If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Maybe. I am hearing rumors about the administration making overtures to Congressional/Senate Democrats in hopes of cobbling together a badly needed infrastructure bill.
That would be nice.

Would the hard left in the Dem party even allow something like this to happen?
Wrong question. Democrats will do anything to help the American people. Republicans will never do it because it costs too much money. They’ve already given the money away to billionaires in tax cuts. Who the fuk doesn’t know that?

I don't want the "help" democrats want to give to the American people. my sig covers my views on that.

Funny chit Martry. Your sig will help you do nothing but maybe shoot yourself by accident. Democrats lower the deficit, Trump is sending it to the freakin moon. A trillion is predicted for this year. Marty likes deficits as long as Republicans create them.

Obama lowered the Deficit?

What about the debt, you know the actual money owed?
That would be nice.

Would the hard left in the Dem party even allow something like this to happen?
Wrong question. Democrats will do anything to help the American people. Republicans will never do it because it costs too much money. They’ve already given the money away to billionaires in tax cuts. Who the fuk doesn’t know that?

I don't want the "help" democrats want to give to the American people. my sig covers my views on that.

Funny chit Martry. Your sig will help you do nothing but maybe shoot yourself by accident. Democrats lower the deficit, Trump is sending it to the freakin moon. A trillion is predicted for this year. Marty likes deficits as long as Republicans create them.

Obama lowered the Deficit?

What about the debt, you know the actual money owed?

Certainly did.

Don't you dare pretend you give a rat's ass about the debt.

If you did, you would vote Democrat.
Would the hard left in the Dem party even allow something like this to happen?
Wrong question. Democrats will do anything to help the American people. Republicans will never do it because it costs too much money. They’ve already given the money away to billionaires in tax cuts. Who the fuk doesn’t know that?

I don't want the "help" democrats want to give to the American people. my sig covers my views on that.

Funny chit Martry. Your sig will help you do nothing but maybe shoot yourself by accident. Democrats lower the deficit, Trump is sending it to the freakin moon. A trillion is predicted for this year. Marty likes deficits as long as Republicans create them.

Obama lowered the Deficit?

What about the debt, you know the actual money owed?

Certainly did.

Don't you dare pretend you give a rat's ass about the debt.

If you did, you would vote Democrat.


Every time they raise taxes, they raise spending. Democrats are far worse when it comes to increasing government size, which is directly related to the debt.
Maybe. I am hearing rumors about the administration making overtures to Congressional/Senate Democrats in hopes of cobbling together a badly needed infrastructure bill.
That would be nice.

Would the hard left in the Dem party even allow something like this to happen?
Wrong question. Democrats will do anything to help the American people. Republicans will never do it because it costs too much money. They’ve already given the money away to billionaires in tax cuts. Who the fuk doesn’t know that?

I don't want the "help" democrats want to give to the American people. my sig covers my views on that.

Funny chit Martry. Your sig will help you do nothing but maybe shoot yourself by accident. Democrats lower the deficit, Trump is sending it to the freakin moon. A trillion is predicted for this year. Marty likes deficits as long as Republicans create them.

And why not? You seem to like taking credit for things Republicans did during the DumBama years like lowering the deficit.

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protectionist, post: 21131744
2. Lowered unemployment from 4.8% to 3.7%

You fool. Trumpo will never lower unemployment as much as Obama did from the Great Bush Recession grand finale of Republican Presidential rule in January 2009
to January 2017. Why would you ever cite such a stat?

When the economy is down, there is only one way it can go--up. When the economy is up, there is only one way it can go--down. With Trump in office, the economy went up faster.
Utter bullshit. When the economy is down, it can still go down further, just like we had in the early 30’s. When the economy is growing, there is still room to grow, just as we see now, just as we saw in the late 90’s, just as we saw in the early 50’s.

The difference is that Trump had nothing on his side pumping the economy for him.

DumBama had Feds dumpling trillions of dollars into the market. Bush had the housing bubble. Clinton had the tech era. Trump has nothing. He’s doing it all with policies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
The difference is that Trump had nothing on his side pumping the economy for him.

Like the forum’s lying con tool, you can’t stop lying either.

Of course he had something.... he was handed a strong and growing economy. He was handed an economy with about 76 consecutive months of job growth. Unprecedented. Stock market was at a high. Inflation was low. And the economy, which doesn’t turn on a dime, continued steam rolling under trump. And most of trump’s first year in office was still under Obama’s budget. But trump does get credit for not fucking it up. He gets credit for actions he took to keep the streak going and he gets credit for the budget he passed. Although it caused real federal income tax revenue to fall and created a $1.3 trillion deficit.

Yes it has but no complaints when DumBama went through 10 trillion.

