Because all you fucktards were actually plotting against him and see the pandemic as a political opportunity.
So, we’re you standing up for Obama when he was trying to fix this country with an obstructionist Congress? At least Obama didn’t kill a quarter a million Americans.

Obama never tried to fix anything, you shitheel. His mission was to fundamentally CHANGE America to socialism, not repair anything. Neither did Trump kill anyone much less a quarter million just because he happened to be in office when a virus spread around the world, you clueless cuckold. Trump is no more responsible than GW Bush was for Bin Laden flying planes into the WTC! There has never been a viral epidemic like this in our lifetimes just as no one could have ever imagined a couple office towers in New York would be the target of a terror attack.

Ironically, Obama actually DID kill a quarter million, a quarter million in the Middle East! Probably many more. He KNEW about ISIS what a danger they were and deliberately hid it from the country, did nothing about them telling us all they were just a JV team and let them fly for TWO FUCKING YEARS you miserable cocksucker, unfettered while they BUTCHERED and TORTURED and RAPED countless thousands, DESTROYED countless priceless ancient historic relics and drove MILLIONS fleeing from their homes losing EVERYTHING fleeing into other countries and Europe destabilizing a quarter of the inhabited planet-- -- all just to try to stay out of the Middle East and pull his troops out to keep a promise to placate his voter base for the DEMOCRATS, until FINALLY after two years it got so bad he was FORCED to do something.

AS USUAL, Democrats ARE what they accuse others of being having actually done it, done it first, far worse and far sooner than those they try to deflect upon hypocritically.
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First off let me state that one year ago, as we were beginning to ramp up for impeachment ( by the way, anyone remember that?) I felt with how the deck was so stacked against him, media, Dimocrat hysterics, etc, Trump would not be re-elected.

However, as we have progressed to this date, and the feebleness of Biden is so apparent, I feel it's crystal clear now that had Covid not come along, Trump would have cruised to re-election, barring anything else coming along.

I'm thinking he would have won 30-35 states.
Joe Biden seems to favor mandatory masks in public and more shutdowns.

As a 74 year old individual with several factors that make me a prime target for COVID-19 I play it carefully. I wear a mask in public, wash my hands often and avoid large crowds.

However if I was in my 20s or 30s I wouldn’t be as fond of draconian tactics that might put me out of work and in general curtail the fun of socializing with others in bars, restaurants, sporting events and concerts. Sitting around the house would get old fast. Cabin fever is a bitch.

So Biden’s attack on Trump not shutting the whole nation down and his prediction of a dark winter might hurt his chances with the younger crowd and ruin his chances of beating Trump.

Time will tell.
Essentially as many as he would have won anyway. The difference is that he took a disaster out of which he could have led us, and lied about it, downplayed it, politicized it, attacked health professionals just trying to do their jobs, and even MOCKED Americans for merely trying to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Hell, he might have won MORE states if he hadn't shown himself to be such a national fucking disgrace as a leader through difficult times, choosing political sides and patting himself on the back while AMERICANS were dying.

He could have been a hero. Instead, he chose to go all Hannity on us.

Fuh fuh fuh ORANGE MAN BAD, fuh fuh fuh.

Spin it all you want, it just shows how pathetic you are.
Good, solid Trumpian response there.

Reality is fake news if you don't like it. You've really bought in to the cult. Interesting.
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So really, screw all of the Fake News bullshit and democrap money being pumped into some horrid C19 failure for our POTUS. Eat the whole bag of em, fella.
History will not be kind to Trump.
Because all you fucktards were actually plotting against him and see the pandemic as a political opportunity.
So, we’re you standing up for Obama when he was trying to fix this country with an obstructionist Congress? At least Obama didn’t kill a quarter a million Americans.

Obama never tried to fix anything, you shitheel. His mission was to fundamentally CHANGE America to socialism, not repair anything. Neither did Trump kill anyone much less a quarter million just because he happened to be in office when a virus spread around the world, you clueless cuckold. Trump is no more responsible than GW Bush was for Bin Laden flying planes into the WTC! There has never been a viral epidemic like this in our lifetimes just as no one could have ever imagined a couple office towers in New York would be the target of a terror attack.

