If Dickie Morris is even 1/2 right about this...

Of course taxes will increase if they ever passed that nonsense.

Only fools who live in Barry's anus think otherwise.
Distraction techniques?


I post at my own pleasure. If I see a comment in a thread that I want to reply to I am going to whether it's germane to the OP or not and it has nothing to do with trying to cause a distraction. The health care debate is front and center on this board's main page and has been the #1 topic here for a year now. Kill the drama queen act.

Stop whining. You went off topic. You got called on it. Live with it. Or do we have to bow to the big bad Mod? I have an opinion, I am entitled to voice it.


Says the girl complaining about people going off topic when all she had to do was ignore the post and continue on her merry way ...

Like I said I posted a respsonse to a post I found interesting. It has nothing to do with causing a distraction from what you were talking about.

And no, you don't have to bow down to me but perhaps you should take into consideration who you trying to tell what's what to before running your mouth about what is and isn't kosher in a thread. Seriously, get over yourself. You aren't the thread police. I am.

Power trips bore me.
Distraction techniques?


I post at my own pleasure. If I see a comment in a thread that I want to reply to I am going to whether it's germane to the OP or not and it has nothing to do with trying to cause a distraction. The health care debate is front and center on this board's main page and has been the #1 topic here for a year now. Kill the drama queen act.

Stop whining. You went off topic. You got called on it. Live with it. Or do we have to bow to the big bad Mod? I have an opinion, I am entitled to voice it.


Says the girl complaining about people going off topic when all she had to do was ignore the post and continue on her merry way ...

Like I said I posted a respsonse to a post I found interesting. It has nothing to do with causing a distraction from what you were talking about.

And no, you don't have to bow down to me but perhaps you should take into consideration who you trying to tell what's what to before running your mouth about what is and isn't kosher in a thread. Seriously, get over yourself. You aren't the thread police. I am.

:eek: I'm scared. Not.

Just seems kind of reasonable to me that when there is a debate about the cost of the healthcare bill, the whiners start about Iraq. The two are not connected - whatever one's view of the war - it is a separate issue. Personally, I would have thought a Mod would be able to keep on topic.
It is not me who said that if a POTUS has to use reconciliation to pass healthcare then he had lost the ability to govern. It was Obama himself. Back in 2007. He said that a President should not use 50 + 1 to pass healthcare. He said, if a President had to use that option to pass a healthcare bill, then that President had lost the ability to govern. So, by his own words, he has lost the ability to govern.

I disagree with him
See, the more I think of it, the more I'm starting to think the GOP should go for the reconciliation option as well. If this abortion is destined to get passed, then with reconciliation, it HAS to be not only deficit neutral, but decrease the deficit over a certain number of years.

Hmmm. :eusa_think:

Of course the best possible outcome is to trash it completely.

Whichever way the decision of the Parliamentarian goes, Biden as President of the House, will overrule it if it goes against them. Then we get it rammed through. Of course, it will be a disaster for the Dems in November but that is not the point. I don't care about the Dems, I don't care about the GOP. I care only about the right thing for the country. I'd make a great POTUS!
Just thinking out loud here, IF there is a passage using reconciliation, the damn thing would HAVE to be deficit neutral. That's a must. So, the damn thing would be so pared down, most of the crap would be out.

It would get passed. The idiots who support it would shut the hell up because they are useful idiots who have no idea how government works and they would be unaware that they got close to nothing. Sounds pretty good to me.

Buuuuut, this administration would not be satisfied. We'd be going through this again.

So, you're right. It wouldn't work.

I'd make a horrible POTUS as patience is not a strong suit of mine. Now, I WOULD make a great dictator. I'd be a benevolent one, except for dishonest idiots and terrorist pigs and pieces of shit. :lol:

Buuuut, next time, they may well be able to just keep expanding it, no? Rather than new bills, they'll just 'tweak' this one. And we will end up with this nightmare of crap that no intelligent American wants.

And since Byrd wrote the reconciliation and he disagrees with using it, and Obama said any POTUS who had to use it had lost the ability to govern, then I want to know what the left thinks of it.

Barry said it, so it must be right, right? So how is he both right and wrong? I need to know this shit. I am anal.
The united states is so screwed if this health care bill passes.

This will be Obama's Iraq war.

Taxes at 41%. Medicare taxes raised. Capital gains taxes raised.
During a recession? I mean come on, think. This is a really bad idea.


Prostitute toe sucker Dick Morris has been wrong about EVERYTHING so far pertaining to Obama. Let me repeat that, HE HAS BEEN WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING OBAMA RELATED. But he sells books. Go Dick. Fox just sucks.
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Of course taxes will increase if they ever passed that nonsense.

Only fools who live in Barry's anus think otherwise.
Yup. And Zona poked his head out long enough to give us an example:
The united states is so screwed if this health care bill passes.

This will be Obama's Iraq war.

Taxes at 41%. Medicare taxes raised. Capital gains taxes raised.
During a recession? I mean come on, think. This is a really bad idea.


