If democrats Were Smart, What Should They Say To Barry?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
In light of the major blood bath the democrats just took, and all because of their narcissistic, pathological, megalomaniac ideologue boi king, what would the smart thing be for democrats to do at this point?

Well, seems to me that if they wanted hold out even the slightest of hope for the white house in 2016, they should collectively get together and confront the kenyan. They should tell him to just disappear. Don't do anything, don't touch anything, don't say anything. Just go golfing, take vacations, just blend into the back ground for the next two years and don't call any sort of attention to yourself. THAT would be smart.

But we all know that Barry just can't do that. He believes he is a god and center of the universe. In the next two years he will meddle and abuse power to the point where he will completely destroy the democrat party. They can kiss any chance of ever being in power again goodbye for decades, let alone put someone in the white house.

You can't feel sorry for them though. They all supported him from day one, and deep down still do. The democrats of today have morphed into a radical bunch of socialist, marxist, power drunk bullies, that care not what the majority of Americans want, but instead ram their sick, twisted, leftist agenda down the throats of everyone. Well, if they didn't learn anything from the recent election, then we won't have to worry about them pulling any more of that crap for quite some time, because America told them in no uncertain terms, to FUCK OFF.
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They should say "We were incredibly stupid for running from your achievements, because that made us lose."

It is remarkable, how weepy all the ODS kooks still are after "winning". I guess if you've been a whiny little bitch for that many years, the condition becomes permanent.
In light of the major blood bath the democrats just took, and all because of their narcissistic, pathological, megalomaniac ideologue boi king, what would the smart thing be for democrats to do at this point?

Well, seems to me that if they wanted hold out even the slightest of hope for the white house in 2016, they should collectively get together and confront the kenyan. They should tell him to just disappear. Don't do anything, don't touch anything, don't say anything. Just go golfing, take vacations, just blend into the back ground for the next two years and don't call any sort of attention to yourself. THAT would be smart.

But we all know that Barry just can't do that. He believes he is a god and center of the universe. In the next two years he will meddle and abuse power to the point where he will complete destroy the democrat party. They can kiss any chance of ever being in power again for decades, let alone put someone in the white house.

You can't feel sorry for them though. They all supported him from day one, and deep down still do. The democrats of today have morphed into a radical bunch of socialist, marxist, power drunk bullies, that care not what the majority of Americans want, but instead ram their sick, twisted, leftist agenda down the throats of everyone. Well, if they didn't learn anything from the recent election, then we won't have to worry about them pulling any more of that shit for quite some time, because America told them in no uncertain terms, to FUCK OFF.
They should ask him to resign because even Joe Biden has more sense than he does, and is more popular.

If Obama were to resign, and Biden to take credit for it, and work with Congress for two years, I think he would even stand a chance of being elected.

Couldn't be any worse than what we have.

Not that I don't despise him, mind you.
In light of the major blood bath the democrats just took, and all because of their narcissistic, pathological, megalomaniac ideologue boi king, what would the smart thing be for democrats to do at this point?

Well, seems to me that if they wanted hold out even the slightest of hope for the white house in 2016, they should collectively get together and confront the kenyan. They should tell him to just disappear. Don't do anything, don't touch anything, don't say anything. Just go golfing, take vacations, just blend into the back ground for the next two years and don't call any sort of attention to yourself. THAT would be smart.

But we all know that Barry just can't do that. He believes he is a god and center of the universe. In the next two years he will meddle and abuse power to the point where he will complete destroy the democrat party. They can kiss any chance of ever being in power again for decades, let alone put someone in the white house.

You can't feel sorry for them though. They all supported him from day one, and deep down still do. The democrats of today have morphed into a radical bunch of socialist, marxist, power drunk bullies, that care not what the majority of Americans want, but instead ram their sick, twisted, leftist agenda down the throats of everyone. Well, if they didn't learn anything from the recent election, then we won't have to worry about them pulling any more of that shit for quite some time, because America told them in no uncertain terms, to FUCK OFF.

Good thread. And GREAT avatar. LOL
In light of the major blood bath the democrats just took, and all because of their narcissistic, pathological, megalomaniac ideologue boi king, what would the smart thing be for democrats to do at this point?

Well, seems to me that if they wanted hold out even the slightest of hope for the white house in 2016, they should collectively get together and confront the kenyan. They should tell him to just disappear. Don't do anything, don't touch anything, don't say anything. Just go golfing, take vacations, just blend into the back ground for the next two years and don't call any sort of attention to yourself. THAT would be smart.