What you really mean to say is that Trump took a steady economy and made it much better. That is the truth.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
The difference is that Trump had nothing on his side pumping the economy for him.

Like the forum’s lying con tool, you can’t stop lying either.

Of course he had something.... he was handed a strong and growing economy. He was handed an economy with about 76 consecutive months of job growth. Unprecedented. Stock market was at a high. Inflation was low. And the economy, which doesn’t turn on a dime, continued steam rolling under trump. And most of trump’s first year in office was still under Obama’s budget. But trump does get credit for not fucking it up. He gets credit for actions he took to keep the streak going and he gets credit for the budget he passed. Although it caused real federal income tax revenue to fall and created a $1.3 trillion deficit.
If you really believed this gobbledegook, I'd sell you a bridge in Brooklyn for a MIllion $. Problem is, I know you're full of crap.

Obama's pitiful economy was tanking down....down....down. in Jan. 2017. and YOU KNOW IT. Ho hum. Yawn****

Drools a senile old fart. Take your Geritol® and have a nap, gramps.

Maybe then you’ll comprehend I did as you — showing where GDP was when a president started and cherry picking their peak.
protectionist, post: 21131744 You fool. Trumpo will never lower unemployment as much as Obama did from the Great Bush Recession grand finale of Republican Presidential rule in January 2009
to January 2017. Why would you ever cite such a stat?

When the economy is down, there is only one way it can go--up. When the economy is up, there is only one way it can go--down. With Trump in office, the economy went up faster.
Utter bullshit. When the economy is down, it can still go down further, just like we had in the early 30’s. When the economy is growing, there is still room to grow, just as we see now, just as we saw in the late 90’s, just as we saw in the early 50’s.

The difference is that Trump had nothing on his side pumping the economy for him.

DumBama had Feds dumpling trillions of dollars into the market. Bush had the housing bubble. Clinton had the tech era. Trump has nothing. He’s doing it all with policies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
The difference is that Trump had nothing on his side pumping the economy for him.

Like the forum’s lying con tool, you can’t stop lying either.

Of course he had something.... he was handed a strong and growing economy. He was handed an economy with about 76 consecutive months of job growth. Unprecedented. Stock market was at a high. Inflation was low. And the economy, which doesn’t turn on a dime, continued steam rolling under trump. And most of trump’s first year in office was still under Obama’s budget. But trump does get credit for not fucking it up. He gets credit for actions he took to keep the streak going and he gets credit for the budget he passed. Although it caused real federal income tax revenue to fall and created a $1.3 trillion deficit.

Yes it has but no complaints when DumBama went through 10 trillion.

What you really mean to say is that Trump took a steady economy and made it much better. That is the truth.

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It has gotten better under trump but only because it was already heading in that direction to begin with and trump kept it going.

Case in point... here’s employment growth according to the BLS with all the chart lines removed. Show where trump became president...

The difference is that Trump had nothing on his side pumping the economy for him.

Like the forum’s lying con tool, you can’t stop lying either.

Of course he had something.... he was handed a strong and growing economy. He was handed an economy with about 76 consecutive months of job growth. Unprecedented. Stock market was at a high. Inflation was low. And the economy, which doesn’t turn on a dime, continued steam rolling under trump. And most of trump’s first year in office was still under Obama’s budget. But trump does get credit for not fucking it up. He gets credit for actions he took to keep the streak going and he gets credit for the budget he passed. Although it caused real federal income tax revenue to fall and created a $1.3 trillion deficit.
If you really believed this gobbledegook, I'd sell you a bridge in Brooklyn for a MIllion $. Problem is, I know you're full of crap.

Obama's pitiful economy was tanking down....down....down. in Jan. 2017. and YOU KNOW IT. Ho hum. Yawn****

Drools a senile old fart. Take your Geritol® and have a nap, gramps.

Maybe then you’ll comprehend I did as you — showing where GDP was when a president started and cherry picking their peak.[/QUOTE]
You know what the truth is on all this economy comparison. You're just a piece of crap, cheap 2 bit fleabag liar. This chart says all that needs to be said about the failure Obama, and the successful Trump.

How much more of an idiot could somebody be than to be attacking Trump on the economy. It's so absurd, I can hardly type out these words. Maybe you'd like to say that Tom Brady isn't much of a football quarterback, or Ted Williams wasn't much a baseball hitter. Trump derangement syndrome run amok.
It has gotten better under trump but only because it was already heading in that direction to begin with and trump kept it going.
FALSE! It was NOT heading in that upward direction to begin with. It was headed DOWN (2.3 to 1.8), in Obama's last pitiful year. It was Trump who brought it up, as you've now been told repeatedly. Your lies won't help you.

Fact check: Did Trump pull off an 'economic turnaround?'
"The Economy is soooo good, perhaps the best in our country’s history," Trump said on Twitter on Monday.

