If Democrats / Biden REALLY Won the Election, Why Is Barry Attacking Latinos For Supporting President Trump?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...It's because, IMO, Barry KNOWS Biden did NOT 'win' the election...because Barry KNOWS that Latinos (and Blacks) supported President Trump, not Biden, in RECORD numbers.

It turns out, to the Democrats'/Barry's surprise, that Latinos' votes can not be BOUGHT by government handouts and promises of making 20+ million illegals Americans by a President Biden edict, that Latinos do NOT support abortion, the majority is in large part Christian, and they are for enforced and protected borders, and are closer to Conservatives/Republicans.

While telling us 'Biden Won' and 'It's time to move on from the election', Democrats are still trying to figure out why President Trump received such large support from minorities....in this case with Barry, Latinos in particular:

'Obama: "There are a lot of evangelical Hispanics who, the fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans or puts detainees, undocumented workers in cages, they think that's less important than the fact that he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion."

** WHY is Obama still ‘ripping’ Latinos who decisively supported and voted for Trump in 2020…if Biden really won the election?

'Dr. Richard Land of Southern Evangelical Seminary says that's as arrogant a statement as he's ever heard from "a very arrogant" former president.

"Trump carried [Texas] counties that are 80% to 90% Hispanic … that Hillary carried four years ago," Lands points out. "They've seen [that] Mr. Trump's immigration policies are not anti-Hispanic – [in fact] they're anti-illegal immigration."

Land also notes that Obama has some of his facts wrong: "I thought the supreme arrogance was when he was talking about putting children in cages – cages that were built by Obama [during his administration]."

Maybe that was part of the deal for the new book payoff/advance?
...It's because, IMO, Barry KNOWS Biden did NOT 'win' the election...because Barry KNOWS that Latinos (and Blacks) supported President Trump, not Biden, in RECORD numbers.

It turns out, to the Democrats'/Barry's surprise, that Latinos' votes can not be BOUGHT by government handouts and promises of making 20+ million illegals Americans by a President Biden edict, that Latinos do NOT support abortion, the majority is in large part Christian, and they are for enforced and protected borders, and are closer to Conservatives/Republicans.

While telling us 'Biden Won' and 'It's time to move on from the election', Democrats are still trying to figure out why President Trump received such large support from minorities....in this case with Barry, Latinos in particular:

'Obama: "There are a lot of evangelical Hispanics who, the fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans or puts detainees, undocumented workers in cages, they think that's less important than the fact that he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion."

** WHY is Obama still ‘ripping’ Latinos who decisively supported and voted for Trump in 2020…if Biden really won the election?

'Dr. Richard Land of Southern Evangelical Seminary says that's as arrogant a statement as he's ever heard from "a very arrogant" former president.

"Trump carried [Texas] counties that are 80% to 90% Hispanic … that Hillary carried four years ago," Lands points out. "They've seen [that] Mr. Trump's immigration policies are not anti-Hispanic – [in fact] they're anti-illegal immigration."

Land also notes that Obama has some of his facts wrong: "I thought the supreme arrogance was when he was talking about putting children in cages – cages that were built by Obama [during his administration]."

Trump changed the policies and stripped kids from their parents as a deterrent, not as a last resort. Why latinos (or anyone else) would support such a scumbag speaks to a sickness some people have.
He doesn't like ethnic groups getting out of their box. He thinks latinos need to shut up and get with the progressive program. Problem with Obama like most carreer politicians is he talks a good game but never had to live in the real world.
...It's because, IMO, Barry KNOWS Biden did NOT 'win' the election...because Barry KNOWS that Latinos (and Blacks) supported President Trump, not Biden, in RECORD numbers.

It turns out, to the Democrats'/Barry's surprise, that Latinos' votes can not be BOUGHT by government handouts and promises of making 20+ million illegals Americans by a President Biden edict, that Latinos do NOT support abortion, the majority is in large part Christian, and they are for enforced and protected borders, and are closer to Conservatives/Republicans.

While telling us 'Biden Won' and 'It's time to move on from the election', Democrats are still trying to figure out why President Trump received such large support from minorities....in this case with Barry, Latinos in particular:

'Obama: "There are a lot of evangelical Hispanics who, the fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans or puts detainees, undocumented workers in cages, they think that's less important than the fact that he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion."

** WHY is Obama still ‘ripping’ Latinos who decisively supported and voted for Trump in 2020…if Biden really won the election?

'Dr. Richard Land of Southern Evangelical Seminary says that's as arrogant a statement as he's ever heard from "a very arrogant" former president.

"Trump carried [Texas] counties that are 80% to 90% Hispanic … that Hillary carried four years ago," Lands points out. "They've seen [that] Mr. Trump's immigration policies are not anti-Hispanic – [in fact] they're anti-illegal immigration."