Ironically, Obama actually DID kill a quarter million, a quarter million in the Middle East! Probably many more. He KNEW about ISIS what a danger they were and deliberately hid it from the country, did nothing about them telling us all they were just a JV team and let them fly for TWO FUCKING YEARS you miserable cocksucker, unfettered while they BUTCHERED and TORTURED and RAPED countless thousands, DESTROYED countless priceless ancient historic relics and drove MILLIONS fleeing from their homes losing EVERYTHING fleeing into other countries and Europe destabilizing a quarter of the inhabited planet-- -- all just to try to stay out of the Middle East and pull his troops out to keep a promise to placate his voter base for the DEMOCRATS, until FINALLY after two years it got so bad he was FORCED to do something.

AS USUAL, Democrats ARE what they accuse others of being having actually done it, done it first, far worse and far sooner than those they try to deflect upon hypocritically.
You are a sick man. Expand your information sources or you will stay ignorant.
You are a sick man.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ TRANSLATION: Always the famous last words of another progressive shitheel left without a single thing he can defend. Trump killed millions. :auiqs.jpg: PLEEEAASE. :1peleas:

Guess you forgot that Obama actually DID, recorded in the history books for all time.

Just another idealist once again tripped up by his own short-sighted hypocrisy.
First off let me state that one year ago, as we were beginning to ramp up for impeachment ( by the way, anyone remember that?) I felt with how the deck was so stacked against him, media, Dimocrat hysterics, etc, Trump would not be re-elected.

However, as we have progressed to this date, and the feebleness of Biden is so apparent, I feel it's crystal clear now that had Covid not come along, Trump would have cruised to re-election, barring anything else coming along.

I'm thinking he would have won 30-35 states.

Oh, yes, without COVID-19, President Trump would have probably won reelection because of a good economy.

But FATE decided otherwise.

Of course, we do not know what FATE has in store for the Dems.

It may not be so rosy as they think.
Presidents are defined by the crises that occur on their watch. Maybe republicans should have elected someone better suited to deal with them?

So are you then saying Butthole that the banking recession and meltdown defined Obama and Biden? In case you don't know, again, we are actually 53rd in the world in Covid mortality and hardly NO ONE is doing better with it! That and the fact that the democrats took the matter in their own hands last Spring and insisted this was a STATE matter THEY would handle as THEY saw fit.
You can point at numbers all you want but Trump treated the pandemic like a political opponent that could be beaten with bluster and bullshit. We should all be thankful he didn't have to fight a war.
Well, Trump has made sure that fighting wars has been not necessary, unlike any POTUS since the 70's.

As for C19, let us reflect on the words of the exalted Dr. Fauci himself.

  • Dr. Fauci: “I don’t recall anything different than in our discussions that we had with the president that he said things quite similar publicly… In my discussions, and in the discussions of other Task Force members with the president, we’re talking about the reality of what was going on and then when we would get up in front of the press conferences, which were very, very common after our discussions with the president, he really didn’t say anything different than we discussed when we were with him… I didn’t really see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said.” (09/09/2020)
  • When he was asked if he agrees that “the Task Force and the President took the outbreak very seriously from the beginning,” Dr. Fauci responded, “Yes.” (09/23/2020)
So really, screw all of the Fake News bullshit and democrap money being pumped into some horrid C19 failure for our POTUS. Eat the whole bag of em, fella. :fu:

History will not be kind to Trump. His administration certainly did things about the pandemic (usually under pressure) but he himself treated it all like a plot against him.

Because all you fucktards were actually plotting against him and see the pandemic as a political opprotunity.

Stupidity is one thing, your blatant ignorant hypocrisy is something else.

So how is sucking on Kamala's butt plug going?
So, we’re you standing up for Obama when he was trying to fix this country with an obstructionist Congress? I thought not you partisan hack. At least Obama didn’t kill a quarter a million Americans.

There wasn't the level of hatred seen currently, sorry but true. The real hatred from the left, however, is against Trump voters.

Trump didn't kill people, the virus did. I'm sure if it happened during Obama you would be excusing it you soi boi cuck.

Butt. Plug.
Essentially as many as he would have won anyway. The difference is that he took a disaster out of which he could have led us, and lied about it, downplayed it, politicized it, attacked health professionals just trying to do their jobs, and even MOCKED Americans for merely trying to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Hell, he might have won MORE states if he hadn't shown himself to be such a national fucking disgrace as a leader through difficult times, choosing political sides and patting himself on the back while AMERICANS were dying.

He could have been a hero. Instead, he chose to go all Hannity on us.

Fuh fuh fuh ORANGE MAN BAD, fuh fuh fuh.

Spin it all you want, it just shows how pathetic you are.
Good, solid Trumpian response there.

Reality is fake news if you don't like it. You've really bought in to the cult. Interesting.

The only reality is you are a partisan twat-hack.

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