Former President Barack Obama participates in a political rally for California Democratic candidates during an event in Anaheim, California, on Sept. 8, 2018.Mike Blake / Reuters

Sep. 10, 2018 / 4:40 PM EDT
By Jane C. Timm

Two presidents boasted about the strength of the American economy this weekend, each claiming credit for the steady growth and declining unemployment as President Donald Trump seeks to parlay the nation's economic success into a winning midterm message for his embattled party — and former President Barack Obama reminds voters just when the boom began.

"When you hear how great the economy's doing right now, let's just remember when this recovery started,” Obama said on Friday in a speech that marked his first foray into the upcoming elections. "I mean, I'm glad it's continued, but when you hear about this economic miracle that's been going on, when the job numbers come out, monthly job numbers, suddenly Republicans are saying it's a miracle. I have to kind of remind them, actually, those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016."

Fact check: Did Trump pull off an economic turnaround?
SEP. 13, 201801:04
Trump disparaged the speech, at one point saying he fell asleep during it.

“If the Democrats got in with their agenda in November of almost two years ago, instead of having 4.2 up, I believe honestly you'd have 4.2 down,” Trump said Friday night, speaking of GDP growth. “It was the weakest recovery in the history of our country since, I guess, to be totally specific, because I'm not sure they've gone any further, since the Great Depression.”

“The Economy is soooo good, perhaps the best in our country’s history,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Monday.

Earlier this summer, he stood on the South Lawn of the White House and boasted about achieving a "turnaround of historic proportions" — an "economic miracle."

Donald J. Trump



The Economy is soooo good, perhaps the best in our country’s history (remember, it’s the economy stupid!), that the Democrats are flailing & lying like CRAZY! Phony books, articles and T.V. “hits” like no other pol has had to endure-and they are losing big. Very dishonest people!

The economy's success or failure depends on much more than who sits in the Oval Office, but let's take a look at the facts here.

Absolutely not. Trump inherited a booming economy with low unemployment and steady job growth — an easy win on day one — and he quickly claimed credit. Early in his presidency, Trump boasted about job gains starting from his election onward, crediting Obama's final months as his own.

It is extremely unlikely that the GDP could ever have been negative 4.2 percent no matter who was elected in 2016. At the height of the 2009 recession, GDP was at -2.5 percent. It has not been at or above -4.2 percent in 86 years.

Trump vs. Obama: who gets credit for the booming economy?
SEP. 10, 201811:31
The economy was, however, struggling when Obama took office in 2009. He inherited a dismal economy in the middle of a recession that lasted 18 months, facing what many feared would be a depression, and was able to turn it around in the first years of his presidency. The U.S. is now its 10th year of economic growth, and in its longest period of growth with 95 straight months of job creation. The bulk of that decade of growth was under Obama’s presidency, and can fairly be credited to him.

Still, as Trump accurately points out, the recovery under Obama was marked by a slower rate of growth than what followed previous recessions, such as the recovery under President Ronald Reagan in 1983 and 1984.

Trump's supporters say he's supercharged the economy. Now in the second year of his presidency, he has passed a major tax bill and rolled back a significant number of regulations, giving the economy another injection of capital — though economists disagree on the how much the tax cuts will really benefit the larger economy and whether it will have lasting effects to the economy.

Trump has surely seen some impressive data points in his first term: GDP growth has reached 4.2 percent, unemployment has reached its lowest point in half a century, and the stock market has reached new heights.

The president and his administration have been eager to tout the numbers. Kevin Hassett, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, kicked off the White House press briefing on Monday with a slew of charts. He said the growth is not an extension of a trend, but rather a "clear upward trajectory, way above the trend."

Economists aren't buying it: While the tax cuts probably helped inject some cash into the economy — particularly the stock market — the country has largely maintained the growth it saw under Obam
Sun Devil 92, post: 21149585
We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.

Trumpo’s tax cuts are self-inflicted reduction of revenue during economic expansion. That is increasing debt. All to buy votes, nothing more.

Obama also cut taxes as part of the stimulus package - payroll tax cuts that put extra money in the hands of working class people according to established economic practice.

What Trumpo did was preposterous- stimulating an expanding economy when unemployment was low.

Total fairy tale.

The debt grew large under Bush. It grew huge under Obama. Nobody is electing legislators to slow it down.

Now with the democrats in office, well watch to see if it continues to grow.

Obama simply would not cut spending to the levels he should have.

The GOP did nothing to force the issue.

And we put these morons in charge of our health care.
Much, if not most, of the debt was due to Bush’s Great Recession. The expected deficit for FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, was $1.2 trillion.

Of course it was not Obama's fault.

Nothing ever was.