But we all know that Barry just can't do that. He believes he is a god and center of the universe. In the next two years he will meddle and abuse power to the point where he will complete destroy the democrat party. They can kiss any chance of ever being in power again for decades, let alone put someone in the white house.

You can't feel sorry for them though. They all supported him from day one, and deep down still do. The democrats of today have morphed into a radical bunch of socialist, marxist, power drunk bullies, that care not what the majority of Americans want, but instead ram their sick, twisted, leftist agenda down the throats of everyone. Well, if they didn't learn anything from the recent election, then we won't have to worry about them pulling any more of that shit for quite some time, because America told them in no uncertain terms, to FUCK OFF.

I am wondering how Barry is going to treat those Dems that shunned his omnipotence during their campaigns....:lol:

Barry's narcissism and arrogance won't let him accept responsibility for his failure. :nono:

As the esteemed Charles Krauthammar put it in a conversation with Bret Baier:

"—the Republican victories were “the worst wall-to-wall, national, unmistakable, unequivocal shellacking that you will ever see” and a “nuclear explosion.”

Krauthammer: [Obama] played as the puzzled observer. He was asked about the meaning of the election, and he said “I’ll leave to others the reading of tea leaves.” Was this really a subtle result? Was this sort of complicated and nuanced? This was the worst wall-to-wall, national, unmistakable, unequivocal shellacking that you will ever see in a midterm election, and it happened on just about every level. You’ve got in the House the Republicans now have the largest majority since 1929.
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so 007decided to poke his head out of the coffee shop after the mid-terms? His ODS compels him to. Sad that :(

BTW OP- Repubs don't have a "veto-proof" majority.
In light of the major blood bath the democrats just took, and all because of their narcissistic, pathological, megalomaniac ideologue boi king, what would the smart thing be for democrats to do at this point?

Well, seems to me that if they wanted hold out even the slightest of hope for the white house in 2016, they should collectively get together and confront the kenyan. They should tell him to just disappear. Don't do anything, don't touch anything, don't say anything. Just go golfing, take vacations, just blend into the back ground for the next two years and don't call any sort of attention to yourself. THAT would be smart.

But we all know that Barry just can't do that. He believes he is a god and center of the universe. In the next two years he will meddle and abuse power to the point where he will complete destroy the democrat party. They can kiss any chance of ever being in power again for decades, let alone put someone in the white house.

You can't feel sorry for them though. They all supported him from day one, and deep down still do. The democrats of today have morphed into a radical bunch of socialist, marxist, power drunk bullies, that care not what the majority of Americans want, but instead ram their sick, twisted, leftist agenda down the throats of everyone. Well, if they didn't learn anything from the recent election, then we won't have to worry about them pulling any more of that shit for quite some time, because America told them in no uncertain terms, to FUCK OFF.
They should ask him to resign because even Joe Biden has more sense than he does, and is more popular.

If Obama were to resign, and Biden to take credit for it, and work with Congress for two years, I think he would even stand a chance of being elected.

Couldn't be any worse than what we have.

Not that I don't despise him, mind you.
Both good suggestions, but we both know Barry is far too full of self importance to resign, even if it means ruining the party he is suppose to care for.

The dems are in a really tough spot.
In light of the major blood bath the democrats just took, and all because of their narcissistic, pathological, megalomaniac ideologue boi king, what would the smart thing be for democrats to do at this point?

Well, seems to me that if they wanted hold out even the slightest of hope for the white house in 2016, they should collectively get together and confront the kenyan. They should tell him to just disappear. Don't do anything, don't touch anything, don't say anything. Just go golfing, take vacations, just blend into the back ground for the next two years and don't call any sort of attention to yourself. THAT would be smart.

But we all know that Barry just can't do that. He believes he is a god and center of the universe. In the next two years he will meddle and abuse power to the point where he will completely destroy the democrat party. They can kiss any chance of ever being in power again goodbye for decades, let alone put someone in the white house.

You can't feel sorry for them though. They all supported him from day one, and deep down still do. The democrats of today have morphed into a radical bunch of socialist, marxist, power drunk bullies, that care not what the majority of Americans want, but instead ram their sick, twisted, leftist agenda down the throats of everyone. Well, if they didn't learn anything from the recent election, then we won't have to worry about them pulling any more of that crap for quite some time, because America told them in no uncertain terms, to FUCK OFF.

The smartest thing that they can do is realize that the answer is not another pull to the right but to swing to the left.
so 007decided to poke his head out of the coffee shop after the mid-terms? His ODS compels him to. Sad that :(

BTW OP- Repubs don't have a "veto-proof" majority.
Is that all ya got, SlopCum? Nothing to say that's intelligent? Nothing to add that's worth reading?