Prostitute toe sucker Dick Morris has been wrong about EVERYTHING so far pertaining to Obama. Let me repeat that, HE HAS BEEN WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING OBAMA RELATED. But he sells books. Go Dick. Fox just sucks.
There are 80-something vulnerable senators and congressmen in 2010. Most are Dems, of course. If their desire to take this giant leap toward ruining the USA as we know it is greater than their desire to keep their seats, this monstrosity will pass.

This is one of the rare moments when I truly hope that a politician will actually act true to form and vote in his/her best interests rather than their ideology.

Unfortunately, only about 33 Senators are up for reelection.
There are 80-something vulnerable senators and congressmen in 2010. Most are Dems, of course. If their desire to take this giant leap toward ruining the USA as we know it is greater than their desire to keep their seats, this monstrosity will pass.

This is one of the rare moments when I truly hope that a politician will actually act true to form and vote in his/her best interests rather than their ideology.

It's pathetic though that it comes down to this. That we have to threaten Congresspersons with their jobs in order to get them to do the right thing. We should be electing people we can trust to exercise fiscal and moral responsibility, understand legitimate concerns, and govern in ways that accommodate both. Alas, that does not seem to be the way our government works any more.

So I have mixed emotions. Let them "Pelosi" themselves right out of office by passing this horrific bill so that we can get people in there who govern responsibly. Or exert the power of the people now and not take a chance that any of this horrible legislation gets into the system in a way that it is not easily eradicated.

There is a chance that we won't elect enough responsible legislators to turn it around in November. And the irresponsible can do a lot of damage with another two years to work with.
Threatening them about their job does no good. The lobbyists already have them cushy jobs lined up once they leave govt.
There are 80-something vulnerable senators and congressmen in 2010. Most are Dems, of course. If their desire to take this giant leap toward ruining the USA as we know it is greater than their desire to keep their seats, this monstrosity will pass.

This is one of the rare moments when I truly hope that a politician will actually act true to form and vote in his/her best interests rather than their ideology.

Unfortunately, only about 33 Senators are up for reelection.

And another 33 are up for reelection in 2012.

Under ObamaCare, the taxes start immediately without benefits until 2014. We'll have three years of very ugly economic performance which we should use to get a real fiscal conservative majority by 2012 that can reverse this mess - twould be poetic justice if they used Reconciliation, but I'd be happier to see a Veto Proof majority repudiate it.

This is a long war. 2010 is just one battle.
'The Republicans will come back because the dems screwed us'

You morons, do you really think the Reps will be any different? They weren't before.
There is little doubt in my mind that if they push this through then they will be through. Too many people know whats going on today. I hope.

Everybody knows about this. Even the dumb ass Congress critters know. They, however, don't care what the majority of the people want. They are bound and determined to do this thing. If the Democrats push this down our throats there's going to be lots of new faces in Congress real soon.

I put this question to all; why is Obama so hot to do this?

Is he stupid?
Is he crooked?

What's in it for him because it sure isn't going to help America.

I mean you could at least argue that Bush went to Iraq for oil but what does Obama get from this. A legacy?
☭proletarian☭;2062400 said:
'The Republicans will come back because the dems screwed us'

You morons, do you really think the Reps will be any different? They weren't before.

I understand your frustration with republicans, believe me I'm so there too.

But new faces in the party may help

we have to try to get someone to listen

smaller government, less entitlements and spending.

If everyone had to pull their weight, there would be far less time for them to get into trouble.
I put this question to all; why is Obama so hot to do this?

Is he stupid?
Is he crooked?

What's in it for him because it sure isn't going to help America.

I mean you could at least argue that Bush went to Iraq for oil but what does Obama get from this. A legacy?

1. He is an indoctrinated Statist Elitist. He has been raised to believe that he and his cronies know what is better for us than we do.

2. He is a Egotistical Narcissist. He craves an FDR scale legacy, and sees ObamaCare as his best chance to get it.
There is little doubt in my mind that if they push this through then they will be through. Too many people know whats going on today. I hope.

Everybody knows about this. Even the dumb ass Congress critters know. They, however, don't care what the majority of the people want. They are bound and determined to do this thing. If the Democrats push this down our throats there's going to be lots of new faces in Congress real soon.

I put this question to all; why is Obama so hot to do this?

Is he stupid?
Is he crooked?

What's in it for him because it sure isn't going to help America.

I mean you could at least argue that Bush went to Iraq for oil but what does Obama get from this. A legacy?

Exactly. It will crush America, bit by bit. He and congress seem utterly oblivious that this country is screaming no to this health care reform. They're not. From their actions and their absolute mindset of 'get her done no matter what' I can only conclude that the destruction of America as we know takes priority over everything. Is anyone really surprised by this? Obama said he was going to fundamentally transform America; he campaigned on it. It's hard to fundamentally transform a country all at once, you have to grab it in bits and pieces if need be. I call the government taking over 1/6 of the economy a ginormous bit grabber that will fundamentally further their transformational agenda. Of the billions of words he has spoken that meant nothing, these words he means 'fundamentally change America'. All you have to do is look at his actions . . .

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