I suppose you blame Obama for the shit economy he inherited? Do you also blame Heather Heyer for getting killed by James Fields?

Oh, no...I blame Bush. I also blame the republican congress he had for six years and the democratic congress he had for six years.

Does Obama get some credit for the sluggish recovery...you bet.
Sun Devil 92, post: 21149585
We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.

Trumpo’s tax cuts are self-inflicted reduction of revenue during economic expansion. That is increasing debt. All to buy votes, nothing more.

Obama also cut taxes as part of the stimulus package - payroll tax cuts that put extra money in the hands of working class people according to established economic practice during the worst recession since the Great Depression. That recession was delivered on Dubya’s watch.

What Trumpo did was preposterous- stimulating an expanding economy when unemployment was low.
This economy is close to topping out. We are at or very near full employment. We have a million or more job open than there are job seekers. The economic expansion is close to being the longest in history. From this point on, growth in the economy is likely to be accompanied by inflation. By the end of the first quarter the Trump tariff war will start hitting the economy. I will be very surprised if the economy does not turn down before the next election.

It will turn down.

It always does.

Which is why I am glad the democrats won the house.

We will work very hard to ensure they take the blame.
Fact check: Did Trump pull off an 'economic turnaround?'
"The Economy is soooo good, perhaps the best in our country’s history," Trump said on Twitter on Monday.

Former President Barack Obama participates in a political rally for California Democratic candidates during an event in Anaheim, California, on Sept. 8, 2018.Mike Blake / Reuters

Sep. 10, 2018 / 4:40 PM EDT
By Jane C. Timm

Two presidents boasted about the strength of the American economy this weekend, each claiming credit for the steady growth and declining unemployment as President Donald Trump seeks to parlay the nation's economic success into a winning midterm message for his embattled party — and former President Barack Obama reminds voters just when the boom began.

"When you hear how great the economy's doing right now, let's just remember when this recovery started,” Obama said on Friday in a speech that marked his first foray into the upcoming elections. "I mean, I'm glad it's continued, but when you hear about this economic miracle that's been going on, when the job numbers come out, monthly job numbers, suddenly Republicans are saying it's a miracle. I have to kind of remind them, actually, those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016."

Fact check: Did Trump pull off an economic turnaround?
SEP. 13, 201801:04
Trump disparaged the speech, at one point saying he fell asleep during it.

“If the Democrats got in with their agenda in November of almost two years ago, instead of having 4.2 up, I believe honestly you'd have 4.2 down,” Trump said Friday night, speaking of GDP growth. “It was the weakest recovery in the history of our country since, I guess, to be totally specific, because I'm not sure they've gone any further, since the Great Depression.”

“The Economy is soooo good, perhaps the best in our country’s history,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Monday.

Earlier this summer, he stood on the South Lawn of the White House and boasted about achieving a "turnaround of historic proportions" — an "economic miracle."

Donald J. Trump


The Economy is soooo good, perhaps the best in our country’s history (remember, it’s the economy stupid!), that the Democrats are flailing & lying like CRAZY! Phony books, articles and T.V. “hits” like no other pol has had to endure-and they are losing big. Very dishonest people!

The economy's success or failure depends on much more than who sits in the Oval Office, but let's take a look at the facts here.

Absolutely not. Trump inherited a booming economy with low unemployment and steady job growth — an easy win on day one — and he quickly claimed credit. Early in his presidency, Trump boasted about job gains starting from his election onward, crediting Obama's final months as his own.

It is extremely unlikely that the GDP could ever have been negative 4.2 percent no matter who was elected in 2016. At the height of the 2009 recession, GDP was at -2.5 percent. It has not been at or above -4.2 percent in 86 years.

Trump vs. Obama: who gets credit for the booming economy?
SEP. 10, 201811:31
The economy was, however, struggling when Obama took office in 2009. He inherited a dismal economy in the middle of a recession that lasted 18 months, facing what many feared would be a depression, and was able to turn it around in the first years of his presidency. The U.S. is now its 10th year of economic growth, and in its longest period of growth with 95 straight months of job creation. The bulk of that decade of growth was under Obama’s presidency, and can fairly be credited to him.

Still, as Trump accurately points out, the recovery under Obama was marked by a slower rate of growth than what followed previous recessions, such as the recovery under President Ronald Reagan in 1983 and 1984.

Trump's supporters say he's supercharged the economy. Now in the second year of his presidency, he has passed a major tax bill and rolled back a significant number of regulations, giving the economy another injection of capital — though economists disagree on the how much the tax cuts will really benefit the larger economy and whether it will have lasting effects to the economy.

Trump has surely seen some impressive data points in his first term: GDP growth has reached 4.2 percent, unemployment has reached its lowest point in half a century, and the stock market has reached new heights.