Well, I guess that is asking a lot from a jack off like you. Care on, bubble head...
They'd tell him to stop being a far left winger and, for once in his career, show some willingness to come to a solution to something that's not entirely what he wants. Same for the republicans.
They should say "We were incredibly stupid for running from your achievements, because that made us lose."

It is remarkable, how weepy all the ODS kooks still are after "winning". I guess if you've been a whiny little bitch for that many years, the condition becomes permanent.
Isn't that pretty much what they did?

And you are misinterpreting the results why?

Are you really that out of touch?
They'd tell him to stop being a far left winger and, for once in his career, show some willingness to come to a solution to something that's not entirely what he wants. Same for the republicans.
The republicans have been run rough shod over and haven't gotten a thing they've wanted for SIX YEARS. They didn't win a landslide to start a group hug and sing kumbaya with the democrats. Now it's time for another ass kicking. The repubs were sent to Washington to turn this nation around and stand firm, period.

But you're right that someone, anyone, a democrat or democrats, need to confront obama and tell him to please, PLEASE, just back off and stfu. That would be be absolute best thing the left could do at this point.
They'd tell him to stop being a far left winger and, for once in his career, show some willingness to come to a solution to something that's not entirely what he wants. Same for the republicans.

Anything they tell him will fall on deaf, weird-looking ears. He is now out for REVENGE as he has nothing more to lose....
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so 007decided to poke his head out of the coffee shop after the mid-terms? His ODS compels him to. Sad that :(

BTW OP- Repubs don't have a "veto-proof" majority.
Is that all ya got, SlopCum? Nothing to say that's intelligent? Nothing to add that's worth reading?

Well, I guess that is asking a lot from a jack off like you. Care on, bubble head...
ummm..... its the second sentence. Keep reading :rolleyes: How hard is that for you?
In light of the major blood bath the democrats just took, and all because of their narcissistic, pathological, megalomaniac ideologue boi king, what would the smart thing be for democrats to do at this point?

Well, seems to me that if they wanted hold out even the slightest of hope for the white house in 2016, they should collectively get together and confront the kenyan. They should tell him to just disappear. Don't do anything, don't touch anything, don't say anything. Just go golfing, take vacations, just blend into the back ground for the next two years and don't call any sort of attention to yourself. THAT would be smart.

But we all know that Barry just can't do that. He believes he is a god and center of the universe. In the next two years he will meddle and abuse power to the point where he will completely destroy the democrat party. They can kiss any chance of ever being in power again goodbye for decades, let alone put someone in the white house.

You can't feel sorry for them though. They all supported him from day one, and deep down still do. The democrats of today have morphed into a radical bunch of socialist, marxist, power drunk bullies, that care not what the majority of Americans want, but instead ram their sick, twisted, leftist agenda down the throats of everyone. Well, if they didn't learn anything from the recent election, then we won't have to worry about them pulling any more of that crap for quite some time, because America told them in no uncertain terms, to FUCK OFF.

The smartest thing that they can do is realize that the answer is not another pull to the right but to swing to the left.
Is there any more to the left, left, that the left can swing? Unless they just want to openly admit they're communists, I don't think so.
In light of the major blood bath the democrats just took, and all because of their narcissistic, pathological, megalomaniac ideologue boi king, what would the smart thing be for democrats to do at this point?

Well, seems to me that if they wanted hold out even the slightest of hope for the white house in 2016, they should collectively get together and confront the kenyan. They should tell him to just disappear. Don't do anything, don't touch anything, don't say anything. Just go golfing, take vacations, just blend into the back ground for the next two years and don't call any sort of attention to yourself. THAT would be smart.

But we all know that Barry just can't do that. He believes he is a god and center of the universe. In the next two years he will meddle and abuse power to the point where he will completely destroy the democrat party. They can kiss any chance of ever being in power again goodbye for decades, let alone put someone in the white house.

You can't feel sorry for them though. They all supported him from day one, and deep down still do. The democrats of today have morphed into a radical bunch of socialist, marxist, power drunk bullies, that care not what the majority of Americans want, but instead ram their sick, twisted, leftist agenda down the throats of everyone. Well, if they didn't learn anything from the recent election, then we won't have to worry about them pulling any more of that crap for quite some time, because America told them in no uncertain terms, to FUCK OFF.

The smartest thing that they can do is realize that the answer is not another pull to the right but to swing to the left.
Is there any more to the left, left, that the left can swing? Unless they just want to openly admit they're communists, I don't think so.

So, you have failed to actually examine policy, law and history.
obola needs a friend like Henry Kissinger who will go into the oval office and say "Mr. Presidunce, it's time for you to go."

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