If Democrats were the liberals back during that Civil War

Stormy Daniels

Gold Member
Mar 19, 2018
Why is it always conservatives nowadays who believe the stupid idea that a state can secede at the drop of a dime?
Since the Constitution does not give any pathway for a state to secede from the union, anyone thinking it is possible is doing nothing more than daydreaming.
Why is it always conservatives nowadays who believe the stupid idea that a state can secede at the drop of a dime?

Yep, it was the conservatives who believed that then too. The ones who wanted to conserve slavery. Obviously the Liberals were in the Republican fold, simply by virtue of Abolition.

Buzz about secession was buzzing around as far back as 1828 over what they called the "Tariff of Abominations". That buzz was recorded in South Carolina, where the Civil War began a third of a century later.
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There are some seriously confused people on the Left side of this board, becoming more so.
Since the Constitution does not give any pathway for a state to secede from the union, anyone thinking it is possible is doing nothing more than daydreaming.
You lack the capacity to commit logic. Your theory is that everything that isn't expressly permitted is prohibited. That idea is obviously wrong. If it were true then a state couldn't do anything without a vote of Congress. Prior to the Civil War a majority of people believed a state could secede from the Union without the permission of the federal government, just as they set their own traffic laws.
Why is it always conservatives nowadays who believe the stupid idea that a state can secede at the drop of a dime?

Who believes a state can secede at the drop of a dime...who said that? Link?
What you have probably heard is good Conservatives talking about seceding as the Mexicrats concede our nation to Mexico one state at a time...right?
You lack the capacity to commit logic. Your theory is that everything that isn't expressly permitted is prohibited. That idea is obviously wrong. If it were true then a state couldn't do anything without a vote of Congress. Prior to the Civil War a majority of people believed a state could secede from the Union without the permission of the federal government, just as they set their own traffic laws.

Why thank you for your ruling from your high court Chief Justice chair. If you believe it can be done, go to a red state and make it happen and the rest of us can watch the federal government's reactions.

And since you don't know me, your first sentence shows your bias and possible prejudice.
You lack the capacity to commit logic. Your theory is that everything that isn't expressly permitted is prohibited. That idea is obviously wrong. If it were true then a state couldn't do anything without a vote of Congress. Prior to the Civil War a majority of people believed a state could secede from the Union without the permission of the federal government, just as they set their own traffic laws.

Why thank you for your ruling from your high court Chief Justice chair. If you believe it can be done, go to a red state and make it happen and the rest of us can watch the federal government's reactions.

And since you don't know me, your first sentence shows your bias and possible prejudice.
The fact that the federal government would object is meaningless. The federal government pisses on the Constitution 10,000 times a day.

I know what you posted, so my statement is valid.
I don't see conservatives calling for secession. It seems to be a left wing fantasy and that fits in with the democrat racist history.
I don't see conservatives calling for secession. It seems to be a left wing fantasy and that fits in with the democrat racist history.

You don't huh.

>> Over the years, [Sarah] Palin has actively courted the Alaska Independence Party, or AIP, an organization that supports Alaskan secession from the U.S. To be clear, we’re not necessarily talking about friendly secession either: As the AIP’s founder, Joe Vogler, told an interviewer in 1991: “The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. ... And I won’t be buried under their damn flag.” --- Palin's Secession Flirtation

>> The rise of membership in the Texas Nationalist Movement coincided with other secession-related news events not part of that organization. Governor Rick Perry, at a political rally in 2009, addressed the possibility of secession. During the rally, many in the crowd began to chant "secede, secede", to which Perry remarked, "If Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that?"[19][26] Perry subsequently clarified that the comment was tongue in cheek and that he does not support secession.[24] His remarks sparked controversy[26] and harsh criticism from government officials and pundits, such as Jeff Macke and Joe Weisental.[27] << -- Texas Secession Movements

See it now?
Why is it always conservatives nowadays who believe the stupid idea that a state can secede at the drop of a dime?
Many on the right are simply ignorant and don’t know any better.

However, most know better but don’t care – it’s conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and contrarianism, an expression of their fear and disdain for positive, beneficial change.
Why is it always conservatives nowadays who believe the stupid idea that a state can secede at the drop of a dime?
Many on the right are simply ignorant and don’t know any better.

However, most know better but don’t care – it’s conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and contrarianism, an expression of their fear and disdain for positive, beneficial change.
You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The Constitution does not bar secession, period.
Why is it always conservatives nowadays who believe the stupid idea that a state can secede at the drop of a dime?
Many on the right are simply ignorant and don’t know any better.

However, most know better but don’t care – it’s conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and contrarianism, an expression of their fear and disdain for positive, beneficial change.

“However, most know better but don’t care – it’s conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and contrarianism, an expression of their fear and disdain for positive, beneficial change.”

“Positive, beneficial change”....WTF?
Hahaha...now that is some funny ass shit.
You leftists have NEVER once pushed a single fucking policy that would fall under the “positive and beneficial” column for America’s best citizens or the bulk of Americans...You filthy fucks are always pitching some crazy ass bullshit that benefits the .002% and fucks over the bulk of Americans.
You are losing credibility fast....hahaha
Why is it always conservatives nowadays who believe the stupid idea that a state can secede at the drop of a dime?

Perhaps because one of the core principles of the American Revolution was that the colonies had the right to peacefully separate from England? Perhaps because the founding fathers expressly forbade the federal government from using force against a state that wanted to leave the Union?

And, just FYI, since I know your knowledge of the Civil War is based on PC syrup, the Southern states did not secede "at the drop of a dime." Every state that seceded held an election or a referendum before it seceded, and when those states formed a government, they offered to pay their share of the national debt and to pay compensation for the federal installations in the South.

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