The president and his administration have been eager to tout the numbers. Kevin Hassett, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, kicked off the White House press briefing on Monday with a slew of charts. He said the growth is not an extension of a trend, but rather a "clear upward trajectory, way above the trend."

Economists aren't buying it: While the tax cuts probably helped inject some cash into the economy — particularly the stock market — the country has largely maintained the growth it saw under Obam

Economists also told us TARP worked.

Except none of the data show it did.

They based their claims on bogeyman scenarios that never happened.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21149732,
When the economy is down, there is only one way it can go--up.

Not true. The US could have lost its auto industry in 2009 if leaders listened to economic goofballs like Romney imploring the government not give them the bailout.

The economy could have kept going down, way down.

“IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.”

Opinion | Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

The only place to get capital in that crisis wax the US Federal Government.

Obama was right on many counts. The economy was not coming up on its own,
It's easy to be an armchair quarterback looking back tens year. However, the fact is in 2008, we were looking at the worst recession since the great depression which could have easily turned into a depression that could have lasted a decade.

Ah...it did last nearly a decade! You had The Great Depression and then The Great Recession!

Yes we did.

And Obama gets the credit for that.
When the economy is down, there is only one way it can go--up. When the economy is up, there is only one way it can go--down. With Trump in office, the economy went up faster.
Utter bullshit. When the economy is down, it can still go down further, just like we had in the early 30’s. When the economy is growing, there is still room to grow, just as we see now, just as we saw in the late 90’s, just as we saw in the early 50’s.

The difference is that Trump had nothing on his side pumping the economy for him.

DumBama had Feds dumpling trillions of dollars into the market. Bush had the housing bubble. Clinton had the tech era. Trump has nothing. He’s doing it all with policies.

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The difference is that Trump had nothing on his side pumping the economy for him.

Like the forum’s lying con tool, you can’t stop lying either.

Of course he had something.... he was handed a strong and growing economy. He was handed an economy with about 76 consecutive months of job growth. Unprecedented. Stock market was at a high. Inflation was low. And the economy, which doesn’t turn on a dime, continued steam rolling under trump. And most of trump’s first year in office was still under Obama’s budget. But trump does get credit for not fucking it up. He gets credit for actions he took to keep the streak going and he gets credit for the budget he passed. Although it caused real federal income tax revenue to fall and created a $1.3 trillion deficit.

Yes it has but no complaints when DumBama went through 10 trillion.

What you really mean to say is that Trump took a steady economy and made it much better. That is the truth.

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It has gotten better under trump but only because it was already heading in that direction to begin with and trump kept it going.

Case in point... here’s employment growth according to the BLS with all the chart lines removed. Show where trump became president...


It's less how much employment than it is the kind of employment. McDonald's jobs just don't cut it.

And Trump said that because he believed it or because he was trying to rile up his base to go out and vote?

You know Trump's gone, you've been on this board long enough to know that. The newbee's on this board, I expect stupid comments from, but not from you.

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies. Democrats are going to open up public hearings & testimony. They won't be held behind closed doors. They are in charge, so the Republican rodeo clowns that have protected him over the last 2 years are gone--they have no power. Sean Hannity is not going to be able to protect him--NO ONE will.

After they're done Senate Republicans are not going to help him. Especially after last night they know for certain, what the American public think of Trump. They're not going to risk their seats to save Donald Trump. They never wanted Trump & don't like him. They're sick & tired of having to apologize for him. They're just waiting now. They're biggest mistake was not proceeding with impeachment themselves over a year ago.


To watch a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. & to read one article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper, (National Intelligence director) over a year ago, click this link to redirect to another post on this thread.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Oh for crying out loud, will you quit promoting your stupid topic--it's pathetic already; seen you do that a half-dozen times.

Yeah, Trump is gone. Been hearing that since before his inauguration.

The Republicans are not going to go against Trump anymore than the Democrats did with Clinton when it was proven he was a liar and guilty of perjury.

You should not use terms you don't know the definition of such as treason. Treason is punishable by death. Do you want to see an innocent American put to death because the Commies hate him? Ridiculous.

You're living in a dream world. Even the dumbest Democrats understand payback for their actions. Opening up investigations with zero proof of crime is a crime within itself. And as Trump posted out during his press conference today, if Democrats want to play that game, there are plenty of reason for the Senate to open up investigations on Democrats with leaks to the press, real Russian collusion between them, the DNC, and the Clinton campaign, and his ability to declassify the phony dossier.

So do you feel lucky punk..........do you????

So you actually believe that Mueller & House Democrats could show the American public solid evidence of Russian collusion & Obstruction of Justice and Senate Republicans would give up their seats for Trump-:auiqs.jpg:-

You go right ahead and name the prominent Republicans (past Presidents--Senators past & current) that showed up at the National Convention in Cleveland when Trump won the nomination BTW-- (Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan were forced to be there.)