Land also notes that Obama has some of his facts wrong: "I thought the supreme arrogance was when he was talking about putting children in cages – cages that were built by Obama [during his administration]."

demon of stupidity.jpg
...It's because, IMO, Barry KNOWS Biden did NOT 'win' the election...because Barry KNOWS that Latinos (and Blacks) supported President Trump, not Biden, in RECORD numbers.

It turns out, to the Democrats'/Barry's surprise, that Latinos' votes can not be BOUGHT by government handouts and promises of making 20+ million illegals Americans by a President Biden edict, that Latinos do NOT support abortion, the majority is in large part Christian, and they are for enforced and protected borders, and are closer to Conservatives/Republicans.

While telling us 'Biden Won' and 'It's time to move on from the election', Democrats are still trying to figure out why President Trump received such large support from minorities....in this case with Barry, Latinos in particular:

'Obama: "There are a lot of evangelical Hispanics who, the fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans or puts detainees, undocumented workers in cages, they think that's less important than the fact that he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion."

** WHY is Obama still ‘ripping’ Latinos who decisively supported and voted for Trump in 2020…if Biden really won the election?

'Dr. Richard Land of Southern Evangelical Seminary says that's as arrogant a statement as he's ever heard from "a very arrogant" former president.

"Trump carried [Texas] counties that are 80% to 90% Hispanic … that Hillary carried four years ago," Lands points out. "They've seen [that] Mr. Trump's immigration policies are not anti-Hispanic – [in fact] they're anti-illegal immigration."

Land also notes that Obama has some of his facts wrong: "I thought the supreme arrogance was when he was talking about putting children in cages – cages that were built by Obama [during his administration]."

Biden's dog l;ooks tasty?
...It's because, IMO, Barry KNOWS Biden did NOT 'win' the election...because Barry KNOWS that Latinos (and Blacks) supported President Trump, not Biden, in RECORD numbers.

It turns out, to the Democrats'/Barry's surprise, that Latinos' votes can not be BOUGHT by government handouts and promises of making 20+ million illegals Americans by a President Biden edict, that Latinos do NOT support abortion, the majority is in large part Christian, and they are for enforced and protected borders, and are closer to Conservatives/Republicans.

While telling us 'Biden Won' and 'It's time to move on from the election', Democrats are still trying to figure out why President Trump received such large support from minorities....in this case with Barry, Latinos in particular:

'Obama: "There are a lot of evangelical Hispanics who, the fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans or puts detainees, undocumented workers in cages, they think that's less important than the fact that he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion."

** WHY is Obama still ‘ripping’ Latinos who decisively supported and voted for Trump in 2020…if Biden really won the election?

'Dr. Richard Land of Southern Evangelical Seminary says that's as arrogant a statement as he's ever heard from "a very arrogant" former president.

"Trump carried [Texas] counties that are 80% to 90% Hispanic … that Hillary carried four years ago," Lands points out. "They've seen [that] Mr. Trump's immigration policies are not anti-Hispanic – [in fact] they're anti-illegal immigration."

Land also notes that Obama has some of his facts wrong: "I thought the supreme arrogance was when he was talking about putting children in cages – cages that were built by Obama [during his administration]."

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So you have no explanation for Barry insulting / offending / picking a fight with Christian Latinos, who voted for President Trump over China/Dementia Joe.....why didn't you just say that....
because the left attacks anyone not on their side.

That is not unique to the left.
getting more and more common, i do admit. the more a behavior goes unchecked, the more normal it becomes. the longer it happens after that, the harder it will be to back down and the bigger event that will have to take place to make us.

we're all running headlong to a 10 mile drop cliff and no one gives a shit cause they have more hate to shout at the other side.
getting more and more common, i do admit. the more a behavior goes unchecked, the more normal it becomes. the longer it happens after that, the harder it will be to back down and the bigger event that will have to take place to make us.

we're all running headlong to a 10 mile drop cliff and no one gives a shit cause they have more hate to shout at the other side.

People are just too angry and not enough people are trying to bridge the divide.
getting more and more common, i do admit. the more a behavior goes unchecked, the more normal it becomes. the longer it happens after that, the harder it will be to back down and the bigger event that will have to take place to make us.

we're all running headlong to a 10 mile drop cliff and no one gives a shit cause they have more hate to shout at the other side.

People are just too angry and not enough people are trying to bridge the divide.
emotions can't be satisfied in a time where emotional validation equates to truth.
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i saw an interview just the other day where obama was saying "and trump put them in cages"

and everyone who's paid a lick of attention knows obama did that first. "set the precedence" as it were. so he's lying. he's twisting the truth for his sides gain.

each side turns a blind eye to their side doing this and attacks the other for the same. this makes both sides see "different sets of rules" because people refuse to accept responsibility for their actions because in their mind, the OTHER sides actions warrant them taking extreme actions also.

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