John Kasich, Governor of Ohio, refused to show up--even though the convention was held in his home state. The Bush's voted for Hillary Clinton.
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

In fact Mitch McConnell & the Republican Senate tried to block Trump from the nomination. Mitt Romney came out of retirement & won his election last night in Utah in an effort to save the Republican party--& he HATES Trump
Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump

Now you think that there is some kind of "love affair" between Donald Trump & Senate Republicans. Especially after last night. On the contrary--they're probably looking forward to getting rid of him. Mike Pence comes in as President, whom they would be much happier with. You are very-very naive.


For those of you that want to watch a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on national T.V., and read an article that was confirmed by James Clapper, National Intelligence director, under sworn testimony--just click this link to redirect to another post on this thread.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?
Trump was never the choice of congressional republicans. They accepted him because they had no choice. If there is evidence of obstructions, collusion with the Russians, or any other crimes, they will dump him in a heartbreak for Pence. Trump is what every congressmen hates, an unpredictable and irascible president.

I wouldn’t count on that. If Democrats do anything, they will bring stuff to the table as phony as Ford. Then Republican Senators would have to weigh how many people will stand behind Trump, especially those who’s re-election is coming up soon.

You can say or think anything you want, but to assume that somebody never involved in politics before had some kind of connection to Russia that could interfere in a national election and able to hide it is as ridiculous as saying man has the ability to control the earths temperature.

You people are not dealing with reality.

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I doubt that Trump had anything to do with the Russians. All he had to do was sit tight while the Comey investigation and later the Mueller investigation played out. But no, Trump for whatever reason had to interfere with investigation then fire Comey. Now it looks like he's going down the same road with Mueller. In the minds of the public, his possible involvement with the Russian will be unresolved but his inference in the investigations will be fact and that's what's going bring him down.
protectionist said:
faun said:
The difference is that Trump had nothing on his side pumping the economy for him.

Like the forum’s lying con tool, you can’t stop lying either.

Of course he had something.... he was handed a strong and growing economy. He was handed an economy with about 76 consecutive months of job growth. Unprecedented. Stock market was at a high. Inflation was low. And the economy, which doesn’t turn on a dime, continued steam rolling under trump. And most of trump’s first year in office was still under Obama’s budget. But trump does get credit for not fucking it up. He gets credit for actions he took to keep the streak going and he gets credit for the budget he passed. Although it caused real federal income tax revenue to fall and created a $1.3 trillion deficit.
If you really believed this gobbledegook, I'd sell you a bridge in Brooklyn for a MIllion $. Problem is, I know you're full of crap.

Obama's pitiful economy was tanking down....down....down. in Jan. 2017. and YOU KNOW IT. Ho hum. Yawn****

Drools a senile old fart. Take your Geritol® and have a nap, gramps.

Maybe then you’ll comprehend I did as you — showing where GDP was when a president started and cherry picking their peak.
You know what the truth is on all this economy comparison. You're just a piece of crap, cheap 2 bit fleabag liar. This chart says all that needs to be said about the failure Obama, and the successful Trump.

How much more of an idiot could somebody be than to be attacking Trump on the economy. It's so absurd, I can hardly type out these words. Maybe you'd like to say that Tom Brady isn't much of a football quarterback, or Ted Williams wasn't much a baseball hitter. Trump derangement syndrome run amok.
Your non-sequiturs are laughed at and summarily dismissed. I did as you did — started with the president’s first quarter in office and cherrypicked his highest point. Scoffing at me is really scoffing at yourself for doing what you did.

Obama ... -8.4 to +5.1
Trump ..... +1.8 to +4.2

Obama wins again.

Utter bullshit. When the economy is down, it can still go down further, just like we had in the early 30’s. When the economy is growing, there is still room to grow, just as we see now, just as we saw in the late 90’s, just as we saw in the early 50’s.

The difference is that Trump had nothing on his side pumping the economy for him.

DumBama had Feds dumpling trillions of dollars into the market. Bush had the housing bubble. Clinton had the tech era. Trump has nothing. He’s doing it all with policies.

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The difference is that Trump had nothing on his side pumping the economy for him.

Like the forum’s lying con tool, you can’t stop lying either.

Of course he had something.... he was handed a strong and growing economy. He was handed an economy with about 76 consecutive months of job growth. Unprecedented. Stock market was at a high. Inflation was low. And the economy, which doesn’t turn on a dime, continued steam rolling under trump. And most of trump’s first year in office was still under Obama’s budget. But trump does get credit for not fucking it up. He gets credit for actions he took to keep the streak going and he gets credit for the budget he passed. Although it caused real federal income tax revenue to fall and created a $1.3 trillion deficit.

Yes it has but no complaints when DumBama went through 10 trillion.

What you really mean to say is that Trump took a steady economy and made it much better. That is the truth.

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It has gotten better under trump but only because it was already heading in that direction to begin with and trump kept it going.

Case in point... here’s employment growth according to the BLS with all the chart lines removed. Show where trump became president...


It's less how much employment than it is the kind of employment. McDonald's jobs just don't cut it.

View attachment 227657

I’ll take that as a resounding, “NO!” You can’t see where trump took over. And the reason you can’t is because trump merely continued growing jobs at the same pace it’s been growing for the last 9 years.

You know Trump's gone, you've been on this board long enough to know that. The newbee's on this board, I expect stupid comments from, but not from you.

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies. Democrats are going to open up public hearings & testimony. They won't be held behind closed doors. They are in charge, so the Republican rodeo clowns that have protected him over the last 2 years are gone--they have no power. Sean Hannity is not going to be able to protect him--NO ONE will.

After they're done Senate Republicans are not going to help him. Especially after last night they know for certain, what the American public think of Trump. They're not going to risk their seats to save Donald Trump. They never wanted Trump & don't like him. They're sick & tired of having to apologize for him. They're just waiting now. They're biggest mistake was not proceeding with impeachment themselves over a year ago.


To watch a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. & to read one article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper, (National Intelligence director) over a year ago, click this link to redirect to another post on this thread.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Oh for crying out loud, will you quit promoting your stupid topic--it's pathetic already; seen you do that a half-dozen times.

Yeah, Trump is gone. Been hearing that since before his inauguration.

The Republicans are not going to go against Trump anymore than the Democrats did with Clinton when it was proven he was a liar and guilty of perjury.

You should not use terms you don't know the definition of such as treason. Treason is punishable by death. Do you want to see an innocent American put to death because the Commies hate him? Ridiculous.

You're living in a dream world. Even the dumbest Democrats understand payback for their actions. Opening up investigations with zero proof of crime is a crime within itself. And as Trump posted out during his press conference today, if Democrats want to play that game, there are plenty of reason for the Senate to open up investigations on Democrats with leaks to the press, real Russian collusion between them, the DNC, and the Clinton campaign, and his ability to declassify the phony dossier.

So do you feel lucky punk..........do you????

So you actually believe that Mueller & House Democrats could show the American public solid evidence of Russian collusion & Obstruction of Justice and Senate Republicans would give up their seats for Trump-:auiqs.jpg:-

You go right ahead and name the prominent Republicans (past Presidents--Senators past & current) that showed up at the National Convention in Cleveland when Trump won the nomination BTW-- (Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan were forced to be there.)

John Kasich, Governor of Ohio, refused to show up--even though the convention was held in his home state. The Bush's voted for Hillary Clinton.
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

In fact Mitch McConnell & the Republican Senate tried to block Trump from the nomination. Mitt Romney came out of retirement & won his election last night in Utah in an effort to save the Republican party--& he HATES Trump
Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump

Now you think that there is some kind of "love affair" between Donald Trump & Senate Republicans. Especially after last night. On the contrary--they're probably looking forward to getting rid of him. Mike Pence comes in as President, whom they would be much happier with. You are very-very naive.


For those of you that want to watch a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on national T.V., and read an article that was confirmed by James Clapper, National Intelligence director, under sworn testimony--just click this link to redirect to another post on this thread.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?
Trump was never the choice of congressional republicans. They accepted him because they had no choice. If there is evidence of obstructions, collusion with the Russians, or any other crimes, they will dump him in a heartbreak for Pence. Trump is what every congressmen hates, an unpredictable and irascible president.

I wouldn’t count on that. If Democrats do anything, they will bring stuff to the table as phony as Ford. Then Republican Senators would have to weigh how many people will stand behind Trump, especially those who’s re-election is coming up soon.

You can say or think anything you want, but to assume that somebody never involved in politics before had some kind of connection to Russia that could interfere in a national election and able to hide it is as ridiculous as saying man has the ability to control the earths temperature.

You people are not dealing with reality.

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I doubt that Trump had anything to do with the Russians. All he had to do was sit tight while the Comey investigation and later the Mueller investigation played out. But no, Trump for whatever reason had to interfere with investigation then fire Comey. Now it looks like he's going down the same road with Mueller. In the minds of the public, his possible involvement with the Russian will be unresolved but his inference in the investigations will be fact and that's what's going bring him down.

If he fired Mueller tomorrow, that doesn't mean the investigation would stop. But even if that did happen, this has been going on for two years now, and nothing that was related to the accusation has been found.

This is the first in depth lengthy investigation that was ever started with zero proof of any wrongdoing. All other investigations had to have at least a hint of illegal activities even if they were found no laws were broken in the end.
Oh for crying out loud, will you quit promoting your stupid topic--it's pathetic already; seen you do that a half-dozen times.

Yeah, Trump is gone. Been hearing that since before his inauguration.

The Republicans are not going to go against Trump anymore than the Democrats did with Clinton when it was proven he was a liar and guilty of perjury.

You should not use terms you don't know the definition of such as treason. Treason is punishable by death. Do you want to see an innocent American put to death because the Commies hate him? Ridiculous.

You're living in a dream world. Even the dumbest Democrats understand payback for their actions. Opening up investigations with zero proof of crime is a crime within itself. And as Trump posted out during his press conference today, if Democrats want to play that game, there are plenty of reason for the Senate to open up investigations on Democrats with leaks to the press, real Russian collusion between them, the DNC, and the Clinton campaign, and his ability to declassify the phony dossier.

So do you feel lucky punk..........do you????

So you actually believe that Mueller & House Democrats could show the American public solid evidence of Russian collusion & Obstruction of Justice and Senate Republicans would give up their seats for Trump-:auiqs.jpg:-

You go right ahead and name the prominent Republicans (past Presidents--Senators past & current) that showed up at the National Convention in Cleveland when Trump won the nomination BTW-- (Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan were forced to be there.)

John Kasich, Governor of Ohio, refused to show up--even though the convention was held in his home state. The Bush's voted for Hillary Clinton.
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

In fact Mitch McConnell & the Republican Senate tried to block Trump from the nomination. Mitt Romney came out of retirement & won his election last night in Utah in an effort to save the Republican party--& he HATES Trump
Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump

Now you think that there is some kind of "love affair" between Donald Trump & Senate Republicans. Especially after last night. On the contrary--they're probably looking forward to getting rid of him. Mike Pence comes in as President, whom they would be much happier with. You are very-very naive.


For those of you that want to watch a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on national T.V., and read an article that was confirmed by James Clapper, National Intelligence director, under sworn testimony--just click this link to redirect to another post on this thread.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?
Trump was never the choice of congressional republicans. They accepted him because they had no choice. If there is evidence of obstructions, collusion with the Russians, or any other crimes, they will dump him in a heartbreak for Pence. Trump is what every congressmen hates, an unpredictable and irascible president.

I wouldn’t count on that. If Democrats do anything, they will bring stuff to the table as phony as Ford. Then Republican Senators would have to weigh how many people will stand behind Trump, especially those who’s re-election is coming up soon.

You can say or think anything you want, but to assume that somebody never involved in politics before had some kind of connection to Russia that could interfere in a national election and able to hide it is as ridiculous as saying man has the ability to control the earths temperature.

You people are not dealing with reality.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
I doubt that Trump had anything to do with the Russians. All he had to do was sit tight while the Comey investigation and later the Mueller investigation played out. But no, Trump for whatever reason had to interfere with investigation then fire Comey. Now it looks like he's going down the same road with Mueller. In the minds of the public, his possible involvement with the Russian will be unresolved but his inference in the investigations will be fact and that's what's going bring him down.

If he fired Mueller tomorrow, that doesn't mean the investigation would stop. But even if that did happen, this has been going on for two years now, and nothing that was related to the accusation has been found.

This is the first in depth lengthy investigation that was ever started with zero proof of any wrongdoing. All other investigations had to have at least a hint of illegal activities even if they were found no laws were broken in the end.
If you care to research, you will see that there has been a long list of special prosecutors and special counsels. The investigations are all different but most commonly they do not release interim reports; that is all the public sees are indictments and trials as is occurring in the Mueller investigation. In about half the investigations a report was released at the end of investigation and made available to the public. There is nothing unusually about this investigation.

As far as length of the investigation is concerned, the shortest investigation was Watergate which lasted only a few months. The longest was the Clinton Whitewater Investigation which lasted 8 1/2 years. The Iran-Contra investigation lasted over 6 years. The average length of an investigation is about 1 1/2 to 2 years. The Mueller investigation has been going less than 18 months.

If this investigation is judged base on length of the investigation and indictments and convictions it will be one of the most successful in history. There has certainly been more than a hint of illegal activities with 27 individual indictments and 3 corporate indictments plus 5 convictions to date.

If the Mueller investigation is stopped or sidetracked it will be because Trump wants it stopped just as he wanted the FBI investigation stopped. With democrats in control of the House, obstructing an investigation as he did with Comey is likely to cause Trump a lot more problems than letting it finish. However, if there is really damaging evidence of wrong doing against Trump, then he has good reason to shut it down and take his chances with congress.

Special prosecutor - Wikipedia
Mueller's investigation into Trump started one year ago — here's how long special prosecutor investigations usually last

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